
Uitgebreide vertaling voor form (Engels) in het Frans


form [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the form (formulary; blank)
    – a printed document with spaces in which to write 1
    le formulaire; le questionnaire
  2. the form (condition; shape)
    – the visual appearance of something or someone 1
    la forme; le moule; la façon; la configuration; la manière
    • forme [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • moule [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • façon [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • configuration [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • manière [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  3. the form (desk)
    la table d'école; le banc d'école
  4. the form (confirmation)
    la confirmation; la forme
  5. the form
    le formulaire
  6. the form
    – In some applications (especially databases), a structured window, box, or other self-contained element that serves as a visual filter for the underlying data it is presenting. 2
  7. the form
    – A structured document or template with spaces reserved for entering information and often containing special coding (e.g. to trigger data processing). 2
    le formulaire

to form werkwoord (forms, formed, forming)

  1. to form (mould; knead; model; shape; massage)
    – make something, usually for a specific function 1
    former; façonner; modeler; mouler
    • former werkwoord (forme, formes, formons, formez, )
    • façonner werkwoord (façonne, façonnes, façonnons, façonnez, )
    • modeler werkwoord (modèle, modèles, modelons, modelez, )
    • mouler werkwoord (moule, moules, moulons, moulez, )
  2. to form (shape; model; mould; be)
    – make something, usually for a specific function 1
    former; exister; modeler; faire du modelage; travailler; façonner; mouler; pétrir
    • former werkwoord (forme, formes, formons, formez, )
    • exister werkwoord (existe, existes, existons, existez, )
    • modeler werkwoord (modèle, modèles, modelons, modelez, )
    • faire du modelage werkwoord
    • travailler werkwoord (travaille, travailles, travaillons, travaillez, )
    • façonner werkwoord (façonne, façonnes, façonnons, façonnez, )
    • mouler werkwoord (moule, moules, moulons, moulez, )
    • pétrir werkwoord (pétris, pétrit, pétrissons, pétrissez, )
  3. to form (shape; mould; model)
    – make something, usually for a specific function 1
    former; modeler; styliser; donner forme à quelque chose
    • former werkwoord (forme, formes, formons, formez, )
    • modeler werkwoord (modèle, modèles, modelons, modelez, )
    • styliser werkwoord (stylise, stylises, stylisons, stylisez, )
  4. to form (put together)
    – create (as an entity) 1
    créer; former; établir
    • créer werkwoord (crée, crées, créons, créez, )
    • former werkwoord (forme, formes, formons, formez, )
    • établir werkwoord (établis, établit, établissons, établissez, )

Conjugations for form:

  1. form
  2. form
  3. forms
  4. form
  5. form
  6. form
simple past
  1. formed
  2. formed
  3. formed
  4. formed
  5. formed
  6. formed
present perfect
  1. have formed
  2. have formed
  3. has formed
  4. have formed
  5. have formed
  6. have formed
past continuous
  1. was forming
  2. were forming
  3. was forming
  4. were forming
  5. were forming
  6. were forming
  1. shall form
  2. will form
  3. will form
  4. shall form
  5. will form
  6. will form
continuous present
  1. am forming
  2. are forming
  3. is forming
  4. are forming
  5. are forming
  6. are forming
  1. be formed
  2. be formed
  3. be formed
  4. be formed
  5. be formed
  6. be formed
  1. form!
  2. let's form!
  3. formed
  4. forming
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor form:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
banc d'école desk; form desk; school desk
configuration condition; form; shape configuration; setup; system configuration
confirmation confirmation; form affirmation; allegation; authorisation; authorization; confession of faith; confirmation; installation; note of remittance; permission; placement; positioning; ratification; receipt; remittance-note
façon condition; form; shape bearing; behavior; behaviour; conduct; course; demeanor; demeanour; deportment; manner; method; methodology; mode; modus; way; way of behaving
forme condition; confirmation; form; shape appearance; be in good shape; boottree; build; cast; casting; casting mould; confession of faith; die; exterior; figure; ghost; gypsum; last; look; looks; matrix; model; mold; mould; printing form; shadow; shape; shoe-last; silhouette; stature; template; waist
formulaire blank; form; formulary
manière condition; form; shape bearing; behavior; behaviour; conduct; course; demeanor; demeanour; deportment; manner; method; methodology; mode; way; way of behaving
moule condition; form; shape cast; casting; casting mould; die; gypsum; hand-out; matrix; model; mold; mould; shape; stencil; template
questionnaire blank; form; formulary questionnaire
table d'école desk; form desk; school desk
- cast; class; configuration; conformation; contour; course; descriptor; grade; kind; manakin; manikin; mannequin; mannikin; pattern; phase; shape; signifier; sort; strain; var.; variant; variety; word form
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
créer form; put together arrange; bring about; bring forth; conceptualise; conceptualize; construct; create; design; draw; fabricate; generate; invent; make; manufacture; prepare; produce
donner forme à quelque chose form; model; mould; shape
exister be; form; model; mould; shape exist
faire du modelage be; form; model; mould; shape
façonner be; form; knead; massage; model; mould; shape attend to it; attend to the matter; freshen up; make decent; model; shape; treat; work on
former be; form; knead; massage; model; mould; put together; shape bring up; conceptualise; conceptualize; construct; create; design; educate; invent; lead up; learn; make; manufacture; practice; practise; prepare; qualify; raise; rear; study; teach; train; tutor
modeler be; form; knead; massage; model; mould; shape
mouler be; form; knead; massage; model; mould; shape bind tightly; span
pétrir be; form; model; mould; shape
styliser form; model; mould; shape style
travailler be; form; model; mould; shape be active; char; do; function; labor; labour; learn; operate in; practice; practise; study; work
établir form; put together base; colonise; colonize; determine; develop; earthen; establish; explore; found; ground; identify; lay the foundations; open up; prospect; raise; scan; settle; tune
- constitute; forge; imprint; make; mold; mould; organise; organize; shape; spring; take form; take shape; work
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
configuration configuration; network configuration
formulaire form
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- accumulate; constitute; fashion; make; mass; shape

Verwante woorden van "form":

Synoniemen voor "form":

Verwante definities voor "form":

  1. the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance1
  2. a mold for setting concrete1
    • they built elaborate forms for pouring the foundation1
  3. a life-size dummy used to display clothes1
  4. the visual appearance of something or someone1
  5. a particular mode in which something is manifested1
    • his resentment took the form of extreme hostility1
  6. any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline)1
  7. an ability to perform well1
    • he was at the top of his form1
    • the team was off form last night1
  8. a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality1
    • sculpture is a form of art1
  9. a perceptual structure1
    • the composition presents problems for students of musical form1
  10. the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something1
    • the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached1
  11. a printed document with spaces in which to write1
    • he filled out his tax form1
  12. an arrangement of the elements in a composition or discourse1
    • the essay was in the form of a dialogue1
    • he first sketches the plot in outline form1
  13. (biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups1
  14. a body of students who are taught together1
  15. (physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary1
  16. give shape or form to1
    • form the young child's character1
  17. assume a form or shape1
    • the water formed little beads1
  18. make something, usually for a specific function1
  19. establish or impress firmly in the mind1
  20. create (as an entity)1
    • social groups form everywhere1
    • They formed a company1
  21. to compose or represent:1
    • This wall forms the background of the stage setting1
  22. develop into a distinctive entity1
  23. In some applications (especially databases), a structured window, box, or other self-contained element that serves as a visual filter for the underlying data it is presenting.2
  24. A structured document or template with spaces reserved for entering information and often containing special coding (e.g. to trigger data processing).2

Wiktionary: form

  1. (intransitive) to take shape
  2. (linguistics) to create a word
  3. to constitute, to compose
  4. to give shape
  1. shape or visible structure
  2. document to be filled
  1. groupe
  2. Figure extérieure d’un corps, configuration d’une chose
  3. Manière dont une chose est ou peut être faite, présentée, traitée
  4. Répertoire de formule dressé en vue de l’usage pratique
  1. asseoir un bâtiment, un édifice sur des fondements.
  2. créer en donnant l’être et la forme.

Cross Translation:
form former vormen — deel uitmaken van, fungeren als bouwsteen van
form former vormen — in de juiste vorm brengen
form classe klas — een leerjaar op school
form formulaire; formule formulier — een stuk papier waarop voorgedrukte vragen kunnen worden beantwoord
form forme FormBiologie: niedrigstes Taxon bei Pflanzen unterhalb der Varietät, deren Vertreter im Allgemeinen nur in einem Merkmal von dem Normaltypus abweichen
form formulaire Formular — standardisierte Textvorlage, die um individuelle Angaben zu ergänzen ist
form questionnaire Fragebogen — Formular zur Erfassung von Antworten
form conditionner formen — jemanden beeinflussen, den Charakter einer Person formen
form former; conditionner formen — etwas eine Form/Gestalt geben, bearbeiten
form marquer; labelliser; définir; caractériser; empreindre; former; imprimer zeichnen — (transitiv) etwas mit einem oder mehreren Zeichen versehen

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van form


Uitgebreide vertaling voor form (Frans) in het Engels


formé bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. formé (fait; façonné; moulé)
    made; produced
  2. formé (qualifié)
    educated; skilled; schooled; practised; practiced
  3. formé (adulte; mature; mûr)
    mature; adult; full-grown; outgrown; fully grown

Vertaal Matrix voor formé:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
adult adulte; majeur
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
mature mûrir
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
adult adulte; formé; mature; mûr
educated formé; qualifié cultivé; savant; érudit
full-grown adulte; formé; mature; mûr
fully grown adulte; formé; mature; mûr
made fait; façonné; formé; moulé composé; confectionné; créé; fabriqué; fait; produit; réalisé
mature adulte; formé; mature; mûr conscient; maturé; mûr; qui défend son bon droit; qui ne se laisse pas faire; sûr
practiced formé; qualifié assidu; avec application; avec zèle; bûcheur; infatigable; laborieux; zélé
practised formé; qualifié assidu; avec application; avec zèle; bûcheur; infatigable; laborieux; zélé
skilled formé; qualifié adroit; adroitement; apte; autorisé; bon; capable; compétent; diplômé; entraîné; exercé; expert; habile; habilement; habilité; licite; légitime; professionnel; qualifié; spécialisé
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
outgrown adulte; formé; mature; mûr
produced fait; façonné; formé; moulé composé; confectionné; fabriqué; fait; produit; réalisé
schooled formé; qualifié

Synoniemen voor "formé":

Computer vertaling door derden: