
Uitgebreide vertaling voor screams (Engels) in het Frans


screams [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the screams (yelling; shouts; cries)
    le cris; l'hurlements
    • cris [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • hurlements [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor screams:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
cris cries; screams; shouts; yelling calling; mottos; promotion lines; rallying cries; roar; screaming; shout; shrieking; sieves; sifts; slogans; trumpeting
hurlements cries; screams; shouts; yelling crying; howling; howling of the wind; lamentations; lamenting; moaning; name-calling; roaring; sobbing; wailing; whimpering; whining; yelling; yelping

Verwante woorden van "screams":

screams vorm van scream:

to scream werkwoord (screams, screamed, screaming)

  1. to scream (bawl; shout; yell; )
    tempêter; tonner; crier fort; tonner contre
    • tempêter werkwoord (tempête, tempêtes, tempêtons, tempêtez, )
    • tonner werkwoord (tonne, tonnes, tonnons, tonnez, )
    • crier fort werkwoord
    • tonner contre werkwoord
  2. to scream (screech; shriek; squawk; yell; cry)
    crier; tempéter; gueuler; hurler; braire; fulminer; criailler
    • crier werkwoord (crie, cries, crions, criez, )
    • tempéter werkwoord
    • gueuler werkwoord (gueule, gueules, gueulons, gueulez, )
    • hurler werkwoord (hurle, hurles, hurlons, hurlez, )
    • braire werkwoord (brais, brait, brayons, brayez, )
    • fulminer werkwoord (fulmine, fulmines, fulminons, fulminez, )
    • criailler werkwoord (criaille, criailles, criaillons, criaillez, )
  3. to scream (shout; shriek; yell; bellow; roar)
    crier; hurler; gueuler
    • crier werkwoord (crie, cries, crions, criez, )
    • hurler werkwoord (hurle, hurles, hurlons, hurlez, )
    • gueuler werkwoord (gueule, gueules, gueulons, gueulez, )
  4. to scream (bellow; shriek; yell; )
    crier; hurler; gueuler; vociférer; japper; faire rage; gronder; tonner; mugir; se déchaîner; tousser fort; bouillonner; brailler; fulminer; tempêter; bêler
    • crier werkwoord (crie, cries, crions, criez, )
    • hurler werkwoord (hurle, hurles, hurlons, hurlez, )
    • gueuler werkwoord (gueule, gueules, gueulons, gueulez, )
    • vociférer werkwoord (vocifère, vocifères, vociférons, vociférez, )
    • japper werkwoord (jappe, jappes, jappons, jappez, )
    • faire rage werkwoord
    • gronder werkwoord (gronde, grondes, grondons, grondez, )
    • tonner werkwoord (tonne, tonnes, tonnons, tonnez, )
    • mugir werkwoord (mugis, mugit, mugissons, mugissez, )
    • se déchaîner werkwoord
    • tousser fort werkwoord
    • bouillonner werkwoord (bouillonne, bouillonnes, bouillonnons, bouillonnez, )
    • brailler werkwoord (braille, brailles, braillons, braillez, )
    • fulminer werkwoord (fulmine, fulmines, fulminons, fulminez, )
    • tempêter werkwoord (tempête, tempêtes, tempêtons, tempêtez, )
    • bêler werkwoord (bêle, bêles, bêlons, bêlez, )
  5. to scream (rant & rage; rage; rant; )
    tempêter; se déchaîner contre; hurler; gronder; bouillonner; fulminer; mugir; s'emporter; faire rage; râler contre; crier fort; faire du tapage; tonner contre; lâcher des jurons; se fâcher tout rouge
    • tempêter werkwoord (tempête, tempêtes, tempêtons, tempêtez, )
    • hurler werkwoord (hurle, hurles, hurlons, hurlez, )
    • gronder werkwoord (gronde, grondes, grondons, grondez, )
    • bouillonner werkwoord (bouillonne, bouillonnes, bouillonnons, bouillonnez, )
    • fulminer werkwoord (fulmine, fulmines, fulminons, fulminez, )
    • mugir werkwoord (mugis, mugit, mugissons, mugissez, )
    • s'emporter werkwoord
    • faire rage werkwoord
    • râler contre werkwoord
    • crier fort werkwoord
    • faire du tapage werkwoord
    • tonner contre werkwoord
    • lâcher des jurons werkwoord
  6. to scream (rage; storm; rave; )
    tempêter; fulminer; vociférer; hurler; gronder; insulter; bouillonner; injurier; mugir; s'emporter; faire rage; râler contre; crier fort; faire du tapage; tonner contre; lâcher des jurons; se fâcher tout rouge; se déchaîner contre
    • tempêter werkwoord (tempête, tempêtes, tempêtons, tempêtez, )
    • fulminer werkwoord (fulmine, fulmines, fulminons, fulminez, )
    • vociférer werkwoord (vocifère, vocifères, vociférons, vociférez, )
    • hurler werkwoord (hurle, hurles, hurlons, hurlez, )
    • gronder werkwoord (gronde, grondes, grondons, grondez, )
    • insulter werkwoord (insulte, insultes, insultons, insultez, )
    • bouillonner werkwoord (bouillonne, bouillonnes, bouillonnons, bouillonnez, )
    • injurier werkwoord (injurie, injuries, injurions, injuriez, )
    • mugir werkwoord (mugis, mugit, mugissons, mugissez, )
    • s'emporter werkwoord
    • faire rage werkwoord
    • râler contre werkwoord
    • crier fort werkwoord
    • faire du tapage werkwoord
    • tonner contre werkwoord
    • lâcher des jurons werkwoord
  7. to scream (squeal; shriek; yell; screech)
    glapir; hurler; crier; mugir
    • glapir werkwoord (glapis, glapit, glapissons, glapissez, )
    • hurler werkwoord (hurle, hurles, hurlons, hurlez, )
    • crier werkwoord (crie, cries, crions, criez, )
    • mugir werkwoord (mugis, mugit, mugissons, mugissez, )

Conjugations for scream:

  1. scream
  2. scream
  3. screams
  4. scream
  5. scream
  6. scream
simple past
  1. screamed
  2. screamed
  3. screamed
  4. screamed
  5. screamed
  6. screamed
present perfect
  1. have screamed
  2. have screamed
  3. has screamed
  4. have screamed
  5. have screamed
  6. have screamed
past continuous
  1. was screaming
  2. were screaming
  3. was screaming
  4. were screaming
  5. were screaming
  6. were screaming
  1. shall scream
  2. will scream
  3. will scream
  4. shall scream
  5. will scream
  6. will scream
continuous present
  1. am screaming
  2. are screaming
  3. is screaming
  4. are screaming
  5. are screaming
  6. are screaming
  1. be screamed
  2. be screamed
  3. be screamed
  4. be screamed
  5. be screamed
  6. be screamed
  1. scream!
  2. let's scream!
  3. screamed
  4. screaming
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

scream [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the scream (exclamation; squeal; yell; )
    le cri; l'exclamation; l'hurlement
  2. the scream (howler; oversight; hoot; )
    la faute; la bévue; la gaffe; la méprise; le coup manqué; l'erreur; le défaut; l'errance; le lapsus; l'égarement
    • faute [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • bévue [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • gaffe [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • méprise [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • coup manqué [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • erreur [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • défaut [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • errance [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • lapsus [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • égarement [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor scream:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
bévue blunder; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blooper; blunder; blundering; enormity; error; failure; fault; flaw; incorrectness; miscalculation; miss; mistake; oversight; slip; slipping; stumbling
coup manqué blunder; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blunder; error; failure; fault; flaw; incorrectness; miscalculation; miss; mistake; oversight; slip
cri cry; exclamation; scream; screech; shriek; squeal; whoop; yell battle cry; calling; slogan; war cry; whoop; yell
défaut blunder; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; mistake; oversight; scream; slip absence; blank; blunder; defect; deficiency; deficit; disability; error; failing; failure; fault; feebleness; flaw; gap; handicap; hiatus; immorality; impediment; imperfection; incorrectness; insufficiency; lack; lacuna; machine defect; mistake; oversight; shortage; shortcoming; shortfall; sin; slip; vice; void; want; weakness
errance blunder; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blunder; defect; error; fault; flaw; hike; incorrectness; mistake; oversight; ramble; slip; wandering
erreur blunder; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blunder; defect; error; failure; fault; flaw; incorrectness; miscalculation; miss; mistake; oversight; slip
exclamation cry; exclamation; scream; screech; shriek; squeal; whoop; yell
faute blunder; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blunder; defect; error; failure; fault; flaw; incorrectness; miscalculation; miss; mistake; oversight; slip
gaffe blunder; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blooper; blunder; blundering; boat hook; boathook; enormity; error; fault; flaw; incorrectness; mistake; oversight; punting-pole; slip; slipping
hurlement cry; exclamation; scream; screech; shriek; squeal; whoop; yell battle cry; cries of murder; cry of murder; howling; howling of the wind; name-calling; roaring; slogan; war cry; whoop; yell; yelling
lapsus blunder; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blunder; error; failure; fault; flaw; incorrectness; miscalculation; miss; mistake; oversight; slip; slip of the tongue; slips; slips of the pen; slips of the tongue; writing errors
méprise blunder; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blunder; error; failure; fault; flaw; incorrectness; miscalculation; miss; mistake; oversight; slip
égarement blunder; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; mistake; oversight; scream; slip aberration; astonishment; bewilderment; blunder; confusion; digression; disorder; error; fault; flaw; folly; incorrectness; infatuation; mistake; oversight; perplexedness; perplexity; puzzlement; slip; standing agape; stay speechless; straying; stupidity; wandering
- belly laugh; howler; riot; screaming; screech; screeching; shriek; shrieking; sidesplitter; thigh-slapper; wow
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
bouillonner bawl; be furious; bellow; cry out; let someone have it; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; roar; scream; shout; shriek; storm; thunder; yell bubble up; rise
brailler bellow; cry out; roar; scream; shout; shriek; yell bellow; blare; bleat; clatter; cry; let on; rant; roar; shout; shriek; squall; squeal; tell tales
braire cry; scream; screech; shriek; squawk; yell bray
bêler bellow; cry out; roar; scream; shout; shriek; yell bellow; bleat; gasp; roar; sob
criailler cry; scream; screech; shriek; squawk; yell cry; cry out; let on; shout; shout out loud; shriek; squeal; tell tales
crier bellow; cry; cry out; roar; scream; screech; shout; shriek; squawk; squeal; yell bellow; call; call out to; chalk; crow; cry; cry out; cry out to; hail; howl; let on; roar; shout; shout out loud; shriek; speak; squeal; tell tales; whine; yell
crier fort bark; bawl; be furious; bellow; boom; cry; cry out; let someone have it; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; roar; scream; shout; shriek; storm; thunder; yell
faire du tapage bawl; be furious; let someone have it; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; scream; storm; thunder; yell bawl; grumble; let someone have it; rage; rant; talk smut; use obscene language; yell
faire rage bawl; be furious; bellow; cry out; let someone have it; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; roar; scream; shout; shriek; storm; thunder; yell bawl; be furious; go off the deep end; grumble; let someone have it; rage; rant; rave; storm; talk smut; thunder; to be furious; use obscene language; yell
fulminer bawl; be furious; bellow; cry; cry out; let someone have it; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; roar; scream; screech; shout; shriek; squawk; storm; thunder; yell bawl; be furious; curse; go off the deep end; grumble; let someone have it; rage; rant; rave; storm; swear; talk smut; thunder; to be furious; use obscene language; yell
glapir scream; screech; shriek; squeal; yell bark; cry; groan; howl; let on; moan; scream with laughter; shout; shriek; squeal; tell tales; weep; whine; yell
gronder bawl; be furious; bellow; cry out; let someone have it; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; roar; scream; shout; shriek; storm; thunder; yell bang; bear a grudge; bear malice; bellyache; blame; blame someone of; boom; chanter; chide; complain; crack; discredit; gripe; grouse; growl; grumble; harbour a grudge; pop; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach; reprove; rumble; snarl; splash; stew
gueuler bellow; cry; cry out; roar; scream; screech; shout; shriek; squawk; yell bellow; roar
hurler bawl; be furious; bellow; cry; cry out; let someone have it; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; roar; scream; screech; shout; shriek; squawk; squeal; storm; thunder; yell bawl; bellow; cry; cry out; gasp; grumble; howl; let on; rage; roar; scream with laughter; shout; shout out loud; shriek; sob; squeal; storm; tell tales; thunder; whine; yell
injurier bawl; be furious; rage; rant; rave; scream; storm; thunder; yell abuse; ache; aggrieve; bawl; bruise; call names; call someone names; contuse; curse; damage; go off the deep end; grumble; harm; hurt; injure; jeer; jeer at; rage; rave; scoff at; storm; swear; taunt; thunder; to be furious; wound
insulter bawl; be furious; rage; rant; rave; scream; storm; thunder; yell abuse; aggrieve; bawl; call names; call someone names; curse; defamate; go off the deep end; grumble; hurt; hurt someone's feelings; insult; jeer at; offend; rage; rail at; rave; revile; scoff; scoff at; scold; slander; sneer; storm; swear; taunt; thunder; to be furious
japper bellow; cry out; roar; scream; shout; shriek; yell bark; squeal
lâcher des jurons bawl; be furious; let someone have it; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; scream; storm; thunder; yell curse; swear
mugir bawl; be furious; bellow; cry out; let someone have it; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; roar; scream; screech; shout; shriek; squeal; storm; thunder; yell bawl; bray; cry; grumble; howl; let on; low; moo; shout; shriek; squeal; tell tales; whine; yell
râler contre bawl; be furious; let someone have it; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; scream; storm; thunder; yell bawl; call someone names; go off the deep end; grumble; let someone have it; rage; rant; rave; storm; talk smut; thunder; to be furious; use obscene language; yell
s'emporter bawl; be furious; let someone have it; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; scream; storm; thunder; yell fly up
se déchaîner bellow; cry out; roar; scream; shout; shriek; yell
se déchaîner contre bawl; be furious; let someone have it; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; scream; storm; thunder; yell
se fâcher tout rouge bawl; be furious; let someone have it; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; scream; storm; thunder; yell
tempéter cry; scream; screech; shriek; squawk; yell
tempêter bark; bawl; be furious; bellow; boom; cry; cry out; let someone have it; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; roar; scream; shout; shriek; storm; thunder; yell be furious; blowing a gale; blowing hard; curse; go off the deep end; rage; rave; storm; storming; swear; thunder; to be furious
tonner bark; bawl; bellow; boom; cry; cry out; rage; rant; roar; scream; shout; shriek; yell bang; boom; crack; pop; rage; storm; thunder
tonner contre bark; bawl; be furious; bellow; boom; cry; cry out; let someone have it; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; roar; scream; shout; shriek; storm; thunder; yell
tousser fort bellow; cry out; roar; scream; shout; shriek; yell
vociférer bawl; be furious; bellow; cry out; rage; rant; rave; roar; scream; shout; shriek; storm; thunder; yell bawl; be furious; curse; go off the deep end; grumble; rage; rave; storm; swear; thunder; to be furious
- call; cry; holler; hollo; shout; shout out; squall; yell
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- outcry; shriek; yell

Verwante woorden van "scream":

Synoniemen voor "scream":

Verwante definities voor "scream":

  1. a joke that seems extremely funny1
  2. sharp piercing cry1
  3. a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry1
    • he heard the scream of the brakes1
  4. utter or declare in a very loud voice1
  5. utter a sudden loud cry1
  6. make a loud, piercing sound1
    • Fighter planes are screaming through the skies1

Wiktionary: scream

  1. loud exclamation
    • screamcri
  1. to make the sound of a scream
  1. Action du paon qui crie
  2. jeter un ou plusieurs cris.
  1. son perçant ou puissant émis par la voix d'un être humain ou d’un animal.

Cross Translation:
scream pousser des cris perçants gillen — een harde schelle ongearticuleerde uitroep slaken
scream cri perçant gil — een harde schelle ongearticuleerde uitroep
scream crier kreischen — einen Schrei mit lauter, hoch Stimme ausstoßen
scream crier schreien — einen plötzlichen, lauten Ruf ausstoßen (zum Beispiel Schmerzschrei)

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