
Uitgebreide vertaling voor targets (Engels) in het Frans


target [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the target (objective; goal)
    l'objectif visé; le but
  2. the target (objective; effort; goal; )
    l'objectif; le but; le dévouement; l'intention; la tentative; la destination; l'enjeu; l'effort; la cible; l'application; la mise à prix; le dessein; la mise; la consécration
  3. the target (aim; object)
    la cible; l'objectif; le but
    • cible [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • objectif [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • but [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  4. the target (mark)
    la cible; l'objectif; la cible à tir; le but
    • cible [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • objectif [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • cible à tir [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • but [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  5. the target (mark)
    le point de mire; la cible
  6. the target
    – One or more expressions that identify where, when, and to whom content should be displayed. You can target demographics, sections of a Web site, or both. 1
    la cible
    • cible [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  7. the target
    – A Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path that corresponds to a namespace root or folder. 1
    la cible
    • cible [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  8. the target (target value)
    – As one aspect of a KPI, the desired level of performance with respect to a specific business goal or strategy. Actual values are evaluated against the target to determine KPI score and status. 1
    la cible; valeur cible
  9. the target
    – A computer or computer group to which override criteria is applied. 1
    la cible
    • cible [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  10. the target
    – The database on which an operation acts. 1
    la cible
    • cible [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor target:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
application dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target Commerce Server application; Commerce application; administration; adoption; ambition; ante; app; application; aspirations; assiduity; assiduousness; border; branch of industry; business application; construction; dedication; devotion; diligence; diligentness; exertion; fervor; fervour; fringe; implementation; industriousness; industry; infliction; inset; insistence; passion; practice; practise; program; requests; sector of industry; stakes; trim; trimming; urgency; usage; use; utilisation; utilization; zeal
but aim; dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; mark; object; objective; scheme; target aim; aiming at; aiming for; design; final destination; goal; goal post; hit; idea; intent; intention; meaning; objective; purport; sense; stature; strive for; tendency; tenor; ultimate goal; winner
cible aim; dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; mark; object; objective; scheme; target; target value aim; design; final destination; goal; goal post; idea; intention; objective; ultimate goal
cible à tir mark; target
consécration dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target affection; ambition; assiduousness; attachment; blessing; consecration; consecratory celebration; dedication; devotion; diligence; fondness; hallowing; inauguration; initiation; initiation party; ordination; passion; sanctification
dessein dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target aim; design; goal; idea; intention; objective; scheme; will; wish
destination dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target aim; bound for; design; destination; destination provider; destiny; fate; goal; idea; intention; lot; objective; terminus
dévouement dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target affection; ambition; aspirations; assiduousness; attachment; dedication; devotion; diligence; fondness; passion
effort dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target attempt; attempting; effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; feat of strength; labour of Hercules; physical effort; strain; try; trying
enjeu dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target cash for playing; pool; stakes; wee-wee
intention dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target aim; aiming at; aiming for; angle; aspect; attitude; composition; conception; design; drift; goal; idea; intent; intention; interpretation; meaning; notion; objective; opinion; orientation on; outlook; perspective; point of view; purport; purpose; reading; scheme; sense; stand; stature; strive for; substance; tendency; tendency toward; tenor; trend; version; view; vision; way of thinking; will; wish
mise dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target ante; application; attire; betting; bid; bill; cash for playing; clothes; construction; gambling; garb; inlay; inset; motion; offer; pool; proposal; request; stakes; usage; use; wee-wee
mise à prix dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target ante; application; inset; price-setting; stakes; usage; use
objectif aim; dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; mark; object; objective; scheme; target aim; design; goal; idea; intention; objective; scheme
objectif visé goal; objective; target
point de mire mark; target
tentative dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target attempt; attempting; effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; experiment; impact; strain; try; trying
- aim; butt; fair game; mark; object; objective; prey; quarry; target area
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- aim; direct; place; point
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
valeur cible target; target value goal seek
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- aim
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
objectif impartial; neutral; objective; unaffected; unbiased; undenominational; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched

Verwante woorden van "target":

  • targeted, targets

Synoniemen voor "target":

Verwante definities voor "target":

  1. sports equipment consisting of an object set up for a marksman or archer to aim at2
  2. the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)2
  3. a reference point to shoot at2
  4. the location of the target that is to be hit2
  5. a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence2
    • the target of a manhunt2
  6. intend (something) to move towards a certain goal2
  7. One or more expressions that identify where, when, and to whom content should be displayed. You can target demographics, sections of a Web site, or both.1
  8. A Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path that corresponds to a namespace root or folder.1
  9. As one aspect of a KPI, the desired level of performance with respect to a specific business goal or strategy. Actual values are evaluated against the target to determine KPI score and status.1
  10. A computer or computer group to which override criteria is applied.1
  11. The database on which an operation acts.1

Wiktionary: target

  1. butt or mark to shoot at
  2. goal or objective
  1. to aim something (especially a weapon) at a target
  1. Objectif.
  2. Sorte de planche servir de but pour le tir à l’arc ou avec des armes à feu.
  3. Intention d’exécuter quelque chose (sens général)
  4. jeux|fr somme miser par le joueur et qui est transférer du perdant au gagnant.
  1. (vieilli) (familier, fr) lancer quelque chose sur quelqu’un.
  2. Mirer, diriger attentivement son regard ou une arme

Cross Translation:
target cible Scheibe — Fläche, auf die beim Sport- und Übungsschießen gezielt wird
target cible ZielObjekt, das von einem Geschoss getroffen werden soll
target cible Zielscheibe — ein Objekt, das bei Schießübungen mit dem Geschoss getroffen werden soll
target viser anvisieren — mit einer Waffe zielen