
Uitgebreide vertaling voor maliciously (Engels) in het Frans


Vertaal Matrix voor maliciously:

OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- cunning

Verwante woorden van "maliciously":

Verwante definities voor "maliciously":

  1. with malice; in a malicious manner1
    • she answered maliciously1

Wiktionary: maliciously

  1. In a malicious manner


malicious bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. malicious (with evil intention; badly; vicious; )
    mauvais; méchant; perfide; mal; faux
    • mauvais bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • méchant bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • perfide bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • mal bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • faux bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  2. malicious (venomous; virulent; vicious; vitriolic)
    venimeux; perfide; méchant; envenimé; avec virulence; avec méchanceté; mauvais; dangereux; dangereuse
  3. malicious (underhand; sneaky; secretly; )
    furtif; en secret; sournois; en cachette; secret; clandestin; dissimulé; clandestinement; furtivement; sournoisement; secrètement
  4. malicious (devilish; diabolic; foul; satanic; demonic)
    diabolique; malin; méchant; maligne; vilainement; malicieux; roué; démoniaque; du diable; infernal; perfide; diantre; malicieusement; diaboliquement; vilain; louche; rusé; satanique; perfidement
  5. malicious (hateful; spiteful; snide; invidious)
    hostile; odieux; malicieux; venimeux; hostilement; envenimé; comminatoire; odieusement
  6. malicious (vicious)
  7. malicious
    maligne; sale; gris; obscur; terne; blême; grisâtre; crasseux
  8. malicious (wicked; nasty)
    mauvais; vil; mal; vilement
    • mauvais bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • vil bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • mal bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • vilement bijvoeglijk naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor malicious:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
clandestin person in hiding
faux adulteration; counterfeit; fake; forgery; forging; scythe; wrong
louche ladle; server; tablespoon
mal aching; annoyance; chagrin; complaint; distress; grief; hurting; illness; inconvenience; misery; nuisance; pain; pains; sadness; sore; sorrow; strain; vexation
malicieux cleverness; cunning; sagacity; shrewdness; slyness
malin clever fox; cleverness; cunning; sagacity; shrewdness; sly dog; slyboots; slyness
méchant asshole; bastard; dickhead; jackanapes; naughty boy; naughty child; piece of shit; prick; rascal; rogue; scoundrel; shit; shithead
rusé cleverness; cunning; intelligence; sagacity; shrewdness; slick operator; slyboots; slyness
secret concealment; confidentiality; mysteriousness; mystery; privacy; secrecy; secret; secretiveness; stealth
sournois fly boy; shifty character; slick customer; smooth operator; sneak; sneaks
vilain guy; lad; naughty boy; rascal; scamp; youth
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
furtif behind someone's back; covert; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand clandestine; concealed; covertly; furtive; in secret; secretly; sneakily; sneaking; stealth; stealthily; stealthy
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
diabolique damned; devilish
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
malicieux evil
- evil-minded 7'; wicked
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
avec méchanceté malicious; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic
avec virulence malicious; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic cutting; injurious; insulting; nipping; offending; offensive; snappy
blême malicious ash grey; ashen; baggy; bland; blank; cheerless; churlish; clear; colorless; colourless; crude; dim; dowdy; drab; drained of colour; dreary; dull; faded; faint; gloomy; grey; grubby; joyless; lurid; mat; off colour; pale; pallid; plain; sad; sallow; shoddy; slatternly; sloppy; slovenly; unfinished; unvarnished; washed out; white; white as a sheet
clandestin behind someone's back; covert; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand bad; behind one's back; clandestine; concealed; covertly; disguised; falsely; foul; furtive; illegal; illegitimate; illicit; in disguise; in secret; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; on the quiet; on the sly; quietly; ribald; scurvy; secret; secretly; silently; sneakily; sneaking; softly; stealthily; stealthy; subterranean; surreptitiously; underground; undisclosed; unnoticed; unobserved; unperceived; unseen; veiled; vicious; vile
clandestinement behind someone's back; covert; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand bad; behind one's back; clandestine; concealed; disguised; falsely; foul; furtive; illegal; illegitimate; illicit; in disguise; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; privately; ribald; scurvy; secret; secretly; sneaking; stealthily; stealthy; subterranean; underground; underhand; undisclosed; unseen; veiled; vicious; vile
comminatoire hateful; invidious; malicious; snide; spiteful antagonistic; aversive; enemy; hostile
crasseux malicious abominable; bald; churlish; cunning; despicable; detestable; dirty; disgusting; distasteful; dowdy; fastidious; filthy; grimy; grubby; gruesome; heinous; icy; immoral; lack of moral; loathsome; messy; nasty; nauseous; nefarious; obscene; putrefied; putrid; rancid; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; shocking; shoddy; sick; sickening; sickly; sleek; slippery; slithery; sloppy; slovenly; smooth; smoothly; smutty; sordid; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury
dangereuse malicious; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic
dangereux malicious; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic alarming; appalling; creepy; dangerous; frightening; frightful; ghastly; grisly; gruesome; hazardous; imminent; impending; perilous; risky; scary; spooky; terrifying; threatening; unsafe
diabolique demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; satanic demoniacal; demonic; devilish; hellish; infernal; satanic
diaboliquement demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; satanic hellish; infernal
diantre demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; satanic
dissimulé behind someone's back; covert; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand bad; behind one's back; falsely; feigned; foul; hypocritical; indecent; insincere; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; pretencious; ribald; sanctimonious; scurvy; secretly; stealthily; vicious; vile
du diable demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; satanic by gum; hellish; infernal
démoniaque demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; satanic demoniacal; demonic; devilish; satanic
en cachette behind someone's back; covert; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand bad; behind one's back; clandestine; concealed; disguised; falsely; foul; in disguise; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; privately; ribald; scurvy; secret; secretly; stealthily; stealthy; subterranean; underground; underhand; undisclosed; unseen; veiled; vicious; vile
en secret behind someone's back; covert; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand bad; behind one's back; covertly; falsely; foul; furtive; in secret; indecent; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; ribald; scurvy; secretly; sneakily; stealthily; vicious; vile
envenimé hateful; invidious; malicious; snide; spiteful; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic angry; cross; enraged; incensed; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; wrathful
faux badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; vicious; with evil intention amiss; artificial; bad; behind one's back; bogus; changeling; deceitful; deceptive; disharmonic; enforced; faked; false; falsely; faulty; feigned; fictitious; forced; foul; hypocritical; inaccurate; incorrect; indecent; inharmonious; insincere; jarring; low; lying; mean; mendacious; misleading; nasty; not genuine; off; off target; offensive; phoney; pretencious; ribald; sanctimonious; scurvy; secretly; sham; stingy; strained; supposititious; unacceptable; unnatural; unsatisfactory; untrue; untruthful; vicious; vile; wrong; wrongly
furtivement behind someone's back; covert; malicious; mean; nasty; on the sly; secretive; secretly; sneakily; sneaky; underhand clandestine; concealed; covertly; furtive; in secret; privately; secretly; sneakily; sneaking; stealthily; stealthy; underhand
gris malicious as tight as a drum; ash grey; ashen; baggy; blind drunk; boozed; cheerless; churlish; clear; colorless; colourless; completely drunk; dead drunk; dirty grey; dowdy; drab; dreary; drunk; drunken; dull; gloomy; grey; grey-headed; grubby; half drunk; inebriated; intoxicated; joyless; loaded; mat; mopish; pale; pissed; rainy; sad; semi drunk; shoddy; slatternly; sloppy; slovenly; soaked; thoroughly plastered; tight; tipsy
grisâtre malicious ash grey; ashen; baggy; cheerless; churlish; deadly pale; dirty grey; dowdy; drab; dreary; dull; gloomy; grey; greyish; grubby; joyless; mat; sad; shoddy; slatternly; sloppy; slovenly
hostile hateful; invidious; malicious; snide; spiteful antagonistic; aversive; enemy; hostile
hostilement hateful; invidious; malicious; snide; spiteful antagonistic; aversive; enemy; hostile
infernal demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; satanic bitter; hellish; infernal
louche demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; satanic creepy; deceitful; dubious; eerie; grimy; indistinct; lugubrious; mendacious; nasty; obscure; problematic; questionable; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; uncertain; unclear; unreliable; vague
mal badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; nasty; vicious; wicked; with evil intention bad; causing sorrow; corrupt; critical; degenerate; depraved; grave; having one's period; improper; inappropriate; indelicat; mean; menstruating; out of place; perverted; putrefied; rotten; rude; serious; tactless; unacceptable; uncalled for; unsatisfactory; unseemly; unsuitable; worrying
malicieusement demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; satanic abominable; appalling; blackguardly; boy-like; boyish; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; mischievous; naughty; obnoxious; odious; ominous; playful; rascally; roguish; scoundrelly; sinister; terrible; unholy; villainous; waggish
malicieux demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; hateful; invidious; malicious; satanic; snide; spiteful; vicious abominable; amiss; appalling; bad; bitchy; blackguardly; boy-like; boyish; cunning; detestable; false; faulty; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; inaccurate; incorrect; mischievous; naughty; obnoxious; odious; off; off target; ominous; playful; rascally; roguish; scoundrelly; sinister; slick; sly; terrible; unholy; villainous; waggish; wrong; wrongly
maligne demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; satanic abominable; appalling; clever; detestable; ghastly; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; ingenious; keen; obnoxious; odious; ominous; resourceful; sharp; sinister; terrible; unholy
malin demonic; devilish; diabolic; foul; malicious; satanic astute; bright; calculating; canny; clever; crafty; cunning; dodgy; false; fantastic; ingenious; intelligent; keen; low; marvellous; marvelous; mean; nasty; perky; resourceful; right-thinking; roguish; sagacious; sane; sensible; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; slippery; sly; smart; terrific; underhand; vicious; vile; wily; wise
mauvais badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; nasty; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; with evil intention bad; critical; does not taste good; dubious; grave; grimy; improper; inappropriate; indelicat; inferior; mean; nasty; not good; not nice; obscure; out of place; pedestrian; poor; problematic; questionable; rude; scary; serious; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; tactless; uncalled for; uncertain; unreliable; unseemly; unsuitable; vile; worrying
méchant badly; demonic; devilish; diabolic; evil-minded; false; foul; low; malicious; satanic; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; with evil intention bad; banal; below the belt; bitchy; bogus; coarse; cunning; doggish; dubious; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; grimy; gross; low; mean; nasty; not genuine; obscure; pedestrian; problematic

Verwante woorden van "malicious":

Synoniemen voor "malicious":

Antoniemen van "malicious":

  • unmalicious

Verwante definities voor "malicious":

  1. having the nature of or resulting from malice1
    • malicious gossip1
    • took malicious pleasure in...watching me wince1

Wiktionary: malicious

  1. Deliberately harmful; spiteful
  2. Of, pertaining to, or as a result of malice or spite
  1. Qui a de la malice, qui porter à nuire, à mal faire.
  2. (vieilli) Malicieux (4)

Cross Translation:
malicious malin; méchant boosaardig — met de intentie om kwaad te doen
malicious malicieux maliziösboshaft, hämisch, giftig (von Bemerkungen, Kommentaren u. a.)