

Uitgebreide vertaling voor statement (Engels) in het Nederlands


statement [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the statement (announcement; message; report; piece of news)
    de mededeling; de boodschap; het bericht; de vermelding; de uitspraak; de opgave; gewag; de melding; de verwittiging; de tijding; de bekendmaking; het relaas
  2. the statement (announcement; notification)
    de toelichting; het statement; de mededeling; de verklaring; de declaratie; de bevestiging; de aangifte; de bewering; de opheldering; de uitlegging
  3. the statement (assertion)
    de bewering; de stelling
    • bewering [de ~ (v)] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • stelling [de ~ (v)] zelfstandig naamwoord
  4. the statement
    de vaststelling; de constatering
  5. the statement (charge; report)
    het rapport; proces verbaal; de verklaring
  6. the statement (expression; phrase; saying; )
    de uitdrukking; de zin; de frase; de zegswijze; het gezegde
    • uitdrukking [de ~ (v)] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • zin [de ~ (m)] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • frase [de ~ (v)] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • zegswijze [de ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • gezegde [het ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  7. the statement (summary; list)
    de opsomming; opnoeming; de staat
    • opsomming [de ~ (v)] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • opnoeming [znw.] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • staat [de ~ (m)] zelfstandig naamwoord
    de lijst
    – opsomming of rij van woorden, getallen, namen, enzovoort 1
    • lijst [de ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
      • ik heb hier een lijst met dertig namen1
  8. the statement (task; assignment; problematical case; )
    het vraagstuk; de opgave; de opgaaf; de kwestie; de zwaarte; het probleem
    • vraagstuk [het ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • opgave [de ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • opgaaf [de ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • kwestie [de ~ (v)] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • zwaarte [de ~ (v)] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • probleem [het ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  9. the statement (assertion; claim; assert)
    • beweren [znw.] zelfstandig naamwoord
  10. the statement (note; annotation; scribble; )
    de notitie; de aantekening; de noot; opschrijving
  11. the statement (expression of opinion; declaration; utterance; )
    de meningsuiting; de uitlating
  12. the statement (bank statement)
    – a document showing credits and debits 2
    het bankafschrift; het rekeningoverzicht
  13. the statement (action statement)
    – The smallest executable entity within a programming language. 3
    de instructie
  14. the statement (account statement)
    – A report that summarizes the status of an account, including current balance and recent activities. 3
  15. the statement (financial statement)
    – A report that summarizes the status of an account, including current balance and recent activities. 3
  16. the statement
    – A report that summarizes the status of an account, including current balance and recent activities. 3
    het overzicht; het rekeningoverzicht

Vertaal Matrix voor statement:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
aangifte announcement; notification; statement declaration
aantekening annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement annotation; chit; note; report; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper
bankafschrift bank statement; statement bank statement
bekendmaking announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement announcement; declaration; display; proclamation; promulgation; publication
bericht announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement account; announcement; article; commentary; document; intelligence; journal; magazine; message; monthly; monthly magazine; news; periodical; piece of news; post; report; tidings; weekly
bevestiging announcement; notification; statement ACK; acknowledgement; affirmation; attachment; authorisation; authorization; confirmation; fastening; fixing; installation; placement; positioning; securing; that wich fastens things; tieing up
beweren assert; assertion; claim; statement
bewering announcement; assertion; notification; statement attitude; position; stand
boodschap announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement acquisition; gain; message; profit; purchase; shoppings
constatering statement
declaratie announcement; notification; statement bill for expenses; declaration; expense sheet; expenses claim
financieel overzicht financial statement; statement
frase expression; meaning; phrase; saying; statement; term; turn of phrase empty slogan
gewag announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement
gezegde expression; meaning; phrase; saying; statement; term; turn of phrase aphorism; maxim; rhetorical expression; saying
instructie action statement; statement assignment; briefing; command; instruction; lesson; order; tuition
kwestie assignment; problem; problematical case; problems; question; statement; summary; task affair; business; case; issue; matter; point of discussion; problem; quarrel; question; squabble; wrangle
lijst list; statement; summary SharePoint list; cornice; flat list; frame; frame work; framing; list; membership register; membership roll; molding; moulding; mounting; panel; picture frame; record; register; report; rim; schedule; table
mededeling announcement; message; notification; piece of news; report; statement announcement; declaration; information; notice; notification; proclamation; publication
melding announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement alert; announcement; declaration; notification; proclamation; publication
meningsuiting comment; declaration; expression of opinion; letting out; remark; statement; utterance idea; judgement; opinion; view
noot annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement
notitie annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement business note; note; report
opgaaf assignment; problem; problematical case; problems; question; statement; summary; task list; record; report
opgave announcement; assignment; message; piece of news; problem; problematical case; problems; question; report; statement; summary; task list; record; registration; report; resignation; teaching exercise
opheldering announcement; notification; statement clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice
opnoeming list; statement; summary
opschrijving annotation; mentioning; note; report; scrawl; scribble; statement
opsomming list; statement; summary enumeration
overzicht statement list; outline; overall picture; overview; record; report; survey
probleem assignment; problem; problematical case; problems; question; statement; summary; task brainteaser; braintwister; case; complication; difficulty; matter; problem; problematical case; puzzle; question; riddle; task
proces verbaal charge; report; statement
rapport charge; report; statement record; report; survey
rekeningoverzicht account statement; bank statement; statement
relaas announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement legend; myth; narration; story; tale
staat list; statement; summary State; condition; country; empire; kingdom; list; nation; position; record; report; situation; state
statement announcement; notification; statement
stelling assertion; statement definition of a problem; hypotheses; hypothesis; postulate; premise; rack; shelves; thesis
tijding announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement intelligence; message; news; piece of news; report; tidings
toelichting announcement; notification; statement annex; appendix; clarification; clearing; commentary; communication; elucidation; enclosure; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; inset; notice; supplement
uitdrukking expression; meaning; phrase; saying; statement; term; turn of phrase expression; facial expression; look
uitlating comment; declaration; expression of opinion; letting out; remark; statement; utterance comment; ellipse; remark
uitlegging announcement; notification; statement expansion
uitspraak announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement articulation; cathedral; enunciation; judgement; pronunciation; sentence; verdict
vaststelling statement
verklaring announcement; charge; notification; report; statement clarification; clearing; communication; declaration; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; interpretation; notice; reading; testimony; version
vermelding announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement entry
verwittiging announcement; message; piece of news; report; statement announcement; information; notice; notification; proclamation
vraagstuk assignment; problem; problematical case; problems; question; statement; summary; task case; matter; problem; question
zegswijze expression; meaning; phrase; saying; statement; term; turn of phrase
zin expression; meaning; phrase; saying; statement; term; turn of phrase appetite; drift; fascination; feel like a bite; fervor; fervour; horniness; hunger; intention; interest; lewdness; meaning; merit; phrase; purpose; randiness; significance; the hots; use; value; worth
zwaarte assignment; problem; problematical case; problems; question; statement; summary; task weight
- affirmation; argument; assertion; command; financial statement; instruction; program line
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
beweren do as if; feign; pretend; sham
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- advancing; declaration

Verwante woorden van "statement":

Synoniemen voor "statement":

Verwante definities voor "statement":

  1. a document showing credits and debits2
  2. (computer science) a line of code written as part of a computer program2
  3. a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true2
  4. a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc2
    • according to his statement he was in London on that day2
  5. a nonverbal message2
    • a Cadillac makes a statement about who you are2
    • his tantrums are a statement of his need for attention2
  6. (music) the presentation of a musical theme2
    • the initial statement of the sonata2
  7. the act of affirming or asserting or stating something2
  8. The smallest executable entity within a programming language.3
  9. A report that summarizes the status of an account, including current balance and recent activities.3
  10. A compiled T-SQL query.3

Wiktionary: statement

  1. declaration or remark
  2. presentation of opinion or position
  3. finance: document that summarizes financial activity
  4. computing: instruction in a computer program
  1. woord of zin
  2. plechtige bekendmaking

Cross Translation:
statement attestatie attestationaction d’attester.
statement aangifte; betuiging; declaratie; verklaring; uitspraak déclaration — (histoire) FR|fr loi ; ordonnance ; interprétation d'un édit.

statement vorm van state:

state [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the state (condition; position; situation)
    de toestand; de staat; de gesteldheid; de positie
    • toestand [de ~ (m)] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • staat [de ~ (m)] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • gesteldheid [de ~ (v)] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • positie [de ~ (v)] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the state (situation)
    de toestand; de staat; de conditie
    • toestand [de ~ (m)] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • staat [de ~ (m)] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • conditie [de ~ (v)] zelfstandig naamwoord
  3. the state (nation; country; empire; kingdom)
    de staat; het land; het rijk; de natie
    • staat [de ~ (m)] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • land [het ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • rijk [het ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • natie [de ~ (v)] zelfstandig naamwoord
  4. the state (status)
    – The condition at a particular time of any of numerous elements of computing--a device, a communications channel, a network station, a program, a bit, or other element--used to report on or to control computer operations. 3
    de status
    • status [de ~ (m)] zelfstandig naamwoord
  5. the state
    – The activity level of an account or a business contact; possible values are 'active' or 'inactive'. 3
  6. the state
    – The period of time during which an actor exhibits a particular behavior. 3
  7. the state
    – In a statechart or activity diagram, a condition during which an object satisfies a condition, performs an action, or waits for an event. 3

to state werkwoord (states, stated, stating)

  1. to state (report; inform; announce)
    melden; berichten; meedelen; rapporteren; informeren; verslag uitbrengen
    • melden werkwoord (meld, meldt, meldde, meldden, gemeld)
    • berichten werkwoord (bericht, berichtte, berichtten, bericht)
    • meedelen werkwoord (deel mee, deelt mee, deelde mee, deelden mee, meegedeeld)
    • rapporteren werkwoord (rapporteer, rapporteert, rapporteerde, rapporteerden, gerapporteerd)
    • informeren werkwoord (informeer, informeert, informeerde, informeerden, geïnformeerd)
    • verslag uitbrengen werkwoord (breng verslag uit, brengt verslag uit, bracht verslag uit, brachten verslag uit, verslag uitgebracht)
  2. to state (proclaim; announce; declare; expound)
    bekendmaken; proclameren; afkondigen
    • bekendmaken werkwoord (maak bekend, maakt bekend, maakte bekend, maakten bekend, bekendgemaakt)
    • proclameren werkwoord (proclameer, proclameert, proclameerde, proclameerden, geproclameerd)
    • afkondigen werkwoord (kondig af, kondigt af, kondigde af, kondigden af, afgekondigd)
  3. to state (make one's opinion known; announce; impart; )
    verkondigen; mening kenbaar maken

Conjugations for state:

  1. state
  2. state
  3. states
  4. state
  5. state
  6. state
simple past
  1. stated
  2. stated
  3. stated
  4. stated
  5. stated
  6. stated
present perfect
  1. have stated
  2. have stated
  3. has stated
  4. have stated
  5. have stated
  6. have stated
past continuous
  1. was stating
  2. were stating
  3. was stating
  4. were stating
  5. were stating
  6. were stating
  1. shall state
  2. will state
  3. will state
  4. shall state
  5. will state
  6. will state
continuous present
  1. am stating
  2. are stating
  3. is stating
  4. are stating
  5. are stating
  6. are stating
  1. be stated
  2. be stated
  3. be stated
  4. be stated
  5. be stated
  6. be stated
  1. state!
  2. let's state!
  3. stated
  4. stating
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor state:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
bekendmaken announcing; giving notice of; proclaiming
berichten messaging
conditie situation; state condition; criterion; form; requisite; shape; stipulation; term
gesteldheid condition; position; situation; state quality
informeren announcement; information; informing; making known; notification
land country; empire; kingdom; nation; state country; country side; estate; field; land; landscape; scenery
melden announcing; giving notice of; proclaiming
natie country; empire; kingdom; nation; state nation; people
positie condition; position; situation; state aspect; attitude; function; installment; instalment; job; lay-out; location; position; post; situation; stand
rijk country; empire; kingdom; nation; state kingdom; realm
staat condition; country; empire; kingdom; nation; position; situation; state State; list; record; report; statement; summary
status state; status approval status; availability; health; online status; payment status; prestige; respectability; status
toestand condition; position; situation; state ado; bother; fuzz; huzza; mess; rumpus; situation; to-do
- body politic; commonwealth; country; land; nation; province; res publica; state of matter
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
afkondigen announce; declare; expound; proclaim; state call; decree; divulge something; give notice of; make something public; ordain; order; proclaim; to declare; to decree; to ordain
bekendmaken announce; declare; expound; proclaim; state divulge something; make something public
berichten announce; inform; report; state inform; report
informeren announce; inform; report; state call attention to; indicate; inform; inquire about; instil; instill; make inquiries about; make known; notify; point out; send word; tell
meedelen announce; inform; report; state
melden announce; inform; report; state
mening kenbaar maken announce; communicate; impart; inform; intimate; make one's opinion known; state
proclameren announce; declare; expound; proclaim; state
rapporteren announce; inform; report; state
verkondigen announce; communicate; impart; inform; intimate; make one's opinion known; state carry out a message; disseminate; spread
verslag uitbrengen announce; inform; report; state
- express; posit; put forward; say; submit; tell
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
rijk moneyed; monied; wealthy; well-of
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
toestand state
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- advance; constitution; mention; put forward; set forth; stipulate

Verwante woorden van "state":

Synoniemen voor "state":

Verwante definities voor "state":

  1. the way something is with respect to its main attributes2
    • the current state of knowledge2
    • his state of health2
    • in a weak financial state2
  2. a politically organized body of people under a single government2
    • the state has elected a new president2
  3. the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state2
    • the state has lowered its income tax2
  4. the territory occupied by a nation2
  5. the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation2
    • his state is in the deep south2
  6. a state of depression or agitation2
    • he was in such a state you just couldn't reason with him2
  7. (chemistry) the three traditional states of matter are solids (fixed shape and volume) and liquids (fixed volume and shaped by the container) and gases (filling the container)2
    • the solid state of water is called ice2
  8. put before2
  9. express in words2
    • state your opinion2
    • state your name2
  10. indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.2
  11. The condition at a particular time of any of numerous elements of computing--a device, a communications channel, a network station, a program, a bit, or other element--used to report on or to control computer operations.3
  12. The activity level of an account or a business contact; possible values are 'active' or 'inactive'.3
  13. The overall nature and appearance of an object captured within a moment in time.3
  14. The period of time during which an actor exhibits a particular behavior.3
  15. In a statechart or activity diagram, a condition during which an object satisfies a condition, performs an action, or waits for an event.3

Wiktionary: state

  1. any sovereign polity
  2. a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy
  3. a condition
  1. declare to be a fact
  2. make known
  1. een land
  2. geheel van omstandigheden
  1. beweren, verklaren
  2. een officieel standpunt uitspreken

Cross Translation:
state staatsie; pronk GeprängePrunk, Prachtentfaltung
state staat Staat — Gesamtheit der Einrichtungen, die dazu dienen, das Zusammenleben der auf einem abgegrenzten Territorium lebenden Menschen mithilfe von Gesetzgebung, Rechtsprechung und vollziehender Gewalt dauerhaft sicherzustellen
state status; gesteldheid; staat Stand — bestimmte Eigenschaft, Beschaffenheit, Verfassung von etwas
state toestand; staat ZustandArt und Weise, wie etwas zu einem bestimmen Zeitpunkt ist
state beamen; bevestigen; ja zeggen; toestemmen; beweren; verzekeren affirmerassurer, soutenir qu’une chose est vraie.
state opgeven; zeggen dire — Exprimer par la parole
state aangeven; betuigen; declareren; verklaren déclarer — Faire connaître d’une façon manifeste.
state pomp; luister; praal; pracht; vertoon; corso; parade; pralerij; pracht en praal pompecortège solennel, déploiement de fastes, appareil magnifique, somptueux.
state koningschap; rijk; staat; bestuur; bewind; heerschappij; regering règneexercice du pouvoir souverain dans un état monarchique.
state luister; praal; pracht; vertoon; mirakel; wonder splendeur — Maginificence
state staat; constellatie; gesteldheid; situatie; stand; toestand état — Disposition de quelqu’un, de quelque chose

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van statement