
Uitgebreide vertaling voor add (Engels) in het Frans


to add werkwoord (adds, added, adding)

  1. to add
    contenir; comporter; renfermer
    • contenir werkwoord (contiens, contient, contenons, contenez, )
    • comporter werkwoord (comporte, comportes, comportons, comportez, )
    • renfermer werkwoord (renferme, renfermes, renfermons, renfermez, )
  2. to add
    ajouter; additionner; joindre
    • ajouter werkwoord (ajoute, ajoutes, ajoutons, ajoutez, )
    • additionner werkwoord (additionne, additionnes, additionnons, additionnez, )
    • joindre werkwoord (joins, joint, joignons, joignez, )
  3. to add
  4. to add (to make complete; replenish; fill up; count up; total)
    ajouter; compléter; additionner; remplir; adjoindre; ajouter à; incorporer; annexer; calculer en plus; faire l'appoint
    • ajouter werkwoord (ajoute, ajoutes, ajoutons, ajoutez, )
    • compléter werkwoord (complète, complètes, complétons, complétez, )
    • additionner werkwoord (additionne, additionnes, additionnons, additionnez, )
    • remplir werkwoord (remplis, remplit, remplissons, remplissez, )
    • adjoindre werkwoord (adjoins, adjoint, adjoignons, adjoignez, )
    • ajouter à werkwoord
    • incorporer werkwoord (incorpore, incorpores, incorporons, incorporez, )
    • annexer werkwoord (annexe, annexes, annexons, annexez, )
    • calculer en plus werkwoord
    • faire l'appoint werkwoord
  5. to add (join up; unite; include; join)
    se joindre à; ajouter; adjoindre; raccorder à; brancher sur; correspondre; relier à; serrer les rangs
    • se joindre à werkwoord
    • ajouter werkwoord (ajoute, ajoutes, ajoutons, ajoutez, )
    • adjoindre werkwoord (adjoins, adjoint, adjoignons, adjoignez, )
    • raccorder à werkwoord
    • brancher sur werkwoord
    • correspondre werkwoord (corresponds, correspond, correspondons, correspondez, )
    • relier à werkwoord
    • serrer les rangs werkwoord
  6. to add (count up; tally up; total)
    additionner; ajouter
    • additionner werkwoord (additionne, additionnes, additionnons, additionnez, )
    • ajouter werkwoord (ajoute, ajoutes, ajoutons, ajoutez, )
  7. to add (add to; append; join)
    inclure; joindre; ajouter; insérer
    • inclure werkwoord (inclus, inclut, incluons, incluez, )
    • joindre werkwoord (joins, joint, joignons, joignez, )
    • ajouter werkwoord (ajoute, ajoutes, ajoutons, ajoutez, )
    • insérer werkwoord (insère, insères, insérons, insérez, )
  8. to add (expand; extend; build out; )
    étendre; élargir; développer; agrandir; grossir; lever; évaser; gonfler; enfler; construire; rajouter une aile; se dilater; construire en plus; prendre du poids; s'amplifier; s'enfler; prendre de l'ampleur; prendre de l'expansion
    • étendre werkwoord (étends, étend, étendons, étendez, )
    • élargir werkwoord (élargis, élargit, élargissons, élargissez, )
    • développer werkwoord (développe, développes, développons, développez, )
    • agrandir werkwoord (agrandis, agrandit, agrandissons, agrandissez, )
    • grossir werkwoord (grossis, grossit, grossissons, grossissez, )
    • lever werkwoord (lève, lèves, levons, levez, )
    • évaser werkwoord (évase, évases, évasons, évasez, )
    • gonfler werkwoord (gonfle, gonfles, gonflons, gonflez, )
    • enfler werkwoord (enfle, enfles, enflons, enflez, )
    • construire werkwoord (construis, construit, construisons, construisez, )
    • rajouter une aile werkwoord (rajoute, rajoutes, rajoutons, rajoutez, )
    • se dilater werkwoord
    • construire en plus werkwoord
    • prendre du poids werkwoord
    • s'amplifier werkwoord
    • s'enfler werkwoord
  9. to add (put down; place; put; locate; situate)
    asseoir; mettre; placer; insérer; installer; appliquer; signaler; poser; garer; stationner
    • asseoir werkwoord (assieds, assied, asseyons, asseyez, )
    • mettre werkwoord (mets, met, mettons, mettez, )
    • placer werkwoord (place, places, plaçons, placez, )
    • insérer werkwoord (insère, insères, insérons, insérez, )
    • installer werkwoord (installe, installes, installons, installez, )
    • appliquer werkwoord (applique, appliques, appliquons, appliquez, )
    • signaler werkwoord (signale, signales, signalons, signalez, )
    • poser werkwoord (pose, poses, posons, posez, )
    • garer werkwoord (gare, gares, garons, garez, )
    • stationner werkwoord (stationne, stationnes, stationnons, stationnez, )
  10. to add (build out; extend; expand; )
    agrandir; construire; bâtir; ajouter à
    • agrandir werkwoord (agrandis, agrandit, agrandissons, agrandissez, )
    • construire werkwoord (construis, construit, construisons, construisez, )
    • bâtir werkwoord (bâtis, bâtit, bâtissons, bâtissez, )
    • ajouter à werkwoord
  11. to add (pour some more; pour)
  12. to add (put together; combine; mix; bind)
  13. to add
    – To join or combine thereby increasing the quantity or size of something. 1
    • ajouter werkwoord (ajoute, ajoutes, ajoutons, ajoutez, )

Conjugations for add:

  1. add
  2. add
  3. adds
  4. add
  5. add
  6. add
simple past
  1. added
  2. added
  3. added
  4. added
  5. added
  6. added
present perfect
  1. have added
  2. have added
  3. has added
  4. have added
  5. have added
  6. have added
past continuous
  1. was adding
  2. were adding
  3. was adding
  4. were adding
  5. were adding
  6. were adding
  1. shall add
  2. will add
  3. will add
  4. shall add
  5. will add
  6. will add
continuous present
  1. am adding
  2. are adding
  3. is adding
  4. are adding
  5. are adding
  6. are adding
  1. be added
  2. be added
  3. be added
  4. be added
  5. be added
  6. be added
  1. add!
  2. let's add!
  3. added
  4. adding
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor add:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
joindre welding
renfermer comprehending; containing; including
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
additioner add
additionner add; count up; fill up; replenish; tally up; to make complete; total
adjoindre add; count up; fill up; include; join; join up; replenish; to make complete; total; unite add up; attach; connect; count in; couple; include; link; make a match; pander
agrandir add; add new buildings; add on to; build; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen add to; arise; ascent; enlarge; expand; extend; grow; increase; increase in number; maximize; rise
ajouter add; add to; append; count up; fill up; include; join; join up; replenish; tally up; to make complete; total; unite add to mixture; add up; append; besiege; besieged; besieges; blend with; contribute; contribute more; count in; cover; encapsulate; enclose; evnvelope; fill; fill up; include; introduce; make up; pay; pay extra; pay in; put in; settle the difference; share in the costs; surround; top up; wrap up
ajouter en versant add; pour; pour some more
ajouter à add; add new buildings; add on to; build; build out; count up; expand; extend; fill up; replenish; to make complete; total add to mixture; blend with; pay extra
annexer add; count up; fill up; replenish; to make complete; total absorb; annex; enlist; enrol; enroll; incorporate; pick up; take in; take over; take up
appliquer add; locate; place; put; put down; situate administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; comply with; employ; enforce; engage; handle; implement; live up to; make use of; pour in; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize
asseoir add; locate; place; put; put down; situate base; sit; sit down
brancher sur add; include; join; join up; unite connect; light; put on; start; switch on; turn on
bâtir add; add new buildings; add on to; build; build out; expand; extend build; build on; build up; compose; construct; erect; establish; raise; set up
calculer en plus add; count up; fill up; replenish; to make complete; total
compléter add; count up; fill up; replenish; to make complete; total accomplish; better; bring to an end; complete; end; finish; finnish; get done; get ready; improve; make better; perfect; round off; wind up
comporter add
construire add; add new buildings; add on to; build; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen arrange; assemble; build; build up; compose; conceptualise; conceptualize; construct; create; design; erect; establish; fit; instal; install; invent; lay; make; manufacture; place; prepare; put together; raise; set up
construire en plus add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen
contenir add avert; bound; comprise; confine; control; dam; embank; encapsulate; enclose; end; envelope; include; keep out; keep under control; limit; prevent; restrain; restrict; suppress; surround
correspondre add; include; join; join up; unite agree; correspond to; match
développer add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen blossom; bring about; develop; effect; evolve; expand; fill out; grow in size; realise; realize; unfold
enfler add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen blow up; bulge; exaggerate; expand; grow; heighten; make or let explode; overdo; puff up; swell; swell up
faire l'appoint add; count up; fill up; replenish; to make complete; total give exact money; give the exact money
garer add; locate; place; put; put down; situate park; put away; store
gonfler add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen bulge; expand; fill; force up; grow; make or let explode; make something swell; puff up; swell; swell up
grossir add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen add to; arise; ascent; become thicker; blow out of proportions; blow up; bulge; come up; concentrate; condense; enlarge; exaggerate; expand; extend; grow; heighten; increase; increase in number; make or let explode; overdo; puff up; rise; swell; swell up; thicken
inclure add; add to; append; join add up; besiege; besieged; besieges; count in; cover; encapsulate; enclose; evnvelope; figure in; include; reckon among; surround; wrap up
incorporer add; count up; fill up; replenish; to make complete; total absorb; build in; embed; incorporate; initiate; introduce; lap up; pick up; put in; sip up; take in; take up
installer add; locate; place; put; put down; situate affix; arrange; assemble; attach; attach to; bring down; connect; construct; fasten; fit; furnish; inaugurate; initiate; instal; install; lay; place; position; put; put down; secure; set up; situate; take down
insérer add; add to; append; join; locate; place; put; put down; situate bring down; build in; fit in; incorporate; insert; intercalate; interpolate; introduce; place in between; put in; put in between; take down
joindre add; add to; append; join add up; assemble; attach; bind together; bridge; bundle; chain; combine; conform; connect; count in; couple; enchain; follow; forgather; fuse; fuze; gather; get together; give along with; go together; go with; include; join; join together; lay next to each other; link; make a match; meet; meet each other; melt together; merge; pander; place beside; put through; see each other; send along with; send with; shackle; unite; visit; weld
lever add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen abolish; annul; bring up; bulge; cancel; collect; come round for; come up; draw up; fetch; grow; haul; haul in; heave; hoist; lift; lift up; lighten; nullify; pick up; pull up; put up; raise; rise; stick up; swell up; take; take along; take away; undo
mettre add; locate; place; put; put down; situate assemble; bring down; cause; construct; deposit; dress; fasten; fit; instal; install; instigate; lay; lay down; lay something down; laydown; place; position; pull to; put; put down; put on; put something down; secure; serve; serve out; set; set down; set up; situate; station; take down; tie up
mettre ensemble add; bind; combine; mix; put together lay next to each other; place beside; place next to each other; place together; put together
placer add; locate; place; put; put down; situate allocate; bring down; deposit; invest; lay; lay up; laydown; place; plant; position; push; put; put down; put up; secure; set; set down; situate; station; stock; store; take down
poser add; locate; place; put; put down; situate affix; appoint; attach; attach to; bring down; connect; deposit; fasten; lay; lay down; lay something down; laydown; nominate; place; position; put; put down; put something down; secure; set; set down; situate; station; take down
prendre de l'ampleur add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen bulge; expand; swell; swell up
prendre de l'expansion add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen bulge; expand; swell; swell up
prendre du poids add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen bulge; expand; swell; swell up
raccorder à add; include; join; join up; unite
rajouter une aile add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen
relier à add; include; join; join up; unite connect; relate
remettre en versant add; pour; pour some more
remplir add; count up; fill up; replenish; to make complete; total cover; cover up; fill; fill in; fill out; fill up; inflate; populate; pump full; take up space; top up
remplir les verres à nouveau add; pour; pour some more
renfermer add put away; stow away
s'amplifier add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen add to; arise; ascent; bulge; come up; expand; extend; grow; increase; rise; swell; swell up
s'enfler add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen become thicker; bulge; expand; fester; grow; suppurate; swell; swell up; thicken
se dilater add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen broaden; bulge; expand; grow; spread; swell; swell up; widen
se joindre à add; include; join; join up; unite adjust; conform to; join
serrer les rangs add; include; join; join up; unite
signaler add; locate; place; put; put down; situate announce; define; draw attention to; indicate; inform; make a signal; notice; observe; pinpoint; point; point out; point to; show; signal
stationner add; locate; place; put; put down; situate deposit; lay; laydown; park; place; put down; set; set down; situate; station
verser encore un peu add; pour; pour some more
élargir add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen broaden; deepen; enlarge; expand; extend; increase; increase in number; make more profound; spread; widen
étendre add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen broaden; cast around; deepen; disperse; enlarge; expand; extend; fold open; fold out; give; give to; grow; hand; hand over; hang out; hang outside; increase; increase in number; lay out; make more profound; pass; prolong; put ready; scatter; sow; spread; spread out; sprinkle; stretch; stretch out; strew about; swell; tighten; toss about; unfold
évaser add; add on to; build out; expand; extend; swell; widen
- add together; append; bestow; bring; contribute; impart; lend; supply
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- add to delivery
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- affix; append; cause; inflict

Verwante woorden van "add":

Synoniemen voor "add":

Antoniemen van "add":

Verwante definities voor "add":

  1. make an addition (to); join or combine or unite with others; increase the quality, quantity, size or scope of2
    • We added two students to that dorm room2
    • She added a personal note to her letter2
  2. make an addition by combining numbers2
  3. state or say further2
  4. bestow a quality on2
    • The music added a lot to the play2
    • This adds a light note to the program2
  5. constitute an addition2
    • This paper will add to her reputation2
  6. To join or combine thereby increasing the quantity or size of something.1

Wiktionary: add

  1. to perform the arithmetical operation of addition, to add up
  2. to make an addition
  3. to append, as a statement
  1. ajouter plusieurs nombres l’un à l’autre pour en trouver le total.
  2. À trier
  3. mettre en plus.
  4. mettre une chose sur une autre, soit pour qu’elle y demeure adhérente, être pour qu’elle y laisser une empreinte, soit simplement pour qu’elle y toucher.
  5. poser, appliquer sur quelque chose.
  6. approcher deux choses l’une contre l’autre, en sorte qu’elles se toucher ou qu’elles se tenir.
  7. Ajouter de nouveau. (Sens général.)

Cross Translation:
add ajouter toevoegen — tot vermeerdering bijvoegen
add additionner optellen — bij elkaar tellen; het samenvoegen van twee of meer termen tot een totaal, de som genoemd
add joindre; ajouter bijvoegen — als extra ergens aan toevoegen
add additionner addieren — zusammenzählen mehrerer Zahlen
add ajouter ergänzen — etwas hinzufügen
add ajouter hinzufügenmit Dativ: einen Zusatz zu etwas geben

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van add