
Uitgebreide vertaling voor annoying (Engels) in het Nederlands


annoying bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. annoying (irritating; aggravating; exasperating; tiresome)
    vervelend; irritant; ergerlijk
  2. annoying (inconvenient; unsuitable; delicate; )
    niet schikkend; lastig; storend
  3. annoying (unpleasant; inconvenient; awkward; )
    onaangenaam; hinderlijk; onplezierig; storend; lastig; onverkwikkelijk; ongelegen; naar
  4. annoying (inconvenient; bothersome; aggravating; troublesome)
    onaangenaam; lastig; storend; hinderlijk
  5. annoying (exasperating; tantalizing; tormenting; )
    tergend; treiterig

Vertaal Matrix voor annoying:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- annoyance; irritation; vexation
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
ergerlijk aggravating; annoying; exasperating; irritating; tiresome
hinderlijk aggravating; annoying; awkward; bothersome; disagreeable; inconvenient; troublesome; unpleasant; unwelcome
irritant aggravating; annoying; exasperating; irritating; tiresome
lastig aggravating; annoying; awkward; bothersome; delicate; disagreeable; ill-timed; incompetent; inconvenient; troublesome; unfit; unpleasant; unsuitable; unwelcome aggravating; awkward; boring; burdensome; critical; delicate; difficult; dreadful; dull; hard; heavy; hindrance-causing; incriminating; massive; perilous; precarious; stiff; touchy; tough; tricky
naar annoying; awkward; bothersome; disagreeable; inconvenient; unpleasant; unwelcome at; dismal; for; just like; like; miserable; naseaus; nasty; nauseous; rotten; sick; sickly; to; towards; wretched
onaangenaam aggravating; annoying; awkward; bothersome; disagreeable; inconvenient; troublesome; unpleasant; unwelcome
ongelegen annoying; awkward; bothersome; disagreeable; inconvenient; unpleasant; unwelcome
onplezierig annoying; awkward; bothersome; disagreeable; inconvenient; unpleasant; unwelcome
onverkwikkelijk annoying; awkward; bothersome; disagreeable; inconvenient; unpleasant; unwelcome dirty; disgusting; distasteful; filthy; gruesome; heinous; loathsome; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; shocking; sickening; sordid; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury
storend aggravating; annoying; awkward; bothersome; delicate; disagreeable; ill-timed; incompetent; inconvenient; troublesome; unfit; unpleasant; unsuitable; unwelcome
tergend annoying; exasperating; nagging; provoking; tantalising; tantalizing; tormenting
treiterig annoying; exasperating; nagging; provoking; tantalising; tantalizing; tormenting
vervelend aggravating; annoying; exasperating; irritating; tiresome boring; down in the dumps; dreadful; dreary; dull; lengthy; long-winded; tedious
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- embarrassing; provoking; troublesome; vexatious
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
niet schikkend annoying; delicate; ill-timed; incompetent; inconvenient; unfit; unsuitable

Verwante woorden van "annoying":

Synoniemen voor "annoying":

Verwante definities voor "annoying":

  1. the act of troubling or annoying someone1

Wiktionary: annoying

en-verb form
  1. causing irritation or annoyance; troublesome; vexatious
  1. vervelend, onprettig
  2. op een hinderlijke manier onprettig
  1. ergernis wekkend

Cross Translation:
annoying strontvervelend chiant — Embêtant
annoying vervelend embêtant — (familier, fr) Qui embêter.
annoying irritant; frustrerend relou — verlan irritant, frustrant, en parlant notamment d’une personne.


to annoy werkwoord (annoies, annoyed, annoying)

  1. to annoy (irritate; cause irritation; chafe; )
    irriteren; op de zenuwen werken; vervelen
    • irriteren werkwoord (irriteer, irriteert, irriteerde, irriteerden, geïrriteerd)
    • vervelen werkwoord (verveel, verveelt, verveelde, verveelden, verveeld)
    – iets doen wat hij vervelend vindt 2
    • ergeren werkwoord (erger, ergert, ergerde, ergerden, geërgerd)
      • ik erger hem met die muziek2
  2. to annoy (give offence; shock; scandalize; be annoying; scandalise)
    shockeren; choqueren; schokken; aanstoot geven
    • shockeren werkwoord (schokeer, schokeert, schokeerde, schokeerden, geshockeerd)
    • choqueren werkwoord (choqueer, choqueert, choqueerde, choqueerden, gechoqueerd)
    • schokken werkwoord (schok, schokt, schokte, schokten, geschokt)
    • aanstoot geven werkwoord (geef aanstoot, geeft aanstoot, gaf aanstoot, gaven aanstoot, aanstoot gegeven)
  3. to annoy (interrupt; bother; disturb)
    • storen werkwoord (stoor, stoort, stoorde, stoorden, gestoord)

Conjugations for annoy:

  1. annoy
  2. annoy
  3. annoies
  4. annoy
  5. annoy
  6. annoy
simple past
  1. annoyed
  2. annoyed
  3. annoyed
  4. annoyed
  5. annoyed
  6. annoyed
present perfect
  1. have annoyed
  2. have annoyed
  3. has annoyed
  4. have annoyed
  5. have annoyed
  6. have annoyed
past continuous
  1. was annoying
  2. were annoying
  3. was annoying
  4. were annoying
  5. were annoying
  6. were annoying
  1. shall annoy
  2. will annoy
  3. will annoy
  4. shall annoy
  5. will annoy
  6. will annoy
continuous present
  1. am annoying
  2. are annoying
  3. is annoying
  4. are annoying
  5. are annoying
  6. are annoying
  1. be annoyed
  2. be annoyed
  3. be annoyed
  4. be annoyed
  5. be annoyed
  6. be annoyed
  1. annoy!
  2. let's annoy!
  3. annoyed
  4. annoying
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor annoy:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
schokken colliding; jolting
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
aanstoot geven annoy; be annoying; give offence; scandalise; scandalize; shock repulse; shock
choqueren annoy; be annoying; give offence; scandalise; scandalize; shock repulse; shock
ergeren anger; annoy; cause irritation; chafe; give offence; irritate; vex
irriteren anger; annoy; cause irritation; chafe; give offence; irritate; vex
op de zenuwen werken anger; annoy; cause irritation; chafe; give offence; irritate; vex
schokken annoy; be annoying; give offence; scandalise; scandalize; shock frighten; jolt; shake; startle; tremble
shockeren annoy; be annoying; give offence; scandalise; scandalize; shock repulse; shock
storen annoy; bother; disturb; interrupt block; hamper; hinder; impede; make impossible; thwart
vervelen anger; annoy; cause irritation; chafe; give offence; irritate; vex be boring; bore
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- fill with indignation; provoke; vex

Verwante woorden van "annoy":

Synoniemen voor "annoy":

Wiktionary: annoy

  1. to disturb or irritate
  1. gevoelens van onvrede veroorzaken
  2. pijnigen

Cross Translation:
annoy ergeren; verontwaardigen; aanstoken; irriteren; ophitsen; op stang jagen; prikkelen; sarren; plagen; agaceren agaceraffecter d’une irritation nerveuse.
annoy bedroeven; ergeren chagriner — Causer du chagrin, rendre triste.
annoy belemmeren; hinderen; storen; verstoren gêner — Causer de la gêne
annoy ergeren; verontwaardigen indigner — Remplir d’indignation

User Translations:
Word Translation Votes
annoying vervelende 73
annoying ambetant 5
annoying enerverend 5

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van annoying