
Uitgebreide vertaling voor tied (Engels) in het Frans


tied bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. tied (not free; restrained; committed)
    lié; engagé; obligé; occupé; tenu
    • lié bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • engagé bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • obligé bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • occupé bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • tenu bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  2. tied (involuntary; compulsory; obligatory; )
    involontaire; forcé
  3. tied (committed; bound)
    engagé; lié; soumis
    • engagé bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • lié bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • soumis bijvoeglijk naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor tied:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
lié tie to
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
lié bound; committed; not free; restrained; tied associated; bound; committed; concerted; concordant; connected; cuffed; fastened; interconnected; interdependent; joint; obligatory; obliged; oneness; solidary; tied up; unanimous; unifying; united
occupé committed; not free; restrained; tied active; actively; busily; busy; engaged; hard-working; humming; industrious; industriously; occupied; operative; working
- even; fastened; laced; level; trussed
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
engagé bound; committed; not free; restrained; tied bound; committed; obligatory; obliged
forcé committed; compulsory; forced; forcible; indebted; involuntary; obligatory; obliged; tied affected; artificial; departed; enforced; faked; feigned; forced; inexonerably; left; out of necessity; pretended; relentless; started; strained; unnatural
involontaire committed; compulsory; forced; forcible; indebted; involuntary; obligatory; obliged; tied inadvertently; inexonerably; not knowing; not on purpose; relentless; unaware; unintentional; unthinking
obligé committed; not free; restrained; tied appreciative; bound; committed; grateful; obligatory; obliged; thankful
soumis bound; committed; tied amenable; calm; cringing; docile; domesticated; enslaved; fawning; house-trained; humble; inferior; malleable; meek; minor; obsequious; pliable; resigned; secondary; servile; slavishly; submissive; subordinate; tame; tamed
tenu committed; not free; restrained; tied bound; committed; obligatory; obliged

Verwante woorden van "tied":

Synoniemen voor "tied":

Antoniemen van "tied":

  • untied; unlaced

Verwante definities voor "tied":

  1. bound or secured closely1
    • the guard was found trussed up with his arms and legs securely tied1
  2. closed with a lace1
  3. fastened with strings or cords1
    • a neatly tied bundle1
  4. of the score in a contest1
    • the score is tied1
  5. bound together by or as if by a strong rope; especially as by a bond of affection1
    • people tied by blood or marriage1

Wiktionary: tied

  1. Avec le même rang dans un classement.


tie [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the tie (necktie; knotted tie)
    – neckwear consisting of a long narrow piece of material worn (mostly by men) under a collar and tied in knot at the front 1
    la cravate; la cravate à nouer
  2. the tie (shawl; scarf; wrap)
    – neckwear consisting of a long narrow piece of material worn (mostly by men) under a collar and tied in knot at the front 1
    le châle; l'écharpe; le foulard; le cache-nez; le fichu
    • châle [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • écharpe [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • foulard [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • cache-nez [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • fichu [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  3. the tie
    le noeuds
    • noeuds [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  4. the tie

to tie werkwoord (ties, tied, tying)

  1. to tie (pinion; bind; tie up; )
    ligoter; nouer; lier; attacher; relier; bâillonner; garrotter; fixer; ficeler
    • ligoter werkwoord (ligote, ligotes, ligotons, ligotez, )
    • nouer werkwoord (noue, noues, nouons, nouez, )
    • lier werkwoord (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • attacher werkwoord (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • relier werkwoord (relie, relies, relions, reliez, )
    • bâillonner werkwoord (bâillonne, bâillonnes, bâillonnons, bâillonnez, )
    • garrotter werkwoord (garrotte, garrottes, garrottons, garrottez, )
    • fixer werkwoord (fixe, fixes, fixons, fixez, )
    • ficeler werkwoord (ficelle, ficelles, ficelons, ficelez, )
  2. to tie (button up; button; knot; )
    attacher ensemble; nouer; attacher; lier ensemble; lier; rattacher; attacher l'un à l'autre
    • attacher ensemble werkwoord
    • nouer werkwoord (noue, noues, nouons, nouez, )
    • attacher werkwoord (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • lier ensemble werkwoord
    • lier werkwoord (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • rattacher werkwoord (rattache, rattaches, rattachons, rattachez, )
  3. to tie (bind; tie up; join; fasten)
    attirer dans un piège; piéger; tendre un piège à
    • piéger werkwoord (piège, pièges, piégons, piégez, )
  4. to tie (tack up; lace; string; cant)
    attacher; enfiler; lacer
    • attacher werkwoord (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • enfiler werkwoord (enfile, enfiles, enfilons, enfilez, )
    • lacer werkwoord (lace, laces, laçons, lacez, )
  5. to tie (lash; bind)
    lier; attacher; fixer; nouer; aiguilleter
    • lier werkwoord (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • attacher werkwoord (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • fixer werkwoord (fixe, fixes, fixons, fixez, )
    • nouer werkwoord (noue, noues, nouons, nouez, )
    • aiguilleter werkwoord
  6. to tie (bind together; bind; tie together)
    relier; attacher; lier ensemble; attacher ensemble; nouer; boutonner
    • relier werkwoord (relie, relies, relions, reliez, )
    • attacher werkwoord (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • lier ensemble werkwoord
    • attacher ensemble werkwoord
    • nouer werkwoord (noue, noues, nouons, nouez, )
    • boutonner werkwoord (boutonne, boutonnes, boutonnons, boutonnez, )
  7. to tie (chain; fetter)
    • enchaîner werkwoord (enchaîne, enchaînes, enchaînons, enchaînez, )

Conjugations for tie:

  1. tie
  2. tie
  3. ties
  4. tie
  5. tie
  6. tie
simple past
  1. tied
  2. tied
  3. tied
  4. tied
  5. tied
  6. tied
present perfect
  1. have tied
  2. have tied
  3. has tied
  4. have tied
  5. have tied
  6. have tied
past continuous
  1. was tying
  2. were tying
  3. was tying
  4. were tying
  5. were tying
  6. were tying
  1. shall tie
  2. will tie
  3. will tie
  4. shall tie
  5. will tie
  6. will tie
continuous present
  1. am tying
  2. are tying
  3. is tying
  4. are tying
  5. are tying
  6. are tying
  1. be tied
  2. be tied
  3. be tied
  4. be tied
  5. be tied
  6. be tied
  1. tie!
  2. let's tie!
  3. tied
  4. tying
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor tie:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
cache-nez scarf; shawl; tie; wrap
châle scarf; shawl; tie; wrap headcloth; headscarf; kerchief; scarf; shawl; small shawl; wrap
cravate knotted tie; necktie; tie scarf
cravate à nouer knotted tie; necktie; tie
fichu scarf; shawl; tie; wrap kerchief; shawl; wrap
fixer affixing; attaching; fastening; fixing; tieing up
foulard scarf; shawl; tie; wrap headcloth; headscarf; kerchief; scarf; shawl; wrap
noeuds tie nooses
quelqu'un qui vous laisse peu de liberté tie
sujétion tie bond
un enfant qui est une sujétion de tous les instants tie
écharpe scarf; shawl; tie; wrap bandage; headcloth; headscarf; kerchief; mitella; sash; scarf; shawl; sling; small shawl; wrap
- affiliation; association; crosstie; draw; link; linkup; necktie; railroad tie; sleeper; standoff; tie beam; tie-in; tie-up
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
aiguilleter bind; lash; tie
attacher attach; bind; bind fast; bind together; bind up; button; button up; cant; fasten; fix; join; knot; lace; lash; pinion; string; tack up; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up adhere; affix; attach; attach to; bind; bind round; bind up; binding; bookbinding; buckle; burn; cake on; cling; combine; confirm; connect; couple; crust; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; glue; glue together; gum; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; knot; link; moor; paste; paste in; paste on; paste together; patch; secure; stick; stick to the pan; stick together; strap; string; suture; tie on; tie together; tie up; unite
attacher ensemble attach; bind; bind together; button; button up; fasten; fix; knot; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up combine; connect; couple; link; unite
attacher l'un à l'autre attach; bind; bind together; button; button up; fasten; fix; knot; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up
attirer dans un piège bind; fasten; join; tie; tie up
boutonner bind; bind together; tie; tie together bind; button up; connect; knot; tie together
bâillonner bind; bind fast; bind up; fasten; join; pinion; tie; tie up
enchaîner chain; fetter; tie apprehend; arrange; arrest; assort; attach; captivate; chain; clamp; combine; connect; couple; detain; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; fetter; group; handcuff; hijack; hold; imprison; intrigue; join; kidnap; link; link up; make a match; pander; pick up; seize; select; shackle; shunt; sift; sort out
enfiler cant; lace; string; tack up; tie change tack; slip on; tack
ficeler bind; bind fast; bind up; fasten; join; pinion; tie; tie up fasten; secure; tie up
fixer bind; bind fast; bind up; fasten; join; lash; pinion; tie; tie up advise; affix; attach; attach to; bring down; buckle; confirm; connect; consider; corner; couple; fasten; fix; glue; glue together; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; inspect; lock; lock up; look; look on; observe; paste in; paste on; paste together; screw on; secure; strap; suggest; suture; take down; thighten; think over; tie up; watch
garrotter bind; bind fast; bind up; fasten; join; pinion; tie; tie up
lacer cant; lace; string; tack up; tie change tack; lace up; tack
lier attach; bind; bind fast; bind together; bind up; button; button up; fasten; fix; join; knot; lash; pinion; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up affix; attach; attach to; bind; binding; bookbinding; bridge; captivate; chain; combine; confirm; connect; enchain; enchant; enter; enter into; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; interlink; intrigue; join; link; moor; secure; shackle; tie on to; tie up
lier ensemble attach; bind; bind together; button; button up; fasten; fix; knot; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up
ligoter bind; bind fast; bind up; fasten; join; pinion; tie; tie up binding; bookbinding; captivate; chain; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; intrigue; shackle; tie up
nouer attach; bind; bind fast; bind together; bind up; button; button up; fasten; fix; join; knot; lash; pinion; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up affix; attach; attach to; bind; bind round; connect; enter; enter into; fasten; hang; hang up; knot; put on; secure; tie on; tie on to; tie together; tie up
piéger bind; fasten; join; tie; tie up entrap
rattacher attach; bind; bind together; button; button up; fasten; fix; knot; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up affix; attach; fasten; fix; glue; glue together; paste in; paste on; paste together; suture
relier bind; bind fast; bind together; bind up; fasten; join; pinion; tie; tie together; tie up attach; bridge; captivate; chain; connect; couple; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; interlink; intrigue; link; make a match; pander; shackle; tie together; tie up
tendre un piège à bind; fasten; join; tie; tie up
- attach; bind; bond; connect; draw; link; link up; marry; splice; wed
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- connection; fastening; junction; splice; union
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
fichu awful; by gum; lousy; miserable; naseaus; rotten; wretched

Verwante woorden van "tie":

Synoniemen voor "tie":

Antoniemen van "tie":

Verwante definities voor "tie":

  1. a fastener that serves to join or connect1
  2. neckwear consisting of a long narrow piece of material worn (mostly by men) under a collar and tied in knot at the front1
    • he wore a vest and tie1
  3. a cord (or string or ribbon or wire etc.) with which something is tied1
    • he needed a tie for the packages1
  4. a horizontal beam used to prevent two other structural members from spreading apart or separating1
  5. one of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway track1
  6. (music) a slur over two notes of the same pitch; indicates that the note is to be sustained for their combined time value1
  7. the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided1
    • their record was 3 wins, 6 losses and a tie1
  8. a social or business relationship1
    • he was sorry he had to sever his ties with other members of the team1
  9. equality of score in a contest1
  10. form a knot or bow in1
    • tie a necktie1
  11. limit or restrict to1
    • I am tied to UNIX1
    • These big jets are tied to large airports1
  12. finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc.1
    • The teams drew a tie1
  13. fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord1
    • They tied their victim to the chair1
  14. connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces1
  15. unite musical notes by a tie1
  16. make by tying pieces together1
    • The fishermen tied their flies1
  17. perform a marriage ceremony1
  18. create social or emotional ties1

Wiktionary: tie

  1. tie score
  2. curved line connecting two notes of the same pitch, combining their lengths
  1. to attach or fasten with string
  1. Fixer
  2. serrer avec une corde ou avec toute autre chose flexible.
  3. lier au moyen d’un nœud, d'un lien.
  4. lier de nouveau, refaire le nœud qui liait et qui est défaire.
  1. morceau d’étoffe porté autour du cou
  2. Ce qui sert à lier
  3. Corde ou chaîne qui sert à attacher un prisonnier
  4. Barres réunissant plusieurs figures de notes à crochets successives
  5. (sport) pointage désignant une égalité entre deux opposants à la fin de la rencontre.
  6. Pièce de chemin de fer (4)

Cross Translation:
tie nouer knopen — een vastzittende lus in een koord, draad of touw maken
tie lier; attacher binden — vastmaken (evt. figuurlijk)
tie entrave; lien Fesselim übertragenen Sinn: etwas, das die Freiheit oder Bewegungsfreiheit einschränkt
tie cravate KrawatteKleidungsstück: schmales Stoffband, dass man um den Hals und Kragen bindet, meist zum Anzug getragen
tie lier binden — (transitiv) durch ein Band zusammenhalten
tie nouer verknoten — (transitiv) durch einen Knoten verbinden, anbinden
tie amarrer; arrimer zurren(transitiv), Nautik: einen Gegenstand mit Hilfe eines Taues oder einer Kette fixieren

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