
Uitgebreide vertaling voor bumping (Engels) in het Frans


bumping [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the bumping (thumping; punching)
    le fait de bourrer de coups
  2. the bumping (jolting)
    la secousses
  3. the bumping
    le chocs
    • chocs [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor bumping:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
chocs bumping colliding; jolting; pounding; shocks
fait de bourrer de coups bumping; punching; thumping
secousses bumping; jolting


bump [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the bump (obstacle; knob)
    l'inégalité; la bosse
  2. the bump (bulge)
    la bosse; la boule
    • bosse [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • boule [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  3. the bump (nudge; push; shove; )
    la poussée; le coup; le coup de pouce; le butoir; l'impulsion; le petit coup; le choc; l'heurt; le cahot
    • poussée [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • coup [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • coup de pouce [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • butoir [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • impulsion [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • petit coup [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • choc [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • heurt [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • cahot [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  4. the bump (crash; boom; smack; )
    le coup; le choc; le boum; le grondement; le fracas; la lourde chute; l'éclat; le coup violent
    • coup [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • choc [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • boum [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • grondement [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • fracas [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • lourde chute [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • éclat [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • coup violent [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  5. the bump (thump; thud)
    le plouf; le boum; le floc
    • plouf [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • boum [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • floc [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  6. the bump (bruise; swelling; lump)
    le traumatisme; la blessure
  7. the bump
    la bosse
    • bosse [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor bump:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
blessure bruise; bump; lump; swelling aching; affecting; being bruised; bruising; damaging; harming; hurt; hurting; hurting someone's feelings; injuring; injury; offending; pain; sore; wound; wounding
bosse bulge; bump; knob; obstacle blotch; blow; bruise; bulging; contusion; dent; hump; lump; pimple; swelling; swollen spot; zit
boule bulge; bump ball; ball of wool; bowling ball; globular form; hump; lump; spherical shape; swelling
boum bang; blast; boom; bump; crash; smack; thud; thump anniversary; bash; celebration; ceremony; feast; feasting; festive spirit; festivity; merry-making; merrymaking; party
butoir blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust buffer; bumper
cahot blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust bumping into; colliding with; crashing into; quaking; quivering; shaking; trembling
choc bang; blast; blow; boom; buffer; bump; bumper; crash; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; smack; thrust; thud; thump bumping into; colliding with; crashing into; quaking; quivering; shake; shaking; shock; trembling
coup bang; blast; blow; boom; buffer; bump; bumper; crash; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; smack; thrust; thud; thump bang; blow; boot; bumping into; chess move; clout; colliding with; coup; coup d'etat; crashing into; dash; dent; draught; drink; jab; kick; kicking; knife stab; knock; move; move at chess; nookie; nudge; overripe spot; punch; putsch; quickie; shenanigan; shot; silly trick; slap; smack; splash; squeeze; stab; sting; stroke of the clock; swig; wallop; whopper
coup de pouce blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust
coup violent bang; blast; boom; bump; crash; smack; thud; thump
floc bump; thud; thump splash
fracas bang; blast; boom; bump; crash; smack; thud; thump bang; blast; boom; din; discharge; explosion; howling; hubbub; hum; movement; noise; roar; roaring; rumor; rumour; sudden explosion; volcano eruption; yelling
grondement bang; blast; boom; bump; crash; smack; thud; thump bang; blast; boom; booming; din; discharge; drone; explosion; grouching; grousing; growl; growling; grumbling; howling; howling of the wind; lamentation; pounding; roaring; rumbling; smack one's lips; snarl; snarling; snoring; sudden explosion; thumping; thundering; volcano eruption
heurt blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust argument; blow; clout; collision; conflict; controversy; crash; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; friction; hit; jab; labyrinth; maze; nudge; punch; quaking; quarrel; quivering; row; shake; shaking; smash; struggle; trembling; wallop; whopper; wrestle
impulsion blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust boost; caprice; craving; drive; impetus; impulse; incentive; incitement; initiative; instigation; instinct; intuition; momentum; spur; start; stimulant; stimulation; stimulus; thrill; urge; urging; whim
inégalité bump; knob; obstacle bumpiness; roughness; unevenness
lourde chute bang; blast; boom; bump; crash; smack; thud; thump
petit coup blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust blow; clip; clout; jab; knock; nudge; punch; slap; smack; small slap; tap; touch; wallop; whopper
plouf bump; thud; thump splash
poussée blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust ambition; aspirations; boost; drive; driving force; energy; flow; force; gin; impetus; impulse; incentive; influx; insistence; jenever; momentum; motive power; motor; propelling-force; propulsion; pushing; rush; soul; spirit; spunk; spur; squash; stampede; stimulus; strength; thoroughness; urgency
traumatisme bruise; bump; lump; swelling hurt; injury; trauma; wound
éclat bang; blast; boom; bump; crash; smack; thud; thump ado; bang; blast; boom; brilliance; commotion; curl of hair; discharge; emotionale outburst; eruption; explosion; falling-out; flash; flicker; flickering; fragment; fuss; gleam; glimmering; glint; glitter; glittering; glow; glow effect; light signal; outburst; outer glow; radiance; shard; shine; song and dance; sparkle; sparkling; splinter; sudden explosion; to-do; twinkling; volcano eruption
- blow
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- break; chance; demote; dislodge; encounter; find; happen; kick downstairs; knock; relegate
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
choc impact
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
boum bang

Verwante woorden van "bump":

Synoniemen voor "bump":

Antoniemen van "bump":

Verwante definities voor "bump":

  1. an impact (as from a collision)1
    • the bump threw him off the bicycle1
  2. a lump on the body caused by a blow1
  3. knock against with force or violence1
    • My car bumped into the tree1
  4. remove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied1
  5. dance erotically or dance with the pelvis thrust forward1
    • bump and grind1
  6. come upon, as if by accident; meet with1
  7. assign to a lower position; reduce in rank1

Wiktionary: bump

  1. a protuberance on a level surface
  2. the sound of such a collision
  3. a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury
  4. the swollen abdomen of a pregnant woman
  5. a light blow or jolting collision
  1. qualité de ce qui est raboteux, inégal.
  2. enflure, tumeur sur une région osseuse, causer par un choc ou une contusion.
  3. État de ce qui est enflé (1)
  4. didactique|fr éminence, saillie.
  5. Avancée à la surface d’un objet.
  1. achopper, heurter un corps que l’on trouver saillant sur son chemin.

Cross Translation:
bump pousser stoten — met een korte snelle beweging (weg)duwen
bump bosse hobbel — een kleine verhoging in de weg
bump bosse BeuleAnschwellung der Haut

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van bumping