
Uitgebreide vertaling voor securing (Engels) in het Frans


securing [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the securing (fixing; attachment; fastening)
    la fixation; l'installation
  2. the securing (fixing; fastening)
    l'immobilisation; l'attache; la fixation

Vertaal Matrix voor securing:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
attache fastening; fixing; securing fastening; tag; that wich fastens things
fixation attachment; fastening; fixing; securing arrangement; assembly; composition; fixation; fixed idea; hang-up; montage; obsession
immobilisation fastening; fixing; securing fixed asset; lameness; palsy; paralysis; paralytic seizure
installation attachment; fastening; fixing; securing administration of the oath; arrangement; assembly; composition; confirmation on oath; establishment; facility; foundation; founding; furnishing; furniture; give employment to people; home furnishings; honouring; installation; montage; putting into use; settlement; setup; swearing; taking up residence
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
installation installation

Verwante woorden van "securing":

securing vorm van secure:

secure [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the secure
    l'acte de verouiller

secure bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. secure (safe; without risk; without danger)
    en sûreté; sûr

to secure werkwoord (secures, secured, securing)

  1. to secure (tie up; fasten)
    fixer; lier; attacher; mettre; ficeler; mettre à l'attache
    • fixer werkwoord (fixe, fixes, fixons, fixez, )
    • lier werkwoord (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • attacher werkwoord (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • mettre werkwoord (mets, met, mettons, mettez, )
    • ficeler werkwoord (ficelle, ficelles, ficelons, ficelez, )
  2. to secure (equip with an alarm system; safeguard; protect; guard)
    protéger; sauvegarder; abriter; préserver; mettre en sûreté; dissimuler; garder; cacher; receler; équiper d'un dispositif d'alarme
    • protéger werkwoord (protège, protèges, protégeons, protégez, )
    • sauvegarder werkwoord (sauvegarde, sauvegardes, sauvegardons, sauvegardez, )
    • abriter werkwoord (abrite, abrites, abritons, abritez, )
    • préserver werkwoord (préserve, préserves, préservons, préservez, )
    • mettre en sûreté werkwoord
    • dissimuler werkwoord (dissimule, dissimules, dissimulons, dissimulez, )
    • garder werkwoord (garde, gardes, gardons, gardez, )
    • cacher werkwoord (cache, caches, cachons, cachez, )
    • receler werkwoord (recèle, recèles, recelons, recelez, )
  3. to secure
    • assurer werkwoord (assure, assures, assurons, assurez, )
  4. to secure (seize; take possession of; get hold of something; lay one's hands on)
    obtenir; recevoir; prendre; prendre possession de quelque chose; gagner; remporter; usurper; capturer; se saisir de; se rendre maître de; s'approprier; s'emparer de; faire l'apprentissage de
    • obtenir werkwoord (obtiens, obtient, obtenons, obtenez, )
    • recevoir werkwoord (reçois, reçoit, recevons, recevez, )
    • prendre werkwoord (prends, prend, prenons, prenez, )
    • gagner werkwoord (gagne, gagnes, gagnons, gagnez, )
    • remporter werkwoord (remporte, remportes, remportons, remportez, )
    • usurper werkwoord (usurpe, usurpes, usurpons, usurpez, )
    • capturer werkwoord (capture, captures, capturons, capturez, )
    • se saisir de werkwoord
    • s'approprier werkwoord
    • s'emparer de werkwoord
  5. to secure (attach to; affix; attach; fasten; connect)
    attacher; fixer; installer; attacher à qc; agrafer; parapher; coller; poser; renforcer; lier; marquer; nouer; timbrer
    • attacher werkwoord (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • fixer werkwoord (fixe, fixes, fixons, fixez, )
    • installer werkwoord (installe, installes, installons, installez, )
    • attacher à qc werkwoord
    • agrafer werkwoord (agrafe, agrafes, agrafons, agrafez, )
    • parapher werkwoord (paraphe, paraphes, paraphons, paraphez, )
    • coller werkwoord (colle, colles, collons, collez, )
    • poser werkwoord (pose, poses, posons, posez, )
    • renforcer werkwoord (renforce, renforces, renforçons, renforcez, )
    • lier werkwoord (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • marquer werkwoord (marque, marques, marquons, marquez, )
    • nouer werkwoord (noue, noues, nouons, nouez, )
    • timbrer werkwoord (timbre, timbres, timbrons, timbrez, )
  6. to secure (store; stock; put up; lay up)
    stocker; entreposer; emmagasiner; placer; conserver
    • stocker werkwoord (stocke, stockes, stockons, stockez, )
    • entreposer werkwoord (entrepose, entreposes, entreposons, entreposez, )
    • emmagasiner werkwoord (emmagasine, emmagasines, emmagasinons, emmagasinez, )
    • placer werkwoord (place, places, plaçons, placez, )
    • conserver werkwoord (conserve, conserves, conservons, conservez, )
  7. to secure (confirm; attach; fasten; connect)
    attacher; lier; fixer
    • attacher werkwoord (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • lier werkwoord (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • fixer werkwoord (fixe, fixes, fixons, fixez, )

Conjugations for secure:

  1. secure
  2. secure
  3. secures
  4. secure
  5. secure
  6. secure
simple past
  1. secured
  2. secured
  3. secured
  4. secured
  5. secured
  6. secured
present perfect
  1. have secured
  2. have secured
  3. has secured
  4. have secured
  5. have secured
  6. have secured
past continuous
  1. was securing
  2. were securing
  3. was securing
  4. were securing
  5. were securing
  6. were securing
  1. shall secure
  2. will secure
  3. will secure
  4. shall secure
  5. will secure
  6. will secure
continuous present
  1. am securing
  2. are securing
  3. is securing
  4. are securing
  5. are securing
  6. are securing
  1. be secured
  2. be secured
  3. be secured
  4. be secured
  5. be secured
  6. be secured
  1. secure!
  2. let's secure!
  3. secured
  4. securing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor secure:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
acte de verouiller secure
coller glueing together; gluing; sticking; sticking together
fixer affixing; attaching; fastening; fixing; tieing up
marquer marking
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
abriter equip with an alarm system; guard; protect; safeguard; secure accomodate; blur; conceal; cover; disguise; fence in; fence off; give shelter; gloss over; guard; hide; hush up; lock up; mantle; preserve; protect; save; shield; suppress; veil
agrafer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure connect; couple; fasten; hitch in; hitch on to; hook into; hook on to; hook together; staple
assurer secure guarantee; underwrite; vouch for; warrant
attacher affix; attach; attach to; confirm; connect; fasten; secure; tie up adhere; affix; attach; bind; bind fast; bind round; bind together; bind up; binding; bookbinding; buckle; burn; button; button up; cake on; cant; cling; combine; connect; couple; crust; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; glue; glue together; gum; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; join; knot; lace; lash; link; moor; paste; paste in; paste on; paste together; patch; pinion; stick; stick to the pan; stick together; strap; string; suture; tack up; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up; unite
attacher à qc affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure
cacher equip with an alarm system; guard; protect; safeguard; secure blur; camouflage; conceal; cover; disguise; elbow out; envelop; gloss over; guard; hide; hide away; hide feelings; hush up; lock up; mantle; mask; preserve; protect; push aside; push away; put away; save; shield; shroud; stash away; stuff away; suppress; suppress feelings; swathe; tuck away; veil; wrap
capturer get hold of something; lay one's hands on; secure; seize; take possession of arrest; capture; catch; get hold of; get one's hands on; lay one's hands on; obtain; receive for one's portion; seize; seize upon; take in custody; take prisoner
coller affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure adhere; affix; attach; attach to; burn; cake; cling; fasten; glue; glue in; glue together; gum; paste; paste in; paste on; paste together; patch; press; stick; stick in; stick to; stick to the pan; stick together; suture; wedge; with glue
conserver lay up; put up; secure; stock; store aid someone financially; back someone; balm; can; collect; conserve; cure; detain; embalm; gather together; glean; guard; guard from; hang on; hold; horde; keep; keep up; lock up; maintain; pick up; pickle; preserve; protect; provide for; put in gaol; retain; salt; save; shield; souse; stand by; stand firm; support; tin; uphold
dissimuler equip with an alarm system; guard; protect; safeguard; secure blur; camouflage; conceal; cover; disguise; dissemble; envelop; gloss over; hide; hush up; mantle; mask; shroud; suppress; swathe; veil; wrap
emmagasiner lay up; put up; secure; stock; store do some shopping; do the shopping; go shopping; lay in; shop; stock; take in
entreposer lay up; put up; secure; stock; store
faire l'apprentissage de get hold of something; lay one's hands on; secure; seize; take possession of acquire; get the hang of; learn; pick up; practice; practise; study
ficeler fasten; secure; tie up bind; bind fast; bind up; fasten; join; pinion; tie; tie up
fixer affix; attach; attach to; confirm; connect; fasten; secure; tie up advise; affix; attach; bind; bind fast; bind up; bring down; buckle; connect; consider; corner; couple; fasten; fix; glue; glue together; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; inspect; join; lash; lock; lock up; look; look on; observe; paste in; paste on; paste together; pinion; screw on; strap; suggest; suture; take down; thighten; think over; tie; tie up; watch
gagner get hold of something; lay one's hands on; secure; seize; take possession of bring in; conquer; earn; earn wages; economise; economize; gain; gain the day; gain the victory; get; get hold of; get one's hands on; get the feeling; have left; lay one's hands on; master; moderate; obtain; overcome; overpower; overwhelm; receive for one's portion; save; seize; seize upon; spare; take in; take possession of something; tame; win; win over
garder equip with an alarm system; guard; protect; safeguard; secure allocate; conserve; detain; don't let go of; guard; hang on; herd; hold; keep; keep and eye on; keep free; keep watch over; lay; lay aside; lock up; maintain; monitor; patrol; place; preserve; protect; put; put aside; put away; put down; put in gaol; reserve; restrain; retain; safeguard; save; set aside; shield; stand by; stand firm; store; supervise; uphold; watch
installer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure add; arrange; assemble; bring down; construct; fit; furnish; inaugurate; initiate; instal; install; lay; locate; place; position; put; put down; set up; situate; take down
lier affix; attach; attach to; confirm; connect; fasten; secure; tie up attach; bind; bind fast; bind together; bind up; binding; bookbinding; bridge; button; button up; captivate; chain; combine; connect; enchain; enchant; enter; enter into; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; interlink; intrigue; join; knot; lash; link; moor; pinion; shackle; tie; tie on; tie on to; tie together; tie up
marquer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure be in contrast with; brand; burn; characterise; characterize; check; clearly define; define; demarcate; depict; describe; fence; fence in; fence off; flag; leave one's mark on; map out; mark; mark out; outline; put one's stamp on; stigmatise; stigmatize; tag; tick; tick off; trace out
mettre fasten; secure; tie up add; assemble; bring down; cause; construct; deposit; dress; fit; instal; install; instigate; lay; lay down; lay something down; laydown; locate; place; position; pull to; put; put down; put on; put something down; serve; serve out; set; set down; set up; situate; station; take down
mettre en sûreté equip with an alarm system; guard; protect; safeguard; secure blur; conceal; disguise; gloss over; guard; hide; hush up; mantle; preserve; protect; put in safety; salvage; save; shield; suppress; veil
mettre à l'attache fasten; secure; tie up fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; moor; tie up
nouer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure attach; bind; bind fast; bind round; bind together; bind up; button; button up; connect; enter; enter into; fasten; fix; hang; hang up; join; knot; lash; pinion; put on; tie; tie on; tie on to; tie together; tie up
obtenir get hold of something; lay one's hands on; secure; seize; take possession of acquire; bring in; come by; gain; get; get for dessert; get hold of; get one's hands on; lay one's hands on; obtain; procure; receive for one's portion; seize; seize upon; take in; win
parapher affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure initial; paraph
placer lay up; put up; secure; stock; store add; allocate; bring down; deposit; invest; lay; laydown; locate; place; plant; position; push; put; put down; set; set down; situate; station; take down
poser affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure add; appoint; bring down; deposit; lay; lay down; lay something down; laydown; locate; nominate; place; position; put; put down; put something down; set; set down; situate; station; take down
prendre get hold of something; lay one's hands on; secure; seize; take possession of absorb; accept; accept a gift; annex; apprehend; arrest; bear a grudge; bear malice; begin; blame; blame someone of; cadge; captivate; capture; catch; caught; chain; choose; clamp; clasp; clutch; collar; collect; come round for; commence; conquer; deprive; detain; discredit; dive in; drag; employ; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; expropriate; fall to; fascinate; fetch; filch; gather; get hold of; get one's hands on; get something; glean; go thieving; grab; grasp; grip; handle; harbour a grudge; hold; imprison; intrigue; lap up; lay one's hands on; make inaccessible; make off with; make use of; nick; obtain; occupy; overcome by; pick; pick out; pick up; pilfer; pinch; practice; practise; prefer; purloin; rancor; rancour; reach; rebuke; receive; receive for one's portion; recruit; reprimand; reproach; rob; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; seize upon; select; serve oneself; set in motion; set up; shackle; single out; sip up; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snitch; snout; sort out; start; start to; steal; stick; strike up; swipe; take; take along; take away; take hold of; take in; take off; take on; take up; take upon oneself; toil and moil; trap; undertake; use; utilise; utilize; yearn
prendre possession de quelque chose get hold of something; lay one's hands on; secure; seize; take possession of
protéger equip with an alarm system; guard; protect; safeguard; secure cover; fence in; fence off; guard; herd; hide; keep watch over; lock up; patronise; patronize; preserve; protect; safeguard; save; shield; watch over
préserver equip with an alarm system; guard; protect; safeguard; secure conserve; cover; cure; fence in; fence off; guard; guard from; herd; keep; lay; lock up; place; preserve; protect; put; put down; safeguard; save; shield; watch over
receler equip with an alarm system; guard; protect; safeguard; secure blur; conceal; disguise; gloss over; hide; hush up; mantle; sell and receive stolen goods; suppress; veil
recevoir get hold of something; lay one's hands on; secure; seize; take possession of accept; acquire; collect; come by; entertain; gain; get hold of; get one's hands on; lay one's hands on; obtain; procure; receive; receive for one's portion; regale; seize; seize upon; welcome
remporter get hold of something; lay one's hands on; secure; seize; take possession of accompany; bring in; carry away; carry off; get; get hold of; get one's hands on; lay one's hands on; obtain; receive for one's portion; see off; seize; seize upon; take away; take in
renforcer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure acumilate; amplify; become stronger; blow out of proportions; blow up; consolidate; deepen; exaggerate; fortify; heighten; intensify; invigorate; load; make heavier; overdo; reinforce; sharpen; strenghten; strengthen; tighten; weight
s'approprier get hold of something; lay one's hands on; secure; seize; take possession of occupate; take possession
s'emparer de get hold of something; lay one's hands on; secure; seize; take possession of acquire; annex; capture

Verwante woorden van "secure":

Synoniemen voor "secure":

Antoniemen van "secure":

  • insecure; unprotected; unfasten

Verwante definities voor "secure":

  1. free from fear or doubt; easy in mind1
    • he was secure that nothing will be held against him1
  2. free from danger or risk1
    • secure from harm1
    • his fortune was secure1
    • made a secure place for himself in his field1
  3. not likely to fail or give way1
    • the lock was secure1
    • a secure foundation1
    • a secure hold on her wrist1
  4. financially sound1
    • a secure investment1
  5. immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with1
    • a secure telephone connection1
  6. make certain of1
  7. furnish with battens1
  8. cause to be firmly attached1
  9. fill or close tightly with or as if with a plug1
  10. get by special effort1
  11. assure payment of1

Wiktionary: secure

  1. free from attack or danger; protected
  2. free from the danger of theft; safe
  3. free from the risk of eavesdropping, interception or discovery; secret
  4. free from anxiety or doubt; unafraid
  5. Firm and not likely to fail; stable
  6. Free from the risk of financial loss; reliable
  1. Attacher, suspendre à un crochet, à un clou, à un portemanteau, etc. (Sens général).
  2. Devenir possesseur par le travail, par l’achat, par l’échange, par contrat ou alors par... (Sens général).
  3. Rendre stable
  4. Procurer d’une façon certaine et durable
  5. Fixer
  6. attacher, affermir, rendre immobile, maintenir en place.
  7. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  8. Se faire accorder par tel ou tel moyen une chose que l’on désirer.
  9. rassurer. Faire passer d'un sentiment d'angoisse à un sentiment de sécurité, à une impression de confiance.
  1. dont on ne douter pas ; certain ; indubitable ; vrai.

Cross Translation:
secure assurer sichernBergsteigen: jemanden mit Hilfe eines Seiles vor einem Absturz schützen

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