
Uitgebreide vertaling voor value highly (Engels) in het Frans

value highly:

value highly werkwoord

  1. value highly (throw heaps of praise upon; praise; laud; )
  2. value highly (hold in great esteem; respect; esteem; )
    respecter; considérer; estimer; honorer; vénérer; être respectueux; observer
    • respecter werkwoord (respecte, respectes, respectons, respectez, )
    • considérer werkwoord (considère, considères, considérons, considérez, )
    • estimer werkwoord (estime, estimes, estimons, estimez, )
    • honorer werkwoord (honore, honores, honorons, honorez, )
    • vénérer werkwoord (vénère, vénères, vénérons, vénérez, )
    • être respectueux werkwoord
    • observer werkwoord (observe, observes, observons, observez, )

Vertaal Matrix voor value highly:

WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
considérer esteem; esteem highly; have a high regard for; hold in great esteem; praise; respect; value highly appreciate; be in sympathy with; check; conceive; consider; contemplate; control; deliberate; discuss; examine; feel; feel empathy for; have a conference; hold session; imagine; inspect; intend; look at; meditate on; meet; muse on; observe; ponder on; reflect; reflect on; regard; scrutinise; scrutinize; seek advice; seek advice from; sympathise; sympathize; think; think it over; think out; think over; verify; view; watch
estimer esteem; esteem highly; have a high regard for; hold in great esteem; praise; respect; value highly advise; appreciate; assess; believe; believe in; calculate; compute; conjecture; consider; determine; devise; draw up; establish; estimate; figure out; guess; identify; presume; save; spare; speculate; suggest; suppose; surmise; think over; value; work out
faire l'éloge de commend higly; esteem; esteem highly; extol; laud; praise; throw heaps of praise upon; value highly commend; extol; glorify; honor; honour; pay deference to; praise; show respect for
honorer esteem; esteem highly; have a high regard for; hold in great esteem; praise; respect; value highly appreciate; bow in honour; cherish someone's memory; commend; credit; curve; decorate; exalt; extol; glorify; hold someone's memory dear; honor; honour; pay deference to; praise; romanticise; romanticize; see through rose coloured spectacles; show respect for
observer esteem; esteem highly; have a high regard for; hold in great esteem; praise; respect; value highly attend; become aware of; behold; cast an eye on; check; control; examine; eye; feel; find; follow; glance; inspect; keep an eye on; keep and eye on; look; look at; look on; monitor; notice; observe; patrol; perceive; scrutinise; scrutinize; see; see in; sense; spectate; supervise; verify; view; watch; witness
respecter esteem; esteem highly; have a high regard for; hold in great esteem; praise; respect; value highly appreciate; bow; consider; curtsy; follow; keep promise; keep to it; look up against; obey; respect; save; spare; stick to
vénérer esteem; esteem highly; have a high regard for; hold in great esteem; praise; respect; value highly adore; appreciate; cherish someone's memory; commend; credit; exalt; extol; glorify; hold someone's memory dear; honor; honour; idolise; idolize; looking exalted; pay deference to; praise; pray to; romanticise; romanticize; see through rose coloured spectacles; show respect for; worship
être respectueux esteem; esteem highly; have a high regard for; hold in great esteem; praise; respect; value highly appreciate
être élogieux de commend higly; esteem; esteem highly; extol; laud; praise; throw heaps of praise upon; value highly

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