
Uitgebreide vertaling voor locals (Engels) in het Frans


locals [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the locals (villagers; village people)
    le villageois; l'habitants du village
  2. the locals
    la population locale

Vertaal Matrix voor locals:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
habitants du village locals; village people; villagers
population locale locals
villageois locals; village people; villagers village community; village people; villager
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
villageois arrogant; impudent; insolent; overbearing; presumptuous; rural; rustic; shameless

Verwante woorden van "locals":

Wiktionary: locals

locals vorm van local:

local bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. local (here and there)
    local; localement; ici et là
  2. local (national; native)
    national; intérieur
  3. local (native; indigenous; innate; )
    aborigène; indigène; du pays; autochtone; inné; congénital

local [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the local (favourite pub; habitual haunt; hangout; favourite café)
    le café habituel
  2. the local (native; inlander)
    l'aborigène; l'indigène; l'autochtone; l'innée

Vertaal Matrix voor local:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
aborigène inlander; local; native aboriginal; indigenous; native
autochtone inlander; local; native aboriginal; aborigine; indigenous; native
café habituel favourite café; favourite pub; habitual haunt; hangout; local
indigène inlander; local; native aboriginal; indigenous; native
innée inlander; local; native
intérieur inner; inner side; inside; interior; internal; middle; nucleus; pivot; psyche; soul; spirit
- local anaesthetic; local anesthetic; topical anaesthetic; topical anesthetic
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
local here and there; local autochthonal; domestic; home-loving; indigenous; native; on the same spot; on-premises; provincial; regional; stay at home; stay-at-home
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
aborigène aboriginal; inborn; indigenous; innate; local; native; natural autochthonal; domestic; indigenous; native
autochtone aboriginal; inborn; indigenous; innate; local; native; natural autochthonal; domestic; indigenous; native
congénital aboriginal; inborn; indigenous; innate; local; native; natural inborn; innate; native; natural
du pays aboriginal; inborn; indigenous; innate; local; native; natural autochthonal; domestic; indigenous; internal; native
ici et là here and there; local
indigène aboriginal; inborn; indigenous; innate; local; native; natural autochthonal; domestic; indigenous; native
inné aboriginal; inborn; indigenous; innate; local; native; natural inborn; innate; native; natural
intérieur local; national; native domestic; inner; inside; interior; internal; inward; on the inside
localement here and there; local provincial; regional
national local; national; native autochthonal; domestic; indigenous; national; native

Verwante woorden van "local":

Synoniemen voor "local":

Antoniemen van "local":

Verwante definities voor "local":

  1. relating to or applicable to or concerned with the administration of a city or town or district rather than a larger area1
    • local taxes1
    • local authorities1
  2. affecting only a restricted part or area of the body1
    • local anesthesia1
  3. of or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighborhood1
    • local customs1
    • local schools1
    • the local citizens1
    • a local point of view1
    • local outbreaks of flu1
    • a local bus line1
  4. public transport consisting of a bus or train that stops at all stations or stops1
    • the local seemed to take forever to get to New York1
  5. anesthetic that numbs a particular area of the body1
  6. In information processing, an operation performed by the computer at hand rather than by a remote computer.2
  7. In communications, a device that can be accessed directly rather than by means of a communications line.2
  8. In programming, a variable that is restricted in scope, that is, used in only one part (subprogram, procedure, or function) of a program.2

Wiktionary: local

  1. a branch of an organization
  2. a train that stops at all stations
  1. computing: having limited scope
  2. of a nearby location
  1. Qui appartient à un lieu ; qui a rapport à un lieu.
  2. Traductions à trier suivant le sens

Cross Translation:
local en ce lieu; ici alhier — in deze plaats
local de ce lieu; sur place; de là-bas dortig — an entfernter Stelle befindlich, vorhanden oder stattfindend
local local; indigène einheimisch — zu einer Region, einem Ort (im eigentlichen Sinne zu einem Heim, zu einer Heimat) gehörig, in dieser Region, diesem Ort geboren, zu Hause sein
local d’ici hiesignur attributiv: hierher gehörend, von hier stammend, hier befindlich
local local; locale örtlich — auf einen Ort oder eine Region bezogen
local local; locale; locorégional örtlich — auf eine Körperstelle begrenzt, einen Körperteil betreffend

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