
Uitgebreide vertaling voor renowned (Engels) in het Frans


renowned bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. renowned (acknowledged; well-established; recognized; )
    reconnu; renommé; distingué; célèbre; fameux; illustre
  2. renowned (famous; celebrated; far-famed; noted)
    fameux; célèbre; renommé; illustre
  3. renowned (distinguished; illustrious; stately; )
    distingué; vénérable; solennel; solennellement; noble; respecté; illustre; dignement; d'importance; d'un rang élevé
  4. renowned (world-famous)
  5. renowned (glorious; illustrious; blessed; divine)
    sacré; glorifié; glorieux; glorieusement; saint; saintement
  6. renowned (famous; fabulous)
    fameux; célèbre; renommé

Vertaal Matrix voor renowned:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
saint holy person; pious person; saint
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- celebrated; famed; famous; far-famed; illustrious; notable; noted
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- celebrated; famous; farfamed; illustrious
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
célèbre acknowledged; celebrated; fabulous; famous; far-famed; noted; recognised; recognized; renowned; well known; well-established familiar; famous; generally known; glorious; illustrious; notorious; popular; very well known
d'importance distinguished; high ranking; illustrious; noteworthy; renowned; stately; weighty considerable; considerably; eminent; forceful; generously; high-placed; high-ranking; high-seated; highly placed; highranking; important; leading; major; prominent; robust; significant; sizable; substantial; tough; venerable
d'un rang élevé distinguished; high ranking; illustrious; noteworthy; renowned; stately; weighty eminent; high-placed; high-ranking; high-seated; highly placed; highranking; leading; prominent; venerable
d'une réputation mondiale renowned; world-famous
dignement distinguished; high ranking; illustrious; noteworthy; renowned; stately; weighty aristocratic; ceremonious; dignified; distinguished; eminent; grand; high-bred; lofty; majestic; majestically; pompous; prominent; solemn; solemnly; stately
distingué acknowledged; distinguished; high ranking; illustrious; noted; noteworthy; recognised; recognized; renowned; stately; weighty; well known; well-established aesthetic; aristocratic; ceremonious; classical; classy; dignified; distinguished; elegant; eminent; esthetic; glamorous; glamourous; graceful; grand; high-bred; in good style; in good taste; lofty; majestic; majestically; pompous; prominent; refined; smart; solemn; solemnly; sophisticated; stately; stylish; tasteful
fameux acknowledged; celebrated; fabulous; famous; far-famed; noted; recognised; recognized; renowned; well known; well-established enormous; familiar; famous; glorious; illustrious; immense; much talked-of; much-discussed; popular; tremendous
glorieusement blessed; divine; glorious; illustrious; renowned beautiful; brilliant; delightful; famous; fanciful; glistening; glittering; glorious; great; marvellous; marvelous; sparkling; splendid; wonderful
glorieux blessed; divine; glorious; illustrious; renowned beautiful; brilliant; dazzling; delightful; exquisite; famous; fanciful; glistening; glittering; glorious; great; haughty; lofty; magnificent; marvellous; marvelous; proud; sparkling; splendid; vigorous; wonderful
glorifié blessed; divine; glorious; illustrious; renowned
illustre acknowledged; celebrated; distinguished; famous; far-famed; high ranking; illustrious; noted; noteworthy; recognised; recognized; renowned; stately; weighty; well known; well-established aristocratic; distinguished; eminent; esteemed; familiar; glorious; grand; high-bred; illustrious; lofty; majestic; majestically; pompous; popular; prominent; respected; solemnly; valued
noble distinguished; high ranking; illustrious; noteworthy; renowned; stately; weighty aristocratic; elevated; exalted; generous; highborn; highbred; lofty; magnanimous; noble; noble minded; stately; sublime; uplifting
reconnu acknowledged; noted; recognised; recognized; renowned; well known; well-established
renommé acknowledged; celebrated; fabulous; famous; far-famed; noted; recognised; recognized; renowned; well known; well-established familiar; popular; reappointed
respecté distinguished; high ranking; illustrious; noteworthy; renowned; stately; weighty esteemed; respected; valued
sacré blessed; divine; glorious; illustrious; renowned blast; by gum; concerning herdsmen; consecrated; damn it; darned; dash it; holy; sacred; sacrosanct
saint blessed; divine; glorious; illustrious; renowned concerning herdsmen; consecrated; holy; sacred; sacrosanct
saintement blessed; divine; glorious; illustrious; renowned consecrated; holy; sacred; sacrosanct
solennel distinguished; high ranking; illustrious; noteworthy; renowned; stately; weighty according to protocol; ceremonial; ceremonious; solemn; stately
solennellement distinguished; high ranking; illustrious; noteworthy; renowned; stately; weighty aristocratic; ceremonious; distinguished; eminent; grand; high-bred; lofty; majestic; majestically; pompous; prominent; solemn; solemnly; stately
vénérable distinguished; high ranking; illustrious; noteworthy; renowned; stately; weighty ceremonious; eminent; estimable; high-placed; high-ranking; high-seated; highly placed; highranking; honorable; honourable; leading; prominent; respectable; solemn; stately; venerable

Verwante woorden van "renowned":

Synoniemen voor "renowned":

Verwante definities voor "renowned":

  1. widely known and esteemed1
    • a renowned painter1

Wiktionary: renowned

  1. famous
Cross Translation:
renowned fameux; célèbre berühmtprominent, in der Öffentlichkeit bekannt und meist angesehen
renowned renommé; renommée renommiert — einen guten Namen habend, einen guten Ruf habend

renowned vorm van renown:

renown [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the renown (reputation; distinction; rank; standing)
    la réputation; la notoriété; la considération; la renommée; le prestige
  2. the renown (celebrity; popularity; fame; hip; glory)
    la popularité; la célébrité; le renom

Vertaal Matrix voor renown:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
considération distinction; rank; renown; reputation; standing adoration; appreciation; awe; consideration; considered opinion; considering; contemplation; deference; deliberation; esteem; estimation; ground; meditation; observance; pondering; prestige; reflection; reflexion; regard; respect; respectability; reverence; status; think it over; thought; veneration; worship
célébrité celebrity; fame; glory; hip; popularity; renown celebrity; fame; famous person; glory; name; popularity; reputation
notoriété distinction; rank; renown; reputation; standing fame; name; publicity; reputation; respectability
popularité celebrity; fame; glory; hip; popularity; renown celebrity; fame; glory; name; popularity; reputation
prestige distinction; rank; renown; reputation; standing fame; grandeur; grandiosity; haughtiness; impressiveness; majesty; name; prestige; pride; reputation; respectability; status
renom celebrity; fame; glory; hip; popularity; renown celebrity; fame; glory; name; popularity; reputation
renommée distinction; rank; renown; reputation; standing brand awareness; celebrity; fame; glory; popularity
réputation distinction; rank; renown; reputation; standing fame; honor; honour; name; pride; reputation; reputations; respectability; sense of honour
- celebrity; fame
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- fame

Verwante woorden van "renown":

Synoniemen voor "renown":

Antoniemen van "renown":

Verwante definities voor "renown":

  1. the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed1

Wiktionary: renown

  1. Fame or wide recognition
  1. La renommée brillante, universelle et durable, l’éclat que les vertus, le mérite, les grandes qualités, les grandes actions ou les grandes œuvres attirer à quelqu’un.
  2. réputation ; opinion que le public a d’une personne, d’une chose.
  3. renom, réputation.

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