
Uitgebreide vertaling voor opposé (Frans) in het Engels

opposé vorm van opposer:

opposer werkwoord (oppose, opposes, opposons, opposez, )

  1. opposer (confronter)
    face with

Conjugations for opposer:

  1. oppose
  2. opposes
  3. oppose
  4. opposons
  5. opposez
  6. opposent
  1. opposais
  2. opposais
  3. opposait
  4. opposions
  5. opposiez
  6. opposaient
passé simple
  1. opposai
  2. opposas
  3. opposa
  4. opposâmes
  5. opposâtes
  6. opposèrent
futur simple
  1. opposerai
  2. opposeras
  3. opposera
  4. opposerons
  5. opposerez
  6. opposeront
subjonctif présent
  1. que j'oppose
  2. que tu opposes
  3. qu'il oppose
  4. que nous opposions
  5. que vous opposiez
  6. qu'ils opposent
conditionnel présent
  1. opposerais
  2. opposerais
  3. opposerait
  4. opposerions
  5. opposeriez
  6. opposeraient
passé composé
  1. ai opposé
  2. as opposé
  3. a opposé
  4. avons opposé
  5. avez opposé
  6. ont opposé
  1. oppose!
  2. opposez!
  3. opposons!
  4. opposé
  5. opposant
1. je, 2. tu, 3. il/elle/on, 4. nous, 5. vous, 6. ils/elles

Vertaal Matrix voor opposer:

WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
face with confronter; opposer

Synoniemen voor "opposer":

Wiktionary: opposer

  1. mettre une chose vis-à-vis d’une autre, ou en placer plusieurs de manière à faire contraste.
  1. disagree with something or someone
  2. to attempt to stop the progression of

Cross Translation:
opposer oppose opponieren — (intransitiv) einen gegensätzlichen Standpunkt einnehmen


opposé bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. opposé (contradictoire; inverse; contraire; )
    contradictory; conflicting; opposite; incompatible; antipodal
  2. opposé (à rebours; contraire; vis-à-vis; )
    contrary; opposing; otherwise

opposé [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. l'opposé (contraire)
    the reverse
    • reverse [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. l'opposé (contraire; inverse)
    the opposite; the contrary; the antithesis
  3. l'opposé (contrepartie; contraire; inverse)
    the contrary; the opposite; the reverse; the antipole
    • contrary [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • opposite [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • reverse [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • antipole [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  4. l'opposé (pôle opposé; contraire; antipode)
    the antipole; the opposite

Vertaal Matrix voor opposé:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
antipole antipode; antithèse; conception opposée; contraire; contrepartie; inverse; opposé; pôle opposé
antithesis contraire; inverse; opposé antithèse; pendant
contrary contraire; contrepartie; inverse; opposé
opposite antipode; antithèse; conception opposée; contraire; contrepartie; inverse; opposé; pôle opposé antithèse; antonyme; contraste; opposition
reverse contraire; contrepartie; inverse; opposé adversité; besoin; calamité; catastrophe; contre-temps; contretemps; côté arrière; côté dorsal; danger; difficultés; déboires; désastre; détresse; déveine; ennuis; envers; inconvénient; infortune; malchance; malheur; mauvaise fortune; misère; mésaventure; revers; verso; échec
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
reverse changer; convertir; modifier; rappeler; reprendre; retirer; retourner; rétracter; révoquer; tourner; transformer
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
antipodal antagoniste; antinomique; contradictoire; contraire; incompatible; inconciliable; inverse; opposé
conflicting antagoniste; antinomique; contradictoire; contraire; incompatible; inconciliable; inverse; opposé contradictoire; contraire à; de façon inconséquente; dissocié; incohérent; inconsistant; inconséquent; sans cohérence
contradictory antagoniste; antinomique; contradictoire; contraire; incompatible; inconciliable; inverse; opposé contradictoire; contraire à; de façon inconséquente; dissocié; incohérent; inconsistant; inconséquent; sans cohérence
contrary antinomique; contradictoire; contraire; de l'autre côté; de retour; en arrière; en face; en revanche; en sens inverse; inverse; opposé; vis-à-vis; à rebours
incompatible antagoniste; antinomique; contradictoire; contraire; incompatible; inconciliable; inverse; opposé contrastant; de façon inconséquente; dissocié; incohérent; incompatible; inconsistant; inconséquent; opposé à; sans cohérence
opposing antinomique; contradictoire; contraire; de l'autre côté; de retour; en arrière; en face; en revanche; en sens inverse; inverse; opposé; vis-à-vis; à rebours
reverse en arrière; en marche arrière; inverse; rétrograde; à contresens
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
opposite antagoniste; antinomique; contradictoire; contraire; incompatible; inconciliable; inverse; opposé bouleversé; de l'autre côté; en face; renversé; à l'envers
otherwise antinomique; contradictoire; contraire; de l'autre côté; de retour; en arrière; en face; en revanche; en sens inverse; inverse; opposé; vis-à-vis; à rebours

Synoniemen voor "opposé":

Wiktionary: opposé

  1. Qui est contraire, de différente nature.
  1. Celui, celle qui est opposé, contraire, ou à l’opposé.
  1. opposite
  1. located directly across from

Cross Translation:
opposé opposite tegenovergesteld — precies andersom
opposé opposite tegengesteld — de negatieve waarde van iets hebbend
opposé contrary tegendeel — het tegenovergestelde

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van opposé


Uitgebreide vertaling voor opposé (Engels) in het Frans


to oppose werkwoord (opposes, opposed, opposing)

  1. to oppose (thwart; counteract; withstand; resist)
    contrecarrer; contrarier; se rebeller; s'opposer à
    • contrecarrer werkwoord (contrecarre, contrecarres, contrecarrons, contrecarrez, )
    • contrarier werkwoord (contrarie, contraries, contrarions, contrariez, )
    • se rebeller werkwoord
    • s'opposer à werkwoord
  2. to oppose (thwart; hinder; sabotage; )
    contrarier; traverser les projets de; arrêter; contrecarrer; gêner; stopper; empêcher; barrer; frustrer; retenir
    • contrarier werkwoord (contrarie, contraries, contrarions, contrariez, )
    • arrêter werkwoord (arrête, arrêtes, arrêtons, arrêtez, )
    • contrecarrer werkwoord (contrecarre, contrecarres, contrecarrons, contrecarrez, )
    • gêner werkwoord (gêne, gênes, gênons, gênez, )
    • stopper werkwoord (stoppe, stoppes, stoppons, stoppez, )
    • empêcher werkwoord (empêchs, empêcht, empêchons, empêchez, )
    • barrer werkwoord (barre, barres, barrons, barrez, )
    • frustrer werkwoord (frustre, frustres, frustrons, frustrez, )
    • retenir werkwoord (retiens, retient, retenons, retenez, )

Conjugations for oppose:

  1. oppose
  2. oppose
  3. opposes
  4. oppose
  5. oppose
  6. oppose
simple past
  1. opposed
  2. opposed
  3. opposed
  4. opposed
  5. opposed
  6. opposed
present perfect
  1. have opposed
  2. have opposed
  3. has opposed
  4. have opposed
  5. have opposed
  6. have opposed
past continuous
  1. was opposing
  2. were opposing
  3. was opposing
  4. were opposing
  5. were opposing
  6. were opposing
  1. shall oppose
  2. will oppose
  3. will oppose
  4. shall oppose
  5. will oppose
  6. will oppose
continuous present
  1. am opposing
  2. are opposing
  3. is opposing
  4. are opposing
  5. are opposing
  6. are opposing
  1. be opposed
  2. be opposed
  3. be opposed
  4. be opposed
  5. be opposed
  6. be opposed
  1. oppose!
  2. let's oppose!
  3. opposed
  4. opposing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor oppose:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
arrêter coming to a stop; halting; stopping
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
arrêter cross; hinder; oppose; prevent; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset abandon; apprehend; arrest; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; bring to an end; capture; cease; come to a standstill; come to an end; conclude; decide; delay; desist from; detain; deter; disconnect; discourage; dissuade; end; end a call; extinguish; finish; finish off; give up; halt; hold; hold back; imprison; make out; matter; obstruct; pick up; prevent; put out; put to a stop; restrain; retard; seize; set out; shut down; stand still; staunch; stem; stop; switch off; take in custody; take prisoner; terminate; turn off; wind up
barrer cross; hinder; oppose; prevent; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset bar; barricade; beat against the wind; block; blot out; clearly define; conclude; confine; dam; define; demarcate; embank; encapsulate; enclose; end; envelope; fence; fence in; fence off; finish; jam; limit; map out; mark out; navigate; obstruct; outline; restrict; sail against the wind; tack; trace out
contrarier counteract; cross; hinder; oppose; prevent; resist; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset; withstand badger; cause failure; chicane; counteract; frustrate; hamper; have something on one's mind; hinder; nag; obstruct; pester; sabotage
contrecarrer counteract; cross; hinder; oppose; prevent; resist; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset; withstand beat against the wind; block; confine; cross o.s.; dam; discourage; dissuade; embank; encapsulate; enclose; envelope; hamper; hinder; hold back; limit; make impossible; make the sign of the cross; navigate; obstruct; prevent; restrain; restrict; sail against the wind; stop; tack; thwart
empêcher cross; hinder; oppose; prevent; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset block; bother; discourage; dissuade; field; foil; hamper; hinder; hold back; impede; keep from; make impossible; obstruct; parry; prevent; restrain; stonewall; stop; thwart; ward off
frustrer cross; hinder; oppose; prevent; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset be contrary; belie; counteract; counterfeit; cross; disappoint; disillusion; falsify; forge; frustrate; imitate; let down
gêner cross; hinder; oppose; prevent; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset anger; badger; be embarrassed; be shy; block; bother; disturb; enrage; feel ill at ease; hamper; harass; have something on one's mind; hinder; impede; incense; make impossible; nag; obstruct; pester; stonewall; thwart; trouble; upset; visit
retenir cross; hinder; oppose; prevent; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset allocate; blur; charter; conceal; control; crush; deduct; detain; discourage; disguise; dissuade; don't let go of; gloss over; grab; hang on; have got hold of; hide; hold; hold back; hush up; keep; keep back; keep in control; keep under control; lock up; maintain; mantle; moderate; obstruct; preserve; prevent; pulverise; pulverize; put aside; put away; put in gaol; recant; record; remain standing; remember; reserve; restrain; retain; retract; revoke; rub fine; set aside; stand by; stand firm; stand still; stay put; stop; subdue; suppress; take back; uphold; veil; withhold
s'opposer à counteract; oppose; resist; thwart; withstand bother; confine; dam; embank; encapsulate; enclose; envelope; hamper; hinder; impede; limit; obstruct; raise objections; restrict; stonewall
se rebeller counteract; oppose; resist; thwart; withstand mutiny; rebel; revolt; stand up
stopper cross; hinder; oppose; prevent; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset adjourn; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; bring to an end; come to a stand-still; come to an end; conclude; decide; discourage; dissuade; elapse; end; expire; finish; finish off; go by; halt; hold back; obstruct; pass; prevent; put out; put to a stop; restrain; set out; stand still; stem; stop; terminate; turn off; wind up
traverser les projets de cross; hinder; oppose; prevent; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset
- contradict; controvert; counterbalance; defend; fight; fight back; fight down; match; pit; play off; react
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- contradict; discount; recommend the rejection of; stand out against

Verwante woorden van "oppose":

Synoniemen voor "oppose":

Verwante definities voor "oppose":

  1. be against; express opposition to1
    • We oppose the ban on abortion1
  2. be resistant to1
    • The board opposed his motion1
  3. set into opposition or rivalry1
  4. fight against or resist strongly1
    • The senator said he would oppose the bill1
  5. act against or in opposition to1
  6. contrast with equal weight or force1

Wiktionary: oppose

  1. to attempt to stop the progression of
  1. S’opposer à une ou plusieurs personnes par ses actions ou par ses paroles
  2. mettre une chose vis-à-vis d’une autre, ou en placer plusieurs de manière à faire contraste.

Cross Translation:
oppose contrarier; contrecarrer dwarsbomen — tegenwerken, moeilijkheden geven
oppose opposer opponieren — (intransitiv) einen gegensätzlichen Standpunkt einnehmen

Computer vertaling door derden: