
Uitgebreide vertaling voor imagine (Engels) in het Frans


to imagine werkwoord (imagines, imagined, imagining)

  1. to imagine (sympathize; conceive; feel empathy for; )
    envisager; se mettre dans la peau de; compatir; se figurer; comprendre; considérer; représenter; présenter; figurer; parler sérieusement; s'imaginer; s'identifier à
    • envisager werkwoord (envisage, envisages, envisageons, envisagez, )
    • compatir werkwoord (compatis, compatit, compatissons, compatissez, )
    • se figurer werkwoord
    • comprendre werkwoord (comprends, comprend, comprenons, comprenez, )
    • considérer werkwoord (considère, considères, considérons, considérez, )
    • représenter werkwoord (représente, représentes, représentons, représentez, )
    • présenter werkwoord (présente, présentes, présentons, présentez, )
    • figurer werkwoord (figure, figures, figurons, figurez, )
    • s'imaginer werkwoord
    • s'identifier à werkwoord

Conjugations for imagine:

  1. imagine
  2. imagine
  3. imagines
  4. imagine
  5. imagine
  6. imagine
simple past
  1. imagined
  2. imagined
  3. imagined
  4. imagined
  5. imagined
  6. imagined
present perfect
  1. have imagined
  2. have imagined
  3. has imagined
  4. have imagined
  5. have imagined
  6. have imagined
past continuous
  1. was imagining
  2. were imagining
  3. was imagining
  4. were imagining
  5. were imagining
  6. were imagining
  1. shall imagine
  2. will imagine
  3. will imagine
  4. shall imagine
  5. will imagine
  6. will imagine
continuous present
  1. am imagining
  2. are imagining
  3. is imagining
  4. are imagining
  5. are imagining
  6. are imagining
  1. be imagined
  2. be imagined
  3. be imagined
  4. be imagined
  5. be imagined
  6. be imagined
  1. imagine!
  2. let's imagine!
  3. imagined
  4. imagining
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor imagine:

WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
compatir be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think affect; commiserate; concern; condole; feel with someone; pity; share an ideology; sympathise; sympathize; sympathize with; take pity; touch
comprendre be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think be on to; comprehend; comprise; confine; consist of; count in; dam; embank; encapsulate; enclose; envelope; figure in; fill; get; grasp; include; limit; look through; restrict; rumble to; see through; take up space; understand
considérer be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think appreciate; check; consider; contemplate; control; deliberate; discuss; esteem; esteem highly; examine; have a conference; have a high regard for; hold in great esteem; hold session; inspect; look at; meditate on; meet; muse on; observe; ponder on; praise; reflect; reflect on; regard; respect; scrutinise; scrutinize; seek advice; seek advice from; think it over; think out; think over; value highly; verify; view; watch
envisager be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think consider; contrive; devise; plan; plot; regard; set up; think it over; think out; think over
figurer be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think act; act a part; figure; impersonate; perform; play the role of; play-act; pose
parler sérieusement be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think
présenter be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think advise; appoint; be on show; bring forward; bring in; bring up; broach; broach a subject; consider; cut; cut into; delate; deliver up; dish up; display; do up; elect; enlist; enrol; enroll; enter; exhibit; extend; formulate; give; give to; hand; hand in; hand over; initiate; inscribe; introduce; lay before; nominate; offer; parade; pass; phrase; present; present with; proffer; propose; propound; put forward; put into words; put on the table; raise; reap; recommend; register; serve; serve out; show; showcase; sting; subscribe; suggest; throw up; toss in the air; toss up; word
représenter be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think depict; describe; draw; impersonate; interpret; paint; personify; picture; portray; represent; sketch
s'identifier à be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think
s'imaginer be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think pretend; think a lot of oneself
se figurer be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think
se mettre dans la peau de be in sympathy with; conceive; feel; feel empathy for; imagine; intend; sympathise; sympathize; think
- conceive of; envisage; guess; ideate; opine; reckon; suppose; think
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- fancy

Verwante woorden van "imagine":

Synoniemen voor "imagine":

Verwante definities voor "imagine":

  1. expect, believe, or suppose1
    • I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel1
  2. form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case1

Wiktionary: imagine

  1. (intransitive) to guess
  2. (intransitive) to use one's imagination
  3. (transitive) to conjecture
  4. (transitive) to assume
  5. (transitive) to believe
  6. (transitive) to form a mental image of something
Cross Translation:
imagine croire wanen — zich iets inbeelden wat niet waar is
imagine → s'imaginer indenkenzich iets ~: begrip kunnen opbrengen voor iets

Computer vertaling door derden:


Uitgebreide vertaling voor imagine (Frans) in het Engels


imaginer werkwoord (imagine, imagines, imaginons, imaginez, )

  1. imaginer (fabuler; tramer)
    to invent; to contrive; to devise; to make up
    • invent werkwoord (invents, invented, inventing)
    • contrive werkwoord (contrives, contrived, contriving)
    • devise werkwoord (devises, devised, devising)
    • make up werkwoord (makes up, made up, making up)
  2. imaginer (concevoir; planifier; prévoir; )
    to plan; to contrive; to set up; to devise; to plot
    • plan werkwoord (plans, planned, planning)
    • contrive werkwoord (contrives, contrived, contriving)
    • set up werkwoord (sets up, set up, setting up)
    • devise werkwoord (devises, devised, devising)
    • plot werkwoord (plots, plotted, plotting)
  3. imaginer (estimer; évaluer; expertiser; )
    to estimate; to devise
    • estimate werkwoord (estimates, estimated, estimating)
    • devise werkwoord (devises, devised, devising)
  4. imaginer (concocter; inventer; fabriquer)
    to figure out; to puzzle out
    • figure out werkwoord (figures out, figured out, figuring out)
    • puzzle out werkwoord (puzzles out, puzzled out, puzzling out)

Conjugations for imaginer:

  1. imagine
  2. imagines
  3. imagine
  4. imaginons
  5. imaginez
  6. imaginent
  1. imaginais
  2. imaginais
  3. imaginait
  4. imaginions
  5. imaginiez
  6. imaginaient
passé simple
  1. imaginai
  2. imaginas
  3. imagina
  4. imaginâmes
  5. imaginâtes
  6. imaginèrent
futur simple
  1. imaginerai
  2. imagineras
  3. imaginera
  4. imaginerons
  5. imaginerez
  6. imagineront
subjonctif présent
  1. que j'imagine
  2. que tu imagines
  3. qu'il imagine
  4. que nous imaginions
  5. que vous imaginiez
  6. qu'ils imaginent
conditionnel présent
  1. imaginerais
  2. imaginerais
  3. imaginerait
  4. imaginerions
  5. imagineriez
  6. imagineraient
passé composé
  1. ai imaginé
  2. as imaginé
  3. a imaginé
  4. avons imaginé
  5. avez imaginé
  6. ont imaginé
  1. imagine!
  2. imaginez!
  3. imaginons!
  4. imaginé
  5. imaginant
1. je, 2. tu, 3. il/elle/on, 4. nous, 5. vous, 6. ils/elles

Vertaal Matrix voor imaginer:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
estimate appréciation; calcul; calculation; devis; estimation; proposition de prix; présomption; supposition; taxation; évaluation
invent service d'un plat
plan abrégé; aperçu; aperçu de la situation; condensé; dessin; dessin des lieux; exposé; plan; plan municipal; planification; projet; projet de base; récapitulation; résumé; sommaire
plot complot; conspiration; domaine; enchevêtrement; entrelacement; intrigue; lot; lotissement; parcelle; parcelle de terrain; terrain; terrain à bâtir
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
contrive concevoir; envisager; fabuler; imaginer; organiser; planifier; projeter; prévoir; tramer
devise cadastrer; concevoir; envisager; estimer; expertiser; fabuler; faire une expertise; imaginer; organiser; planifier; projeter; prévoir; tramer; évaluer concevoir un plan; laisser; léguer; planifier; projeter; préparer; tramer
estimate cadastrer; concevoir; estimer; expertiser; faire une expertise; imaginer; planifier; tramer; évaluer calculer; chiffrer; conjecturer; deviner; estimer; faire une expertise; présumer; présupposer; spéculer; supposer; taxer; évaluer; évaluer à
figure out concocter; fabriquer; imaginer; inventer calculer; chiffrer; estimer; évaluer
invent fabuler; imaginer; tramer alterner; altérer; changer; concevoir; confectionner; construire; créer; fabriquer; faire; former; inventer; modifier; permuter; réaliser; transformer; varier; échanger; élaborer
make up fabuler; imaginer; tramer ajouter; aller bien; compenser; concilier; conter des mensonges; décorer; embellir; faire accroire à; faire la paix; faire rattraper; faire récupérer; farder; garnir; grimer; maquiller; mentir; mettre en page; orner; parer; participer aux frais; payer un supplément; prospérer; raconter des histoires; régler à l'amiable; réparer; réussir; se réconcilier
plan concevoir; envisager; imaginer; organiser; planifier; projeter; prévoir; tramer avoir en vue; avoir l'intention de; compter faire; concevoir un plan; planifier; projeter; préparer; tramer
plot concevoir; envisager; imaginer; organiser; planifier; projeter; prévoir; tramer comploter; concevoir un plan; planifier; projeter; préparer; tramer
puzzle out concocter; fabriquer; imaginer; inventer
set up concevoir; envisager; imaginer; organiser; planifier; projeter; prévoir; tramer activer; amorcer; arranger; bâtir; commencer; commencer à; construire; donner le signal du départ pour; dresser; débuter; démarrer; engager; entamer; entreprendre; entrer en vigueur; envoyer; faire; installer; lancer; mettre; mettre en marche; mettre quelque chose debout; ouvrir; partir; prendre; s'activer; se mettre en mouvement; toucher; édifier; ériger
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
set up fondé; établi

Synoniemen voor "imaginer":

Wiktionary: imaginer

imaginer imaginer
  1. (intransitive) to guess
  2. (intransitive) to use one's imagination
  3. (transitive) to conjecture
  4. (transitive) to assume
  5. (transitive) to believe
  6. (transitive) to form a mental image of something
  7. have an imaginative, unusual or foolish idea, invent something unreal
  8. conclude; believe

Cross Translation:
imaginer visualise visualiseren — iets beeldend voorstellen (mentaal)
imaginer to imagine sth.; to picture sth./ to oneself ausmalenreflexiv, transitiv: sich eine Vorstellung von etwas machen
imaginer devise; think up; excogitate erdenken — (transitiv) etwas ausdenken, sich etwas Neues einfallen lassen


imaginé bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. imaginé (fictif; inventé)
    fictitious; fictive; imaginary; invented; notional
  2. imaginé (inventé)
    invented; made up; spun a yarn; told a tall tale
  3. imaginé (proposé; visé; présenté; privilégié; figuré)
  4. imaginé (inventé de toutes pièces; inventé)
    drawn up; invented; made up; told a tall tale

Vertaal Matrix voor imaginé:

Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
fictitious fictif; imaginé; inventé abject; bas; basse; bassement; chimérique; d'emprunt; fabuleux; fantastique; faussement; faux; feint; fictif; idéal; ignoble; ignoblement; illusoire; imaginaire; inventé; méchant; méprisable; ordinaire; ordinairement; perfide; perfidement; rudement; supposé; vachement; vil; virtuel; vulgaire; vulgairement
fictive fictif; imaginé; inventé d'emprunt; feint; fictif; inventé
imaginary fictif; imaginé; inventé chimérique; fabuleux; fantastique; fictif; idéal; illusoire; imaginaire; irréel; irréelle; virtuel
notional fictif; imaginé; inventé
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
drawn up imaginé; inventé; inventé de toutes pièces remonté
invented fictif; imaginé; inventé; inventé de toutes pièces inventé
made up imaginé; inventé; inventé de toutes pièces camouflé; couvert; déguisé
proposed figuré; imaginé; privilégié; proposé; présenté; visé
spun a yarn imaginé; inventé
told a tall tale imaginé; inventé; inventé de toutes pièces

Synoniemen voor "imaginé":

Computer vertaling door derden: