
Uitgebreide vertaling voor false (Engels) in het Frans


false bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. false (inaccurate; incorrect; faulty; )
    faux; incorrecte; fausse; erroné; incorrect; malicieux; raté; à côté; inexact; fripon; polisson
  2. false (fictitious; faked; feigned; )
    faux; perfide; fictif; faussement; vil; bas; méchant; feint; vulgaire; inventé; méprisable; rudement; supposé; perfidement; vulgairement; basse; ordinaire; vachement; ignoble; abject; ordinairement; bassement; ignoblement
  3. false (with evil intention; malicious; badly; )
    mauvais; méchant; perfide; mal; faux
    • mauvais bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • méchant bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • perfide bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • mal bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • faux bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  4. false (cunning; vicious; mean; )
    vilain; méchant; rusé; malin; hypocrite; sournoisement; perfide; bas; miteux; futé; minable; traître; vil; roué; bassement; perfidement; sournois; fieffé; vilainement; à la dérobée; traîtreusement; à l'insu des autres
  5. false (phoney)
    inexact; fausse; erroné; faux; incorrect; mensonger
  6. false (despicable; scornful; niggardly; mean; stingy)
    méprisant; dédaigneusement; méprisable; abject; indignement; indigne; dédaigneux; avec mépris; d'un ton méprisant; d'un air méprisant; sur un ton méprisant
  7. false (lying; mendacious; untruthful)
    mensongère; menteur; mensonger; menteuse
  8. false (untruthful; lying; mendacious; untrue)
    faux; invraisemblable

Vertaal Matrix voor false:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
bas hose; knee stocking; stocking; stockings
basse bass; contrabass; grumbling voice
faux adulteration; counterfeit; fake; forgery; forging; scythe; wrong
fripon bastard; cad; cur; pariah; rascal; rogue; scoundrel; villain
hypocrite dissembler; equivocator; fly boy; hypocrite; sham; shifty character; slick customer; smooth operator; sneak
mal aching; annoyance; chagrin; complaint; distress; grief; hurting; illness; inconvenience; misery; nuisance; pain; pains; sadness; sore; sorrow; strain; vexation
malicieux cleverness; cunning; sagacity; shrewdness; slyness
malin clever fox; cleverness; cunning; sagacity; shrewdness; sly dog; slyboots; slyness
menteur liar
méchant asshole; bastard; dickhead; jackanapes; naughty boy; naughty child; piece of shit; prick; rascal; rogue; scoundrel; shit; shithead
polisson baddie; bastard; blackguard; brat; cad; cur; dirty fellow; good for nothing; guy; jackanapes; knave; lad; monstrosity; naughty boy; naughty child; ogre; pariah; pervert; rascal; rascals; rogue; scamp; scoundrel; skunk; slob; swine; ugly fellow; villain; wag; youth
raté bastard; cad; cunt; failure; loser; miscue; misfit; scamp; scoundrel
rusé cleverness; cunning; intelligence; sagacity; shrewdness; slick operator; slyboots; slyness
sournois fly boy; shifty character; slick customer; smooth operator; sneak; sneaks
traître betrayer; collaborator; quisling; squeaker; squealer; traitor; traitor to one's country; traitress; villain
vilain guy; lad; naughty boy; rascal; scamp; youth
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- assumed; delusive; fake; faux; fictitious; fictive; imitation; mistaken; off-key; pretended; put on; sham; simulated; sour; untrue
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- faithlessly; traitorously; treacherously; treasonably
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
malicieux evil
- untruthful
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
abject bogus; despicable; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; mean; niggardly; not genuine; scornful; sham; stingy mean; sheet; sordid
avec mépris despicable; false; mean; niggardly; scornful; stingy contemptuous; contumelious; derisive; disdainful; scornful; sneering
bas bogus; cunning; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; low; mean; nasty; not genuine; sham; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; stingy; underhand; vicious; vile banal; base; below the belt; coarse; faint; gross; hushed; in an undertone; low; low-hanging; lying low; mean; muffled; nasty; not high; pedestrian; rotten; shabby; subdued; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vile; villainous; vulgar
basse bogus; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; mean; not genuine; sham; stingy banal; base; below the belt; coarse; gross; low; low-hanging; mean; nasty; pedestrian; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vile; villainous; vulgar
bassement bogus; cunning; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; low; mean; nasty; not genuine; sham; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; stingy; underhand; vicious; vile banal; base; below the belt; coarse; gross; mean; nasty; pedestrian; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vile; villainous; vulgar
d'un air méprisant despicable; false; mean; niggardly; scornful; stingy
d'un ton méprisant despicable; false; mean; niggardly; scornful; stingy
dédaigneusement despicable; false; mean; niggardly; scornful; stingy arrogant; contemptuous; contumelious; depreciatory; derisive; derogatory; disdainful; disparaging; haughty; high-handed; presumptuous; scornful; slighting; sneering; supercilious; superior
dédaigneux despicable; false; mean; niggardly; scornful; stingy contemptuous; contumelious; depreciatory; derisive; derogatory; disdainful; disparaging; haughty; high-and-mighty; proud; scornful; slighting; sneering; supercilious
erroné amiss; bad; false; faulty; inaccurate; incorrect; off; off target; phoney; wrong; wrongly wrong
fausse amiss; bad; false; faulty; inaccurate; incorrect; off; off target; phoney; wrong; wrongly changeling; feigned; hypocritical; insincere; pretencious; sanctimonious; supposititious
faussement bogus; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; mean; not genuine; sham; stingy falsely
faux amiss; bad; badly; bogus; evil-minded; faked; false; faulty; feigned; fictitious; inaccurate; incorrect; low; lying; malicious; mean; mendacious; not genuine; off; off target; phoney; sham; stingy; untrue; untruthful; vicious; with evil intention; wrong; wrongly artificial; bad; behind one's back; changeling; deceitful; deceptive; disharmonic; enforced; falsely; feigned; forced; foul; hypocritical; indecent; inharmonious; insincere; jarring; low; mean; misleading; nasty; offensive; pretencious; ribald; sanctimonious; scurvy; secretly; strained; supposititious; unacceptable; unnatural; unsatisfactory; untrue; untruthful; vicious; vile
feint bogus; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; mean; not genuine; sham; stingy affected; artificial; enforced; faked; feigned; feigning; fictitious; fictive; forced; hypocritical; insincere; pretencious; pretended; pretending; sanctimonious; strained; unnatural
fictif bogus; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; mean; not genuine; sham; stingy deceitful; deceptive; fancied; fictitious; fictive; illusive; illusory; imaginary; invented; misleading; notional; untrue; untruthful
fieffé cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile
fripon amiss; bad; false; faulty; inaccurate; incorrect; off; off target; wrong; wrongly boy-like; boyish; mischievous; naughty; playful; rascally; waggish
futé cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile astute; bright; canny; clever; crafty; cunning; ingenious; intelligent; nimble; perky; quick; resourceful; sagacious; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise
hypocrite cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile bad; behind one's back; falsely; feigned; foul; hypocritical; indecent; insincere; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; pretencious; ribald; sanctimonious; scurvy; secretly; stealthily; vicious; vile
ignoble bogus; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; mean; not genuine; sham; stingy bad; banal; base; below the belt; blackguardly; coarse; dishonorable; dishonourable; dubious; grimy; gross; inglorious; mean; nasty; obscure; pedestrian; problematic; questionable; roguish; rotten; scary; scoundrelly; shabby; shady; sheet; shifty; sinister; slimy; sordid; suspect; suspicious; trite; trivial; uncertain; unmannerly; unreliable; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vile; villainous; vulgar
ignoblement bogus; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; mean; not genuine; sham; stingy banal; below the belt; blackguardly; coarse; gross; mean; nasty; pedestrian; roguish; rotten; scoundrelly; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vile; villainous; vulgar
incorrect amiss; bad; false; faulty; inaccurate; incorrect; off; off target; phoney; wrong; wrongly bad mannered; disgraceful; erroneously; impertinent; improper; inappropriate; indecent; indelicat; indelicate; mistakenly; out of place; outrageous; rude; scandalous; shameful; tactless; through an oversight; uncalled for; unfeeling; unseemly; unsuitable; wrong
incorrecte amiss; bad; false; faulty; inaccurate; incorrect; off; off target; wrong; wrongly
indigne despicable; false; mean; niggardly; scornful; stingy dishonorable; dishonourable; inglorious; undignified; unworthy
indignement despicable; false; mean; niggardly; scornful; stingy
inexact amiss; bad; false; faulty; inaccurate; incorrect; off; off target; phoney; wrong; wrongly inaccurate; inexact
inventé bogus; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; mean; not genuine; sham; stingy drawn up; dreamt; fantasized; fictitious; fictive; imaginary; invented; made up; made-up; notional; spun a yarn; told a tall tale
invraisemblable false; lying; mendacious; untrue; untruthful implausible; improbable; incredible; unbelievable; unlikely
mal badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; vicious; with evil intention bad; causing sorrow; corrupt; critical; degenerate; depraved; grave; having one's period; improper; inappropriate; indelicat; malicious; mean; menstruating; nasty; out of place; perverted; putrefied; rotten; rude; serious; tactless; unacceptable; uncalled for; unsatisfactory; unseemly; unsuitable; wicked; worrying
malicieux amiss; bad; false; faulty; inaccurate; incorrect; off; off target; wrong; wrongly abominable; appalling; bitchy; blackguardly; boy-like; boyish; cunning; demonic; detestable; devilish; diabolic; foul; ghastly; hateful; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; invidious; malicious; mischievous; naughty; obnoxious; odious; ominous; playful; rascally; roguish; satanic; scoundrelly; sinister; slick; sly; snide; spiteful; terrible; unholy; vicious; villainous; waggish
malin cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile astute; bright; calculating; canny; clever; crafty; cunning; demonic; devilish; diabolic; dodgy; fantastic; foul; ingenious; intelligent; keen; malicious; marvellous; marvelous; perky; resourceful; right-thinking; roguish; sagacious; sane; satanic; sensible; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; sly; smart; terrific; wily; wise
mauvais badly; evil-minded; false; low; malicious; vicious; with evil intention bad; critical; does not taste good; dubious; grave; grimy; improper; inappropriate; indelicat; inferior; malicious; mean; nasty; not good; not nice; obscure; out of place; pedestrian; poor; problematic; questionable; rude; scary; serious; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; tactless; uncalled for; uncertain; unreliable; unseemly; unsuitable; venomous; vicious; vile; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; worrying
mensonger false; lying; mendacious; phoney; untruthful deceitful; mendacious; unreliable
mensongère false; lying; mendacious; untruthful deceitful; mendacious; unreliable
menteur false; lying; mendacious; untruthful
menteuse false; lying; mendacious

Verwante woorden van "false":

Synoniemen voor "false":

Antoniemen van "false":

Verwante definities voor "false":

  1. (used especially of persons) not dependable in devotion or affection; unfaithful1
    • a false friend1
  2. arising from error1
    • a false assumption1
  3. adopted in order to deceive1
  4. inaccurate in pitch1
    • a false (or sour) note1
  5. designed to deceive1
    • a suitcase with a false bottom1
  6. not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article1
    • false teeth1
  7. inappropriate to reality or facts1
    • false hopes1
  8. deliberately deceptive1
    • false pretenses1
  9. not in accordance with the fact or reality or actuality1
    • gave false testimony under oath1
    • false tales of bravery1
  10. erroneous and usually accidental1
    • a false start1
    • a false alarm1
  11. in a disloyal and faithless manner1
    • his wife played him false1

Wiktionary: false

  1. state in Boolean logic that indicates a negative result
  2. spurious, artificial
  3. untrue, not factual, wrong
  1. Qui n’est pas conforme à la réalité
  2. Vain, infondé
  3. D’un résultat visuel qui s’écarte du naturel
  4. Qui ne répond pas à son nom, à sa nature présumée, à son apparence
  5. Postiche, contrefait, sans intention de simulation frauduleuse
  6. D’un phénomène ou objet pouvant causer méprise
  7. D’un objet ou d’un acte incorrect, insuffisant, manquant à sa destination
  8. D’une personne qui n’est pas ce qu’elle prétend être
  1. Ce qui n’est pas vrai, ce qui n’est pas conforme à la vérité
  2. Logique

Cross Translation:
false faux falschlügen, nicht den Tatsachen entsprechend
false faux; feint falschnachmachen
false sournois; faux jeton hinterfotzig — (umgangssprachlich) nach außen hin freundlich, aber mit bösen Absichten

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van false