
Uitgebreide vertaling voor what's more (Engels) in het Spaans

what's more:

what's more bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. what's more (besides; moreover; further; above all; especially)
    además; además de eso; también; después; al lado; encima; sobre todo; fuera de; especialmente; más que nada; principalmente; luego; más adelante; excepto; particularmente; fuera; ante todo; antes que nada; más lejos; en el campo; cerca de allí; sin; otro; más; aparte; por otra parte

Vertaal Matrix voor what's more:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
fuera around; round the
más maximum; most
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
más 'n; and
sin without
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
además above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more above; above that; adjacent to it; also; and also; apart from that; as also; as well; as well as; at the same time; beside it; besides; by the way; closed; dense; for the rest; furthermore; in addition to; indeed; next to it; plus; shut; too
además de eso above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more
al lado above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more adjacent to it; aside; beside it; next to it; sideways
ante todo above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more
antes que nada above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more first of all; very first
aparte above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more apart; aside; bizarre; curious; deserted; desolate; different; distinctive; eccentric; exceptional; forlorn; freak; free-standing; idiosyncratic; isolated; lonely; lonesome; noteworthy; odd; on its own; particular; peculiar; secluded; separate; sequestered; sideways; solitary; solo; unusual
cerca de allí above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more
después above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more after; after that; afterwards; before long; besides; further; furthermore; in a little while; later; later on; next; shortly; shortly after; since; soon; subsequently; then; to here
en el campo above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more in the country; in the field; in the open; into nature; out of; outside
encima above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more besides; closed; dense; furthermore; over; passed; shut
especialmente above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more bizarre; curious; different; eccentric; exceptional; freak; idiosyncratic; noteworthy; odd; peculiar; unusual
excepto above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more barring; except; excepting; unless
fuera above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more exclusive; in the country; in the open; off; out; out of; out of that; outside; without
fuera de above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more but; except; except for; excepting; exclusive of; outside of; save; to the exclusion of; with the exception of
luego above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more after that; after which; afterwards; at that time; at the time; before long; besides; further; furthermore; in a little while; later; later on; next; shortly; shortly after; soon; subsequently; then; whereupon
más above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more above; in addition to; more; plus
más adelante above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more further on
más lejos above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more farthest; furthest; most distant
más que nada above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more above all; especially
otro above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more other; remaining; someone else
particularmente above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more particularly
por otra parte above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more adjacent to it; apart from that; beside it; by the way; for the rest; next to it; on the contrary; on the other hand
principalmente above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more above all; especially
sin above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more
sobre todo above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more above all; chiefly; especially; mainly; principally
también above all; besides; especially; further; moreover; what's more also; and also; as also; as well; as well as; at the same time; besides; furthermore; too

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