
Uitgebreide vertaling voor boring (Engels) in het Zweeds


boring bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. boring (tedious; dreary; dull)
    tråkigt; tråkig
  2. boring (dull; dreary; drab)
    tråkigt; tråkig; entonig
  3. boring (deadening; dull)
    tråkigt; dödstrist; långsam; långsamt
  4. boring (dreadful; dull)
    långtrådigt; tråkig; tråkigt; ledsamt; ledsam
  5. boring (tedious; mindless; dull)
    tröttsam; långtråkigt; tröttsamt
  6. boring (refractory; tenacious; obstinate; )
    uppstudsig; trotsig; obstinat; trotsigt; envist; motsträvigt; motspänstigt; motspänstig; oregerligt; uppstudsigt
  7. boring (deadly dull)
    döds tråkig; döds tråkigt

Vertaal Matrix voor boring:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
långsam dawdler; lingerer; slow poke
tråkigt boredom; weariness
- drilling; oil production
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- deadening; dull; ho-hum; irksome; slow; tedious; tiresome; wearisome
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
dötråkig boring
långsamt slowly
långtradig boring
urborrning boring
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
döds tråkig boring; deadly dull
döds tråkigt boring; deadly dull
dödstrist boring; deadening; dull
entonig boring; drab; dreary; dull soundless; toneless
envist boring; cross-grained; dull; grumpy; headstrong; heady; leathery; mindless; obstinate; persevering; persistent; pig-headed; rebellious; recalcitrant; refractory; stern; stubborn; stupefied; sullen; surly; tacky; tedious; tenacious; tough; unrelenting; unyielding; viscous headstrong; obstinate; persevering; persistent; persisting; pigheaded; stiff-necked; stubborn; tenacious; wilful; willful
ledsam boring; dreadful; dull
ledsamt boring; dreadful; dull flat; full of sadness; grievous; pained; saddened; stale; unfortunately
långsam boring; deadening; dull easy; steady
långsamt boring; deadening; dull dawdling; dragging; drooping; easy; inactive; indolent; inert; languid; lazy; limp; lingering; listless; passive; shuffling; slow; slow of understanding; sluggish; steady; tardy
långtrådigt boring; dreadful; dull
långtråkigt boring; dull; mindless; tedious
motspänstig boring; cross-grained; dull; grumpy; headstrong; heady; leathery; mindless; obstinate; persevering; persistent; pig-headed; rebellious; recalcitrant; refractory; stern; stubborn; stupefied; sullen; surly; tacky; tedious; tenacious; tough; unrelenting; unyielding; viscous obstinate; recalcitrant; revolting
motspänstigt boring; cross-grained; dull; grumpy; headstrong; heady; leathery; mindless; obstinate; persevering; persistent; pig-headed; rebellious; recalcitrant; refractory; stern; stubborn; stupefied; sullen; surly; tacky; tedious; tenacious; tough; unrelenting; unyielding; viscous against the grain; awkward; obstinate; recalcitrant; revolting
motsträvigt boring; cross-grained; dull; grumpy; headstrong; heady; leathery; mindless; obstinate; persevering; persistent; pig-headed; rebellious; recalcitrant; refractory; stern; stubborn; stupefied; sullen; surly; tacky; tedious; tenacious; tough; unrelenting; unyielding; viscous anaphoric; obstinate; recalcitrant; rejecting; reluctant; revolting; unwilling
obstinat boring; cross-grained; dull; grumpy; headstrong; heady; leathery; mindless; obstinate; persevering; persistent; pig-headed; rebellious; recalcitrant; refractory; stern; stubborn; stupefied; sullen; surly; tacky; tedious; tenacious; tough; unrelenting; unyielding; viscous headstrong; obstinate; pig-headed; stubborn
oregerligt boring; cross-grained; dull; grumpy; headstrong; heady; leathery; mindless; obstinate; persevering; persistent; pig-headed; rebellious; recalcitrant; refractory; stern; stubborn; stupefied; sullen; surly; tacky; tedious; tenacious; tough; unrelenting; unyielding; viscous disorderly; unbridled; uncontrolled; unmanageable; unruly; unwieldy
trotsig boring; cross-grained; dull; grumpy; headstrong; heady; leathery; mindless; obstinate; persevering; persistent; pig-headed; rebellious; recalcitrant; refractory; stern; stubborn; stupefied; sullen; surly; tacky; tedious; tenacious; tough; unrelenting; unyielding; viscous braving; defiant; defying; facing; provoking
trotsigt boring; cross-grained; dull; grumpy; headstrong; heady; leathery; mindless; obstinate; persevering; persistent; pig-headed; rebellious; recalcitrant; refractory; stern; stubborn; stupefied; sullen; surly; tacky; tedious; tenacious; tough; unrelenting; unyielding; viscous braving; defiant; defying; facing; provoking
tråkig boring; drab; dreadful; dreary; dull; tedious bleak; cheerless; uninviting; without character
tråkigt boring; deadening; drab; dreadful; dreary; dull; tedious bleak; cheerless; dawdling; dragging; drooping; flat; inactive; indolent; inert; languid; lazy; limp; lingering; listless; passive; shuffling; slow; slow of understanding; sluggish; stale; tardy; without character
tröttsam boring; dull; mindless; tedious aggravating; annoying; exasperating; irritating; tiresome
tröttsamt boring; dull; mindless; tedious aggravating; annoying; exasperating; irritating; tiresome
uppstudsig boring; cross-grained; dull; grumpy; headstrong; heady; leathery; mindless; obstinate; persevering; persistent; pig-headed; rebellious; recalcitrant; refractory; stern; stubborn; stupefied; sullen; surly; tacky; tedious; tenacious; tough; unrelenting; unyielding; viscous
uppstudsigt boring; cross-grained; dull; grumpy; headstrong; heady; leathery; mindless; obstinate; persevering; persistent; pig-headed; rebellious; recalcitrant; refractory; stern; stubborn; stupefied; sullen; surly; tacky; tedious; tenacious; tough; unrelenting; unyielding; viscous insubordinate; insurgent; mutinous; rebellious; revolutionary

Verwante woorden van "boring":

Synoniemen voor "boring":

Verwante definities voor "boring":

  1. so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness1
    • a boring evening with uninteresting people1
  2. the act of drilling a hole in the earth in the hope of producing petroleum1
  3. the act of drilling1

Wiktionary: boring

  1. inciting boredom

Cross Translation:
boring borrning Bohrung — die Handlung des bohren
boring tråkig drögenorddeutsch: langweilig, uninteressant
boring trist; tråkig; långtråkig langweilig — eintönig, uninteressant
boring tråkig duf — saai, doods
boring tråkig ennuyeux — Qui cause de l’ennui.


to bore werkwoord (bores, bored, boring)

  1. to bore (be boring)
    vara uttråkad; tråka ut
    • vara uttråkad werkwoord (är uttråkad, var uttråkad, varit uttråkad)
    • tråka ut werkwoord (tråkar ut, tråkade ut, tråkat ut)
  2. to bore (drill)
    • borra werkwoord (borrar, borrade, borrat)

Conjugations for bore:

  1. bore
  2. bore
  3. bores
  4. bore
  5. bore
  6. bore
simple past
  1. bored
  2. bored
  3. bored
  4. bored
  5. bored
  6. bored
present perfect
  1. have bored
  2. have bored
  3. has bored
  4. have bored
  5. have bored
  6. have bored
past continuous
  1. was boring
  2. were boring
  3. was boring
  4. were boring
  5. were boring
  6. were boring
  1. shall bore
  2. will bore
  3. will bore
  4. shall bore
  5. will bore
  6. will bore
continuous present
  1. am boring
  2. are boring
  3. is boring
  4. are boring
  5. are boring
  6. are boring
  1. be bored
  2. be bored
  3. be bored
  4. be bored
  5. be bored
  6. be bored
  1. bore!
  2. let's bore!
  3. bored
  4. boring
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

bore [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the bore (diameter; calibre; caliber)
    diameter; kaliber
  2. the bore (nag; yellowbelly; bugger; )
    – a person who evokes boredom 1
    tjatmåns; tjatmoster
  3. the bore (nuisance; pain in the neck; troublemaker; pest; handful)
    elände; besvär; plåga; pest; otyg; olägenhet; bråkstake; oskick
    • elände [-ett] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • besvär [-ett] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • plåga [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • pest [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • otyg [-ett] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • olägenhet [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • bråkstake [-en] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • oskick [-ett] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor bore:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
besvär bore; handful; nuisance; pain in the neck; pest; troublemaker ailment; bother; complaint; difficulty; disease; disorder; distress; fuss; grief; hassle; hindrance; impediment; inconvenience; load; mess; misery; nuisance; obstacle; pain; sadness; sorrow; trouble; weight
bråkstake bore; handful; nuisance; pain in the neck; pest; troublemaker Hell's Angel; Teddy boy; rowdy
diameter bore; caliber; calibre; diameter center line; diameter
elände bore; handful; nuisance; pain in the neck; pest; troublemaker adversity; bad luck; dearth; destitution; hardship; lack; miserability; miseries; misery; misfortune; need; paucity; penury; poverty; reverse; sorrow; squalor; trouble; want; woes
kaliber bore; caliber; calibre; diameter caliber; calibre; level
olägenhet bore; handful; nuisance; pain in the neck; pest; troublemaker bother; difficulty; disadvantage; drawback; hindrance; impediment; inconvenience; load; nuisance; obstacle; trouble; weight
oskick bore; handful; nuisance; pain in the neck; pest; troublemaker
otyg bore; handful; nuisance; pain in the neck; pest; troublemaker
pest bore; handful; nuisance; pain in the neck; pest; troublemaker epidemic; pestilence; plague
plåga bore; handful; nuisance; pain in the neck; pest; troublemaker
tjatmoster bore; bugger; creep; nag; pain in the ass; pain in the neck; yellowbelly
tjatmåns bore; bugger; creep; nag; pain in the ass; pain in the neck; yellowbelly
- aegir; bore-hole; caliber; calibre; drill hole; dullard; eager; eagre; gauge; tidal bore
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
borra bore; drill
plåga aggrieve; antagonise; antagonize; badger; be a nuisance; bully; harass; hurt; nag; offend; pester; provoke; tease; torment; torture
tråka ut be boring; bore
vara uttråkad be boring; bore
- drill; tire; tyre
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
döddansare bore
plåga harassment
torris bore; dry ice; dry stick
tråkmåns bore

Verwante woorden van "bore":

Synoniemen voor "bore":

Antoniemen van "bore":

Verwante definities voor "bore":

  1. a hole or passage made by a drill; usually made for exploratory purposes1
  2. diameter of a tube or gun barrel1
  3. a high wave (often dangerous) caused by tidal flow (as by colliding tidal currents or in a narrow estuary)1
  4. a person who evokes boredom1
  5. make a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool1
    • carpenter bees are boring holes into the wall1
  6. cause to be bored1

Wiktionary: bore

  1. One who inspires boredom
  1. to make a hole
  2. to inspire boredom

Cross Translation:
bore borrhål Bohrung — das Ergebnis des Bohrens, das Bohrloch
bore tråkmåns Langweiler — (umgangssprachlich) derb: eine Person, die nichts Interessantes zu berichten, erzählen hat; eine Person, die keine Abwechslung bei ihrem Handeln im Alltag hat
bore tråka ut ennuyieren — langweilen
bore ha långtråkigt langweilen — jemanden/sich selbst so behandeln, dass sich bei ihm ein Gefühl der Untätigkeit, der Eintönigkeit einstellt
bore trötta; uttrötta fatigueraffaiblir par une trop grande dépense de force.
bore borra forer — Percer.
bore trötta; uttrötta lasser — désuet|fr rendre las.
bore borra percer — Traverser en faisant un trou, une ouverture. (Sens général).

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van boring