
Uitgebreide vertaling voor shortly (Engels) in het Frans


shortly bijwoord

  1. shortly (soon; before long)
    – in the near future 1
    à brève échéance; sous peu; d'ici peu
  2. shortly (soon; before long)
    – in the near future 1
    bientôt; prochainement; ensuite; puis; sous peu; tout de suite; tout à l'heure; d'ici peu; avant peu
  3. shortly (instantly; immediately; forthwith; )
    – in the near future 1
    tout de suite; immédiatement; à bref délai; vite; aussitôt; tantôt; bientôt; prochain; presque; directement; prochainement; direct; avant peu; dans un instant; rapidement; tout à l'heure; prompt; sous peu; d'ici peu

Vertaal Matrix voor shortly:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
direct buddy; business associate; chum; companion; comrade; fellow; friend; mate; pal; partner; streetcar ticket; tram ticket
prochain common humanity; fellow human being; fellow man
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- before long; briefly; concisely; curtly; in brief; in short; presently; short; soon
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
aussitôt before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon almost; at once; forthwith; immediate; immediately; instantly; nearly; promptly; right away; straight away; well-nigh
avant peu before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon almost; forthwith; in a little while; later; nearly; next; soon; well-nigh
bientôt before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon almost; forthwith; further; in a little while; later; nearly; next; quickly; soon; speedily; subsequently; then; very soon; well-nigh
d'ici peu before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon almost; forthwith; in a little while; later; nearly; next; quickly; soon; speedily; well-nigh
dans un instant before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon almost; forthwith; in a minute; nearly; well-nigh
direct before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon at once; blunt; clear; direct; directly; fair; frontal; genuine; honest; immediate; immediately; in a moment; instantly; now; perpendicular; plain; prompt; quick; rapid; right away; right now; serious; soon; speedy; straight; straight away; straightaway; swift; without delay
directement before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon almost; at once; direct; directly; forthwith; frank; immediate; immediately; instantly; nearly; now; open; perpendicular; prompt; promptly; quick; rapid; right away; right now; soon; speedy; straight; straight ahead; straight away; straight on; swift; well-nigh; without delay
ensuite before long; shortly; soon above all; after that; behind; besides; especially; for the rest; further; furthermore; here after; in a little while; later; moreover; next; shortly after; soon; subsequently; the rest; then; what's more
immédiatement before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon acute; almost; at once; directly; forthwith; immediate; immediately; in a moment; instantly; intense; nearly; now; prompt; promptly; quick; rapid; right away; right now; soon; speedy; straight away; straightaway; swift; well-nigh; without delay
presque before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon about; almost; forthwith; nearly; practically; virtually; well-nigh
prochain before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon below; coming; following; future; intended; meant; next; prospective; subsequent; succeeding; will-be; would-be
prochainement before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon almost; forthwith; further; in a little while; later; nearly; next; soon; subsequently; then; well-nigh
prompt before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon abrupt; adroit; agile; all at once; all of a sudden; astute; at once; blunt; bright; brisk; brusque; canny; clever; dexterous; expert; fast; flashy; fledged; handy; hastily; immediate; immediately; in a moment; instantly; neat; nimble; out of the blue; perky; promptly; quick; rapid; resourceful; right away; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; speedy; straight away; straightaway; sudden; suddenly; swift; unexpectedly; wily
puis before long; shortly; soon after that; further; in a little while; later; next; shortly after; soon; subsequently; then
rapidement before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon abrupt; adroit; agile; all at once; all of a sudden; at once; blunt; brief; brisk; clever; cursory; dexterous; expert; fast; flashy; fledged; handy; neat; nimble; out of the blue; perfunctory; quick; rapid; skilful; skillful; speedy; sudden; suddenly; superficial; swift; unexpectedly
sous peu before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon almost; forthwith; in a little while; later; nearly; next; quickly; soon; speedily; well-nigh
tantôt before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon almost; forthwith; nearly; well-nigh
tout de suite before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon almost; as from today; at once; directly; forthwith; immediate; immediately; in a little while; in a moment; instantly; later; nearly; next; now; promptly; right away; right now; soon; straight away; straightaway; to take effect at once; well-nigh
tout à l'heure before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon a moment ago; afterwards; even; in a little while; in a minute; just; just now; later; later on; next; one minute ago; only; right; soon
vite before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon abrupt; adroit; agile; all at once; all of a sudden; almost; at once; blunt; brisk; clever; dexterous; expert; fast; fledged; forthwith; handy; hastily; nearly; neat; nimble; nimble-fingered; nimbly; out of the blue; quick; quickly; rapid; skilful; skillful; soon; speedily; speedy; sudden; suddenly; swift; unexpectedly; well-nigh
à bref délai before long; first thing; forthwith; immediately; instantly; presently; shortly; soon almost; forthwith; nearly; quickly; soon; speedily; well-nigh
à brève échéance before long; shortly; soon

Verwante woorden van "shortly":

Synoniemen voor "shortly":

Verwante definities voor "shortly":

  1. in the near future1
    • the book will appear shortly1
  2. for a short time1
    • he was at the airport shortly before she was expected to arrive1
  3. at a short distance1
    • the hem fell shortly below her knees1
  4. in a concise manner; in a few words1
    • to put it shortly1
  5. in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner1
    • he said shortly that he didn't like it1

Wiktionary: shortly

  1. in a short or brief time or manner
  2. In few words; briefly
Cross Translation:
shortly avant peu; bientôt; sous peu spoedig — binnen een kort tijdsbestek
shortly bientôt; vite gauw — zeer binnenkort
shortly bientôt binnenkort — binnen afzienbare tijd
shortly → d'ici peu; sous peu; prochainement demnächst — in nächster Zeit, in Kürze


short bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. short (small; little; tiny; )
    • petit bijvoeglijk naamwoord

short bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. short (abrupt; blunt; curt; steep)
    brusque; abrupt; brusquement; d'un ton brusque
  2. short (perishing; evanescent; transient; )
    éphémère; transitoire; périssable; fugitif; fugace

Vertaal Matrix voor short:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
fugitif deserter; refugee; runaway
petit baby; bint; child; cub; infant; kid; kiddy; kitten; lass; little child; little girl; little kid; nipper; pup; puppy; small child; small one; tike; tiny tot; toddler; tot; tyke; young
- short circuit; shortstop
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- short-change; short-circuit
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- brusk; brusque; curt; forgetful; inadequate; light; little; myopic; poor; scant; shortsighted; unforesightful; unretentive
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- abruptly; curtly; dead; shortly; suddenly; unawares
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- short in stature; short of stature
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
abrupt abrupt; blunt; curt; short; steep abrupt; abruptly; all at once; all of a sudden; at once; blunt; brusque; fast; out of the blue; quick; rapid; speedy; sudden; suddenly; swift; swiftly; unexpectedly
brusque abrupt; blunt; curt; short; steep abrupt; abruptly; all at once; all of a sudden; at once; blunt; brusque; cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; fast; gruff; grumpy; nagging; out of the blue; quick; rapid; rigid; speedy; sudden; suddenly; sullen; surly; swift; swiftly; unexpectedly
brusquement abrupt; blunt; curt; short; steep abrupt; abruptly; all at once; all of a sudden; at once; blunt; brusque; fast; out of the blue; quick; rapid; speedy; sudden; suddenly; swift; swiftly; unexpectedly
d'un ton brusque abrupt; blunt; curt; short; steep abrupt; all at once; all of a sudden; at once; blunt; brusque; fast; out of the blue; quick; rapid; speedy; sudden; suddenly; swift; unexpectedly
fugace brief; casual; close; current; cursory; empty; evanescent; fleeting; informal; momentary; null; of short duration; passing; perfunctory; perishing; short; superficial; temporary; transient; transitory; volatile brief; cursory; fast; temporal
fugitif brief; casual; close; current; cursory; empty; evanescent; fleeting; informal; momentary; null; of short duration; passing; perfunctory; perishing; short; superficial; temporary; transient; transitory; volatile absconding; in flight; on the run
petit diminutive; inadequate; inferior; little; low-grade; middling; minuscule; short; shortish; small; tiny; undersized bashfull; cramped; diffident; minuscule; narrow; narrow minded; petty; small; tight; tiny
périssable brief; casual; close; current; cursory; empty; evanescent; fleeting; informal; momentary; null; of short duration; passing; perfunctory; perishing; short; superficial; temporary; transient; transitory; volatile perishable
transitoire brief; casual; close; current; cursory; empty; evanescent; fleeting; informal; momentary; null; of short duration; passing; perfunctory; perishing; short; superficial; temporary; transient; transitory; volatile brief; cursory; fast; for now; in the near future; in the time coming
éphémère brief; casual; close; current; cursory; empty; evanescent; fleeting; informal; momentary; null; of short duration; passing; perfunctory; perishing; short; superficial; temporary; transient; transitory; volatile brief; cursory; fast; temporal

Verwante woorden van "short":

Synoniemen voor "short":

Antoniemen van "short":

Verwante definities voor "short":

  1. marked by rude or peremptory shortness1
    • the salesgirl was very short with him1
  2. tending to crumble or break into flakes due to a large amount of shortening1
    • shortbread is a short crumbly cookie1
    • a short flaky pie crust1
  3. (primarily spatial sense) having little length or lacking in length1
    • short skirts1
    • short hair1
    • the board was a foot short1
    • a short toss1
  4. primarily temporal sense; indicating or being or seeming to be limited in duration1
    • a short life1
    • a short flight1
    • a short holiday1
    • a short story1
    • only a few short months1
  5. of speech sounds or syllables of relatively short duration1
    • the English vowel sounds in `pat', `pet', `pit', `pot', putt' are short1
  6. not holding securities or commodities that one sells in expectation of a fall in prices1
    • a short sale1
    • short in cotton1
  7. lacking foresight or scope1
    • a short view of the problem1
  8. (of memory) deficient in retentiveness or range1
    • a short memory1
  9. not sufficient to meet a need1
    • money is short1
    • on short rations1
    • food is in short supply1
    • short on experience1
  10. less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so1
    • regularly gives short weight1
  11. low in stature; not tall1
    • he was short and stocky1
    • short in stature1
    • a short smokestack1
  12. quickly and without warning1
  13. in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner1
    • he talked short with everyone1
  14. at a disadvantage1
    • I was caught short1
  15. so as to interrupt1
    • She took him up short before he could continue1
  16. at some point or distance before a goal is reached1
    • he fell short of our expectations1
  17. clean across1
    • the car's axle snapped short1
  18. without possessing something at the time it is contractually sold1
    • he made his fortune by selling short just before the crash1
  19. the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base1
  20. the location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationed1
  21. accidental contact between two points in an electric circuit that have a potential difference1
  22. create a short circuit in1
  23. cheat someone by not returning him enough money1

Wiktionary: short

  1. having a small distance between ends or edges
  2. of a person, of comparatively little height
  3. having little duration
  1. transitive: to cause a short circuit
  1. Petit de taille
  2. De petite longueur ou qui n’a pas la longueur moyenne des objets du même genre.
  1. (familier, fr) En manque de.

Cross Translation:
short court kort — van geringe lengte
short court kort — van geringe duur
short revêche; brusque; rude barsch(im übertragenen Sinn) bezüglich Sprache, Handlung: (unfreundlich Unterton durchklingen) rau, (allzu) knapp gefasst
short économe; parcimonieux; ménager; parcimonieuse; avare karg — mit dem, was man zu geben bereit ist, zurückhaltend
short court; bref kurz — wenig Zeit benötigend
short court; bref kurz — wenig Worte benötigend
short court kurzwenig Länge habend
short à court terme kurzfristig — von kurzer Dauer, für kurze Zeit

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Verwante vertalingen van shortly