
Uitgebreide vertaling voor mating (Engels) in het Frans


mating [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the mating (intercourse)
    la copulation; le coït
    • copulation [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • coït [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor mating:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
copulation intercourse; mating coitus; sexual intercourse
coït intercourse; mating intercourse; sex; sexual intercourse; sexual relations
- conjugation; coupling; pairing; sexual union; union

Verwante woorden van "mating":

Synoniemen voor "mating":

Verwante definities voor "mating":

  1. the act of pairing a male and female for reproductive purposes1
    • the mating of some species occurs only in the spring1

Wiktionary: mating

  1. pairing of organisms for copulation

mating vorm van mate:

mate [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the mate (pal; friend; buddy; )
    l'amie; le copain; le petit copain; l'ami; le petit ami; le camarade; le pote; la copine
    • amie [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • copain [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • petit copain [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • ami [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • petit ami [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • camarade [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • pote [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • copine [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the mate (companion; partner; chum; pal; friend)
    l'ami; l'accompagnateur; le bon ami; le compagnon; la copine; la bonne amie; le partenaire; l'amie; le camarade; le copain
  3. the mate (friend; companion; business associate; )
    l'ami; le copain; le bien-aimé; le petit ami; l'amie; l'ami intime; le bon ami; le compagnon; la bonne amie; le camarade; le petit copain; la copine; l'associé; la compagne; le direct
  4. the mate (buddy)
    le pote; le copain; l'ami
    • pote [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • copain [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • ami [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  5. the mate (companion; fellow)
    la compagne; le compagnon; le camarade; le partenaire; l'associé; le compagnon de voyage

Vertaal Matrix voor mate:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
accompagnateur chum; companion; friend; mate; pal; partner
ami buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner buddy; kindred spirit; pall; person of the same mind; sympathiser; sympathizer
ami intime buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner buddy; chum; friend; intimate; pal
amie buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner companion; female partner; partner
associé buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner brother-in-arms; company member; comrade; kindred spirit; member of the firm; partner; person of the same mind; supporter; sympathiser; sympathizer
bien-aimé buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner beloved; best friend; bosom friend; buddy; candy; close friend; confidante; darling; dear; dearest; deary; ducky; heart; hearts desire; honey; love; peach; sugar; sweet; sweetest; sweetheart; sweetie; treasure
bon ami buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner buddy
bonne amie buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner companion; female partner; lady-love; partner
camarade buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner buddy; companion; female partner; friend; pal; partner; political associate
compagne buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner companion; consort; female partner; husband; life companion; mistress; partner; spouse; wife
compagnon buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner companion; consort; husband; kindred spirit; life companion; life partner; member of the firm; partner; person of the same mind; spouse; sympathiser; sympathizer
compagnon de voyage companion; fellow; mate co-passenger; co-traveller; fellow passenger; travelling-companion
copain buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner best friend; bosom friend; buddy; close friend; confidante; friend; pal; pall
copine buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner best friend; bosom friend; buddy; close friend; companion; confidante; female partner; partner
direct buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner streetcar ticket; tram ticket
partenaire chum; companion; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner brother-in-arms; companion; comrade; consort; female partner; husband; life companion; member of the firm; mistress; partner; spouse; supporter; wife
petit ami buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner best friend; bosom friend; buddy; close friend; confidante; friend; pal
petit copain buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner best friend; bosom friend; buddy; close friend; confidante
pote buddy; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal
- Ilex paraguariensis; Paraguay tea; better half; checkmate; fellow; first mate; married person; match; partner; spouse; teammate
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- checkmate; copulate; couple; match; pair; twin
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
ami friend
partenaire partner
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- pair; second-in-command
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
ami friendly
bien-aimé affectionate; cherished; dear; dearly beloved; exclusive; favorite; favourite; preferential; private; select; selected
direct at once; before long; blunt; clear; direct; directly; fair; first thing; forthwith; frontal; genuine; honest; immediate; immediately; in a moment; instantly; now; perpendicular; plain; presently; prompt; quick; rapid; right away; right now; serious; shortly; soon; speedy; straight; straight away; straightaway; swift; without delay

Verwante woorden van "mate":

Synoniemen voor "mate":

Verwante definities voor "mate":

  1. a chess move constituting an inescapable and indefensible attack on the opponent's king1
  2. an exact duplicate1
  3. South American tea-like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate1
  4. the officer below the master on a commercial ship1
  5. informal term for a friend of the same sex1
  6. the partner of an animal (especially a sexual partner)1
    • he loved the mare and all her mates1
    • camels hate leaving their mates1
  7. a person's partner in marriage1
  8. a fellow member of a team1
  9. South American holly; leaves used in making a drink like tea1
  10. one of a pair1
    • he lost the mate to his shoe1
  11. place an opponent's king under an attack from which it cannot escape and thus ending the game1
  12. bring two objects, ideas, or people together1
  13. engage in sexual intercourse1
    • Birds mate in the Spring1

Wiktionary: mate

  1. copulate
  1. friend
  1. À trier
  2. Quelqu’un avec qui on est familier
  3. époux, celui qui unir à une autre personne par le lien conjugal.
  1. assortir par paires, par couples, joindre des choses qui se convenir, qui sont faire pour aller ensemble.
  2. Mettre le roi en échec.

Cross Translation:
mate nocher; barreur; homme de barre; timonier stuurman — iemand die een vaartuig bestuurt
mate copain makker — iemand aan wie men door persoonlijke voorkeur verbonden is
mate pote; copain; camarade maat — makker
mate officier Offizier — Vertreter, Träger eines militärischen Rangs (vom Leutnant aufwärts)
mate accoupler paaren — (reflexiv) den Geschlechtsakt ausüben, kopulieren (bei Tieren, bei Menschen: umgangssprachlich, abwertend)


mat bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. mat (dull; misty; frosted)
    mat; terne; sans éclat
  2. mat (drab; grey)
    gris; grisâtre; sombre; blême; mat; terne
    • gris bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • grisâtre bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • sombre bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • blême bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • mat bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • terne bijvoeglijk naamwoord

mat [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the mat (coaster; table-mat; stand)
    le dessous de plat; le dessous de table
  2. the mat (coaster)
    le dessous-de-verre
  3. the mat (table-mat; place-mat)
    le tapis
    • tapis [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

mat werkwoord

  1. mat (quarrel; fight)
    se battre; lutter; se bagarrer; se cogner
    • se battre werkwoord
    • lutter werkwoord (lutte, luttes, luttons, luttez, )
    • se bagarrer werkwoord
    • se cogner werkwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor mat:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
dessous de plat coaster; mat; stand; table-mat
dessous de table coaster; mat; stand; table-mat
dessous-de-verre coaster; mat
tapis mat; place-mat; table-mat carpet; cloth; door-mat; floor covering; grass; grassed surface; rug; rush-bottom; tapestry
- flatness; gym mat; lusterlessness; lustrelessness; matt; matte; matting
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
lutter fight; mat; quarrel combat; fight; keep up the struggle; put up a fight; struggle; wage ware; wrestle
se bagarrer fight; mat; quarrel fight; scrap; scuffle
se battre fight; mat; quarrel combat; fight; keep up the struggle; put up a fight; scrap; scuffle; struggle; wage ware
se cogner fight; mat; quarrel bang into; brush against; bump against; bump into; bump up against; call; collide; crash; fight; ring; scrap; scuffle; tinkle
- entangle; felt; felt up; mat up; matt-up; matte; matte up; snarl; tangle
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- flat; matt; matte; matted
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
blême drab; grey; mat ash grey; ashen; baggy; bland; blank; cheerless; churlish; clear; colorless; colourless; crude; dim; dowdy; drab; drained of colour; dreary; dull; faded; faint; gloomy; grey; grubby; joyless; lurid; malicious; off colour; pale; pallid; plain; sad; sallow; shoddy; slatternly; sloppy; slovenly; unfinished; unvarnished; washed out; white; white as a sheet
gris drab; grey; mat as tight as a drum; ash grey; ashen; baggy; blind drunk; boozed; cheerless; churlish; clear; colorless; colourless; completely drunk; dead drunk; dirty grey; dowdy; drab; dreary; drunk; drunken; dull; gloomy; grey; grey-headed; grubby; half drunk; inebriated; intoxicated; joyless; loaded; malicious; mopish; pale; pissed; rainy; sad; semi drunk; shoddy; slatternly; sloppy; slovenly; soaked; thoroughly plastered; tight; tipsy
grisâtre drab; grey; mat ash grey; ashen; baggy; cheerless; churlish; deadly pale; dirty grey; dowdy; drab; dreary; dull; gloomy; grey; greyish; grubby; joyless; malicious; sad; shoddy; slatternly; sloppy; slovenly
mat drab; dull; frosted; grey; mat; misty dull; dusted; flabbergasted; frosted; lifeless; matt; matted; powdered; speechless; tasteless; tongue-tied; unanimated; unsavory; unsavoury
sans éclat dull; frosted; mat; misty dusted; frosted; matted; powdered
sombre drab; grey; mat cheerless; dark; deathlike; deathly; dismal; distressed; drab; dreary; dull; eccentric; exceptional; extremely; full of worries; gloomy; greatly; grey; highly; joyless; melancholic; moody; morbid; nostalgic; particular; pensive; pessimistic; plaintive; sad; somber; sombre; sorrowful; sorry; special; triste; ultra; unlit; wistful; woeful
terne drab; dull; frosted; grey; mat; misty ash grey; ashen; baggy; bland; boring; cheerless; churlish; dead; deadening; deceased; dim; dopey; dowdy; dozy; drab; drained; dreary; drowsy; dull; dusted; easily; easy; effortless; faded; faint; flabbergasted; frosted; gloomy; grey; grubby; joyless; languid; lifeless; listless; lurid; malicious; matt; matted; mindless; muzzy; not difficult; not hard; pale; passed away; powdered; sad; sallow; shoddy; simple; slatternly; sleepy; sloppy; slovenly; soporific; speechless; spiritless; staggered; stupefied; tasteless; tired; tongue-tied; unanimated; unsavory; unsavoury; washed out; weary

Verwante woorden van "mat":

Synoniemen voor "mat":

Antoniemen van "mat":

Verwante definities voor "mat":

  1. not reflecting light; not glossy1
  2. a thick flat pad used as a floor covering1
  3. sports equipment consisting of a piece of thick padding on the floor for gymnastic sports1
  4. a small pad of material that is used to protect surface from an object placed on it1
  5. mounting consisting of a border or background for a picture1
  6. the property of having little or no contrast; lacking highlights or gloss1
  7. a mass that is densely tangled or interwoven1
    • a mat of weeds and grass1
  8. change texture so as to become matted and felt-like1
  9. twist together or entwine into a confusing mass1

Wiktionary: mat

  1. foot wiping device or floor covering

Cross Translation:
mat tapis MatteSport: eine aus weichem, federndem Material bestehende Unterlage, die mit einem festen Überzug umhüllt ist (zur Dämpfung von Sprüngen beim Turnen, als Fläche für die Kämpfe im Ringen oder dergleichen)
mat natte; matelas; paillasson; tapis; paillet Matte — eine aus grobem Flechtwerk oder Gewebe aus Bast, Binsen, Schilf, Stroh, synthetischen Fasern oder Ähnlichem bestehende Unterlage oder dergleichen

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van mating