
Uitgebreide vertaling voor strings (Engels) in het Zweeds


strings [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the strings (cords; ropes)
    rep; sladdar; snören
    • rep [-ett] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • sladdar zelfstandig naamwoord
    • snören zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the strings
  3. the strings
    villkor; trådarna; stränginstrument
  4. the strings
  5. the strings (bits of rope)
    snören; repbitar
  6. the strings (ropes; cords)
    • rep [-ett] zelfstandig naamwoord
  7. the strings (player of a stringed instrument)
  8. the strings (cords; laces; ropes)
    band; rep; linor; snören
    • band [-ett] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • rep [-ett] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • linor zelfstandig naamwoord
    • snören zelfstandig naamwoord
  9. the strings (binder twines)

Vertaal Matrix voor strings:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
band cords; laces; ropes; strings association; audiotape; band; bands; bond; border; braid; cassette; cassette-tape; connection; fringe; junction; lace; liaison; link; magnetic tape; orchestra; order; recording tape; relation; relationship; ribbon; ribbons; rim; strap; strip; tape; tapes; tress; trimming
bokbindartråd binder twines; strings
linor cords; laces; ropes; strings
rep cords; laces; ropes; strings chain; cord; hawser; line; rope
repbitar bits of rope; strings
sladdar cords; ropes; strings
snören bits of rope; cords; laces; ropes; strings
strängar strings
stränginstrument strings stringed instrument
stränginstrumentalist player of a stringed instrument; strings
trådar strings
trådarna strings
villkor strings circumstances; condition; conditions; criterion; requisite; stipulation; term
- string section
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
villkor condition

Verwante woorden van "strings":

Synoniemen voor "strings":

Verwante definities voor "strings":

  1. the section of an orchestra that plays stringed instruments1

strings vorm van string:

string [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the string (thread; yarn; cotton)
    tråd; garn
    • tråd [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • garn [-ett] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the string (chord)
    sladd; sträng; snöre
    • sladd [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • sträng [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • snöre [-ett] zelfstandig naamwoord
  3. the string (chain; series; sequence; concatenation; succession)
    kedja; rad; följd; sekvens
    • kedja [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • rad [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • följd [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • sekvens [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
  4. the string (wisp; weft; trail)
    knippa; remsa; strimma
    • knippa [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • remsa [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • strimma [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
  5. the string (series; sequence; chain)
    serie; sträng; kedja; sekvens
    • serie [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • sträng [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • kedja [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • sekvens [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
  6. the string (series; sequence; chain; succession)
    serie; räcka; följd
    • serie [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • räcka [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • följd [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
  7. the string (packthread; twine)
    inpacknings tråd
  8. the string
    – A group of characters or character bytes handled as a single entity. Computer programs use strings to store and transmit data and commands. Most programming languages consider strings (such as 2674:gstmn) as distinct from numeric values (such as 470924). 2
    • sträng [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord

to string werkwoord (strings, stringed, stringing)

  1. to string (tack up; lace; tie; cant)
    svänga runt
    • svänga runt werkwoord (svänger runt, svängde runt, svängt runt)
  2. to string
    • stränga werkwoord (strängar, strängade, strängat)

Conjugations for string:

  1. string
  2. string
  3. strings
  4. string
  5. string
  6. string
simple past
  1. stringed
  2. stringed
  3. stringed
  4. stringed
  5. stringed
  6. stringed
present perfect
  1. have stringed
  2. have stringed
  3. has stringed
  4. have stringed
  5. have stringed
  6. have stringed
past continuous
  1. was stringing
  2. were stringing
  3. was stringing
  4. were stringing
  5. were stringing
  6. were stringing
  1. shall string
  2. will string
  3. will string
  4. shall string
  5. will string
  6. will string
continuous present
  1. am stringing
  2. are stringing
  3. is stringing
  4. are stringing
  5. are stringing
  6. are stringing
  1. be stringed
  2. be stringed
  3. be stringed
  4. be stringed
  5. be stringed
  6. be stringed
  1. string!
  2. let's string!
  3. stringed
  4. stringing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they


  1. string

Vertaal Matrix voor string:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
följd chain; concatenation; sequence; series; string; succession consequence; consequences; effect; effects; impact; outcomes; result; results; sequence; series; succession; successions
garn cotton; string; thread; yarn carding-yarn; cotton; thread; yarn
inpacknings tråd packthread; string; twine
kedja chain; concatenation; sequence; series; string; succession chain; chainlet; circlet; coming together; concentration; cuff; fetter; ring; row; sequence; series; shackle
knippa string; trail; weft; wisp bunch; bundle; sheaf; wad
rad chain; concatenation; sequence; series; string; succession file; joint; line; queue; rank; row; sequence; sequences; series; succession; successions
remsa string; trail; weft; wisp marquee; marquee component; scrolling text control; strip
räcka chain; sequence; series; string; succession chain; coming together; concentration; file; line; rank; row; sequence; series
sekvens chain; concatenation; sequence; series; string; succession chain; coming together; concentration; sequence; series
serie chain; sequence; series; string; succession chain; coming together; concentration; family; sequence; serial; series; succession; successions
sladd chord; string cords; flexes
snöre chord; string border; braid; cord; edging; fringe; lace; laces; line; passementerie; ribbon; rim; ropes; tress; trimming
strimma string; trail; weft; wisp cuts; gashes; slashes
sträng chain; chord; sequence; series; string strand
tråd cotton; string; thread; yarn carding-yarn; cotton; screw thread; thread; wire; yarn
- bowed stringed instrument; chain; cosmic string; drawing string; drawstring; strand; train; twine
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
kedja chain; enchain; shackle
räcka be adequate; be enough; be sufficient; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; reach; suffice
stränga string
svänga runt cant; lace; string; tack up; tie swing round; swirl; wheel round; whirl
- draw; string along; string up; thread
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
garn yarn
ramsa string
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
sträng exacting; inflexible; punish; rigorous; rough; severe; stern; stiff; strenuous; strict; stringent; unrelenting; unyielding

Verwante woorden van "string":

Synoniemen voor "string":

Antoniemen van "string":

  • unstring

Verwante definities voor "string":

  1. stringed instruments that are played with a bow1
    • the strings played superlatively well1
  2. a necklace made by a stringing objects together1
    • a string of beads1
  3. a tie consisting of a cord that goes through a seam around an opening1
  4. a lightweight cord1
  5. a tightly stretched cord of wire or gut, which makes sound when plucked, struck, or bowed1
  6. a collection of objects threaded on a single strand1
  7. a linear sequence of symbols (characters or words or phrases)1
  8. a sequentially ordered set of things or events or ideas in which each successive member is related to the preceding1
    • a string of islands1
  9. (cosmology) a hypothetical one-dimensional subatomic particle having a concentration of energy and the dynamic properties of a flexible loop1
  10. a tough piece of fiber in vegetables, meat, or other food (especially the tough fibers connecting the two halves of a bean pod)1
  11. add as if on a string1
    • string these ideas together1
  12. provide with strings1
    • string my guitar1
  13. thread on or as if on a string1
    • string pearls on a string1
    • the child drew glass beads on a string1
  14. remove the stringy parts of1
    • string beans1
  15. string together; tie or fasten with a string1
    • string the package1
  16. stretch out or arrange like a string1
  17. move or come along1
  18. A group of characters or character bytes handled as a single entity. Computer programs use strings to store and transmit data and commands. Most programming languages consider strings (such as 2674:gstmn) as distinct from numeric values (such as 470924).2

Wiktionary: string

  1. long, thin structure made from twisted threads
  2. this structure as a substance
  3. cohesive substance in the form of a string
  4. series of items or events
  5. computing: sequence of characters
  6. stringed instruments section
  1. put strings on

Cross Translation:
string snöre Schnur — robustes Textilgeflecht in länglicher Form

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van strings