
Uitgebreide vertaling voor illusion (Engels) in het Frans


illusion [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the illusion (pretence; pretext; guise; pretense)
    l'apparence; le semblant; le leurre; l'illusion; le trompe-l'oeil
  2. the illusion (fantasy; phantasy)
    l'illusion; l'image onirique; la vision
  3. the illusion (imagination; fantasy; figment of the imagination; )
    la fantaisie; l'imagination; le fantasme; la chimère; l'illusion; la fiction; la figuration; la lubie; l'hallucination
  4. the illusion (delusion; mirage; fata morgana)
    l'hallucination; le mirage; la chimère; le leurre; l'illusion; l'invention; le trompe-l'oeil; l'illusion d'optique
  5. the illusion
    l'illusion; le mirage; la chimère; le trompe-l'oeil; l'hallucination
  6. the illusion (delusion; figment of the imagination; chimera; )
    la chimère; l'anamorphose; le rêve; la vision de rêve; l'illusion; l'hallucination; la vision hallucinatoire
  7. the illusion (delusion)
    la chimère; le mirage; l'illusion; le trompe-l'oeil; l'hallucination; l'illusion d'optique
  8. the illusion (delusion)
    l'illusion; l'image trompeuse
  9. the illusion (delusion; fallacy; false hopes; wrong notion)
    l'illusion; le rêve; le mirage; la vision; la fantasme; la chimère; l'anamorphose
    • illusion [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • rêve [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • mirage [le ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • vision [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • fantasme [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • chimère [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • anamorphose [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor illusion:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
anamorphose chimera; delusion; erroneous idea; fallacy; false hopes; fantasm; fantasy; figment of the imagination; illusion; mirage; phantasm; phantasy; wrong notion hallucination
apparence guise; illusion; pretence; pretense; pretext allure; appearance; bearing; deportment; disguise; exterior; façade; grand manner; look; looks; phase of the moon; pretence; pretense; sham; skin
chimère chimera; delusion; erroneous idea; fabrication; fallacy; false hopes; fantasm; fantasy; fata morgana; figment of the imagination; illusion; imagination; mirage; phantasm; phantasy; pipe dream; wrong notion bogey; castle in the air; delusion; fantasm; ghost; hallucination; imaginair bogey; phantasm; phantom; pipe dream; specter; spectre
fantaisie fabrication; fantasy; figment of the imagination; illusion; imagination; phantasy; pipe dream
fantasme delusion; fabrication; fallacy; false hopes; fantasy; figment of the imagination; illusion; imagination; phantasy; pipe dream; wrong notion bogey; delusion; fantasm; ghost; imaginair bogey; phantasm; phantom; specter; spectre
fiction fabrication; fantasy; figment of the imagination; illusion; imagination; phantasy; pipe dream delusion; fable; fairytale; fib; fiction; legend; myth; narration; old wive's tale; story; tale
figuration fabrication; fantasy; figment of the imagination; illusion; imagination; phantasy; pipe dream better picture; closer description; depiction; picture; portrayal
hallucination chimera; delusion; erroneous idea; fabrication; fallacy; fantasm; fantasy; fata morgana; figment of the imagination; illusion; imagination; mirage; phantasm; phantasy; pipe dream; wrong notion delusion; hallucination
illusion chimera; delusion; erroneous idea; fabrication; fallacy; false hopes; fantasm; fantasy; fata morgana; figment of the imagination; guise; illusion; imagination; mirage; phantasm; phantasy; pipe dream; pretence; pretense; pretext; wrong notion delusion; fable; fairytale; fib; fiction; hallucination; old wive's tale; story
illusion d'optique delusion; fata morgana; illusion; mirage optical illusion; trick of vision
image onirique fantasy; illusion; phantasy
image trompeuse delusion; illusion
imagination fabrication; fantasy; figment of the imagination; illusion; imagination; phantasy; pipe dream bogey; delusion; fantasm; ghost; hallucination; imaginair bogey; imagination; imaginative power; ingenuity; phantasm; phantom; specter; spectre
invention delusion; fata morgana; illusion; mirage delusion; discovery; fable; fairytale; fib; fiction; find; invention; old wive's tale; story
leurre delusion; fata morgana; guise; illusion; mirage; pretence; pretense; pretext artificial bait; bait; enticement; hallucination; lure; tempting voice; trick
lubie fabrication; fantasy; figment of the imagination; illusion; imagination; phantasy; pipe dream hallucination
mirage delusion; fallacy; false hopes; fata morgana; illusion; mirage; wrong notion delusion
rêve chimera; delusion; erroneous idea; fallacy; false hopes; fantasm; fantasy; figment of the imagination; illusion; mirage; phantasm; phantasy; wrong notion dream; fable; fairytale; story
semblant guise; illusion; pretence; pretense; pretext pretence; pretense; sham
trompe-l'oeil delusion; fata morgana; guise; illusion; mirage; pretence; pretense; pretext optical illusion; pretence; pretense; sham; trick of vision
vision delusion; fallacy; false hopes; fantasy; illusion; phantasy; wrong notion angle; apparition; appearance; aspect; attitude; bogey; conception; countenance; delusion; face; fantasm; ghost; ghostly apparition; glance; hallucination; idea; imaginair bogey; insight; interpretation; notion; opinion; outlook; panorama; perception; perspective; phantasm; phantom; pinnule; point of view; reading; sight; specter; spectre; spook; stand; version; view; vision; way of thinking
vision de rêve chimera; delusion; erroneous idea; fallacy; fantasm; fantasy; figment of the imagination; illusion; mirage; phantasm; phantasy; wrong notion
vision hallucinatoire chimera; delusion; erroneous idea; fallacy; fantasm; fantasy; figment of the imagination; illusion; mirage; phantasm; phantasy; wrong notion
- conjuration; conjuring trick; deception; delusion; fancy; fantasy; head game; legerdemain; magic; magic trick; phantasy; semblance; thaumaturgy; trick
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
semblant as if; as though

Verwante woorden van "illusion":

Synoniemen voor "illusion":

Verwante definities voor "illusion":

  1. an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers1
  2. the act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas1
  3. something many people believe that is false1
    • they have the illusion that I am very wealthy1
  4. an erroneous mental representation1

Wiktionary: illusion

  1. magician's trick
  2. anything that seems to be something that it is not
  1. vision illusoire, produire par une lésion du sens optique ou par un trouble des facultés mentales.
  2. fausse apparence

Cross Translation:
illusion illusion waan — droomwereld
illusion imagination Einbildung — eine geistige Vorstellung
illusion illusion Illusion — etwas Vorgetäuschtes; Täuschung

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van illusion


Uitgebreide vertaling voor illusion (Frans) in het Engels


illusion [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. l'illusion (image onirique; vision)
    the illusion; the fantasy; the phantasy
    • illusion [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • fantasy [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord, Amerikaans
    • phantasy [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord, Brits
  2. l'illusion (fantaisie; imagination; fantasme; )
    the imagination; the fantasy; the figment of the imagination; the pipe dream; the illusion; the fabrication; the phantasy
  3. l'illusion (fabulation; fable; conte de fées; )
    the fairytale
    – an interesting but highly implausible story; often told as an excuse 1
    the delusion
    – the act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas 1
    • delusion [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    the fiction; the fable
    – a deliberately false or improbable account 1
    • fiction [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • fable [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    the fib; the story
    – a trivial lie 1
    • fib [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
      • he told a fib about eating his spinach1
    • story [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
      • how can I stop my child from telling stories?1
    the old wive's tale
  4. l'illusion (anamorphose; rêve; mirage; )
    the delusion; the fallacy; the false hopes; the illusion; the wrong notion
  5. l'illusion (mirage; chimère; trompe-l'oeil; hallucination)
    the illusion
    • illusion [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  6. l'illusion (apparence; semblant; leurre; trompe-l'oeil)
    the pretence; the illusion; the pretext; the pretense
    • pretence [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord, Brits
    • illusion [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • pretext [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • pretense [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord, Amerikaans
    the guise
    – an artful or simulated semblance 1
    • guise [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
      • under the guise of friendship he betrayed them1
  7. l'illusion (hallucination; mirage; chimère; )
    the delusion; the illusion; the mirage; the fata morgana
  8. l'illusion (illusion d'optique; chimère; mirage; trompe-l'oeil; hallucination)
    the delusion; the illusion
  9. l'illusion (hallucination; idée; vision; )
    the hallucination
  10. l'illusion (chimère; anamorphose; rêve; )
    the delusion; the figment of the imagination; the chimera; the fallacy; the mirage; the illusion; the fantasy; the erroneous idea; the wrong notion; the phantasm; the phantasy; the fantasm
  11. l'illusion (hallucination; mirage)
    the delusion
    • delusion [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor illusion:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
chimera anamorphose; chimère; hallucination; illusion; rêve; vision de rêve; vision hallucinatoire
delusion affabulation; anamorphose; chimère; conte de fées; fable; fabulation; fantasme; fiction; hallucination; illusion; illusion d'optique; image trompeuse; invention; leurre; mirage; promesse; rêve; supercherie; trompe-l'oeil; vision; vision de rêve; vision hallucinatoire chimère; fantasme; fantôme; hantise; imagination; vision
erroneous idea anamorphose; chimère; hallucination; illusion; rêve; vision de rêve; vision hallucinatoire
fable affabulation; conte de fées; fable; fabulation; fiction; illusion; invention conte; conte de fée; fable; fiction; merveille; narration; récit; rêve
fabrication chimère; fantaisie; fantasme; fiction; figuration; hallucination; illusion; imagination; lubie fabrication; production; réalisation
fairytale affabulation; conte de fées; fable; fabulation; fiction; illusion; invention conte; conte de fée; fable; fiction; merveille; narration; récit; rêve
fallacy anamorphose; chimère; fantasme; hallucination; illusion; mirage; rêve; vision; vision de rêve; vision hallucinatoire
false hopes anamorphose; chimère; fantasme; illusion; mirage; rêve; vision
fantasm anamorphose; chimère; hallucination; illusion; rêve; vision de rêve; vision hallucinatoire chimère; fantasme; fantôme; hantise; imagination; vision
fantasy anamorphose; chimère; fantaisie; fantasme; fiction; figuration; hallucination; illusion; image onirique; imagination; lubie; rêve; vision; vision de rêve; vision hallucinatoire
fata morgana chimère; hallucination; illusion; illusion d'optique; invention; leurre; mirage; trompe-l'oeil
fib affabulation; conte de fées; fable; fabulation; fiction; illusion; invention petit mensonge
fiction affabulation; conte de fées; fable; fabulation; fiction; illusion; invention
figment of the imagination anamorphose; chimère; fantaisie; fantasme; fiction; figuration; hallucination; illusion; imagination; lubie; rêve; vision de rêve; vision hallucinatoire
guise apparence; illusion; leurre; semblant; trompe-l'oeil
hallucination anamorphose; chimère; hallucination; idée; illusion; imagination; leurre; lubie; vision
illusion anamorphose; apparence; chimère; fantaisie; fantasme; fiction; figuration; hallucination; illusion; illusion d'optique; image onirique; image trompeuse; imagination; invention; leurre; lubie; mirage; rêve; semblant; trompe-l'oeil; vision; vision de rêve; vision hallucinatoire
imagination chimère; fantaisie; fantasme; fiction; figuration; hallucination; illusion; imagination; lubie faculté imaginative; imagination
mirage anamorphose; chimère; hallucination; illusion; illusion d'optique; invention; leurre; mirage; rêve; trompe-l'oeil; vision de rêve; vision hallucinatoire
old wive's tale affabulation; conte de fées; fable; fabulation; fiction; illusion; invention
phantasm anamorphose; chimère; hallucination; illusion; rêve; vision de rêve; vision hallucinatoire chimère; fantasme; fantôme; hantise; imagination; vision
phantasy anamorphose; chimère; fantaisie; fantasme; fiction; figuration; hallucination; illusion; image onirique; imagination; lubie; rêve; vision; vision de rêve; vision hallucinatoire
pipe dream chimère; fantaisie; fantasme; fiction; figuration; hallucination; illusion; imagination; lubie chimère; idéal; rêve d'avenir; rêve éveillé
pretence apparence; illusion; leurre; semblant; trompe-l'oeil affectation; apparence; artifice; fausseté; façade; maniérisme; semblant; simulacre; simulation; trompe-l'oeil
pretense apparence; illusion; leurre; semblant; trompe-l'oeil affectation; apparence; artifice; fausseté; façade; maniérisme; semblant; simulacre; simulation; trompe-l'oeil
pretext apparence; illusion; leurre; semblant; trompe-l'oeil
story affabulation; conte de fées; fable; fabulation; fiction; illusion; invention article; compte-rendu; conte; conte de fée; exposé; fable; faux-fuyant; fiction; histoire; légende; merveille; mythe; narration; rapport; récit; rêve; subterfuge; tradition
wrong notion anamorphose; chimère; fantasme; hallucination; illusion; mirage; rêve; vision; vision de rêve; vision hallucinatoire
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
fib conter des mensonges; fabuler; faire accroire à; inventer des histoires; mentir; raconter des histoires

Synoniemen voor "illusion":

Wiktionary: illusion

  1. fausse apparence
  2. erreur flatteuse qui abuse l’esprit
  1. magician's trick
  2. anything that seems to be something that it is not
  3. sensory perception of something that does not exist
  4. fabrication, fantasy, invention
  5. act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind

Cross Translation:
illusion illusion waan — droomwereld
illusion illusion Illusion — etwas Vorgetäuschtes; Täuschung
illusion wishful thinking Wunschdenken — von Wünschen oder Idealvorstellungen geprägtes Denken, das für die Realität aber nicht zutreffend ist

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Verwante vertalingen van illusion