

Uitgebreide vertaling voor steeped (Engels) in het Frans


steeped bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. steeped (soaked)
    pénétré; imbibé de; plein de; rempli de

Vertaal Matrix voor steeped:

BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
imbibé de soaked; steeped
plein de soaked; steeped
pénétré soaked; steeped breaked into; invaded; march in; moved in; penetrated
rempli de soaked; steeped

Verwante woorden van "steeped":


steep bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. steep (sloping; slanting; oblique; )
    incliné; en pente
  2. steep (abrupt; blunt; curt; short)
    brusque; abrupt; brusquement; d'un ton brusque

Vertaal Matrix voor steep:

WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- absorb; engross; engulf; immerse; infuse; plunge; soak up
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- exorbitant; extortionate; outrageous; unconscionable; usurious
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
abrupt abrupt; blunt; curt; short; steep abrupt; abruptly; all at once; all of a sudden; at once; blunt; brusque; fast; out of the blue; quick; rapid; speedy; sudden; suddenly; swift; swiftly; unexpectedly
brusque abrupt; blunt; curt; short; steep abrupt; abruptly; all at once; all of a sudden; at once; blunt; brusque; cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; fast; gruff; grumpy; nagging; out of the blue; quick; rapid; rigid; speedy; sudden; suddenly; sullen; surly; swift; swiftly; unexpectedly
brusquement abrupt; blunt; curt; short; steep abrupt; abruptly; all at once; all of a sudden; at once; blunt; brusque; fast; out of the blue; quick; rapid; speedy; sudden; suddenly; swift; swiftly; unexpectedly
d'un ton brusque abrupt; blunt; curt; short; steep abrupt; all at once; all of a sudden; at once; blunt; brusque; fast; out of the blue; quick; rapid; speedy; sudden; suddenly; swift; unexpectedly
en pente askew; leaning; lopsided; oblique; slanting; sloping; steep sloping
incliné askew; leaning; lopsided; oblique; slanting; sloping; steep crooked; declining; down hill; falling away; leaning; lopsided; oblique; shelving; skew; slanting; sloping

Verwante woorden van "steep":

Synoniemen voor "steep":

Antoniemen van "steep":

Verwante definities voor "steep":

  1. having a sharp inclination1
    • the steep attic stairs1
    • steep cliffs1
  2. of a slope; set at a high angle1
    • note the steep incline1
    • a steep roof sheds snow1
  3. greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation1
  4. a steep place (as on a hill)1
  5. let sit in a liquid to extract a flavor or to cleanse1
    • steep the blossoms in oil1
    • steep the fruit in alcohol1
  6. devote (oneself) fully to1

Wiktionary: steep

  1. near-vertical
  1. to soak an item in liquid
  2. to imbue with an abstract quality
  3. to make tea/coffee
  1. Dont la pente est escarpée et comme rompre.
  2. Qui est chéri, tendrement aimer, auquel on tenir beaucoup.
  3. Qui est en pente raide.
  4. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  1. chimie|fr dissoudre dans un liquide la quantité maximale qu’il pouvoir absorber d’une substance.

Cross Translation:
steep raide steil — onder een grote helling ten opzichte van horizontaal
steep escarpé; abrupt; escarpée; abrupte abschüssigsteil abfallend
steep raide steil — von der Waagerechten stark abweichend, entweder ansteigend oder abfallend

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