
Uitgebreide vertaling voor willing (Engels) in het Spaans


willing bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. willing
    dispuesto; propenso; listo; inclinado
  2. willing (accommodating; submissive; compliant; )
    indulgente; dúctil; manejable; condescendiente; obsequioso; obediente; flexible; complaciente; dócil; elástico
  3. willing (lenient; obliging; readiness; ready)
    benévolo; servicial; indulgente; complaciente; oficioso; inclinado a perdonar
  4. willing (ready)
    dispuesto; inclinado
  5. willing (benevolent; sympathetic)
    benigno; benévolo
  6. willing (obedient; submissive; docile; )
    obediente; obsequioso
  7. willing (sympathetic)
    dispuesto; inclinado; propenso; benévolo
  8. willing (obliging; servient; tractable)
    sumiso; complaciente; servicial

Vertaal Matrix voor willing:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
elástico elastic
flexible flex
listo bright spark; genius; smart fellow
- volition
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- uncoerced; unforced
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- ready
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
benigno benevolent; sympathetic; willing benevolent; forgiving; generous; good-natured; kind; kind-hearted; liberal; magnanimous; mild; munificent; noble; open minded; open-handed; unsparing
benévolo benevolent; lenient; obliging; readiness; ready; sympathetic; willing a kind manner; affectionate; amicable; amicably; benevolent; calm; calmly; collected; composed; cordial; friendly; good-natured; hearty; kind; kind-hearted; kindly; mild; obliging; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; warm; warm-hearted
complaciente accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; lenient; obliging; pliable; readiness; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding a kind manner; amenable; amicable; amicably; assistent; attentive; benevolent; calm; calmly; collected; complaisant; composed; docile; friendly; good-natured; helpful; humble; kind; kind-hearted; kindly; malleable; meek; mild; obliging; peaceful; placid; pliable; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; slavishly; still; submissive; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful
condescendiente accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding
dispuesto ready; sympathetic; willing classified; disposed; filed; in a mood; ordered; orderly; regulated
dócil accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding amenable; docile; domesticated; flexible; house-trained; humble; kneadable; long-enduring; malleable; meek; mouldable; patient; plastic; pliable; pliant; slavishly; submissive; supple; tame; tamed; workable; yielding
dúctil accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding amenable; docile; domesticated; flexible; house-trained; humble; malleable; meek; plastic; pliable; slavishly; submissive; supple; tame; tamed
elástico accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding elastic; flexible; kneadable; limber; lithe; malleable; mouldable; plastic; pliable; pliant; resilient; springy; supple; workable; yielding
flexible accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding elastic; flexible; kneadable; limber; lithe; malleable; mouldable; plastic; pliable; pliant; resilient; springy; supple; workable; yielding
inclinado ready; sympathetic; willing askew; bald; being inclined to; cunning; disposed; icy; immoral; inclined; lack of moral; leaning; lopsided; oblique; obscene; slanting; sleek; slippery; slithery; sloping; smooth; smoothly; steep
inclinado a perdonar lenient; obliging; readiness; ready; willing
indulgente accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; lenient; obliging; pliable; readiness; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding a kind manner; amenable; assistent; attentive; calm; charitabel; clement; complaisant; docile; forgiving; generous; gentle; gracious; helpful; humble; lenient; liberal; magnanimous; malleable; meek; merciful; munificent; noble; obliging; open minded; open-handed; patient; pliable; slavishly; submissive; unsparing; waiting patiently
listo willing able; accomplished; achieved; acute; adroit; alluring; astute; attractive; biting; brainy; bright; brilliant; calculating; canny; capable; clear; clever; complete; completed; concluded; crafty; cunning; dexterous; dodgy; done; evident; expert; false; finished; handy; ingenious; intelligent; keen; knowledgable; low; mean; nasty; neat; nimble; off; out; over; packed; perky; pointed; polished; prepared; proficient; quick; ready; ready for use; ready to go; resourceful; roguish; sagacious; sensible; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpened; sharpwitted; shrewd; skilful; skilled; skillful; slick; slippery; sly; smart; smoothened; trained; underhand; vicious; vile; well sharpened; wily; wise
manejable accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding flexible; handy; kneadable; malleable; manageable; maneuverable; manoeuvrable; mouldable; plastic; pliable; pliant; simple to operate; supple; useful; workable; yielding
obediente accommodating; complaisant; compliant; cooperative; docile; flexible; obedient; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding docile; domesticated; fair; good; honest; house-trained; kneadable; malleable; meek; mouldable; obedient; plastic; pliable; submissive; tame; tamed; well-behaved; workable
obsequioso accommodating; complaisant; compliant; cooperative; docile; flexible; obedient; obliging; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding assistent; attentive; complaisant; considerate; helpful; obliging
oficioso lenient; obliging; readiness; ready; willing off the record; semi-official; unofficial
propenso sympathetic; willing susceptible
servicial lenient; obliging; readiness; ready; servient; tractable; willing assistent; attentive; complaisant; considerate; helpful; obliging
sumiso obliging; servient; tractable; willing amenable; calm; docile; domesticated; dominated; house-trained; humble; inferior; malleable; meek; minor; modest; patient; pliable; secondary; slavishly; subjugated; submissive; subordinate; tame; tamed; waiting patiently

Verwante woorden van "willing":

Synoniemen voor "willing":

Antoniemen van "willing":

Verwante definities voor "willing":

  1. not brought about by coercion or force1
  2. disposed or inclined toward1
    • a willing participant1
    • willing helpers1
  3. the act of making a choice1

Wiktionary: willing

  1. ready to do something that is not a matter of course

Cross Translation:
willing benévolo gewilligbereidwillig, gehoorzaam
willing servicial dienstwillig — tot dienst bereid
willing servicial bereidwillig — tot hulp en dienst bereid zijn of daarvan blijk geven
willing dispuesto bereid — akkoord gaand, instemmend: bereid tot actie


will [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the will (intention; wish)
    el propósito; la intención; el designio; la disposición
  2. the will (testament; last will)
    el testamento; la última voluntad

to will werkwoord (will, would, willing)

  1. to will (desire; long; crave; )
    querer; desear; suspirar por; ambicionar
  2. to will (shall; ought to)
    haber de; ir a; deber; tener que

Conjugations for will:

  1. will
  2. will
  3. will
  4. will
  5. will
  6. will
simple past
  1. would
  2. would
  3. would
  4. would
  5. would
  6. would
past continuous
  1. was willing
  2. were willing
  3. was willing
  4. were willing
  5. were willing
  6. were willing
continuous present
  1. am willing
  2. are willing
  3. is willing
  4. are willing
  5. are willing
  6. are willing
  1. would
  2. willing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor will:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
ambicionar aiming at; aiming for; strive for
deber being forced to; being obliged to; duty; having to
designio intention; will; wish
disposición intention; will; wish agreement; approval; arrangement; chord; clearance; come to terms; concurrence; consent; conviction; creed; delivery; disposition; hierarchy; idea; inclination; make a compromise; mental state; notion; opinion; order of rank; permission; preparedness; rank; readiness; settlement; supplies; supply; tendency; tenor; trend; view; willingness
intención intention; will; wish contents; distinction; distinction of manner; goal; inclination; intent; intention; meaning; objective; orientation; purport; sense; signification; stature; tendency; tendency toward; tenor; trend
propósito intention; will; wish distinction; distinction of manner; goal; intention; level; objective; orientation; scheme; tendency toward; trend
testamento last will; testament; will
última voluntad last will; testament; will last request; wish
- testament; volition
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
ambicionar covet; crave; desire; long; want; will; wish aim at; aspire; aspire to; devote oneself to; strive after; strive for; work for; work towards
deber ought to; shall; will be obliged to; derive; draw; ought to; owe; should
desear covet; crave; desire; long; want; will; wish have one's heart set on; hope; languish; like to; long for; look forward to; pine; to want something very badly; want; wish; yearn
haber de ought to; shall; will be obliged to; have to; must; need; ought to; should; want
ir a ought to; shall; will call at; call on; come past; drop by; look for; look up; pass; seek out; visit
querer covet; crave; desire; long; want; will; wish ache to; adore; be fond of; have one's heart set on; have to; hope; languish; like to; long for; love; must; need; pine; to want something very badly; want; wish; yearn
suspirar por covet; crave; desire; long; want; will; wish crave; desire; long
tener que ought to; shall; will be obliged to; have to; must; need; ought to; require; should; want
- bequeath; leave

Verwante woorden van "will":

  • wills

Synoniemen voor "will":

Antoniemen van "will":

Verwante definities voor "will":

  1. the capability of conscious choice and decision and intention1
  2. a fixed and persistent intent or purpose1
    • where there's a will there's a way1
  3. a legal document declaring a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die1
  4. determine by choice1
    • This action was willed and intended1
  5. decree or ordain1
    • God wills our existence1
  6. leave or give by will after one's death1

Wiktionary: will

  1. intent or volition
  2. legal document
  1. To bequeath
  2. to wish strongly
  3. indicating future action

Cross Translation:
will testamento testament — een bindende verklaring waarin een overledene voor diens dood heeft laten vastleggen wat er te doen staat met de nalatenschap
will voluntad wil — de bereidheid of zin om iets te doen
will deseo; placer zin — een verlangen om iets te doen
will testamento TestamentRecht: Verfügung über die Verwendung des Nachlasses
will querer; voluntad; decisión; intención Wille — ein alle Handlungen bestimmendes Streben
will anhelar; desear wünschen — etwas ersehnen, erhoffen
will testamento testamentacte authentique par lequel on déclarer ses dernières volontés.
will testar tester — juri|fr déclarer par un acte ce que l’on vouloir qui soit exécuter après sa mort.
will voluntad volontéfaculté de vouloir, de se déterminer à quelque chose.

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van willing