
Uitgebreide vertaling voor stuffed (Engels) in het Frans


stuffed bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. stuffed (filled; full; filled out)
    plein; fourré; rempli; rembourré; bourré; comble
  2. stuffed (sated; satisfied; full)
    saturé; mangé à satiété
  3. stuffed
    bourré; farci; gavé
    • bourré bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • farci bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • gavé bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  4. stuffed (filled; filled out; full)
    plein; rembourré; fourré; rempli; farci; comble; bourré

Vertaal Matrix voor stuffed:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
comble apex; climax; crossbeam; culminating point; culmination; frame; peak; pinnacle; rafter; roofbeam; summit; top; truss; zenith
farci filling; padding; stuffing
fourré bush; grove; hedge; privet; shrubs; thicket
plein fullness; plenitude
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
bourré filled; filled out; full; stuffed as tight as a drum; blind drunk; chock full; chock-a-block; chockfull; completely drunk; crammed; crowded; dead drunk; drunk; drunken; full; full to the brim; intoxicated; loaded; overcrowded; packed; pissed; soaked; thoroughly plastered; tight; tipsy
comble filled; filled out; full; stuffed brimful; brimfull; chock-a-block; chock-full; chockfull; crammed; crowded; full to the brim; in abundance; in plenty; overcrowded; packed; plenty of
farci filled; filled out; full; stuffed
fourré filled; filled out; full; stuffed
gavé stuffed
mangé à satiété full; sated; satisfied; stuffed
plein filled; filled out; full; stuffed burly; full; heavily built; massive; resonant; robust; sonorous; sturdy
rembourré filled; filled out; full; stuffed
rempli filled; filled out; full; stuffed filled up; refilled
saturé full; sated; satisfied; stuffed

Verwante woorden van "stuffed":

Synoniemen voor "stuffed":

Verwante definities voor "stuffed":

  1. filled with something1
    • a stuffed turkey1
  2. crammed with food1
    • I feel stuffed1

Wiktionary: stuffed

  1. with material
  2. with food
  1. plein à craquer.
  2. rembourrer de paille.
  3. garni de fourrure.
  4. Qui contient tout ce qu’il est capable de contenir ; il est opposé à vide. (Sens général).
  5. garni de bourre, (laine,crin,kapok, bourré,capitoné,matelassé.

Cross Translation:
stuffed bourré pappsattumgangssprachlich, häufig übertragen: vollkommen satt

stuffed vorm van stuff:

stuff [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the stuff (matter)
    la matière; la substance
  2. the stuff (things; items; goods; articles)
    la choses; l'affaires; le trucs; le biens
    • choses [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • affaires [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • trucs [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • biens [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  3. the stuff
    la substance; la chose; le truc
    • substance [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • chose [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • truc [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  4. the stuff (articles; ware; merchandise; )
    l'articles; la marchandise
  5. the stuff (hash; cannabis; hemp; hashish)
    le cannabis; l'haschisch
  6. the stuff (broken stones; mortar; rubble; )
    le gravier; le gâchis; le cailloutis; la pierraille; le mortier
  7. the stuff (possesions; worldly goods; things; bits and pieces; bits & pieces)
    la possessions; la propriétés; l'affaires; le biens

to stuff werkwoord (stuffs, stuffed, stuffing)

  1. to stuff
  2. to stuff
    rembourrer; bourrer; empailler; tasser
    • rembourrer werkwoord (rembourre, rembourres, rembourrons, rembourrez, )
    • bourrer werkwoord (bourre, bourres, bourrons, bourrez, )
    • empailler werkwoord (empaille, empailles, empaillons, empaillez, )
    • tasser werkwoord (tasse, tasses, tassons, tassez, )
  3. to stuff (stow)
    • ranger werkwoord (range, ranges, rangeons, rangez, )

Conjugations for stuff:

  1. stuff
  2. stuff
  3. stuffs
  4. stuff
  5. stuff
  6. stuff
simple past
  1. stuffed
  2. stuffed
  3. stuffed
  4. stuffed
  5. stuffed
  6. stuffed
present perfect
  1. have stuffed
  2. have stuffed
  3. has stuffed
  4. have stuffed
  5. have stuffed
  6. have stuffed
past continuous
  1. was stuffing
  2. were stuffing
  3. was stuffing
  4. were stuffing
  5. were stuffing
  6. were stuffing
  1. shall stuff
  2. will stuff
  3. will stuff
  4. shall stuff
  5. will stuff
  6. will stuff
continuous present
  1. am stuffing
  2. are stuffing
  3. is stuffing
  4. are stuffing
  5. are stuffing
  6. are stuffing
  1. be stuffed
  2. be stuffed
  3. be stuffed
  4. be stuffed
  5. be stuffed
  6. be stuffed
  1. stuff!
  2. let's stuff!
  3. stuffed
  4. stuffing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor stuff:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
affaires articles; bits & pieces; bits and pieces; goods; items; possesions; stuff; things; worldly goods activity; affairs; brooding; business; commerce; deep-thinking; matters; occupation; pursuit; reverie; trade; work
articles articles; goods; merchandise; produce; stuff; ware; wares articles; commodities; goods; merchandise; wares
biens articles; bits & pieces; bits and pieces; goods; items; possesions; stuff; things; worldly goods ability; assets; belonging; capability; capacity; commodities; consumer goods; goods; household effects; merchandise; ownership; possession; property; quality; wares
cailloutis broken stones; calcium; chalk; lime; matter; mortar; plaster; quick lime; rubble; slaked lime; stone-chippings; stone-dust; stuff mortar
cannabis cannabis; hash; hashish; hemp; stuff
chose stuff article; gadget; good; item; matter; object; thing
choses articles; goods; items; stuff; things washing
gravier broken stones; calcium; chalk; lime; matter; mortar; plaster; quick lime; rubble; slaked lime; stone-chippings; stone-dust; stuff gravel; gravelly earth; grit; loose-lying stone; pebble-sand; quartz sand; shingle
gâchis broken stones; calcium; chalk; lime; matter; mortar; plaster; quick lime; rubble; slaked lime; stone-chippings; stone-dust; stuff caboodle; chaos; fooling around; hash; hassle; mayhem; mess; messing about; messing around; muddle
haschisch cannabis; hash; hashish; hemp; stuff
marchandise articles; goods; merchandise; produce; stuff; ware; wares article; article of consumption; business; commerce; commercial product; commodities; commodity; consumer article; good; goods; merchandise; trade; trading item; wares
matière matter; stuff
mortier broken stones; calcium; chalk; lime; matter; mortar; plaster; quick lime; rubble; slaked lime; stone-chippings; stone-dust; stuff adhesive plaster; calcium; cement; cement layer; chalk; elastoplast; lime; mortar; plaster; rice-bag; sticking plaster; stucco
pierraille broken stones; calcium; chalk; lime; matter; mortar; plaster; quick lime; rubble; slaked lime; stone-chippings; stone-dust; stuff
possessions bits & pieces; bits and pieces; possesions; stuff; things; worldly goods
propriétés bits & pieces; bits and pieces; possesions; stuff; things; worldly goods assets; commodities; country estates; estates; landed properties; ownership; possession; property
substance matter; stuff core; essence; matter; the heart of the matter
tasser filling up
truc stuff apparatus; appliance; article; device; dodge; gadget; gimmick; good; item; knack; lure; machine; magic trick; matter; object; ruse; sleight of hand; thing; trick
trucs articles; goods; items; stuff; things
- clobber; hooey; material; poppycock; stuff and nonsense
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
bourrer stuff fill; fill in; fill up; inflate; pump full; stuff with food
empailler stuff mend chairs
empailler des animaux stuff
ranger stow; stuff archivate; arrange; clean; clear away; document; file; gather; lay; lay aside; lay down; move closer; move up; order; organise; organize; pack together; pack up; park; place; position; put; put away; put down; put in order; range; range together; save; scrape together; situate; store; stow away; sweep; tidy up
rembourrer stuff cram into
tasser stuff fasten; press; wedge
- block; choke up; englut; engorge; farce; glut; gorge; gormandise; gormandize; gourmandize; ingurgitate; lug; overeat; overgorge; overindulge; shove; squeeze; thrust
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- material; rubbish

Verwante woorden van "stuff":

Synoniemen voor "stuff":

Antoniemen van "stuff":

  • unstuff

Verwante definities voor "stuff":

  1. miscellaneous unspecified objects1
    • the trunk was full of stuff1
  2. unspecified qualities required to do or be something1
    • the stuff of heros1
    • you don't have the stuff to be a United States Marine1
  3. a critically important or characteristic component1
    • suspense is the very stuff of narrative1
  4. senseless talk1
    • don't give me that stuff1
  5. information in some unspecified form1
    • it was stuff I had heard before1
    • there's good stuff in that book1
  6. informal terms for personal possessions1
  7. the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object1
    • wheat is the stuff they use to make bread1
  8. fill with a stuffing while cooking1
    • Have you stuffed the turkey yet?1
  9. fill tightly with a material1
    • stuff a pillow with feathers1
  10. treat with grease, fill, and prepare for mounting1
    • stuff a bearskin1
  11. overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself1
    • She stuffed herself at the dinner1
  12. obstruct1
    • My nose is all stuffed1
  13. cram into a cavity1
    • The child stuffed candy into his pockets1
  14. press or force1

Wiktionary: stuff

  1. miscellaneous items; things
  2. substitution for trivial details
  1. to fill (something) up in a compressed manner
  2. British, Australian: to be broken
  3. vulgar, British, Australian: insult
  1. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  2. Remplir une chose d’une matière quelconque
  3. Manger avidement et avec excès (transitif)
  4. Manger quelque chose avidement et avec excès (pronominal)
  5. garnir de paille.
  6. Remplir de farce.
  7. Introduire, faire entrer une chose dans une autre
  8. Donner avec excès
  9. Garnir l’intérieur d’un aliment avec un autre comestible
  10. Pénétrer sexuellement
  11. Se nourrir avec excès
  12. (familier, fr) manger beaucoup et gloutonnement, s'empiffrer.
  13. garnir de bourre, de laine, de crin, etc.
  14. s’empiffrer, manger gloutonnement, avec excès.
  1. Permet de désigner un objet, une idée, un concept ou une abstraction quelconque, sans avoir à l’identifier ou à le nommer
  2. À trier
  3. Sujets ou activités banals et courants
  4. philosophie|fr Ce qui subsister par soi-même, indépendamment de tout accident.
  5. Quelque chose dont on ne connaît pas le nom
  6. textile|fr tissu de soie, de laine, de coton, etc., dont on faire des habits, dont on recouvre des meubles, etc.

Cross Translation:
stuff → s'empiffrer vreten — het nuttigen van voedsel op een meestal onbeleefde wijze
stuff bazar Geraffelösterreichisch, süddeutsch, familiär: minderwertige Gebrauchsgegenstände
stuff fourbi; brolle Kruschtumgangssprachlich, hauptsächlich Alemannisch und Schwäbisch: Gegenstände ohne bedeutenden materiellen Wert, die selten gebraucht werden
stuff mettre stopfen — etwas verformbar irgendwo hineindrücken

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van stuffed