
Uitgebreide vertaling voor soften (Engels) in het Frans


to soften werkwoord (softens, softened, softening)

  1. to soften (anneal; plasticize; plasticise)
    adoucir; atténuer; attendrir; amollir; rendre mou
    • adoucir werkwoord (adoucis, adoucit, adoucissons, adoucissez, )
    • atténuer werkwoord (atténue, atténues, atténuons, atténuez, )
    • attendrir werkwoord (attendris, attendrit, attendrissons, attendrissez, )
    • amollir werkwoord (amollis, amollit, amollissons, amollissez, )
    • rendre mou werkwoord
  2. to soften (ease; relieve; soothe)
    adoucir; soulager; radoucir; modérer; atténuer
    • adoucir werkwoord (adoucis, adoucit, adoucissons, adoucissez, )
    • soulager werkwoord (soulage, soulages, soulageons, soulagez, )
    • radoucir werkwoord (radoucis, radoucit, radoucissons, radoucissez, )
    • modérer werkwoord (modère, modères, modérons, modérez, )
    • atténuer werkwoord (atténue, atténues, atténuons, atténuez, )
  3. to soften
    émouvoir; adoucir; attendrir; radoucir; amollir; s'attendrir; se ramollir
    • émouvoir werkwoord (émeus, émeut, émouvons, émouvez, )
    • adoucir werkwoord (adoucis, adoucit, adoucissons, adoucissez, )
    • attendrir werkwoord (attendris, attendrit, attendrissons, attendrissez, )
    • radoucir werkwoord (radoucis, radoucit, radoucissons, radoucissez, )
    • amollir werkwoord (amollis, amollit, amollissons, amollissez, )
    • s'attendrir werkwoord
    • se ramollir werkwoord
  4. to soften
    atténuer; apitoyer; émouvoir; adoucir; radoucir; amollir; attendrir; modérer; s'attendrir
    • atténuer werkwoord (atténue, atténues, atténuons, atténuez, )
    • apitoyer werkwoord
    • émouvoir werkwoord (émeus, émeut, émouvons, émouvez, )
    • adoucir werkwoord (adoucis, adoucit, adoucissons, adoucissez, )
    • radoucir werkwoord (radoucis, radoucit, radoucissons, radoucissez, )
    • amollir werkwoord (amollis, amollit, amollissons, amollissez, )
    • attendrir werkwoord (attendris, attendrit, attendrissons, attendrissez, )
    • modérer werkwoord (modère, modères, modérons, modérez, )
    • s'attendrir werkwoord
  5. to soften (mellow; soothe; ease; relax)
    adoucir; radoucir; atténuer; modérer
    • adoucir werkwoord (adoucis, adoucit, adoucissons, adoucissez, )
    • radoucir werkwoord (radoucis, radoucit, radoucissons, radoucissez, )
    • atténuer werkwoord (atténue, atténues, atténuons, atténuez, )
    • modérer werkwoord (modère, modères, modérons, modérez, )
  6. to soften (weaken)
    atténuer; adoucir; modérer; se ramollir; rendre mou
    • atténuer werkwoord (atténue, atténues, atténuons, atténuez, )
    • adoucir werkwoord (adoucis, adoucit, adoucissons, adoucissez, )
    • modérer werkwoord (modère, modères, modérons, modérez, )
    • se ramollir werkwoord
    • rendre mou werkwoord

Conjugations for soften:

  1. soften
  2. soften
  3. softens
  4. soften
  5. soften
  6. soften
simple past
  1. softened
  2. softened
  3. softened
  4. softened
  5. softened
  6. softened
present perfect
  1. have softened
  2. have softened
  3. has softened
  4. have softened
  5. have softened
  6. have softened
past continuous
  1. was softening
  2. were softening
  3. was softening
  4. were softening
  5. were softening
  6. were softening
  1. shall soften
  2. will soften
  3. will soften
  4. shall soften
  5. will soften
  6. will soften
continuous present
  1. am softening
  2. are softening
  3. is softening
  4. are softening
  5. are softening
  6. are softening
  1. be softened
  2. be softened
  3. be softened
  4. be softened
  5. be softened
  6. be softened
  1. soften!
  2. let's soften!
  3. softened
  4. softening
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor soften:

WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
adoucir anneal; ease; mellow; plasticise; plasticize; relax; relieve; soften; soothe; weaken
amollir anneal; plasticise; plasticize; soften
apitoyer soften
attendrir anneal; plasticise; plasticize; soften cause emotions; move; touch
atténuer anneal; ease; mellow; plasticise; plasticize; relax; relieve; soften; soothe; weaken abate; adulterate; be going down hill; be lost; become weak; cease; come down; dilute; enervate; enfeeble; fall away; lessen; lose strength; weaken
modérer ease; mellow; relax; relieve; soften; soothe; weaken control; damp; keep back; moderate; reduce; restrain; subdue; use sparingly
radoucir ease; mellow; relax; relieve; soften; soothe leave to soak; soak
rendre mou anneal; plasticise; plasticize; soften; weaken leave to soak; soak
s'attendrir soften
se ramollir soften; weaken leave to soak; soak
soulager ease; relieve; soften; soothe alleviate; comfort; free; let go; liberate; quench; release; relieve; set at liberty; set free
émouvoir soften affect; cause emotions; concern; hit; move; strike; touch
- break; buffer; cushion; damp; dampen; mince; moderate; relent; weaken; yield
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- make soft

Verwante woorden van "soften":

Synoniemen voor "soften":

Antoniemen van "soften":

Verwante definities voor "soften":

  1. become soft or softer1
    • The bread will soften if you pour some liquid on it1
  2. make soft or softer1
    • This liquid will soften your laundry1
  3. lessen in force or effect1
    • soften a shock1
  4. make less severe or harsh1
  5. protect from impact1
  6. make (images or sounds) soft or softer1
  7. give in, as to influence or pressure1

Wiktionary: soften

  1. Rendre doux, tempérer l’âcreté de quelque chose d’aigre, de piquant, de salé.
  2. rendre mou et maniable.
  3. rendre moins ardent.
  4. Rendre ou devenir flexible
  5. devenir plus doux

Cross Translation:
soften attendrir vertederen — teder stemmen
soften tremper weken — door langdurig in een vloeistof te leggen zacht, plooibaar of beter wasbaar maken


soft bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. soft
    doux; moelleux; doucement; tendre; velouté
  2. soft (tender)
    mou; molle; mol
    • mou bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • molle bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • mol bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  3. soft (goody-goody)
    niais; bonasse

Vertaal Matrix voor soft:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
niais Simple Simon; birdbrain; blockhead; buffoon; clown; coxcomb; dandy; dolt; duffer; dumbo; dunce; dunces; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; fop; idiot; jack pudding; jackanapes; merry Andrew; nerd; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; oaf; prig; rattle brain; rattle-brain; silly fools; silly man; silly thing; simple mind; simpleton; stupid
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
tendre give; give to; hand; hand over; pass; stretch; tighten
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- balmy; cushy; delicate; diffuse; diffused; easy; easygoing; flabby; flaccid; gentle; indulgent; lenient; mild; piano; sonant; subdued; voiced
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- easy
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- coddled; effeminate; gentle; pampered
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
bonasse goody-goody; soft
doucement soft
doux soft beloved; cute; dear; easy-going; enjoyable; forgiving; gentle; indolent; nice; salutary; sweet; sympathetic
moelleux soft
mol soft; tender dizy; weak
molle soft; tender clammy; miserable; smelling of sweat; sweaty; wretched
mou soft; tender adorable; clammy; cute; dear; dizy; drained; enchanting; faint; flat; fluffy; languid; listless; lovely; miserable; rotten; smelling of sweat; spongy; stale; sweaty; sweet; washed out; weak; woolly; wooly; wretched
niais goody-goody; soft calfish; easily; easy; effortless; not difficult; not hard; simple
tendre soft affectionate; deep; delicate; easily hurt; fond; forgiving; fragile; frail; gentle; intense; lightly built; loving; oversensitive; petite; profound; sensitive; sentimental; slender; slight; small-boned; subtle; susceptible; tender; tender hearted; thin; warm
velouté soft creamy; soft as velvet; velours; velvet; velvet-like; velvety

Verwante woorden van "soft":

Synoniemen voor "soft":

Antoniemen van "soft":

Verwante definities voor "soft":

  1. not brilliant or glaring1
    • the moon cast soft shadows1
    • soft pastel colors1
  2. mild and pleasant1
    • a soft breeze1
  3. not burdensome or demanding; borne or done easily and without hardship1
    • a soft job1
  4. willing to negotiate and compromise1
  5. out of condition; not strong or robust; incapable of exertion or endurance1
    • he was too soft for the army1
  6. yielding readily to pressure or weight1
  7. compassionate and kind; conciliatory1
    • he was soft on his children1
  8. (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward the hard palate; characterized by a hissing or hushing sound (as `s' and `sh')1
  9. (of light) transmitted from a broad light source or reflected1
  10. having little impact1
    • a soft (or light) tapping at the window1
  11. (of sound) relatively low in volume1
    • soft voices1
    • soft music1
  12. used chiefly as a direction or description in music1
  13. not protected against attack (especially by nuclear weapons)1
    • soft targets1
  14. soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe1
  15. tolerant or lenient1
    • too soft on the children1
    • they are soft on crime1
  16. using evidence not readily amenable to experimental verification or refutation1
    • soft data1
    • the soft sciences1
  17. produced with vibration of the vocal cords1
  18. easily hurt1
    • soft hands1
  19. (of a commodity or market or currency) falling or likely to fall in value1
    • the market for computers is soft1
  20. in a relaxed manner; or without hardship1

Wiktionary: soft

  1. giving way under pressure
  2. of a cloth
  3. gentle
  1. Agréable au toucher.
  2. D’une saveur peu prononcée, ou de texture soyeuse.
  3. Agréable à entendre.
  4. D’une eau à teneur faible en minéraux.
  5. Qui est d’une très grande finesse, très délié.
  6. À trier …

Cross Translation:
soft moelleux geschmeidig — weich, anschmiegsam
soft douce; doux sanftbei Stoffen: weich, flexibel
soft doux; douce sanft — sehr ruhig; ohne Kraftaufwand; zart
soft mou; molle weich — ohne großen Kraftaufwand plastisch verformbar
soft doux; douce weichCharakter: sensibel, empfindsam, zart
soft doux; douce weichKlang: mild
soft doux; douce weichDrogen: nur psychisch abhängig machend
soft délicat; sensible zart besaitetvon Personen: emotional wenig belastbar, sensibel auf äußere Ereignisse reagierend
soft semaine week — tijdseenheid van 7 dagen
soft mou; molle; doux zacht — gemakkelijk samen te drukken en/of te buigen

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van soften