
Uitgebreide vertaling voor bothering (Engels) in het Frans

bothering vorm van bother:

to bother werkwoord (bothers, bothered, bothering)

  1. to bother (harass; trouble; visit)
    harceler; ennuyer; déranger; importuner; agacer; gêner
    • harceler werkwoord (harcelle, harcelles, harcelons, harcelez, )
    • ennuyer werkwoord (ennuie, ennuies, ennuyons, ennuyez, )
    • déranger werkwoord (dérange, déranges, dérangeons, dérangez, )
    • importuner werkwoord (importune, importunes, importunons, importunez, )
    • agacer werkwoord (agace, agaces, agaçons, agacez, )
    • gêner werkwoord (gêne, gênes, gênons, gênez, )
  2. to bother (worry; fret; brood; mope)
    peiner; trimer; se casser la tête; ruminer
    • peiner werkwoord (peine, peines, peinons, peinez, )
    • trimer werkwoord (trime, trimes, trimons, trimez, )
    • se casser la tête werkwoord
    • ruminer werkwoord (rumine, rumines, ruminons, ruminez, )
  3. to bother (make difficult; trouble; make things difficult)
    compliquer; rendre difficile
    • compliquer werkwoord (complique, compliques, compliquons, compliquez, )
    • rendre difficile werkwoord
  4. to bother (obstruct; hamper; impede; hinder; stonewall)
    empêcher; incommoder; obstruer; déranger; gêner; bloquer; entraver; embarrasser; s'opposer à; faire obstruction
    • empêcher werkwoord (empêchs, empêcht, empêchons, empêchez, )
    • incommoder werkwoord (incommode, incommodes, incommodons, incommodez, )
    • obstruer werkwoord (obstrue, obstrues, obstruons, obstruez, )
    • déranger werkwoord (dérange, déranges, dérangeons, dérangez, )
    • gêner werkwoord (gêne, gênes, gênons, gênez, )
    • bloquer werkwoord (bloque, bloques, bloquons, bloquez, )
    • entraver werkwoord (entrave, entraves, entravons, entravez, )
    • embarrasser werkwoord (embarrasse, embarrasses, embarrassons, embarrassez, )
    • s'opposer à werkwoord
    • faire obstruction werkwoord
  5. to bother (interrupt; disturb; annoy)
    • déranger werkwoord (dérange, déranges, dérangeons, dérangez, )

Conjugations for bother:

  1. bother
  2. bother
  3. bothers
  4. bother
  5. bother
  6. bother
simple past
  1. bothered
  2. bothered
  3. bothered
  4. bothered
  5. bothered
  6. bothered
present perfect
  1. have bothered
  2. have bothered
  3. has bothered
  4. have bothered
  5. have bothered
  6. have bothered
past continuous
  1. was bothering
  2. were bothering
  3. was bothering
  4. were bothering
  5. were bothering
  6. were bothering
  1. shall bother
  2. will bother
  3. will bother
  4. shall bother
  5. will bother
  6. will bother
continuous present
  1. am bothering
  2. are bothering
  3. is bothering
  4. are bothering
  5. are bothering
  6. are bothering
  1. be bothered
  2. be bothered
  3. be bothered
  4. be bothered
  5. be bothered
  6. be bothered
  1. bother!
  2. let's bother!
  3. bothered
  4. bothering
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

bother [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the bother (nuisance; hindrance; trouble; obstacle)
    la nuisance; l'embarras; la gêne
    • nuisance [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • embarras [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • gêne [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the bother (hassle; mess; fuss)
    l'embarras; l'ennuis; le remue-ménage; la chinoiseries; l'histoires
  3. the bother (fuzz; rumpus; huzza; )
    le tintouin

Vertaal Matrix voor bother:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
chinoiseries bother; fuss; hassle; mess harping on; mess; messing about; moaning; nagging
embarras bother; fuss; hassle; hindrance; mess; nuisance; obstacle; trouble awkwardness; blockage; bustle; difficulty; discomfiture; discomforts; embarrassment; hustle; hustle and bustle; inconvenience; misery; nuisance; obstacle; obstruction; problems; reserve; restraint; reticence; sense of shame; shame; shyness; timidity; timorousness; troubles
ennuis bother; fuss; hassle; mess adversity; bad luck; chicanery; discomfort; discomforts; fuss; hassle; miseries; misery; misfortune; moaning; nagging; problems; reverse; situation; state; trouble; trouble making; troubles; whining; worry
gêne bother; hindrance; nuisance; obstacle; trouble awkwardness; barrier; blockage; discomfiture; embarrassment; hindrance; impediment; inconvenience; interruption; intrusion; nuisance; obstacle; obstruction; reserve; restraint; reticence; shyness; timidity; timorousness
histoires bother; fuss; hassle; mess affairs; arguing; bickering; business; harping on; matters; moaning; nagging; quarreling; quibbling; scolding; squabbling; trouble; whining; wrangling
nuisance bother; hindrance; nuisance; obstacle; trouble nuisance
remue-ménage bother; fuss; hassle; mess bustle; hustle; hustle and bustle
tintouin ado; bother; fuzz; huzza; mess; rumpus; to-do bustle; fight; game of rough-and-tumble; hustle; hustle and bustle; romp; romping
- annoyance; botheration; fuss; hassle; infliction; pain; pain in the ass; pain in the neck; trouble
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
agacer bother; harass; trouble; visit anger; annoy; antagonise; antagonize; blow the fire; bully; cause irritation; chafe; fan a flame; give offence; harass; irritate; nag; pester; provoke; tease; vex
bloquer bother; hamper; hinder; impede; obstruct; stonewall bar; barricade; block; bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; force into the kerb; halt; hamper; hinder; impede; jam; lay flat; obstruct; put to a stop; stem; stonewall; stop
compliquer bother; make difficult; make things difficult; trouble complicate; entangle; hinder; intricate; make difficult; make hard; make harder; make heavier; make it difficult; make it hard; make more difficult; thwart
déranger annoy; bother; disturb; hamper; harass; hinder; impede; interrupt; obstruct; stonewall; trouble; visit anger; block; disturb; enrage; hamper; hinder; impede; incense; inconvenience; make impossible; thwart; upset
embarrasser bother; hamper; hinder; impede; obstruct; stonewall antagonise; antagonize; barter; bully; change; embarrass; exchange; harass; impede; pester; provoke; swap; switch; tease; trade in
empêcher bother; hamper; hinder; impede; obstruct; stonewall block; cross; discourage; dissuade; field; foil; hamper; hinder; hold back; impede; keep from; make impossible; obstruct; oppose; parry; prevent; restrain; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset; ward off
ennuyer bother; harass; trouble; visit be boring; bore; twaddle; whine
entraver bother; hamper; hinder; impede; obstruct; stonewall bar; barricade; block; hamper; hinder; keep from; make impossible; obstruct; prevent; thwart
faire obstruction bother; hamper; hinder; impede; obstruct; stonewall
gêner bother; hamper; harass; hinder; impede; obstruct; stonewall; trouble; visit anger; badger; be embarrassed; be shy; block; cross; disturb; enrage; feel ill at ease; hamper; have something on one's mind; hinder; impede; incense; make impossible; nag; oppose; pester; prevent; sabotage; stem; stop; thwart; upset
harceler bother; harass; trouble; visit grabble; nag; rummage; scramble
importuner bother; harass; trouble; visit aggravate; antagonise; antagonize; bully; burden; harass; inconvenience; pester; provoke; tease
incommoder bother; hamper; hinder; impede; obstruct; stonewall antagonise; antagonize; bully; hamper; harass; hinder; impede; pester; provoke; tease
obstruer bother; hamper; hinder; impede; obstruct; stonewall bar; barricade; block; hamper; hinder; impede; obstruct; stonewall
peiner bother; brood; fret; mope; worry drudge; go out of one's way; put oneself out; slave; slave away; sweat one's guts out; work hard; work like the devil; work oneself to the bone; work to pieces
rendre difficile bother; make difficult; make things difficult; trouble complicate; entangle; hinder; load; make difficult; make hard; make harder; make heavier; make it difficult; make it hard; make more difficult; thwart; weight
ruminer bother; brood; fret; mope; worry brood; chew the cud; cogitate; consider; muse; ponder; reflect; ruminate; think; wonder
s'opposer à bother; hamper; hinder; impede; obstruct; stonewall confine; counteract; dam; embank; encapsulate; enclose; envelope; limit; oppose; raise objections; resist; restrict; thwart; withstand
se casser la tête bother; brood; fret; mope; worry break one's head; brood; fret; puzzle; worry
trimer bother; brood; fret; mope; worry sweat one's guts out; work hard; work like the devil
- discommode; disoblige; incommode; inconvenience; inconvenience oneself; put out; trouble; trouble oneself
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
compliquer involve
- trouble

Verwante woorden van "bother":

Synoniemen voor "bother":

Verwante definities voor "bother":

  1. something or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness1
    • a bit of a bother1
  2. an angry disturbance1
    • a spot of bother1
  3. make confused or perplexed or puzzled1
  4. make nervous or agitated1
    • The mere thought of her bothered him and made his heart beat faster1
  5. intrude or enter uninvited1
    • Don't bother the professor while she is grading term papers1
  6. take the trouble to do something; concern oneself1
    • Don't bother, please1
  7. to cause inconvenience or discomfort to1

Wiktionary: bother

  1. make or take trouble
  2. to do something which is of negligible inconvenience
  3. to annoy, disturb
  1. mild expression of annoyance
    • botherzut
  1. Chagriner, causer du dépit par des actions ou des paroles
  2. Détourner quelqu’un d’une occupation, de ses affaires (2)
  3. Chagriner quelqu’un, le contrecarrer (4)
  4. Causer du désarroi, contrarier quelqu’un.
  5. Causer de la gêne
  6. Faire de la peine, causer du chagrin, de l’inquiétude, affliger.
  7. troubler, changer les habitudes, la condition physique ou psychique d'un individu.
  1. -
  1. populaire|fr terme|souvent au pluriel situation ou affaire délicate qui provoque de l’inquiétude, de l’angoisse ou de la contrariété.
  2. populaire|fr situation particulièrement fastidieuse ou lassante.
  3. Ce qui survenir de fâcheux dans une affaire, ce qui résulter de fâcheux d’un parti qu’on prend.

Cross Translation:
bother troubler; déranger lastigvallen — op hinderlijke wijze iemands aandacht opeisen
bother déranger; incommoder inkommodierenin Österreich noch gebräuchlich, veraltend: belästigen, stören, jemandem Unannehmlichkeiten oder Mühe bereiten; „verunbequemen“
bother toucher tangieren — (am Rande, oberflächlich) angehen, berühren, betreffen im übertragenen Sinn, es kümmert einen