
Uitgebreide vertaling voor blame someone of (Engels) in het Frans

blame someone of:

blame someone of werkwoord

  1. blame someone of (bear a grudge; blame; reprimand; )
    blâmer; avoir de la rancune; condamner; reprocher; enlever; éprouver du ressentiment; critiquer; prendre; gronder; compromettre; réprouver; discréditer; jeter quelque chose aux pieds de; avoir à redire; avoir de la rancoeur; retirer; réprimander; déshonorer; garder rancune; en vouloir à quelqu'un
    • blâmer werkwoord (blâme, blâmes, blâmons, blâmez, )
    • condamner werkwoord (condamne, condamnes, condamnons, condamnez, )
    • reprocher werkwoord (reproche, reproches, reprochons, reprochez, )
    • enlever werkwoord (enlève, enlèves, enlevons, enlevez, )
    • critiquer werkwoord (critique, critiques, critiquons, critiquez, )
    • prendre werkwoord (prends, prend, prenons, prenez, )
    • gronder werkwoord (gronde, grondes, grondons, grondez, )
    • compromettre werkwoord (compromets, compromet, compromettons, compromettez, )
    • réprouver werkwoord (réprouve, réprouves, réprouvons, réprouvez, )
    • discréditer werkwoord (discrédite, discrédites, discréditons, discréditez, )
    • avoir à redire werkwoord
    • retirer werkwoord (retire, retires, retirons, retirez, )
    • réprimander werkwoord (réprimande, réprimandes, réprimandons, réprimandez, )
    • déshonorer werkwoord (déshonore, déshonores, déshonorons, déshonorez, )
    • garder rancune werkwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor blame someone of:

WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
avoir de la rancoeur bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach accuse; bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; discredit; harbour a grudge; have a grudge; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach
avoir de la rancune bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach accuse; bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; discredit; harbour a grudge; have a grudge; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach; resent someone; resent something
avoir à redire bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach blame; hold it against s.o.; rebuke; remove; reprimand; reproach; resent
blâmer bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach accuse; blame; chide; disapprove of; discredit; hold against; hold it against s.o.; rebuke; reject; remove; reprimand; reproach; reprove; resent; turn down
compromettre bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach bring shame on; compromise; disgrace
condamner bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach accuse; adjudicate; blame; condemn; convict; decline; denounce; disapprove; disapprove of; disclaim; discredit; hold against; judge; object to; rebuke; refuse; reject; reprimand; reproach; repudiate; sentence; spurn; try; turn down
critiquer bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach accuse; blame; carp; castigate; cavil; censure; criticise; criticize; decry; disapprove of; discredit; find fault with; give comment; hold against; hold it against s.o.; rebuke; reject; remove; reprimand; reproach; resent; run down; slate; turn down
discréditer bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach bring shame on; disgrace
déshonorer bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach accuse; blame; bring shame on; discredit; disgrace; dishonor; dishonour; hold against; rape; ravish; rebuke; reprimand; reproach; violate
en vouloir à quelqu'un bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; harbour a grudge; have a grudge; hold it against s.o.; rebuke; remove; reprimand; reproach; resent
enlever bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach abduct; blot out; cadge; chisel off; clean out; clear; clear out; collar; collect; come round for; cut away; cut off; delete; deprive; disrobe; drain; eliminate; empty; erase; evacuate; expropriate; fetch; filch; finish; get down; go thieving; hide away; kidnap; lift out; lock up; make empty; make off with; nick; pick loose; pick up; pilfer; pinch; pluck; pull down; pull off; pull out; purloin; put away; remove; remove one's clothes; remove what is inside; rip off; rob; rub out; snatch; snitch; stash away; steal; stuff away; swipe; take; take along; take away; take down from; take off; take out; tear off; trim away; tuck away; undo; undress; unpick; wipe; wipe out
garder rancune bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach bear a grudge; bear malice; harbour a grudge; have a grudge
gronder bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach bang; bawl; be furious; bellow; bellyache; boom; chanter; chide; complain; crack; cry out; gripe; grouse; growl; grumble; let someone have it; pop; rage; rant; rant & rage; rave; rebuke; reprimand; reprove; roar; rumble; scream; shout; shriek; snarl; splash; stew; storm; thunder; yell
jeter quelque chose aux pieds de bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach accuse; blame; discredit; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach
prendre bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach absorb; accept; accept a gift; annex; apprehend; arrest; begin; cadge; captivate; capture; catch; caught; chain; choose; clamp; clasp; clutch; collar; collect; come round for; commence; conquer; deprive; detain; dive in; drag; employ; enchain; enchant; enthral; enthrall; expropriate; fall to; fascinate; fetch; filch; gather; get hold of; get hold of something; get one's hands on; get something; glean; go thieving; grab; grasp; grip; handle; hold; imprison; intrigue; lap up; lay one's hands on; make inaccessible; make off with; make use of; nick; obtain; occupy; overcome by; pick; pick out; pick up; pilfer; pinch; practice; practise; prefer; purloin; reach; receive; receive for one's portion; recruit; rob; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; secure; seize; seize upon; select; serve oneself; set in motion; set up; shackle; single out; sip up; slave away; slog away; snatch; snatch away; snitch; snout; sort out; start; start to; steal; stick; strike up; swipe; take; take along; take away; take hold of; take in; take off; take on; take possession of; take up; take upon oneself; toil and moil; trap; undertake; use; utilise; utilize; yearn
reprocher bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach accuse; blame; count to; discredit; hold against; hold it against s.o.; rebuke; remove; reprimand; reproach; resent
retirer bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach annul; cadge; cancel; clean out; clear; clear out; collar; control; deprive; drain; empty; expropriate; filch; finish; go thieving; keep back; keep under control; make off with; moderate; nick; pilfer; pinch; pull out; purloin; recall; recant; remove; repeal; rescind; restrain; reverse; revoke; rob; snatch; snitch; steal; subdue; suppress; swipe; take; take away; take out; undo; unpick
réprimander bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach accuse; admonish; blame; blow a person up; castigate; chide; decry; denounce; discredit; dress down; exhort; hold against; rebuke; reprimand; reproach; reprove; scarify; scold; tell off; warn; wig
réprouver bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach blame; condemn; convict; disapprove of; hold it against s.o.; rebuke; reject; remove; reprimand; reproach; resent; sentence; turn down
éprouver du ressentiment bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; rancor; rancour; rebuke; reprimand; reproach bear a grudge; bear malice; harbour a grudge; have a grudge

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Verwante vertalingen van blame someone of