
Uitgebreide vertaling voor commander (Engels) in het Zweeds


commander [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the commander (leader; headman; centurion; chief; captain)
    huvudman; kapten; ledare; chef
    • huvudman zelfstandig naamwoord
    • kapten [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • ledare [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • chef [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the commander (chairman; president; leader; )
  3. the commander (ruler; lord)
  4. the commander (commanding officer)
  5. the commander (lieutenant-colonel; captain)
    befälhavare; kommendant; kapten


  1. commander (leader)
  2. commander

Vertaal Matrix voor commander:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
befälhavare captain; commander; lieutenant-colonel commander-in-chief; commanding officer; general
chef captain; centurion; chief; commander; headman; leader boss; captain; chief; director; executive; head; leader; manager; managing director; master; patron; principal; superior; topdog; tuan
commandeur commander; commanding officer
huvudman captain; centurion; chief; commander; headman; leader bidder; chief; chieftain; head; leader; principal; tribal chief
kapten captain; centurion; chief; commander; headman; leader; lieutenant-colonel boss; captain; director; manager; managing director; master; patron; pilot; sea captain; skipper; topdog
kommandant commander; lord; ruler
kommendant captain; commander; lieutenant-colonel area commander; district leader; section leader
ledare captain; centurion; chief; commander; headman; leader Guider; Scout leader; bell-wether; boss; chief; chiefs; chieftain; cock of the walk; commanders; conductor; directors; editorial; editorial comment; foreman; guides; head; heads; incumbent; leader; leaders; leading article; manager; managers; master; principal; principals; regent; ringleader; superior; tribal chief; viceroy
ordförande captain; chairman; chief; commander; leader; manager; president chairman; president
- air force officer; commandant; commanding officer
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
anförare commander; leader
fartygschef commander

Verwante woorden van "commander":

Synoniemen voor "commander":

Verwante definities voor "commander":

  1. an officer in the airforce1
  2. someone in an official position of authority who can command or control others1
  3. a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a lieutenant commander and below a captain1
  4. an officer in command of a military unit1


command [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the command (assignment; order; shibboleth; )
    order; instruktion; befallning; uppgift; anvisning; vink; stickreplik
  2. the command (control)
    myndighet; kontroll; makt; herravälde; bestämmanderätt
  3. the command (order)
    befallning; kommando
  4. the command (order)
    • uppdrag [-ett] zelfstandig naamwoord
  5. the command (order)
    order; befallning
  6. the command (dominion; authority; mastery; power)
    myndighet; övervälde; makt; herravälde
  7. the command (front position; leading; taking the lead; lead)
    ledning; ledande; frontposition
  8. the command (instruction; assignment; order)
    föreskrift; instruktion; undervisning; anvisning
  9. the command
    befallning; kommendering
  10. the command
    – An instruction to a computer program that, when issued by the user, causes an action to be carried out. Commands are usually either typed at the keyboard or chosen from a menu. 2

to command werkwoord (commands, commanded, commanding)

  1. to command (lead; preside; direct)
    kommendera; leda; anföra
    • kommendera werkwoord (kommenderar, kommenderade, kommenderat)
    • leda werkwoord (ledar, ledade, ledat)
    • anföra werkwoord (anför, anförde, anfört)
  2. to command (be in command of; preside; take the lead; order)
    befalla; kommandera; föra befälet över; föra kommando över
    • befalla werkwoord (befaller, befallde, befallt)
    • kommandera werkwoord (kommanderar, kommanderade, kommanderat)
    • föra befälet över werkwoord (för befälet över, förde befälet över, fört befälet över)
    • föra kommando över werkwoord (för kommando över, förde kommando över, fört kommando över)
  3. to command (order; charge)
    beordra; befalla; kommendera
    • beordra werkwoord (beordrar, beordrade, beordrat)
    • befalla werkwoord (befaller, befallde, befallt)
    • kommendera werkwoord (kommenderar, kommenderade, kommenderat)
  4. to command (decree; dedicate; commission; )
    påbjuda; kungöra
    • påbjuda werkwoord (påbjuder, påbjöd, påbjudit)
    • kungöra werkwoord (kungörar, kungjorde, kungjort)

Conjugations for command:

  1. command
  2. command
  3. commands
  4. command
  5. command
  6. command
simple past
  1. commanded
  2. commanded
  3. commanded
  4. commanded
  5. commanded
  6. commanded
present perfect
  1. have commanded
  2. have commanded
  3. has commanded
  4. have commanded
  5. have commanded
  6. have commanded
past continuous
  1. was commanding
  2. were commanding
  3. was commanding
  4. were commanding
  5. were commanding
  6. were commanding
  1. shall command
  2. will command
  3. will command
  4. shall command
  5. will command
  6. will command
continuous present
  1. am commanding
  2. are commanding
  3. is commanding
  4. are commanding
  5. are commanding
  6. are commanding
  1. be commanded
  2. be commanded
  3. be commanded
  4. be commanded
  5. be commanded
  6. be commanded
  1. command!
  2. let's command!
  3. commanded
  4. commanding
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor command:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
anvisning assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth
befallning assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth calls; citations; commands; orders; summons
bestämmanderätt command; control
frontposition command; front position; lead; leading; taking the lead
föreskrift assignment; command; instruction; order compass; instructions; issuing of rules; official regulation; precept; prescription; recommendation; regulation; rule; rules
herravälde authority; command; control; dominion; mastery; power mastership; mastery
instruktion assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth action; briefing; direction; instruction; orders
kommando command; order commando
kommendering command
kontroll command; control adjusting knob; analysis; assertion; check up; checking; control; counting over; examination; inspection; mastership; mastery; medical examination; regulator; right of say; service; visitation
ledande command; front position; lead; leading; taking the lead
ledning command; front position; lead; leading; taking the lead board; board of directors; board of managers; cable; central board; central committee; committee; directing; direction; executive; general management; leading; management; policy; politics; strategy; supervision; tactic; wire
makt authority; command; control; dominion; mastery; power ability; authority; capacity; power; rule
myndighet authority; command; control; dominion; mastery; power authority; power; rule
order assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth commands; commissions; delivery; instruction; order; orders
stickreplik assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth
undervisning assignment; command; instruction; order education; instruction; lecture; lesson; schooling; training; tuition
uppdrag command; order case; commission; commissions; instruction; mandates; orders; powers of attorney; proxies
uppgift assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth assignment; chore; duties; job; labor; labour; problem; problematical case; problems; question; statement; summary; task; to-do; to-do item; work; working; workpiece
vink assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth gesture; hand; pointer
övervälde authority; command; dominion; mastery; power hegemony; preponderance; supremacy
- bid; bidding; control; dictation; instruction; mastery; program line; statement
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
anföra command; direct; lead; preside cite; direct; guide; lead; point the direction; quote
befalla be in command of; charge; command; order; preside; take the lead
beordra charge; command; order commission someone; order; order someone
föra befälet över be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead
föra kommando över be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead
kommandera be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead exercise authority; exert power; order; reign; rule
kommendera charge; command; direct; lead; order; preside
kungöra charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; rule announce; call; give notice of; inform; proclaim; to declare; to decree; to ordain
leda command; direct; lead; preside direct; go in front; guide; lead; point the direction; walk in front
påbjuda charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; rule call; decree; give notice of; ordain; order; proclaim
- control; dominate; overlook; overtop; require
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
anförande command; commanding; lead; leadership
betinga command; fetch; involve
föreläggande command; injunction; order
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
ledande conductive; first; foremost; guiding; indicating direction; leading
ledning controlled; guided

Verwante woorden van "command":

Synoniemen voor "command":

Verwante definities voor "command":

  1. availability for use1
    • the materials at the command of the potters grew1
  2. the power or authority to command1
    • an admiral in command1
  3. great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity1
    • a good command of French1
  4. (computer science) a line of code written as part of a computer program1
  5. an authoritative direction or instruction to do something1
  6. a military unit or region under the control of a single officer1
  7. a position of highest authority1
    • the corporation has just undergone a change in command1
  8. make someone do something1
  9. be in command of1
    • The general commanded a huge army1
  10. demand as one's due1
    • This speaker commands a high fee1
    • The author commands a fair hearing from his readers1
  11. exercise authoritative control or power over1
  12. look down on1
  13. An instruction to a computer program that, when issued by the user, causes an action to be carried out. Commands are usually either typed at the keyboard or chosen from a menu.2
  14. An instruction sent via mobile phone to perform a certain action on Windows Live, such as updating a status message, or to retrieve information, such as a list of the day's events).2

Wiktionary: command

Cross Translation:
command kommando Befehl — kleinste Funktionseinheit eines Programmes in der Datenverarbeitung
command befälsrätt; befälsmakt BefehlsgewaltRecht oder Befugnis, Befehle zu erteilen
command ledning Führung — das Recht oder die Rolle einer leitenden Person in einem Unternehmen, Leitungsaufgaben auszuführen, insbesondere zu personellen Maßnahmen, wie Arbeitseinteilung, Personaleinstellung und -entlassung
command ledning Führung — die Handlung, der Prozess/Prozeß oder die Tätigkeit, ein bewegliches Objekt oder eine Person/Personengruppe zu steuern, in eine Richtung oder ein Verhalten zu weisen oder zu führen
command ledning Führung — eine leitende oder führende (Spitzen-)Person oder Personengruppe, welche in einem Unternehmen, einer Institution, einer Partei, einem Verein oder Ähnlichem, Führungsaufgaben ausführen darf
command kommando Kommandoohne Plural: Befehlsgewalt
command kommando KommandoMilitär: kleine Gruppe von (speziell ausgebildeten) Soldaten
command befalla; påbjuda commander — Ordonner, enjoindre quelque chose à quelqu’un. (Sens général).
command kräva; bjuda commander — Inspirer un sentiment dont il est difficile de se défendre.
command kännedom; kunskap connaissance — Idée, notion qu’on a de quelque chose, de quelqu’un; le fait de le connaître

Verwante vertalingen van commander