
Uitgebreide vertaling voor annoyed (Engels) in het Frans


annoyed bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. annoyed (furious; mad; upset; )
    furieux; furieuse; enragé; rageur; en colère; enragée; déchaîné; exaspérée; furieusement; furibond; avec rage; exaspéré; déchaînée
  2. annoyed (indignant; displeased; upset; )
    indigné; outré; enragé; hargneux; courroucé; hargneuse; grincheusement; grincheux; en colère; acariâtre; grincheuse; avec hargne; hargneusement; avec dépit; d'une humeur massacrante; d'un air mécontent
  3. annoyed (disgruntled; displeased with)
    ennuyé; mécontent
  4. annoyed (bothered; irritated)
    vexé; irrité; échauffé; énervé; d'une manière agitée

Vertaal Matrix voor annoyed:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
enragé fanatic; freak; idiot; imbecile; loony; lunatic; madcap; madman; madwoman; maniac; mental patient; mentally disturbed person; mentally ill person; nut; zealot
enragée madcap; madman
grincheux curmudgeon; curmudgeons; grouches; grumblers; moper; peevish person; sourfaces; sourpuss; sourpusses; wet; wet blanket
mécontent groaner; grouch; grouser; grumbler; moaner
vexé offended
énervé nervous sufferer; neurotic
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- harassed; harried; pestered; vexed
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
acariâtre angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; indignant; irate; livid; upset; vexed
avec dépit angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; indignant; irate; livid; upset; vexed discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied
avec hargne angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; indignant; irate; livid; upset; vexed disgruntled; put out
avec rage annoyed; enraged; fierce; furious; infuriated; irate; mad; raging; upset
courroucé angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; indignant; irate; livid; upset; vexed angry; cross; enraged; incensed; irate; livid; seething; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; wrathful
d'un air mécontent angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; indignant; irate; livid; upset; vexed disgruntled; put out
d'une humeur massacrante angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; indignant; irate; livid; upset; vexed irate; pissed off; very angry
d'une manière agitée annoyed; bothered; irritated agile; agitated; aroused; excited; fidgety; fluttered; heated; restless; tumultuous; turbulent
déchaîné annoyed; enraged; fierce; furious; infuriated; irate; mad; raging; upset daredevil; foolhardy; overexcited; presumptuous; reckless
déchaînée annoyed; enraged; fierce; furious; infuriated; irate; mad; raging; upset
en colère angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; fierce; furious; indignant; infuriated; irate; livid; mad; raging; upset; vexed angry; bitter; blazing; cross; embittered; enraged; exasperated; feral; fierce; fiery; furious; glaring; grim; incensed; indignant; inflamed; irate; kindled; livid; quick tempered; seething; sharp; sore; sullen; unbroken; untamed; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; wild; wrathful
ennuyé annoyed; disgruntled; displeased with down in the dumps; lifeless; limp; listless; no energy; washed-out
enragé angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; fierce; furious; indignant; infuriated; irate; livid; mad; raging; upset; vexed angry; bitter; blazing; cross; embittered; enraged; exasperated; feral; fierce; fiery; furious; glaring; grim; incensed; indignant; irate; livid; savage; seething; sharp; sullen; suppressed; unbroken; untamed; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; wild; wrathful
enragée annoyed; enraged; fierce; furious; infuriated; irate; mad; raging; upset
exaspéré annoyed; enraged; fierce; furious; infuriated; irate; mad; raging; upset angry; enraged; fucked up; irate; livid; seething; worked up; wrought up
exaspérée annoyed; enraged; fierce; furious; infuriated; irate; mad; raging; upset
furibond annoyed; enraged; fierce; furious; infuriated; irate; mad; raging; upset angry; embittered; enraged; feral; grim; irate; livid; pissed off; seething; sullen; unbroken; untamed; very angry; wild
furieuse annoyed; enraged; fierce; furious; infuriated; irate; mad; raging; upset angry; bitter; blazing; feral; fiery; furious; glaring; indignant; sharp; unbroken; untamed; virulent; wild
furieusement annoyed; enraged; fierce; furious; infuriated; irate; mad; raging; upset angry; bitter; blazing; cross; embittered; enraged; exasperated; feral; fierce; fiery; furious; glaring; grim; incensed; indignant; sharp; sullen; suppressed; unbroken; untamed; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; wild; wrathful
furieux annoyed; enraged; fierce; furious; infuriated; irate; mad; raging; upset angry; bitter; blazing; cross; embittered; enormous; enraged; exasperated; feral; fierce; fiery; furious; glaring; grim; immense; incensed; indignant; irate; livid; seething; sharp; sullen; tremendous; unbroken; untamed; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; wild; wrathful
grincheuse angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; indignant; irate; livid; upset; vexed bad-tempered; cantankerous; complaining; crabbed; crusty; gruff; grumbling; grumpy; moody; nagging; peevish; rigid; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly
grincheusement angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; indignant; irate; livid; upset; vexed discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; put out
grincheux angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; indignant; irate; livid; upset; vexed bad tempered; bad-tempered; cantankerous; capricious; churlish; complaining; crabbed; cross-grained; crusty; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; grim; gruff; grumbling; grumpy; huffy; lamenting; moody; nagging; peevish; put out; rigid; stern; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly; thin-skinned; touchy; wailing
hargneuse angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; indignant; irate; livid; upset; vexed catty; querulous
hargneusement angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; indignant; irate; livid; upset; vexed angry; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; enraged; irate; livid; put out; seething
hargneux angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; indignant; irate; livid; upset; vexed acrid; angry; bad-tempered; bitter; blazing; brusque; capricious; catty; cross; curt; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; enraged; fiery; furious; glaring; grumbling; grumpy; hung over; incensed; indignant; irate; irritated; livid; nettled; peevish; petulant; piqued; pissed off; put out; querulous; resentful; seething; sharp; snappish; snappy; sore; testy; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; wrathful
indigné angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; indignant; irate; livid; upset; vexed angry; enraged; irate; livid; seething
irrité annoyed; bothered; irritated abrupt; agile; agitated; angry; aroused; bad tempered; bad-tempered; cantankerous; complaining; crabbed; crusty; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; embittered; enraged; exasperated; excited; fierce; fluttered; grim; gruff; grumpy; heated; irate; irritated; lamenting; livid; moody; nagging; nettled; piqued; pissed off; put out; rigid; seething; snappy; snarling; sore; sullen; suppressed; surly; wailing; wrathful
mécontent annoyed; disgruntled; displeased with discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; down in the dumps; put out
outré angry; annoyed; displeased; enraged; indignant; irate; livid; upset; vexed angry; enraged; feral; irate; livid; seething; unbroken; untamed; wild
rageur annoyed; enraged; fierce; furious; infuriated; irate; mad; raging; upset feral; unbroken; untamed; wild
vexé annoyed; bothered; irritated agile; agitated; aroused; bad-tempered; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; edgy; excited; fluttered; heated; hurt; insulted; irritated; nettled; offended; piqued; pissed off; sore; vexed
échauffé annoyed; bothered; irritated agile; agitated; aroused; excited; feverishly; fiery; fluttered; heated; nervous; uptight
énervé annoyed; bothered; irritated agitated; bad-tempered; fluttered; fucked up; hastily; hasty; hunted; hurried; hurriedly; in a haste; in a hurry; in haste; irritated; nervous; nettled; piqued; pissed off; sore; strained; stressed; tense; uptight; worked up; wrought up

Verwante woorden van "annoyed":

Synoniemen voor "annoyed":

Verwante definities voor "annoyed":

  1. troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances1

Wiktionary: annoyed

  1. troubled, irritated by something unwanted or unliked; vexed

annoyed vorm van annoy:

to annoy werkwoord (annoies, annoyed, annoying)

  1. to annoy (irritate; cause irritation; chafe; )
    énerver; irriter; agacer; piquer; s'irriter
    • énerver werkwoord (énerve, énerves, énervons, énervez, )
    • irriter werkwoord (irrite, irrites, irritons, irritez, )
    • agacer werkwoord (agace, agaces, agaçons, agacez, )
    • piquer werkwoord (pique, piques, piquons, piquez, )
    • s'irriter werkwoord
  2. to annoy (give offence; shock; scandalize; be annoying; scandalise)
    choquer; heurter; faire scandale
    • choquer werkwoord (choque, choques, choquons, choquez, )
    • heurter werkwoord (heurte, heurtes, heurtons, heurtez, )
    • faire scandale werkwoord
  3. to annoy (interrupt; bother; disturb)
    • déranger werkwoord (dérange, déranges, dérangeons, dérangez, )

Conjugations for annoy:

  1. annoy
  2. annoy
  3. annoies
  4. annoy
  5. annoy
  6. annoy
simple past
  1. annoyed
  2. annoyed
  3. annoyed
  4. annoyed
  5. annoyed
  6. annoyed
present perfect
  1. have annoyed
  2. have annoyed
  3. has annoyed
  4. have annoyed
  5. have annoyed
  6. have annoyed
past continuous
  1. was annoying
  2. were annoying
  3. was annoying
  4. were annoying
  5. were annoying
  6. were annoying
  1. shall annoy
  2. will annoy
  3. will annoy
  4. shall annoy
  5. will annoy
  6. will annoy
continuous present
  1. am annoying
  2. are annoying
  3. is annoying
  4. are annoying
  5. are annoying
  6. are annoying
  1. be annoyed
  2. be annoyed
  3. be annoyed
  4. be annoyed
  5. be annoyed
  6. be annoyed
  1. annoy!
  2. let's annoy!
  3. annoyed
  4. annoying
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor annoy:

WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
agacer anger; annoy; cause irritation; chafe; give offence; irritate; vex antagonise; antagonize; blow the fire; bother; bully; fan a flame; harass; nag; pester; provoke; tease; trouble; visit
choquer annoy; be annoying; give offence; scandalise; scandalize; shock aggrieve; bang into; bump into; bump up against; collide; crash; frighten; hurt; hurt someone's feelings; jolt; offend; repulse; shake; shock; startle; tremble
déranger annoy; bother; disturb; interrupt anger; block; bother; disturb; enrage; hamper; harass; hinder; impede; incense; inconvenience; make impossible; obstruct; stonewall; thwart; trouble; upset; visit
faire scandale annoy; be annoying; give offence; scandalise; scandalize; shock
heurter annoy; be annoying; give offence; scandalise; scandalize; shock bang; bang into; brush against; bump against; bump into; bump up against; call; collide; collide with; crash; glance off; hammer; hit; knock; ricochet off; ring; slap; smack; tap; tap at; thump; tinkle
irriter anger; annoy; cause irritation; chafe; give offence; irritate; vex anger; blow; destroy; disturb; enrage; grate; incense; nag; plane; ruin; smooth; upset
piquer anger; annoy; cause irritation; chafe; give offence; irritate; vex administer a medecin w a syringe; arouse; banquet; bite; cadge; cajole; catch; caught; clasp; clutch; coax; collar; corrode; cuddle; cut; drag; excite; expropriate; feast; filch; gnaw; go thieving; grasp; grate; grip; make off with; mooch; nick; obtain by begging; pilfer; pinch; plane; prick; purloin; reach; regale; rise to the bait; rob; root; rout; rummage about; scratch; seize; slave away; slog away; smooth; snap; snatch; snatch away; snatch off; sneak up on; snitch; snout; spout; spurt; steal; stick; stimulate; sting; stir up; swipe; take; take away; take unaware; tattle; toil and moil; twig; wheedle; yearn
s'irriter anger; annoy; cause irritation; chafe; give offence; irritate; vex be annoyed; get annoyed at
énerver anger; annoy; cause irritation; chafe; give offence; irritate; vex bait; blow the fire; fan a flame; incite; instigate; make nervous; stir up
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- fill with indignation; provoke; vex

Verwante woorden van "annoy":

Synoniemen voor "annoy":

Wiktionary: annoy

  1. to disturb or irritate
  1. affecter d’une irritation nerveuse.
  2. Causer du chagrin, rendre triste.
  3. Chagriner, causer du dépit par des actions ou des paroles
  4. Chagriner quelqu’un, le contrecarrer (4)
  5. Causer du désarroi, contrarier quelqu’un.
  6. Causer de la gêne
  7. Remplir d’indignation
  1. -

Cross Translation:
annoy énerver ergeren — gevoelens van onvrede veroorzaken
annoy ennuyer ennuyieren — ärgerlich machen; lästig werden
annoy fâcher verstimmen — jemandes Laune verschlechtern

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van annoyed