
Uitgebreide vertaling voor including (Engels) in het Frans


including bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. including (figured in; included; inclusive)
    inclus; inclusivement; compris; y compris; ci-inclus; enfermé; ci-joint
  2. including (among which; under which; which among; )
    parmi lesquels; dont; parmi lesquelles

including [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the including (contents; adding)
    le contenus
  2. the including (comprehending; containing)
    le renfermer
  3. the including (counting in)
    le comptage; l'inclusion; le fait de comprendre

Vertaal Matrix voor including:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
comptage counting in; including
contenus adding; contents; including
fait de comprendre counting in; including
inclusion counting in; including incalculation
renfermer comprehending; containing; including
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
renfermer add; put away; stow away
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
inclus figured in; included; including; inclusive annexed; appended; attached; besieged; bordered; cinctured; closed in; enclosed; inline; with this
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- among other things; among others; among them
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
ci-inclus figured in; included; including; inclusive annexed; appended; at this; attached; by this; enclosed; hereby; herewith; of this; through here; with this
ci-joint figured in; included; including; inclusive annexed; appended; at this; attached; besieged; bordered; by this; cinctured; closed in; enclosed; hereby; herewith; of this; through here; with this
compris figured in; included; including; inclusive comprehended; understood
dont among what; among which; including; that among; that under; under what; under whatever; under which; what among; what under; whatever under; which among; which under between which; from what; from whatever; from where; from wherever; from which; of what; of which; of whom; what of; whatever from; where from; wherever from; which from; which of; whose
enfermé figured in; included; including; inclusive arrested; captive; captured; detained; imprisoned; locked in; locked up; penned up
inclusivement figured in; included; including; inclusive belonging to the service
parmi lesquelles among what; among which; including; that among; that under; under what; under whatever; under which; what among; what under; whatever under; which among; which under between which; from where; from wherever; from which; where from; wherever from
parmi lesquels among what; among which; including; that among; that under; under what; under whatever; under which; what among; what under; whatever under; which among; which under between which; from where; from wherever; from which; where from; wherever from
y compris figured in; included; including; inclusive

Verwante woorden van "including":

Wiktionary: including

  1. Such as, among which
  1. inclus dans ce qui est énoncé de manière plus générale.

Cross Translation:
including inclusivement inclusief — met inbegrip van
including inclus einschließlich — mit eingeschlossen, gemeinsam mit
including voire sogar — bis hin zu einem beachtlichen Grad; auch: damit eine Schwelle überschreitend


to include werkwoord (includes, included, including)

  1. to include (join up; unite; add; join)
    se joindre à; ajouter; adjoindre; raccorder à; brancher sur; correspondre; relier à; serrer les rangs
    • se joindre à werkwoord
    • ajouter werkwoord (ajoute, ajoutes, ajoutons, ajoutez, )
    • adjoindre werkwoord (adjoins, adjoint, adjoignons, adjoignez, )
    • raccorder à werkwoord
    • brancher sur werkwoord
    • correspondre werkwoord (corresponds, correspond, correspondons, correspondez, )
    • relier à werkwoord
    • serrer les rangs werkwoord
  2. to include (comprise; enclose; encapsulate)
    contenir; comprendre; enfermer
    • contenir werkwoord (contiens, contient, contenons, contenez, )
    • comprendre werkwoord (comprends, comprend, comprenons, comprenez, )
    • enfermer werkwoord (enferme, enfermes, enfermons, enfermez, )
  3. to include (contain)
    • impliquer werkwoord (implique, impliques, impliquons, impliquez, )
  4. to include (add up; count in)
    inclure; compter; ajouter; joindre; adjoindre; faire nombre
    • inclure werkwoord (inclus, inclut, incluons, incluez, )
    • compter werkwoord (compte, comptes, comptons, comptez, )
    • ajouter werkwoord (ajoute, ajoutes, ajoutons, ajoutez, )
    • joindre werkwoord (joins, joint, joignons, joignez, )
    • adjoindre werkwoord (adjoins, adjoint, adjoignons, adjoignez, )
    • faire nombre werkwoord
  5. to include (count in; figure in)
    inclure; compter; calculer
    • inclure werkwoord (inclus, inclut, incluons, incluez, )
    • compter werkwoord (compte, comptes, comptons, comptez, )
    • calculer werkwoord (calcule, calcules, calculons, calculez, )
  6. to include (count in; figure in)
    inclure; comprendre; compter
    • inclure werkwoord (inclus, inclut, incluons, incluez, )
    • comprendre werkwoord (comprends, comprend, comprenons, comprenez, )
    • compter werkwoord (compte, comptes, comptons, comptez, )
  7. to include (count in; figure in)
    • inclure werkwoord (inclus, inclut, incluons, incluez, )
  8. to include (seal up; comprise; enclose; )
    envelopper; appliquer une couche étanchant
    • envelopper werkwoord (enveloppe, enveloppes, enveloppons, enveloppez, )

Conjugations for include:

  1. include
  2. include
  3. includes
  4. include
  5. include
  6. include
simple past
  1. included
  2. included
  3. included
  4. included
  5. included
  6. included
present perfect
  1. have included
  2. have included
  3. has included
  4. have included
  5. have included
  6. have included
past continuous
  1. was including
  2. were including
  3. was including
  4. were including
  5. were including
  6. were including
  1. shall include
  2. will include
  3. will include
  4. shall include
  5. will include
  6. will include
continuous present
  1. am including
  2. are including
  3. is including
  4. are including
  5. are including
  6. are including
  1. be included
  2. be included
  3. be included
  4. be included
  5. be included
  6. be included
  1. include!
  2. let's include!
  3. included
  4. including
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor include:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
joindre welding
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
adjoindre add; add up; count in; include; join; join up; unite add; attach; connect; count up; couple; fill up; link; make a match; pander; replenish; to make complete; total
ajouter add; add up; count in; include; join; join up; unite add; add to; add to mixture; append; besiege; besieged; besieges; blend with; contribute; contribute more; count up; cover; encapsulate; enclose; evnvelope; fill; fill up; introduce; join; make up; pay; pay extra; pay in; put in; replenish; settle the difference; share in the costs; surround; tally up; to make complete; top up; total; wrap up
appliquer une couche étanchant close in; comprise; contain; enclose; include; lock in; pen in; seal up; surround
brancher sur add; include; join; join up; unite connect; light; put on; start; switch on; turn on
calculer count in; figure in; include calculate; compute; draw up; elaborate; estimate; figure out; value; work out
comprendre comprise; count in; encapsulate; enclose; figure in; include be in sympathy with; be on to; comprehend; comprise; conceive; confine; consist of; dam; embank; encapsulate; enclose; envelope; feel; feel empathy for; fill; get; grasp; imagine; intend; limit; look through; restrict; rumble to; see through; sympathise; sympathize; take up space; think; understand
compter add up; count in; figure in; include bill; calculate; charge; count; count off; invoice
contenir comprise; encapsulate; enclose; include add; avert; bound; confine; control; dam; embank; encapsulate; enclose; end; envelope; keep out; keep under control; limit; prevent; restrain; restrict; suppress; surround
correspondre add; include; join; join up; unite agree; correspond to; match
enfermer comprise; encapsulate; enclose; include corner; enfold; envelope; fasten; lock up; put away; store; stow away; surround
envelopper close in; comprise; contain; enclose; include; lock in; pen in; seal up; surround bale; besiege; besieged; besieges; bind round; blur; board; camouflage; catch; charm; conceal; confine; cover; crate; dam; dupe; embank; encapsulate; enclose; enfold; envelop; envelope; evnvelope; formulate; limit; mantle; mask; pack; package; phrase; put into words; restrict; shroud; surround; swathe; tie on; veil; word; wrap; wrap around; wrap round; wrap up
faire nombre add up; count in; include
impliquer contain; include implicate; imply
inclure add up; count in; figure in; include add; add to; append; besiege; besieged; besieges; cover; encapsulate; enclose; evnvelope; join; reckon among; surround; wrap up
joindre add up; count in; include add; add to; append; assemble; attach; bind together; bridge; bundle; chain; combine; conform; connect; couple; enchain; follow; forgather; fuse; fuze; gather; get together; give along with; go together; go with; join; join together; lay next to each other; link; make a match; meet; meet each other; melt together; merge; pander; place beside; put through; see each other; send along with; send with; shackle; unite; visit; weld
raccorder à add; include; join; join up; unite
relier à add; include; join; join up; unite connect; relate
se joindre à add; include; join; join up; unite adjust; conform to; join
serrer les rangs add; include; join; join up; unite
- admit; let in

Verwante woorden van "include":

Synoniemen voor "include":

Antoniemen van "include":

Verwante definities voor "include":

  1. add as part of something else; put in as part of a set, group, or category1
    • We must include this chemical element in the group1
  2. consider as part of something1
    • I include you in the list of culprits1
  3. allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of1
  4. have as a part, be made up out of1
    • The list includes the names of many famous writers1
  5. To contain, to have as an element or item.2

Wiktionary: include

  1. to contain, as part of a whole
  2. to bring into as a part or member
  1. Être muni de
  2. Contenir en soi
  3. enfermer, insérer. Autrefois, il s'agissait d'un verbe défectif qui n’était plus guère usité qu’au participe passé inclus, le plus souvent précéder de ci, mais son usage en informatique lui a rendu son statut de verbe normal.
  4. grouper et unir de nouveau ce qui être dispersé, en désordre ou affaibli.
  5. enfermer de nouveau.

Cross Translation:
include joindre; ajouter bijvoegen — als extra ergens aan toevoegen
include comporter beinhalten — (transitiv), schriftsprachlich: zum Inhalt haben, enthalten, umfassen
include inclure; comprendre; englober einbeziehentrennbar, transitiv: jemanden oder etwas zu einer Gruppe rechnen, in eine Gruppe hineinnehmen
include comprendre; inclure einschließen — mit einbeziehen; dazuzählen; mit in Betracht ziehen
include contenir enthalten — so beschaffen sein, dass das mit dem (stets nötigen) Akkusativ-Objekt Bezeichnete ein Teil des Enthaltenden (des mit dem Subjekt Bezeichneten) ist; einen Inhalt haben; bestehen aus

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