
Uitgebreide vertaling voor permitted (Engels) in het Frans


permitted vorm van permit:

to permit werkwoord (permits, permitted, permitting)

  1. to permit (allow; concede; grant; )
    laisser; permettre; consentir à; agréer; consentir; approuver; concéder; tolérer; admettre; déclarer bon
    • laisser werkwoord (laisse, laisses, laissons, laissez, )
    • permettre werkwoord (permets, permet, permettons, permettez, )
    • consentir à werkwoord
    • agréer werkwoord (agrée, agrées, agréons, agréez, )
    • consentir werkwoord (consens, consent, consentons, consentez, )
    • approuver werkwoord (approuve, approuves, approuvons, approuvez, )
    • concéder werkwoord (concède, concèdes, concédons, concédez, )
    • tolérer werkwoord (tolère, tolères, tolérons, tolérez, )
    • admettre werkwoord (admets, admet, admettons, admettez, )
    • déclarer bon werkwoord
  2. to permit (allow)
    permettre; consentir
    • permettre werkwoord (permets, permet, permettons, permettez, )
    • consentir werkwoord (consens, consent, consentons, consentez, )
  3. to permit (allow; agree; accept)
    permettre; accorder; consentir; autoriser; concéder
    • permettre werkwoord (permets, permet, permettons, permettez, )
    • accorder werkwoord (accorde, accordes, accordons, accordez, )
    • consentir werkwoord (consens, consent, consentons, consentez, )
    • autoriser werkwoord (autorise, autorises, autorisons, autorisez, )
    • concéder werkwoord (concède, concèdes, concédons, concédez, )
  4. to permit (grant; authorize; authorise)
    accorder; octroyer; permettre; consentir; consentir à; autoriser
    • accorder werkwoord (accorde, accordes, accordons, accordez, )
    • octroyer werkwoord (octroie, octroies, octroyons, octroyez, )
    • permettre werkwoord (permets, permet, permettons, permettez, )
    • consentir werkwoord (consens, consent, consentons, consentez, )
    • consentir à werkwoord
    • autoriser werkwoord (autorise, autorises, autorisons, autorisez, )
  5. to permit (give one's fiat to; authorize; validate; )
    approuver; consentir; donner le feu vert à; autoriser; déclarer bon; permettre
    • approuver werkwoord (approuve, approuves, approuvons, approuvez, )
    • consentir werkwoord (consens, consent, consentons, consentez, )
    • autoriser werkwoord (autorise, autorises, autorisons, autorisez, )
    • déclarer bon werkwoord
    • permettre werkwoord (permets, permet, permettons, permettez, )
  6. to permit (agree with; concede; grant; )
    accorder; consentir; acquiescer; être d'accord avec
    • accorder werkwoord (accorde, accordes, accordons, accordez, )
    • consentir werkwoord (consens, consent, consentons, consentez, )
    • acquiescer werkwoord (acquiesce, acquiesces, acquiesçons, acquiescez, )
  7. to permit (authorize; allow; authorise; tolerate)
    permettre; autoriser; accorder; agréer; octroyer; reconnaître; attribuer; admettre; consentir; tolérer; adjuger; consentir à
    • permettre werkwoord (permets, permet, permettons, permettez, )
    • autoriser werkwoord (autorise, autorises, autorisons, autorisez, )
    • accorder werkwoord (accorde, accordes, accordons, accordez, )
    • agréer werkwoord (agrée, agrées, agréons, agréez, )
    • octroyer werkwoord (octroie, octroies, octroyons, octroyez, )
    • reconnaître werkwoord (reconnais, reconnaît, reconnaissons, reconnaissez, )
    • attribuer werkwoord (attribue, attribues, attribuons, attribuez, )
    • admettre werkwoord (admets, admet, admettons, admettez, )
    • consentir werkwoord (consens, consent, consentons, consentez, )
    • tolérer werkwoord (tolère, tolères, tolérons, tolérez, )
    • adjuger werkwoord (adjuge, adjuges, adjugeons, adjugez, )
    • consentir à werkwoord
  8. to permit (enable; make possible)
    • permettre werkwoord (permets, permet, permettons, permettez, )

Conjugations for permit:

  1. permit
  2. permit
  3. permits
  4. permit
  5. permit
  6. permit
simple past
  1. permitted
  2. permitted
  3. permitted
  4. permitted
  5. permitted
  6. permitted
present perfect
  1. have permitted
  2. have permitted
  3. has permitted
  4. have permitted
  5. have permitted
  6. have permitted
past continuous
  1. was permitting
  2. were permitting
  3. was permitting
  4. were permitting
  5. were permitting
  6. were permitting
  1. shall permit
  2. will permit
  3. will permit
  4. shall permit
  5. will permit
  6. will permit
continuous present
  1. am permitting
  2. are permitting
  3. is permitting
  4. are permitting
  5. are permitting
  6. are permitting
  1. be permitted
  2. be permitted
  3. be permitted
  4. be permitted
  5. be permitted
  6. be permitted
  1. permit!
  2. let's permit!
  3. permitted
  4. permitting
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

permit [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the permit (permission; licence; allowance; license)
    la licence de débit de boissons; l'autorisation; la licence; la permission; la concession de boissons; le permis; le débit; la carte blanche; la licence d'exploitation d'un débit de boissons
  2. the permit (pass-port; pass)
    le passeport; le permis
    • passeport [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • permis [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  3. the permit (entry permit; ticket; pass)
    le ticket; le billet; le laissez-passez; la carte; le permis; le ticket d'entrée; le billet d'entrée; la carte d'entrée
  4. the permit (safe-conduct; licence; safeguard; license)
    la carte blanche; le laisser-passer; le permis; l'autorisation
  5. the permit (i.d. card; pass)
    la carte de membres; le ticket; la carte d'identité; le ticket d'entrée; la carte d'entrée; la carte d'abonnée
  6. the permit (consignment note; transit bill; way bill)
    la lettre de voiture; le laissez-passer
  7. the permit
    le laissez-passer
  8. the permit (safe-conduct; safeguard; licence; license)
    le sauf-conduit

Vertaal Matrix voor permit:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
autorisation allowance; licence; license; permission; permit; safe-conduct; safeguard acceptance; access; admission; admittance; agreement; allowance; approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; authorization form; consent; fiat; form of proxy; granting; instructions; licence; license; mandate; permission; power; power of attorney; warrant
billet entry permit; pass; permit; ticket allegation; banknote; chit; fare; folding money; note; note of remittance; paper money; railway-ticket; receipt; remittance-note; scrawl; scribble; scribbling; short letter; slip of paper; streetcar ticket; ticket; train ticket; tram ticket; travelling ticket
billet d'entrée entry permit; pass; permit; ticket
carte entry permit; pass; permit; ticket card; carte; map; menu; menu card; mountain pass; pass; picture postcard; playing card
carte blanche allowance; licence; license; permission; permit; safe-conduct; safeguard authority; full powers; instructions; licence; license; mandate
carte d'abonnée i.d. card; pass; permit
carte d'entrée entry permit; i.d. card; pass; permit; ticket
carte d'identité i.d. card; pass; permit I.D.; ID; identification; identification card; passport
carte de membres i.d. card; pass; permit
concession de boissons allowance; licence; license; permission; permit liquor permit; liquor-licence; spirit license
débit allowance; licence; license; permission; permit bank debt; debit; deficit; lecture; overdraft; speaking engagements; throughput
laisser-passer licence; license; permit; safe-conduct; safeguard
laissez-passer consignment note; permit; transit bill; way bill
laissez-passez entry permit; pass; permit; ticket
lettre de voiture consignment note; permit; transit bill; way bill
licence allowance; licence; license; permission; permit brevet; certificate; debauchery; dissipation; licence; licence law; license; licentiousness
licence d'exploitation d'un débit de boissons allowance; licence; license; permission; permit liquor permit; liquor-licence; spirit license
licence de débit de boissons allowance; licence; license; permission; permit licence to sell spirits; liquor permit; liquor-licence; spirit license
passeport pass; pass-port; permit mountain pass; pass; passport
permis allowance; entry permit; licence; license; pass; pass-port; permission; permit; safe-conduct; safeguard; ticket licence; license
permission allowance; licence; license; permission; permit acceptance; access; admission; admittance; agreement; allowance; approval; authorisation; authority; authorization; consent; day off; fiat; floating day; furlough; granting; leave; leave-pass; licence; license; mandate; mountain pass; pass; permission; power; power of attorney; sabbatical; study leave; vacation
sauf-conduit licence; license; permit; safe-conduct; safeguard
ticket entry permit; i.d. card; pass; permit; ticket coupon; deposit voucher; receipt; token; voucher
ticket d'entrée entry permit; i.d. card; pass; permit; ticket
- Trachinotus falcatus; licence; license; permission
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
accorder accept; agree; agree with; allow; authorise; authorize; concede; give in; grant; permit; tolerate; yield adjust; agree on; allocate; allot; allow; arrange; assign; award; bestow on; cede; comply with; confer; donate; give; grant; reconcile; synchronise; synchronize; tune in; yield
acquiescer agree with; allow; concede; give in; grant; permit; yield agree to; allow; assent to; consent to
adjuger allow; authorise; authorize; permit; tolerate
admettre admit; allow; authorise; authorize; concede; give one's fiat to; grant; permit; submit to; tolerate abide; accede; accept; admit; admit the truth; allow; confess; deliver; draw new members; give in; hand over; let in; recruit; surrender; take; take on; take possession of; tolerate
agréer admit; allow; authorise; authorize; concede; give one's fiat to; grant; permit; submit to; tolerate allow; award; comply with; grant; put up with something
approuver admit; allow; authorise; authorize; concede; confirm; give one's fiat to; grant; permit; sanction; submit to; tolerate; validate accept; acknowledge; agree; agree to; approve; assent to; authorise; authorize; back up; confirm; consent to; endorse; shore; support
attribuer allow; authorise; authorize; permit; tolerate allocate; allot; ascribe; assign; attribute; bestow on; confer; give
autoriser accept; admit; agree; allow; authorise; authorize; confirm; give one's fiat to; grant; permit; sanction; tolerate; validate allow; authorise; authorize; tolerate
concéder accept; admit; agree; allow; authorise; authorize; concede; give one's fiat to; grant; permit; submit to; tolerate allocate; allot; allow; assign; bestow on; cede; confer; give; yield
consentir accept; admit; agree; agree with; allow; authorise; authorize; concede; confirm; give in; give one's fiat to; grant; permit; sanction; submit to; tolerate; validate; yield agree; agree to; agree with; allocate; allot; approve; assent to; assign; authorise; authorize; back up; bestow on; confer; confirm; consent to; correspond to; endorse; fit; give; go to great pains; match; shore; support; take pains; tolerate; try hard
consentir à admit; allow; authorise; authorize; concede; give one's fiat to; grant; permit; submit to; tolerate agree; allow; award; comply with; concur; grant
donner le feu vert à admit; allow; authorise; authorize; confirm; give one's fiat to; permit; sanction; validate
déclarer bon admit; allow; authorise; authorize; concede; confirm; give one's fiat to; grant; permit; sanction; submit to; tolerate; validate
laisser admit; allow; authorise; authorize; concede; give one's fiat to; grant; permit; submit to; tolerate abandon; bequeath; cease; cede; devise; dispose of by will; disregard; dump; give up; ignore; leave behind; let back; let go; let stand; liberate; neglect; omit; release; set at liberty; set free; stop; yield
octroyer allow; authorise; authorize; grant; permit; tolerate learn
permettre accept; admit; agree; allow; authorise; authorize; concede; confirm; enable; give one's fiat to; grant; make possible; permit; sanction; submit to; tolerate; validate agree to; allow; assent to; authorise; authorize; award; comply with; consent to; grant; learn; tolerate
reconnaître allow; authorise; authorize; permit; tolerate accede; admit; admit the truth; contain; explore; get to know; grasp; hold; identify; prospect; realise; realize; recognise; recognize; scan
tolérer admit; allow; authorise; authorize; concede; give one's fiat to; grant; permit; submit to; tolerate allow; bear; endure; learn; stand; sustain; tolerate
être d'accord avec agree with; allow; concede; give in; grant; permit; yield agree; agree to; agree with; approve; back up; concur
- allow; countenance; let; tolerate
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- admit; allow; licence; license
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
permis accepted; admissible; afforded; allowable; permissible; permitted; tolerable; tolerated

Verwante woorden van "permit":

  • permits

Synoniemen voor "permit":

Antoniemen van "permit":

Verwante definities voor "permit":

  1. the act of giving a formal (usually written) authorization1
  2. large game fish; found in waters of the West Indies1
  3. a legal document giving official permission to do something1
  4. consent to, give permission1
    • She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband1
  5. allow the presence of or allow (an activity) without opposing or prohibiting1
    • Children are not permitted beyond this point1
  6. make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen1
    • This permits the water to rush in1
    • This will permit the rain to run off1

Wiktionary: permit

  1. allow (something) to happen
  1. an artifact or document rendering something allowed or legal
  1. recevoir par choix, faveur ou condescendance.
  2. Donner liberté, pouvoir de faire, de dire. (Sens général).

Cross Translation:
permit licence; autorisation vergunning — een officiële (noodzakelijke) toestemming om een bepaalde activiteit uit te voeren
permit permettre erlauben — jemandem die Zustimmung oder die Möglichkeit geben
permit permettre genehmigen — insbesondere von behördlicher Seite erlauben, gestatten, akzeptieren, bewilligen

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