
Uitgebreide vertaling voor agitation (Frans) in het Engels


agitation [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. l'agitation
    the commotion; the turbulence; the agitation; the turmoil; the unrest; the trouble
  2. l'agitation (commotion; émoi; tumulte; sensation)
    the upheaval; the commotion; the sensation; the shake up
  3. l'agitation (émoi; animation; excitation; effervescence; tumulte)
    the agitation; the unrest; the turbulence
  4. l'agitation (bagarre; révolte; émeute; )
    the disturbance
    – a noisy fight 1
    the revolt; the riot; the pandemonium; the rebellion; the commotion; the fisticuffs
  5. l'agitation (fermentation; effervescence)
    the fermentation; the yeasts; the barms
    • fermentation [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • yeasts [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • barms [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  6. l'agitation (remous)
    the troubles; the problems
  7. l'agitation (rébellion; opposition; résistance; )
    the resistance; the revolt; the rebellion; the riot
    • resistance [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • revolt [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • rebellion [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • riot [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  8. l'agitation (chaleur; ardeur; excitation)
    the jittery; the nervousness; the highly strung
  9. l'agitation (mobilité)
    the liveliness
  10. l'agitation (précipitation; galopades; galopade)
    the hurrying
    • hurrying [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor agitation:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
agitation agitation; animation; effervescence; excitation; tumulte; émoi précipitation; stress
barms agitation; effervescence; fermentation
commotion agitation; bagarre; combat de boxe; commotion; confusion; excitation; insurrection; match de boxe; pugilat; remous; rébellion; révolte; sensation; trouble; tumulte; émeute; émoi bousculade; bruit; cas; chahut; chamailleries; charivari; cohue; commotion; effervescence; engueulades; insurrection; presse; querelles; tracas; tumulte; vacarme; éclat; émoi
disturbance agitation; bagarre; combat de boxe; confusion; excitation; insurrection; match de boxe; pugilat; remous; rébellion; révolte; trouble; tumulte; émeute atteinte à l'ordre public; chahut; désordre; insurrection; interférence; interruption; perturbation; tapage injurieux; tapage nocturne
fermentation agitation; effervescence; fermentation fermentation
fisticuffs agitation; bagarre; combat de boxe; confusion; excitation; insurrection; match de boxe; pugilat; remous; rébellion; révolte; trouble; tumulte; émeute
highly strung agitation; ardeur; chaleur; excitation
hurrying agitation; galopade; galopades; précipitation
jittery agitation; ardeur; chaleur; excitation
liveliness agitation; mobilité animation; ardeur; ferveur; fougue; mobilité; tempérament; vivacité
nervousness agitation; ardeur; chaleur; excitation nervosité; énervement
pandemonium agitation; bagarre; combat de boxe; confusion; excitation; insurrection; match de boxe; pugilat; remous; rébellion; révolte; trouble; tumulte; émeute bousculade; chahut; charivari; cohue; effervescence; presse; tumulte; vacarme; émoi
problems agitation; remous cas; difficultés; dilemme; défauts; désagréments; embarras; embêtements; emmerdements; ennuis; malheurs; manques; misère; pannes; problème; problèmes; problématique; question; soucis; tâche; tâche scolaire
rebellion agitation; bagarre; combat de boxe; confusion; excitation; insurrection; match de boxe; opposition; pugilat; remous; rébellion; résistance; révolte; trouble; tumulte; émeute insurrection; rébellion; révolte; révolte du peuple; soulèvement populaire; émeute
resistance agitation; insurrection; opposition; rébellion; résistance; révolte; émeute clandestinité; contestation; distraction; divertissement; défense; détente; maquis; objection; opposition; plainte; protestation; rébellion; réclamation; résistance; révolte; sabotage
revolt agitation; bagarre; combat de boxe; confusion; excitation; insurrection; match de boxe; opposition; pugilat; remous; rébellion; résistance; révolte; trouble; tumulte; émeute attroupement; insurrection; rassemblement; rébellion; révolte; révolte du peuple; soulèvement populaire; émeute
riot agitation; bagarre; combat de boxe; confusion; excitation; insurrection; match de boxe; opposition; pugilat; remous; rébellion; résistance; révolte; trouble; tumulte; émeute attroupement; insurrection; rassemblement; rébellion; révolte; révolte du peuple; soulèvement populaire; émeute
sensation agitation; commotion; sensation; tumulte; émoi perception; sensation; sentiment; émotion
shake up agitation; commotion; sensation; tumulte; émoi
trouble agitation adversité; affection; atteinte à l'ordre public; besoin; bordel; bousillage; bâclage; calamité; caractère difficile; catastrophe; chahut; chaos; chienlit; complication; confusion; contre-temps; contretemps; danger; difficulté; difficultés; déboires; désagrément; désastre; désordre; détresse; déveine; embarras; embrouillage; embêtements; emmerdement; empêchement; ennuis; entrave; gêne; histoires; inconvénient; infortune; interférence; interruption; jérémiades; maladie chronique; malchance; malheur; mauvaise fortune; menace; misère; mésaventure; nuisance; obstacle; obstruction; pagaille; pagaïe; péril; revers; risque; tristesse; échec
troubles agitation; remous difficultés; défauts; désagréments; embarras; embêtements; emmerdements; ennuis; malheurs; manques; misère; pannes; problèmes; soucis
turbulence agitation; animation; effervescence; excitation; tumulte; émoi remous; turbulence; vrille
turmoil agitation
unrest agitation; animation; effervescence; excitation; tumulte; émoi
upheaval agitation; commotion; sensation; tumulte; émoi bouleversement impromptu; confusion; désarroi; renversement; révolte; révolution; soulèvement
yeasts agitation; effervescence; fermentation
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
revolt s'insurger; se rebeller; se révolter
shake up agiter; attiser; bouger; mettre en émoi; pousser; remuer; secouer
trouble agacer; compliquer; déranger; ennuyer; gêner; harceler; importuner; rendre difficile
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
hurrying pressé; à bride abbatue
jittery chevrotant; craintif; craintivement; effaré; frisonnant; nerveusement; nerveux; peureusement; peureux; timide; timidement; timoré; tremblotant

Synoniemen voor "agitation":

Wiktionary: agitation

  1. état de ce qui agiter.
  1. state or condition of being restless
  2. state of trouble

Cross Translation:
agitation agitation Aufregung — verwirrendes, chaotisches Durcheinander
agitation hurly-burly Trubel — geschäftiges Treiben, aufgeregtes Durcheinander
agitation agitation Agitation — politische Aufklärung, politische Werbung
agitation consternation; commotion commotie — onrust bij een groep mensen

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van agitation


Uitgebreide vertaling voor agitation (Engels) in het Frans


agitation [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the agitation (unrest; turbulence)
    l'agitation; l'émoi; l'animation; l'excitation; l'effervescence; le tumulte
  2. the agitation (trouble; commotion; turbulence; turmoil; unrest)
  3. the agitation (arousal)
    la précipitation; le stress

Vertaal Matrix voor agitation:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
agitation agitation; commotion; trouble; turbulence; turmoil; unrest barms; commotion; disturbance; fermentation; fisticuffs; highly strung; hurrying; jittery; liveliness; nervousness; pandemonium; problems; rebellion; resistance; revolt; riot; sensation; shake up; troubles; upheaval; yeasts
animation agitation; turbulence; unrest animation; flow; influx; inspiration; liveliness; quiet; rush; silence; squash; stampede
effervescence agitation; turbulence; unrest barms; bedlam; clamor; clamour; commotion; din; effervescence; fermentation; hubbub; hullabaloo; noise; pandemonium; racket; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar; yeasts
excitation agitation; turbulence; unrest arousing; awaking; cheers; commotion; disturbance; encouragement; encouraging; fisticuffs; help; highly strung; horniness; incitement; incitement to; instigation; instigation to; jittery; lewdness; nervousness; pandemonium; putting on; randiness; rebellion; revolt; riot; stay; stimulation; stirring up; support; switching on; the hots; turning on; turning up; urging; urging on
précipitation agitation; arousal accelerating; at a breakneck speed; haste; hastening; hastiness; hurry; hurrying; infernal speed; overhaste; precipitation; prematureness; quickness; rapidity; rashness; rush; speed; speeding up; stress; tempo; urgency; velocity
stress agitation; arousal stress
tumulte agitation; turbulence; unrest argy-bargy; bedlam; clamor; clamour; commotion; crowd; din; disturbance; fisticuffs; fuss; howling; hubble-bubble; hubbub; hullabaloo; hum; movement; noise; pandemonium; racket; rebellion; revolt; riot; roar; roaring; rumor; rumour; sensation; shake up; sound; squabbling; stir; tumult; tumultuousness; upheaval; uproar; yelling
émoi agitation; turbulence; unrest bedlam; clamor; clamour; commotion; din; hubbub; hullabaloo; noise; pandemonium; racket; sensation; shake up; tumult; tumultuousness; upheaval; uproar
- excitement; ferment; fermentation; hullabaloo; tempestuousness; turmoil; unrest; upheaval
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- anxiety; fidgetiness; restlessness
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
effervescence aloud; out loud

Verwante woorden van "agitation":

Synoniemen voor "agitation":

Antoniemen van "agitation":

Verwante definities voor "agitation":

  1. the act of agitating something; causing it to move around (usually vigorously)1
  2. disturbance usually in protest1
  3. the feeling of being agitated; not calm1
  4. a state of agitation or turbulent change or development1
  5. a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance1

Wiktionary: agitation

  1. état de ce qui agiter.
  2. Tumulte, mêlée bruyante et désordonnée.
  3. état de celui qui est inquiet, qui n’a pas le repos moral.

Cross Translation:
agitation agitation Aufregung — verwirrendes, chaotisches Durcheinander
agitation agitation Agitation — politische Aufklärung, politische Werbung

agitation vorm van agitate:

to agitate werkwoord (agitates, agitated, agitating)

  1. to agitate (deal with; deal; act)
    agir; opérer
    • agir werkwoord (agis, agit, agissons, agissez, )
    • opérer werkwoord (opère, opères, opérons, opérez, )
  2. to agitate (stir; shake up; budge)
    agiter; attiser; remuer; mettre en émoi; pousser; bouger
    • agiter werkwoord (agite, agites, agitons, agitez, )
    • attiser werkwoord (attise, attises, attisons, attisez, )
    • remuer werkwoord (remue, remues, remuons, remuez, )
    • mettre en émoi werkwoord
    • pousser werkwoord (pousse, pousses, poussons, poussez, )
    • bouger werkwoord (bouge, bouges, bougeons, bougez, )
  3. to agitate (stir; mix)
    se mouvoir; bouger; remuer
    • se mouvoir werkwoord
    • bouger werkwoord (bouge, bouges, bougeons, bougez, )
    • remuer werkwoord (remue, remues, remuons, remuez, )

Conjugations for agitate:

  1. agitate
  2. agitate
  3. agitates
  4. agitate
  5. agitate
  6. agitate
simple past
  1. agitated
  2. agitated
  3. agitated
  4. agitated
  5. agitated
  6. agitated
present perfect
  1. have agitated
  2. have agitated
  3. has agitated
  4. have agitated
  5. have agitated
  6. have agitated
past continuous
  1. was agitating
  2. were agitating
  3. was agitating
  4. were agitating
  5. were agitating
  6. were agitating
  1. shall agitate
  2. will agitate
  3. will agitate
  4. shall agitate
  5. will agitate
  6. will agitate
continuous present
  1. am agitating
  2. are agitating
  3. is agitating
  4. are agitating
  5. are agitating
  6. are agitating
  1. be agitated
  2. be agitated
  3. be agitated
  4. be agitated
  5. be agitated
  6. be agitated
  1. agitate!
  2. let's agitate!
  3. agitated
  4. agitating
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor agitate:

WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
agir act; agitate; deal; deal with operate; proceed; work
agiter agitate; budge; shake up; stir beat up; churn; dangle; knock about; lever; move up and down; oscillate; roam; rock; shake; shiver; stir; swing; swing to and fro; touch; tremble; wander; wrench
attiser agitate; budge; shake up; stir activate; aggravate; arouse; blow; blow the fire; boost; cheer on; churn; drag up; encourage; encourage someone; fan; fan a flame; fire; foment; incite; inspire; instigate; motivate; motivate someone; poke; poke up; provoke; push on; put someone on to something; rake up; shake someone awake; stimulate; stir; stir up; stoke up; strike into; urge
bouger agitate; budge; mix; shake up; stir be coming off; be loose; budge; churn; get going; hang loose; manoeuver; manoeuvre; march; move; put in motion; set in motion; stir
mettre en émoi agitate; budge; shake up; stir churn; stir
opérer act; agitate; deal; deal with operate; proceed; work
pousser agitate; budge; shake up; stir arise from; bring forward; bud; churn; come up; deter; develop; drive; evolve out of; ferment; force; force up; frighten away; frighten off; germinate; give a push; grow; grow up; help along; help on; insist; keep on; move over; nudge; originate; originate from; persist; press; prompt; prosper; puff up; push; push along; push on; push open; push up; rise; scare off; shove; spring; sprout; stem from; stir; thrive; undergo fermentation; urge; urging
remuer agitate; budge; mix; shake up; stir affect; budge; churn; concern; flounder; get going; hit; mix; move; move up and down; put in motion; set in motion; stir; strike; touch
se mouvoir agitate; mix; stir be going to; go; move; move on; stir; walk
- budge; campaign; charge; charge up; commove; crusade; disturb; excite; fight; foment; press; push; raise up; rouse; shake; shake up; shift; stir; stir up; turn on; vex
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- stir

Verwante woorden van "agitate":

Synoniemen voor "agitate":

Antoniemen van "agitate":

Verwante definities voor "agitate":

  1. change the arrangement or position of1
  2. cause to be agitated, excited, or roused1
  3. move or cause to move back and forth1
  4. move very slightly1
  5. try to stir up public opinion1
  6. exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for1

Wiktionary: agitate

  1. Secouer vivement en tout sens
  2. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  3. discuter entre plusieurs personnes dont chacune exposer ses arguments.
  4. Engager, porter à.
  5. Animer, encourager.
  6. dresser ses cheveux, ses poils, ses plumes, en parlant de l’homme et des animaux.
  7. occuper fortement l’esprit, l’absorber tout entier.
  8. rendre trouble.
  9. provoquer une émotion.

Cross Translation:
agitate agiter agiteren — intr|nld onrust stoken
agitate émouvoir; agiter agitieren — aufwiegeln, Unruhe stiften
agitate militer; faire de la propagande agitieren — eifrig für eine Idee werben
agitate émouvoir bewegenjemanden bewegen: psychisch beeindrucken
agitate exciter; à; la; révolte; contre; acharner; sur; quelqu’un; quelque chose; attiser; les; haines hussenintransitiv; österreichisch, südostdeutsch; umgangssprachlich: (eine Menschengruppe) durch Hetze zur Auflehnung aufstacheln; Hetze gegen jemanden treiben; Hass schüren

Computer vertaling door derden: