
Uitgebreide vertaling voor rashness (Engels) in het Frans


rashness [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the rashness (thougtlessness; inconsiderateness)
    l'imprudence; l'inconsidération; l'irréflexion; le caractère irréfléchi
  2. the rashness
    la légèreté
  3. the rashness (prematureness)
    la précipitation; la prématurité
  4. the rashness (recklessness; reckless dead)
    l'étourderie; le caractère imprudent

Vertaal Matrix voor rashness:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
caractère imprudent rashness; reckless dead; recklessness
caractère irréfléchi inconsiderateness; rashness; thougtlessness indiscretion
imprudence inconsiderateness; rashness; thougtlessness cheerfulness; flightiness; frivolity; frivolousness; lightheartedness; shallowness; superficiality; volatility
inconsidération inconsiderateness; rashness; thougtlessness
irréflexion inconsiderateness; rashness; thougtlessness absent-mindedness; lack of thought; thoughtlessness
légèreté rashness airiness; cheerfulness; flightiness; frivolity; frivolousness; light heartedness; lightheartedness; lightness; shallowness; superficiality; vanity; volatility
précipitation prematureness; rashness accelerating; agitation; arousal; at a breakneck speed; haste; hastening; hastiness; hurry; hurrying; infernal speed; overhaste; precipitation; quickness; rapidity; rush; speed; speeding up; stress; tempo; urgency; velocity
prématurité prematureness; rashness
étourderie rashness; reckless dead; recklessness recklessness
- foolhardiness; heedlessness; mindlessness; recklessness

Verwante woorden van "rashness":

Synoniemen voor "rashness":

Verwante definities voor "rashness":

  1. the trait of giving little thought to danger1
  2. the trait of acting rashly and without prudence1

rashness vorm van rash:

rash bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. rash (unthinkingly)
    gratuit; irréflêchi; arbitraire; sans réfléchir
  2. rash (premature; hasty)
    prématuré; précipitamment; prématurément; irréfléchi; inconsidéré; précipité
  3. rash (thoughtless; unthinking)
    inconsidéré; irréfléchi; sans réfléchir
  4. rash (thoughtless; heedless; careless)
    nonchalamment; sans réfléchir; distrait; insouciant; négligant; distraitement
  5. rash (thoughtless; inconsiderate; reckless; overconfident)
    inconsidéré; irréfléchi; témérairement; audacieux; précipité; imprudent; téméraire; prématuré; précipitamment; fougueux; prématurément; fougueuse; audacieusement; imprudemment; sans réfléchir; avec témérité
  6. rash (audacious; presumptuous; overconfident; )
    audacieusement; audacieux; t; téméraire; osé; hardi; risqué; hardiment; avec audace
  7. rash (light-headed; reckless; foolhardy)
    imprudemment; imprudent; étourdi; frivole
  8. rash (scatterbrained)

rash [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the rash (eczema; skin allergy)
    • eczéma [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the rash (prurigo; barber's itch)
    le prurigo
    • prurigo [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  3. the rash (barber's itch; prurigo; tinea barbae)
    le sycosis
    • sycosis [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor rash:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
arbitraire arbitrariness
eczéma eczema; rash; skin allergy skin eruption
prurigo barber's itch; prurigo; rash skin eruption
sycosis barber's itch; prurigo; rash; tinea barbae skin eruption
téméraire daredevil
- blizzard; efflorescence; roseola; skin rash
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- foolhardy; heady; reckless
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- hasty; over-hastly; overbold; unreflecting
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
arbitraire rash; unthinkingly arbitrary; capricious; high-handed; indiscriminate; random; self-opinionated; self-willed; whimsical
audacieusement audacious; daring; foolhardy; inconsiderate; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; temerarious; thoughtless audacious; bold; candid; daredevil; daring; dashing; dauntless; fearless; foolhardy; frank; manful; reckless; unabashed; undaunted; uninhibited
audacieux audacious; daring; foolhardy; inconsiderate; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; temerarious; thoughtless audacious; bold; candid; daredevil; daring; dashing; dauntless; fearless; foolhardy; frank; manful; reckless; unabashed; undaunted; uninhibited
avec audace audacious; daring; foolhardy; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; temerarious
avec témérité inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless daredevil; foolhardy; reckless
ayant la tête tournante rash; scatterbrained
ayant le vertige rash; scatterbrained
distrait careless; heedless; rash; thoughtless empty-headed; thoughtless
distraitement careless; heedless; rash; thoughtless
fougueuse inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless
fougueux inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless ardent; boisterousness; fervent; fierce; furious; hot-blooded; hot-tempered; impassioned; intense; keen; passionate; temperamental; temperamentful; tempestuous; uncontrolled
frivole foolhardy; light-headed; rash; reckless carefree; careless; easy; flighty; flippant; frivolous; gay; light; light-hearted; light-spirited; lighthearted; shallow; unconcerned
gratuit rash; unthinkingly for free; free; free of charge; gratis; gratuitous
hardi audacious; daring; foolhardy; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; temerarious audacious; bold; brave; brisk; candid; courageous; daredevil; daring; dashing; dauntless; fearless; firm; foolhardy; frank; heroic; heroical; liberal; manful; open-minded; outspoken; reckless; resolute; unabashed; undaunted; unprejudiced; valiant
hardiment audacious; daring; foolhardy; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; temerarious agile; agitated; aroused; audacious; bold; brave; courageous; daring; dashing; dauntless; excited; fearless; fluttered; heated; heroic; heroical; manful; unabashed; undaunted; valiant
imprudemment foolhardy; inconsiderate; light-headed; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless daredevil; foolhardy; reckless
imprudent foolhardy; inconsiderate; light-headed; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless daredevil; dumb; foolhardy; foolish; irrational; mindless; not sensible; reckless; senseless; stupid
inconsidéré hasty; inconsiderate; overconfident; premature; rash; reckless; thoughtless; unthinking careless; imprudent; inconsiderate; premature; prematurely; reckless; untimely; without thinking
insouciant careless; heedless; rash; thoughtless carefree; careless; daredevil; easy; foolhardy; light-spirited; lighthearted; reckless; unconcerned
irréfléchi hasty; inconsiderate; overconfident; premature; rash; reckless; thoughtless; unthinking careless; imprudent; inconsiderate; irrational; premature; prematurely; reckless; thoughtless; untimely; without thinking
irréflêchi rash; unthinkingly
nonchalamment careless; heedless; rash; thoughtless casual; inattentive; informal; negligent
négligant careless; heedless; rash; thoughtless
osé audacious; daring; foolhardy; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; temerarious daring; racy
précipitamment hasty; inconsiderate; overconfident; premature; rash; reckless; thoughtless abrupt; adroit; agile; agitated; all at once; all of a sudden; at once; blunt; brisk; brusque; clever; dexterous; expert; fast; fledged; fluttered; handy; hastily; hasty; head over heels; headlong; hunted; hurried; hurriedly; in a haste; in a hurry; in a rush; in haste; neat; nervous; nimble; out of the blue; quick; rapid; skilful; skillful; speedy; sudden; suddenly; swift; unexpectedly
précipité hasty; inconsiderate; overconfident; premature; rash; reckless; thoughtless accelerated; agitated; fluttered; hastily; hasty; hunted; hurried; hurriedly; in a haste; in a hurry; in haste; nervous; premature; prematurely; untimely
prématuré hasty; inconsiderate; overconfident; premature; rash; reckless; thoughtless early; precocious; premature; prematurely; timely; untimely
prématurément hasty; inconsiderate; overconfident; premature; rash; reckless; thoughtless premature; prematurely; untimely
risqué audacious; daring; foolhardy; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; temerarious dangerous; daring; deceptive; hazardous; perilous; racy; risky; unsafe
sans réfléchir careless; heedless; inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless; unthinking; unthinkingly careless; imprudent; inconsiderate; premature; prematurely; reckless; thoughtless; untimely; without thinking
t audacious; daring; foolhardy; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; temerarious
téméraire audacious; daring; foolhardy; inconsiderate; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; temerarious; thoughtless bold; brave; courageous; daredevil; daring; dauntless; fearless; foolhardy; heroic; heroical; intrepid; overexcited; presumptuous; reckless; undaunted; valiant; without fear
témérairement inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless bold; daredevil; foolhardy; reckless
étourdi foolhardy; light-headed; rash; reckless amazed; astonished; blank; dazed; dizzy; dopey; dozy; drowsy; dull; dumb; flabbergasted; frivolous; fuzzy; inarticulate; intoxicated; light; mindless; muzzy; numb; sleepy; soporific; speechless; staggered; stunned; stupefied; thoughtless; under the influence

Verwante woorden van "rash":

Synoniemen voor "rash":

Verwante definities voor "rash":

  1. marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences1
    • a rash attempt to climb Mount Everest1
  2. imprudently incurring risk1
    • do something rash that he will forever repent1
  3. a series of unexpected and unpleasant occurrences1
    • a rash of bank robberies1
  4. any red eruption of the skin1

Wiktionary: rash

  1. hasty
  1. of skin
  2. surge in problems
  1. Inflammation douloureuse
  2. Personne téméraire.
  3. Poussée de taches, de boutons sur la peau
  1. Qui agit sans réflexion.

Cross Translation:
rash éruption; éruption cutanée AusschlagMedizin: Symptom einer Hauterkrankung
rash rash; éruption cutanée eruptie — plotselinge huiduitslag

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