
Uitgebreide vertaling voor affixing (Engels) in het Frans


affixing [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the affixing (posting)
    l'affichage; l'apposition
  2. the affixing (attaching; fastening)
    la fixer; le rattachement; le fait de fixer

Vertaal Matrix voor affixing:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
affichage affixing; posting display; display device; view
apposition affixing; posting
fait de fixer affixing; attaching; fastening
fixer affixing; attaching; fastening fastening; fixing; tieing up
rattachement affixing; attaching; fastening accretion; attachment; fastening
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
fixer advise; affix; attach; attach to; bind; bind fast; bind up; bring down; buckle; confirm; connect; consider; corner; couple; fasten; fix; glue; glue together; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; inspect; join; lash; lock; lock up; look; look on; observe; paste in; paste on; paste together; pinion; screw on; secure; strap; suggest; suture; take down; thighten; think over; tie; tie up; watch

Verwante woorden van "affixing":


affix [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the affix (addendum; addition; appendix; )
    l'addition; le supplément; l'appendice; l'ajout; l'annexe; l'adjonction; l'additif; le complément

to affix werkwoord (affixs, affixed, affixing)

  1. to affix (attach to; attach; fasten; secure; connect)
    attacher; fixer; installer; attacher à qc; agrafer; parapher; coller; poser; renforcer; lier; marquer; nouer; timbrer
    • attacher werkwoord (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • fixer werkwoord (fixe, fixes, fixons, fixez, )
    • installer werkwoord (installe, installes, installons, installez, )
    • attacher à qc werkwoord
    • agrafer werkwoord (agrafe, agrafes, agrafons, agrafez, )
    • parapher werkwoord (paraphe, paraphes, paraphons, paraphez, )
    • coller werkwoord (colle, colles, collons, collez, )
    • poser werkwoord (pose, poses, posons, posez, )
    • renforcer werkwoord (renforce, renforces, renforçons, renforcez, )
    • lier werkwoord (lie, lies, lions, liez, )
    • marquer werkwoord (marque, marques, marquons, marquez, )
    • nouer werkwoord (noue, noues, nouons, nouez, )
    • timbrer werkwoord (timbre, timbres, timbrons, timbrez, )
  2. to affix (glue; glue together; suture; )
    coller; attacher; engluer; fixer; rattacher; s'attacher
    • coller werkwoord (colle, colles, collons, collez, )
    • attacher werkwoord (attache, attaches, attachons, attachez, )
    • engluer werkwoord (englue, englues, engluons, engluez, )
    • fixer werkwoord (fixe, fixes, fixons, fixez, )
    • rattacher werkwoord (rattache, rattaches, rattachons, rattachez, )
    • s'attacher werkwoord
  3. to affix (sew together; stitch; attach; fasten)
    suturer; coudre
    • suturer werkwoord (suture, sutures, suturons, suturez, )
    • coudre werkwoord (couds, coudt, cousons, cousez, )

Conjugations for affix:

  1. affix
  2. affix
  3. affixs
  4. affix
  5. affix
  6. affix
simple past
  1. affixed
  2. affixed
  3. affixed
  4. affixed
  5. affixed
  6. affixed
present perfect
  1. have affixed
  2. have affixed
  3. has affixed
  4. have affixed
  5. have affixed
  6. have affixed
past continuous
  1. was affixing
  2. were affixing
  3. was affixing
  4. were affixing
  5. were affixing
  6. were affixing
  1. shall affix
  2. will affix
  3. will affix
  4. shall affix
  5. will affix
  6. will affix
continuous present
  1. am affixing
  2. are affixing
  3. is affixing
  4. are affixing
  5. are affixing
  6. are affixing
  1. be affixed
  2. be affixed
  3. be affixed
  4. be affixed
  5. be affixed
  6. be affixed
  1. affix!
  2. let's affix!
  3. affixed
  4. affixing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor affix:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
additif addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement addition; addition to; additive; extension
addition addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement account; adding up; addition; addition sum; addition to; additive; bill; chain; coming together; completion; concentration; count; extension; fill up; filling; finishing; footing; invoice; joining up; new supply; note; padding; replenishment; report; score; sequence; series; stuffing; sum; supplement; total amount
adjonction addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement addition; additive; extension
ajout addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement addition; addition to; additive; extension
annexe addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement addition; additive; annex; appendix; auxiliary branche; enclosure; enlargement; expansion; extension; inset; supplement
appendice addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement addition; additive; extension; extension piece
coller glueing together; gluing; sticking; sticking together
complément addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement add-in; completion; definition; fill up; finishing; fixing; group of words; new supply; phrase; replenishment; supplement
engluer glueing together; sticking together
fixer affixing; attaching; fastening; fixing; tieing up
marquer marking
supplément addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement addition; addition to; additive; annex; appendix; bonus; completion; distribution of profits; enclosure; extension; extra; extra allowance; extra charge; fill up; finishing; gratuity; inset; insurance premium; new supply; payment of a dividend; premium; replenishment; supplement; surcharge; surplus
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
agrafer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure connect; couple; fasten; hitch in; hitch on to; hook into; hook on to; hook together; staple
attacher affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; glue; glue together; paste in; paste on; paste together; secure; suture adhere; attach; bind; bind fast; bind round; bind together; bind up; binding; bookbinding; buckle; burn; button; button up; cake on; cant; cling; combine; confirm; connect; couple; crust; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; glue; glue together; gum; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; join; knot; lace; lash; link; moor; paste; patch; pinion; secure; stick; stick to the pan; stick together; strap; string; tack up; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up; unite
attacher à qc affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure
coller affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; glue; glue together; paste in; paste on; paste together; secure; suture adhere; attach to; burn; cake; cling; fasten; glue; glue in; glue together; gum; paste; paste in; paste together; patch; press; stick; stick in; stick to; stick to the pan; stick together; wedge; with glue
coudre affix; attach; fasten; sew together; stitch join; weld
engluer affix; attach; glue; glue together; paste in; paste on; paste together; suture attach to; glue; glue together; patch; stick; stick to; stick together
fixer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; glue; glue together; paste in; paste on; paste together; secure; suture advise; attach; bind; bind fast; bind up; bring down; buckle; confirm; connect; consider; corner; couple; fasten; fix; hitch on to; hook on to; hook together; inspect; join; lash; lock; lock up; look; look on; observe; pinion; screw on; secure; strap; suggest; take down; thighten; think over; tie; tie up; watch
installer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure add; arrange; assemble; bring down; construct; fit; furnish; inaugurate; initiate; instal; install; lay; locate; place; position; put; put down; set up; situate; take down
lier affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure attach; bind; bind fast; bind together; bind up; binding; bookbinding; bridge; button; button up; captivate; chain; combine; confirm; connect; enchain; enchant; enter; enter into; enthral; enthrall; fascinate; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; interlink; intrigue; join; knot; lash; link; moor; pinion; secure; shackle; tie; tie on; tie on to; tie together; tie up
marquer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure be in contrast with; brand; burn; characterise; characterize; check; clearly define; define; demarcate; depict; describe; fence; fence in; fence off; flag; leave one's mark on; map out; mark; mark out; outline; put one's stamp on; stigmatise; stigmatize; tag; tick; tick off; trace out
nouer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure attach; bind; bind fast; bind round; bind together; bind up; button; button up; connect; enter; enter into; fasten; fix; hang; hang up; join; knot; lash; pinion; put on; tie; tie on; tie on to; tie together; tie up
parapher affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure initial; paraph
poser affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure add; appoint; bring down; deposit; lay; lay down; lay something down; laydown; locate; nominate; place; position; put; put down; put something down; set; set down; situate; station; take down
rattacher affix; attach; glue; glue together; paste in; paste on; paste together; suture attach; bind; bind together; button; button up; fasten; fix; knot; tie; tie on; tie together; tie up
renforcer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure acumilate; amplify; become stronger; blow out of proportions; blow up; consolidate; deepen; exaggerate; fortify; heighten; intensify; invigorate; load; make heavier; overdo; reinforce; sharpen; strenghten; strengthen; tighten; weight
s'attacher affix; attach; glue; glue together; paste in; paste on; paste together; suture be rooted; do one's best; glue; glue together; patch; root; stick; stick together; take root
suturer affix; attach; fasten; sew together; stitch
timbrer affix; attach; attach to; connect; fasten; secure die; mark; prepay; seal; stamp
- add on; append; stick on; supplement
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- add; append; cause; inflict

Verwante woorden van "affix":

Synoniemen voor "affix":

Verwante definities voor "affix":

  1. a linguistic element added to a word to produce an inflected or derived form1
  2. attach or become attached to a stem word1
    • grammatical morphemes affix to the stem1
  3. add to the very end1
  4. attach to1
    • affix the seal here1

Wiktionary: affix

  1. linguistics: a bound morpheme added to a word’s stem
  2. that which is affixed
  1. linguistique|fr morphème qui s’ajouter à un radical et qui en modifie le sens ou la fonction, et crée un nouveau mot.
  1. Fixer
  2. attacher, affermir, rendre immobile, maintenir en place.

Cross Translation:
affix affixe toevoegsel — een gebonden morfeem dat aan een ander morfeem wordt toegevoegd om zo een nieuw woord te vormen
affix affixe affix — een gebonden morfeem dat aan een ander morfeem wordt toegevoegd om zo een nieuw woord te vormen
affix afficher affigierenveraltet: eine Affiche aushängen, anschlagen, annageln
affix entoiler aufkleben — etwas auf etwas Anderem mit Hilfe von Klebstoff anbringen
affix fixer befestigen — etwas an einer Stelle so anbringen, dass es hält
affix affixe AffixLinguistik, Einheiten: ein grammatisches Morphem (= Wortteil), das nicht allein für sich als Lexem/Wort vorkommt, sondern nur in Kombination mit einem anderen Morphem, das den Wortstamm bildet. Das Affix kann vor, nach, in oder um den Wortstamm stehen.

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