
Uitgebreide vertaling voor gay (Spaans) in het Engels


gay bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. gay (homosexual; maricón)
    pansy; gay; homosexual; queer; sissy
    • pansy bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • gay bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • homosexual bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • queer bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • sissy bijvoeglijk naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor gay:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
gay homosexual; maricones; maricón
homosexual homo; homosexual; homosexualidad; marica; maricón; mariquita; puto
queer excéntrico; homosexual; maricones; maricón; raro
sissy homosexual; maricones; maricón
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
gay gay; homosexual; maricón alegre; alegremente; alegrísimo; animado; casquivano; contento; de buen humor; entusiasta; frívolo; ligero; lleno de alegría; optimista; vivo
homosexual gay; homosexual; maricón homosexual
queer gay; homosexual; maricón característico; chocante; curioso; desconocido; extraordinario; extravagante; extraño; particular; peculariar; peculiar; raro; singular; típico
sissy gay; homosexual; maricón
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
pansy gay; homosexual; maricón

Verwante woorden van "gay":

  • gayes

Synoniemen voor "gay":

Wiktionary: gay

  1. homosexual person, especially male
  1. typical of homosexual appearance
  2. homosexual

Cross Translation:
gay gay schwul — kSt.|: als Mann homosexuelle Neigungen besitzend
gay gay gay — angl|fr homosexuel, en particulier masculin.
gay bugger; faggot; fag; fairy; flamer; fruit; moffie; nance; nancy; nancy boy; pansy; queen; queer pédé — (vulgaire) injur|fr homme homosexuel. note Il peut arriver qu’un homosexuel s’attribue lui-même ce nom, à titre revendicatif, lui faisant perdre ainsi son caractère injurieux.

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van gay


Uitgebreide vertaling voor gay (Engels) in het Spaans


gay bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. gay (cheerful; enthusiastic; happy; )
    • alegre bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  2. gay (happy; pleased; merry; glad; satisfied)
    alegre; vivo; contento; animado
  3. gay (homosexual; pansy; queer; sissy)
    maricón; gay; homosexual
  4. gay (lively; sprightly; bustling; )
    alegre; entusiasta; optimista; de buen humor
  5. gay (frivolous; light-hearted; flighty; shallow; flippant)
    alegre; casquivano; frívolo; ligero
  6. gay (full of joy; cheerful; in high spirits)
    alegrísimo; lleno de alegría
  7. gay (good-tempered; merry; cheerful; )
    animado; alegre; alegremente; de buen humor

gay [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the gay (faggot; sissy; queer; fagot)
    el maricón; el maricones; el homosexual

Vertaal Matrix voor gay:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
contento appeasement; brightfulness; cheerfulness; good spirits; gratification; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry; satisfaction; sufficiency
entusiasta enthusiast
homosexual faggot; fagot; gay; queer; sissy homosexual
maricones faggot; fagot; gay; queer; sissy
maricón faggot; fagot; gay; queer; sissy homosexual
optimista optimist
vivo fastie; smart boy
- homo; homophile; homosexual
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
optimista brisk; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; full of joy; gay; happy; high-spirited; jolly; lively; merry; sprightly; upbeat cheerful; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; hopeful; optimistic
- brave; braw; cheery; festal; festive; homophile; jocund; jolly; jovial; merry; mirthful; queer; sunny
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- exhilarated; jolly
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
alegre amusing; animated; attentive; bright; brisk; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; clear; colorful; colourful; dependable; eager; eagre; enchanted; enthusiastic; festive; flighty; flippant; frivolous; full of joy; funny; gay; glad; good-tempered; happy; high-spirited; in high spirits; jolly; joyful; joyous; light-hearted; lively; merry; mystified; neat; passionate; pleasant; pleased; reliable; safe; satisfied; shallow; spell bound; sprightly; sunny; tidy; trusted; trustworthy; under enchantment; upbeat; vibrant agile; agitated; aroused; as pleased as punch; bright; busily engaged; busy; casual; cheerful; colored; colorful; coloured; colourful; contented; delighted; engaged; excited; felicitous; florid; fluttered; fond of laughing; fullfilled; given to laughter; glad; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; gratifying; happy; heated; high-coloured; in good spirits; in high spirits; jolly; joyful; light-hearted; memorable; merry; occupied; playful; pleasant; pleased; satiated; satisfied; tied up
alegremente bustling; cheerful; full of joy; gay; good-tempered; happy; in high spirits; jolly; merry cheerful; felicitous; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; in good spirits; joyful
alegrísimo cheerful; full of joy; gay; in high spirits
animado bustling; cheerful; full of joy; gay; glad; good-tempered; happy; in high spirits; jolly; merry; pleased; satisfied active; actively; agile; agitated; animated; aroused; bucked up; busily; busily engaged; busy; cheered up; cheerful; comforted; dynamic; energetic; engaged; excited; fluttered; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; hard-working; heated; humming; industrious; industriously; lively; occupied; operative; spirited; tied up; up; vibrant; vigorous; working
casquivano flighty; flippant; frivolous; gay; light-hearted; shallow inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless
contento gay; glad; happy; merry; pleased; satisfied beneficial; cheerful; contented; delighted; exultant; feeling fortunate; fortunate; fullfilled; glad; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; jubilant; lucky; pleased; satiated; satisfied
de buen humor brisk; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; full of joy; gay; good-tempered; happy; high-spirited; in high spirits; jolly; lively; merry; sprightly; upbeat busily engaged; busy; cheerful; engaged; feeling fortunate; felicitous; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; happy; in good spirits; joyful; kindly disposed; occupied; tied up; well-meaning
entusiasta brisk; buoyant; bustling; cheerful; full of joy; gay; happy; high-spirited; jolly; lively; merry; sprightly; upbeat affectionate; ardent; as pleased as punch; cheerful; contented; cordial; eager; eagre; enthusiastic; fervent; fullfilled; glowing; hearty; impassioned; in high spirits; inspired; keen; overjoyed; passionate; satiated; satisfied; thunderous; tumultuous; very glad; very happy; warm; warm-hearted
frívolo flighty; flippant; frivolous; gay; light-hearted; shallow casual; cursory; foolhardy; frivolous; inconsiderate; light; light-headed; light-hearted; overconfident; perfunctory; playful; rash; reckless; superficial; thoughtless
gay gay; homosexual; pansy; queer; sissy
homosexual gay; homosexual; pansy; queer; sissy homosexual
ligero flighty; flippant; frivolous; gay; light-hearted; shallow airy; cool; diluted; featherweight; fleet of foot; flighty; fresh; fribble; frivolous; frothy; light; light as a feather; light-footed; lightweight; loose; nimble; not dark; quick
lleno de alegría cheerful; full of joy; gay; in high spirits
maricón gay; homosexual; pansy; queer; sissy
vivo gay; glad; happy; merry; pleased; satisfied active; agile; agitated; alive; aroused; astute; bright; busily engaged; busy; calculating; canny; cheerful; clever; colorful; colourful; contented; cunning; dodgy; dynamic; embittered; energetic; engaged; exasperated; excited; false; fierce; florid; flowered; fluttered; fullfilled; good natured; good-humored; good-humoured; good-tempered; heated; keen; lively; living; low; mean; nasty; occupied; perky; resourceful; satiated; satisfied; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; smart; spruce; tied up; underhand; unquenched; unslaked; vicious; vile; wily; wise

Verwante woorden van "gay":

  • gayness, gays, gayer, gayest, gayly

Synoniemen voor "gay":

Verwante definities voor "gay":

  1. bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer1
    • a gay sunny room1
  2. brightly colored and showy1
    • a dress a bit too gay for her years1
    • birds with gay plumage1
  3. homosexual or arousing homosexual desires1
  4. given to social pleasures often including dissipation1
    • led a gay Bohemian life1
    • a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies1
  5. offering fun and gaiety1
    • gay and exciting night life1
  6. full of or showing high-spirited merriment1
    • when hearts were young and gay1
    • a poet could not but be gay, in such a jocund company1
  7. someone who practices homosexuality; having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex1

Wiktionary: gay

  1. homosexual person, especially male
  1. lame, uncool (used to express dislike)
  2. behaving in a way associated with females
  3. typical of homosexual appearance
  4. homosexual
  5. festive, bright, colorful
  6. happy, joyful and lively

Cross Translation:
gay homosexual homoseksueel — betrekking hebbend op de liefde voor geslachtsgenoten
gay homosexual homoseksueel — een man met seksuele voorkeur voor mannen of een vrouw met seksuele voorkeur voor vrouwen
gay homosexual homofielhomoseksueel
gay homosexual homofiel — een ouderwets woord voor homoseksueel
gay marica; maricón; joto Schwulerkann abwertend sein: Homosexueller; jemand, der schwul ist
gay fleto Tucke — (umgangssprachlich) schwuler Mann
gay gay; homosexual schwul — kSt.|: als Mann homosexuelle Neigungen besitzend
gay alegre gai — Qui a de la gaité.
gay gay gay — angl|fr homosexuel, en particulier masculin.
gay alegre joyeux — Qui a de la joie, qui remplir de joie.

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van gay