
Uitgebreide vertaling voor tightness (Engels) in het Frans


tightness [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the tightness (tension; strain; tenseness)
    la tension; le grippage; le frottement
  2. the tightness (scarcity; shortage; famine; )
    la pénurie; le besoin; la déficience; le déficit; la disette; le manque; la frugalité; la pauvreté; la misère; la rareté; l'infortune; l'absence
  3. the tightness (tenseness; strain)
    la tension; la concentration
  4. the tightness (sinking feeling; oppression; heaviness; closeness)
    la suffocation; le serrement de coeur
  5. the tightness (narrowness; stringency)
    le gorge; le détroit; l'étroitesse; le passage étroit
  6. the tightness (stringency)

Vertaal Matrix voor tightness:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
absence famine; needyness; paucity; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; tightness absence; absenteeism; non-attendance
besoin famine; needyness; paucity; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; tightness adversity; bad luck; crisis; dearth; deficiency; destitution; emergency situation; hardship; indigentness; lack; misfortune; need; neediness; of limited means; paucity; penury; poorness; poverty; reverse; state of emergency; trouble; want
concentration strain; tenseness; tightness concentrate on; concentration; density; fix one's mind; focus; focus on; put one's mind to
disette famine; needyness; paucity; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; tightness deficiency; deficit; famine; food-scarcity; insufficiency; lack; shortage; shortcoming; shortfall
déficience famine; needyness; paucity; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; tightness
déficit famine; needyness; paucity; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; tightness deficiency; deficit; flaw; gap; insufficiency; lack; loss; shortage; shortcoming; shortfall
détroit narrowness; stringency; tightness isthmus; narrow; narrowing; neck of land; passage; sound; strait; stricture
frottement strain; tenseness; tension; tightness controversy; friction; scrubbing; scrubbing work
frugalité famine; needyness; paucity; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; tightness demureness; frugality; having no pretentions; hollowness; lankiness; leanness; meagerness; meagreness; modesty; parsimony; plainness; poorness; scantiness; simpleness; simplicity; skinniness; slenderness; sobriety; sparsity; thinness
gorge narrowness; stringency; tightness cleft; fissure; gap; groove; gullet; notch; slot; split; throat; throttle; trench; woman's breast
grippage strain; tenseness; tension; tightness
infortune famine; needyness; paucity; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; tightness adversity; bad luck; depravedness; destituteness; harbourless; indigentness; meagerness; meagreness; misfortune; of limited means; parsimony; poorness; reverse; scantiness; seediness; shabbiness; slenderness; trouble
manque famine; needyness; paucity; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; tightness blank; deficiency; deficit; disability; failure; flaw; gap; handicap; hiatus; impediment; insufficiency; lack; lacuna; physical defect; shortage; shortcoming; shortfall; void; want
misère famine; needyness; paucity; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; tightness adversity; bad condition; bad luck; blows; calamity; catastrophe; dearth; deficiency; destitution; disaster; disasters; discomforts; grief; hardship; helplessness; hollowness; lack; lankiness; leanness; meagerness; meagreness; miserable condition; misery; misfortune; misfortunes; necessity; need; parsimony; paucity; penury; poor situation; poorness; poverty; problems; punches; reverse; sadness; scantiness; skinniness; slenderness; sorrow; sparsity; squalor; thinness; trouble; troubles; want
passage étroit narrowness; stringency; tightness isthmus; narrow; narrowing; neck of land; stricture
pauvreté famine; needyness; paucity; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; tightness adversity; dearth; depravedness; destituteness; destitution; disaster; frugality; fumblingness; harbourless; hardship; hollowness; indigentness; lack; lankiness; leanness; meagerness; meagreness; necessity; need; neediness; of limited means; parsimony; paucity; penury; plainness; poorness; poverty; scantiness; seediness; shabbiness; simpleness; simplicity; skinniness; skinnyness; slenderness; sobriety; sparsity; thinness; want
pénurie famine; needyness; paucity; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; tightness deficiency; deficit; frugality; insufficiency; lack; meagerness; meagreness; parsimony; plainness; scantiness; shortage; shortcoming; shortfall; simpleness; simplicity; slenderness; sobriety; want
rareté famine; needyness; paucity; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; tightness curiosity; eccentricity; oddity; rarity; thinness
serrement de coeur closeness; heaviness; oppression; sinking feeling; tightness
suffocation closeness; heaviness; oppression; sinking feeling; tightness asphyxia; asphyxiation; gasping for breath; heaviness; oppression; sinking feeling; suffocation
tension strain; tenseness; tension; tightness burden; stress
étroitesse narrowness; stringency; tightness littleness; narrow mindedness; narrow-mindedness; pettyness; smallness
- closeness; compactness; concentration; constriction; denseness; density; meanness; minginess; niggardliness; niggardness; parsimoniousness; parsimony; stringency; tautness; tightfistedness

Verwante woorden van "tightness":

Synoniemen voor "tightness":

Antoniemen van "tightness":

Verwante definities voor "tightness":

  1. lack of movement or room for movement1
  2. extreme stinginess1
  3. the spatial property of being crowded together1
  4. a tight feeling in some part of the body1
    • she felt an alarming tightness in her chest1
  5. a state occasioned by scarcity of money and a shortage of credit1

Wiktionary: tightness

  1. the quality of being tight

Cross Translation:
tightness étroitesse EngeMangel an Raum


tight bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. tight
    serré; juste; étroit; étroitement; raide
  2. tight
  3. tight (drunk; drunken; intoxicated; tipsy; pissed)
    soûl; bourré; ivre; éméché; aviné; raide; gris
    • soûl bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • bourré bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • ivre bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • éméché bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • aviné bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • raide bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • gris bijvoeglijk naamwoord

tight bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. tight (narrow; small; cramped)
    – closely constrained or constricted or constricting 1
    étroit; serré; petit; restreint; étouffé; ténu; étroitement; limité; étouffant; pressant; petitement

Vertaal Matrix voor tight:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
juste honest person; just person; righteous person; sincere person
petit baby; bint; child; cub; infant; kid; kiddy; kitten; lass; little child; little girl; little kid; nipper; pup; puppy; small child; small one; tike; tiny tot; toddler; tot; tyke; young
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- close; compressed; mean; mingy; miserly; nasty; rigorous; stringent; taut
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- close; closely; fast
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- tight-fitting
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
aviné drunk; drunken; intoxicated; pissed; tight; tipsy
bourré drunk; drunken; intoxicated; pissed; tight; tipsy as tight as a drum; blind drunk; chock full; chock-a-block; chockfull; completely drunk; crammed; crowded; dead drunk; drunken; filled; filled out; full; full to the brim; loaded; overcrowded; packed; pissed; soaked; stuffed; thoroughly plastered
gris drunk; drunken; intoxicated; pissed; tight; tipsy as tight as a drum; ash grey; ashen; baggy; blind drunk; boozed; cheerless; churlish; clear; colorless; colourless; completely drunk; dead drunk; dirty grey; dowdy; drab; dreary; drunken; dull; gloomy; grey; grey-headed; grubby; half drunk; inebriated; intoxicated; joyless; loaded; malicious; mat; mopish; pale; pissed; rainy; sad; semi drunk; shoddy; slatternly; sloppy; slovenly; soaked; thoroughly plastered; tipsy
ivre drunk; drunken; intoxicated; pissed; tight; tipsy as tight as a drum; blind drunk; completely drunk; dead drunk; drunk; drunken; intoxicated; loaded; pissed; soaked; thoroughly plastered; tipsy; under the influence; under the weather
juste tight accurate; actually; cantankerous; careful; certainly; close; closely; concentrated; convincing; correct; crabbed; crusty; definitely; even; exact; exactly; factually; fair; genuinely; gruff; grumpy; honest; honorable; honourable; incorruptible; indeed; intently; just; lawful; legitimate; nagging; narrowly; one minute ago; only; precise; really; reasonable; right; right-minded; righteous; rigid; sincere; solid; sound; sporting; strenuous; sullen; surely; surly; thorough; true; true-hearted; truethfull; truthfully; undiscussed; upright; valid; with concentration
les uns sur les autres tight
limité cramped; narrow; small; tight bordered; finite; limited; restricted; sealed off; superannuated
petit cramped; narrow; small; tight bashfull; diffident; diminutive; inadequate; inferior; little; low-grade; middling; minuscule; narrow minded; petty; short; shortish; small; tiny; undersized
petitement cramped; narrow; small; tight a small voice; austere; bashfull; bourgeois; confined; cramped; diffident; like a narrow minded man; lower-middle-class; minuscule; modest; narrow minded; narrow-mindedness; narrowly; parochial; petty; petty-bourgeois; provincial; simple; small-town; sober; tiny; unpretentious
pressant cramped; narrow; small; tight awkward; burdensome; difficult; essential; hard; heavy; highly necessary; imperative; massive; necessarily; necessary; oppressing; oppressive; pressing; stiff; stringent; tough; urgent; vital; with haste
raide drunk; drunken; intoxicated; pissed; tight; tipsy abstemious; against the grain; broke; cantankerous; clumsy; crabbed; crusty; doltish; fixed; fossilised; fossilized; gawky; gruff; grumpy; immovable; inflexible; measured; nagging; not very good; obstinate; owlish; petrified; poor; recalcitrant; rigid; set; star; stern; stiff; straight-backed; stubborn; sullen; surly; tough; unbending; uneasy; unhandy; wooden
restreint cramped; narrow; small; tight bordered; close; close by; close to; finite; limited; narrowly; near; nearby; superannuated
serré cramped; narrow; small; tight against the grain; bashfull; cantankerous; clamped down; clasped; crabbed; crusty; diffident; gruff; grumpy; immovable; inflexible; nagging; narrow minded; narrowly; obstinate; oppressed; petty; pressing; recalcitrant; rigid; star; stern; straight-backed; stringent; stubborn; stuck; sullen; surly; unbending; urgent; wedged
soûl drunk; drunken; intoxicated; pissed; tight; tipsy as tight as a drum; completely drunk; dead drunk; drunk; drunken; intoxicated; pissed; soaked; thoroughly plastered; tipsy; under the influence; under the weather
ténu cramped; narrow; small; tight
éméché drunk; drunken; intoxicated; pissed; tight; tipsy boozed; half drunk; inebriated; intoxicated; tipsy
étouffant cramped; narrow; small; tight close; muggy; musty; stale; stifling; stuffy; suffocating; sultry; sweltering
étouffé cramped; narrow; small; tight faint; subdued
étroit cramped; narrow; small; tight narrow-minded; narrowly; petty
étroitement cramped; narrow; small; tight narrowly

Verwante woorden van "tight":

Synoniemen voor "tight":

Antoniemen van "tight":

Verwante definities voor "tight":

  1. affected by scarcity and expensive to borrow1
    • tight money1
    • a tight market1
  2. packed closely together1
    • they stood in a tight little group1
    • hair in tight curls1
    • the pub was packed tight1
  3. demanding strict attention to rules and procedures1
    • tight security1
  4. exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent1
    • a good man to have on your side in a tight situation1
  5. (of a contest or contestants) evenly matched1
    • a tight game1
  6. (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity1
  7. of such close construction as to be impermeable1
    • a tight roof1
    • warm in our tight little house1
  8. closely constrained or constricted or constricting1
    • tight skirts1
    • he hated tight starched collars1
    • fingers closed in a tight fist1
    • a tight feeling in his chest1
  9. pressed tightly together1
  10. securely or solidly fixed in place; rigid1
    • the bolts are tight1
  11. of textiles1
    • smooth percale with a very tight weave1
  12. pulled or drawn tight1
    • a tight drumhead1
    • a tight rope1
  13. set so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration1
    • in tight formation1
    • a tight blockade1
  14. firmly or closely1
    • held tight1
  15. in an attentive manner1

Wiktionary: tight

  1. pushed/pulled together
  2. under high tension
  1. firmly
  1. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  2. Trop ajusté.

Cross Translation:
tight dense dicht — eng, nahe beieinanderliegend, undurchdringlich
tight étroite; étroit eng — schmal, nahe anliegend; von relativ geringer Ausdehnung
tight concis; à peine; succinct knappgerade noch ausreichend, wenig; weniger werdend oder geworden
tight tendu stramm — gestreckt, straff, fest

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