
Uitgebreide vertaling voor straightness (Engels) in het Spaans


Vertaal Matrix voor straightness:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- directness; good faith; heterosexualism; heterosexuality

Synoniemen voor "straightness":

Antoniemen van "straightness":

Verwante definities voor "straightness":

  1. a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the opposite sex1
  2. having honest intentions1
  3. trueness of course toward a goal1
  4. freedom from crooks or curves or bends or angles1
  5. (of hair) lack of a tendency to curl1

Wiktionary: straightness

Cross Translation:
straightness forma rectilínea; linearidad Geradlinigkeit — Eigenschaft einen Sachverhalt ohne Umschweife, das heißt, ohne vom Kern der zu vermittelnden Aussage abzurücken, darzustellen, bzw. danach zu handeln.
straightness derechura droituredisposition à se conduire, à se comporter toujours conformément aux règles du devoir, ou le fait de se comporter ainsi.

straightness vorm van straight:

straight bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. straight (dead straight; perpendicular; bolt upright; erect)
    derecho; recto; erguido; levantado; perpendicular; vertical
  2. straight (genuine; serious)
  3. straight (directly; perpendicular)
    directo; perpendicular; recto
  4. straight (blunt; plain)
    crudo; duro
    • crudo bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • duro bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  5. straight (frank; sincere; straightforward; )
    sincero; abierto; franco; claro; abiertamente; sin trabas; sin ambages; claramente; francamente; sin rodeos; con franqueza; sin reserva
  6. straight (pure)
    puro; claro; francamente; natural; correcto; auténtico; genuino; verdadero; neto; verdaderamente; sencillamente
  7. straight (direct)
    directo; enseguida; inmediatamente; en el acto; pronto; inmediato; rápidamente; en seguida; en breve; instantáneamente; de inmediato
  8. straight (explicit; crude; straightforward; )
    abierto; directamente; claro; claramente; francamente; abiertamente; sin reserva; con franqueza
  9. straight (outspoken; honest; frank; straightforward)
    abierto; sincero; franco; incondicional
  10. straight (downright; absolute)
    claro; verdadero; puro; realmente; verdaderamente; sencillamente; francamente; legítimo
  11. straight (honest)
  12. straight (direct; honest; frontal)
  13. straight (straightforward; open; freely; frank)
    francamente; con franqueza
  14. straight (outspoken; frankly; forthright; )
    desnudo; puro; directamente; sin rodeos; no embellecido

straight [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the straight
    el camino; la carretera; la pista
    • camino [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • carretera [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • pista [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor straight:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
camino straight country road; footmark; footprint; freeway; highroad; highway; lane; main road; major road; motor-road; motorway; path; speedway; track
carretera straight avenue; country road; distance; freeway; highroad; highway; journey; lane; main road; major road; motor-road; motorway; path; reach; road; round; small circle; speedway; street; stretch; track; trail; way
claro brightness; clearness; lucidity; luminosity
derecho common law; customary law; forehand; justice; right; righteousness; unwritten law
franco franc
perpendicular lead line; plumb line; sounding line
pista straight audio track; avenue; bicycle track; circus; cycling track; path; race-track; ring; road; street; track; velodrome; way
recto anus; rectum
- heterosexual; heterosexual person; straight person; straightaway
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
abierto blunt; crude; explicit; fair; frank; honest; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; sincere; square; straight; straightforward accessible; amenable; approachable; burst open; candid; courteous; courtly; frank; frankly; liberal; not closed; open; open-minded; opened; opened up; openly; outspoken; polite; public; straight ahead; straight on; unconcealed; unlocked; unprejudiced
neto pure; straight after tax; net; nett; pure; unadulterated; unmixed
- consecutive; full-strength; neat; square; straightforward; true; unbent; unbowed; uncoiled
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- direct; directly; flat
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
vertical portrait; portrait orientation
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- stretch
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
abiertamente blunt; crude; explicit; fair; frank; honest; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; sincere; square; straight; straightforward bluntly; clean; contemplative; courteous; courtly; fair; honest; not closed; open; polite; readily
auténtico pure; straight authentic; contemplative; effectively; fair; genuine; honest; in fact; in truth; indeed; original; real; really; sure; sure enough; true; truly; unadulterated; verily; veritable
claramente blunt; crude; explicit; fair; frank; honest; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; sincere; square; straight; straightforward bluntly; clean; readily
claro absolute; blunt; crude; downright; explicit; fair; frank; honest; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; pure; sincere; square; straight; straightforward actual; acute; apparently; as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; biting; blank; bright; clarifying; clean; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; clever; cloudless; comprehended; comprehensible; cooked; crude; directly; discernible; distinct; done; evident; fathomed; flagrant; genuine; graphic; identifiable; in truth; indeed; intelligible; it's true; keen; light; luminous; manifest; naturally; not dark; obvious; obviously; of course; off colour; pale; plain; pure; real; really; recognisable; recognizable; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; to be sure; transparent; truly; unadulterated; unambiguous; unburdened; unclouded; understandable; understood; unequivocal; unfinished; unmistakable; unmixed; unvarnished; washed out; without doubt
con franqueza blunt; crude; explicit; fair; frank; freely; honest; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; sincere; square; straight; straightforward
correcto pure; straight accurate; aesthetic; after tax; becoming; befitting; blameless; chivalrous; civil; classical; classy; clean; correct; courteous; decent; dignified; elegant; esthetic; fair; faultless; fitting; flawless; frank; glamorous; glamourous; graceful; honest; impeccable; in good style; in good taste; neat; net; nett; open; perfect; precise; proper; properly; pure; reputable; respectable; right; sincere; smart; sophisticated; sporting; stylish; tasteful; tidy; true; unadulterated; unmixed; upright; virtuous; well aware of; well-mannered; worthy
crudo blunt; plain; straight abominable; barbaric; brutal; cruel; dizy; gruesome; heinous; improper; inappropriate; indelicat; inhuman; inhumane; out of place; pityless; raw; rude; ruthless; tactless; unboiled; uncalled for; unprocessed; unseemly; unsuitable; weak
de inmediato direct; straight as; as much; at once; at the same time; concurrently; directly; ditto; equally; immediate; immediately; in a moment; in the same way as; instantly; just as; likewise; now; on the spot; promptly; right away; right now; simultaneously; straight away; straightaway; the same; then and there
derecho bolt upright; dead straight; erect; perpendicular; straight clear; dead straight; directly; erect; standing; straight ahead; straight on; upright; vertical
desnudo blunt; forthright; frank; frankly; genially; openly; outright; outspoken; plain; plain-spoken; straight bare; blank; crude; nude; open; outdoor; plain; stark naked; uncovered; unfinished; unvarnished
directamente blunt; crude; explicit; forthright; frank; frankly; genially; openly; outright; outspoken; overt; plain; plain-spoken; square; straight; straightforward
directo direct; directly; perpendicular; straight at once; businesslike; clear; cool; directly; fair; honest; immediate; immediately; instantly; now; promptly; right away; right now; straight away
duro blunt; plain; straight against the grain; agressive; aloud; awkward; burdensome; callous; cruel; difficult; dispassionate; dizy; emotionless; hard; hard-handed; hard-hearted; harsh; headstrong; heartless; heavy; immovable; impassive; indifferent; inflexible; insensitive; massive; merciless; obstinate; offensive; out loud; penetrating; persisting; piercing; pig-headed; pitiless; rasping; recalcitrant; relentless; rigid; rough; ruthless; shrill; soulless; star; stern; stiff; straight-backed; stubborn; tenacious; tough; unbending; uncaring; unfeeling; violent; weak
en breve direct; straight adroit; agile; before long; brisk; clever; dexterous; expert; fast; fledged; handy; in a little while; in a word; in brief; in short; in the near future; just; later; neat; next; nimble; quick; rapid; shortly; simply; skilful; skillful; soon; speedy; swift
en el acto direct; straight at once; at the same time; concurrently; directly; immediate; immediately; instantly; now; on the spot; promptly; right away; right now; simultaneously; straight away; then and there
en seguida direct; straight at once; at the same time; concurrently; directly; hastily; immediate; immediately; in a little while; in a moment; instantly; later; next; now; prompt; promptly; quick; quickly; rapid; right away; right now; simultaneously; soon; speedily; speedy; straight away; straightaway; swift; without delay
enseguida direct; straight afterwards; at once; before long; directly; immediate; immediately; in a moment; instantly; later; later on; now; promptly; right away; right now; shortly; soon; straight away; straightaway
erguido bolt upright; dead straight; erect; perpendicular; straight dead straight; erect; standing; upright; vertical
francamente absolute; blunt; crude; direct; downright; explicit; fair; frank; freely; frontal; honest; open; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; pure; sincere; square; straight; straightforward blatant; bluntly; clean; downright; fair; honest; mean; pedestrian; plain; quite common; readily; sheer; vile
franco fair; frank; honest; open; outspoken; plain; sincere; straight; straightforward bare; candid; carriage paid; fair; for free; frank; free; free of charge; freight paid; genuine; gratis; gratuitous; heartfelt; honest; liberal; open; open-minded; outspoken; prepaid; sincere; straight ahead; straight on; uncovered; unhampered; unhindered; unimpeded; unobstructed; unprejudiced; upright
genuino pure; straight fair; honest; maidenly; pure; true; unspoiled; untainted; untouched; veritable; virginal
incondicional frank; honest; outspoken; straight; straightforward absolute; absolutely; awfully; certain; certainly; completely; definitely; final; fully; indisputable; outright; positive; sure; terribly; totally; unconditional; undoubted; utter; utterly
inmediatamente direct; straight at once; at the same time; before long; concurrently; directly; first thing; forthwith; immediate; immediately; in a moment; instantly; now; presently; prompt; promptly; quick; rapid; right away; right now; shortly; simultaneously; soon; speedy; straight away; straightaway; swift; without delay
inmediato direct; straight at once; immediate; immediately; in a moment; instantly; prompt; promptly; quick; rapid; right away; soon; speedy; straight away; straightaway; swift; without delay
instantáneamente direct; straight at once; at the same time; concurrently; directly; immediate; immediately; in a moment; instantly; now; promptly; right away; right now; simultaneously; straight away; straightaway
legítimo absolute; downright; straight authorised; authorized; competent; convincing; entitled; granted the right; justified; lawful; legal; legitimate; on legitimate grounds; reasonable; reasoned; rightful; skilled; solid; sound; valid; valid in law; warranted; well-founded
levantado bolt upright; dead straight; erect; perpendicular; straight admitted; banking up; dead straight; distinguished; drifting; erect; flying up; high ranking; highranking; illustrious; noteworthy; renowned; standing; stately; stuffed animal; took in; upright; vertical; weighty; wiped up
natural pure; straight apparently; easy; effortless; free; freely; inborn; indeed; innate; natural; naturally; obviously; of course; self-evident; to be sure; uncultivated; undeveloped; virgin; without doubt
no embellecido blunt; forthright; frank; frankly; genially; openly; outright; outspoken; plain; plain-spoken; straight
perpendicular bolt upright; dead straight; directly; erect; perpendicular; straight perpendicular; vertical
pronto direct; straight abrupt; accomplished; achieved; adept; adroit; agile; all at once; all of a sudden; at once; before long; blunt; brisk; brusque; clear; clever; completed; concluded; dexterous; early; evident; expert; fast; finished; fledged; handy; hastily; in a little while; later; neat; next; nimble; out; out of the blue; over; prepared; promptly; quick; quickly; rapid; readily; ready; ready for use; shortly; skilful; skillful; soon; speedily; speedy; sudden; suddenly; swift; timely; unexpectedly; very soon
puro absolute; blunt; downright; forthright; frank; frankly; genially; openly; outright; outspoken; plain; plain-spoken; pure; straight blank; chaste; clean; crude; fair; genuine; honest; immaculate; impeccable; maidenly; mere; nonsensical; plain; pristine; pure; real; ridiculous; spotless; stainless; unadulterated

Verwante woorden van "straight":

  • straightness, straights, straighter, straightest, straightly, straighten

Synoniemen voor "straight":

Antoniemen van "straight":

Verwante definities voor "straight":

  1. in keeping with the facts1
    • set the record straight1
    • made sure the facts were straight in the report1
  2. successive (without a break)1
    • sick for five straight days1
  3. rigidly conventional or old-fashioned1
  4. following a correct or logical method1
    • straight reasoning1
  5. without water1
  6. without evasion or compromise1
  7. accurately fitted; level1
  8. (of hair) having no waves or curls1
    • her naturally straight hair hung long and silky1
  9. not homosexual1
  10. erect in posture1
    • sit straight1
  11. having no deviations1
    • straight lines1
    • straight roads across the desert1
    • straight teeth1
    • straight shoulders1
  12. free from curves or angles1
    • a straight line1
  13. no longer coiled1
  14. characterized by honesty and fairness1
    • straight dealing1
  15. neatly arranged; not disorderly1
    • the room is straight now1
  16. without deviation1
  17. in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly1
    • told me straight out1
  18. in a straight line; in a direct course1
  19. a straight segment of a roadway or racecourse1
  20. a poker hand with 5 consecutive cards (regardless of suit)1
  21. a heterosexual person; someone having a sexual orientation to persons of the opposite sex1

Wiktionary: straight

  1. not crooked or bent
  2. direct, truthful, frank
  3. as it should be
  4. heterosexual
  5. -
  1. in a forward direction

Cross Translation:
straight recta Geradefachsprachlich, Sport: Schlag beim Boxen
straight recta Gerade — gerade Strecke, besonders bei Rennstrecken
straight recto gerade — nicht gebogen oder gekrümmt
straight de pie debout — marine|fr aéro|fr Qualifie un vent quand il est en sens contraire au mouvement de l’aéronef, du navire, etc.
straight recto; directo; estricto; tieso direct — Qui est droit, qui ne taire aucun détour.
straight derecho; recto; directo; estricto; tieso; leal droit — Qui est du côté opposé à celui de son cœur (en supposant que son cœur est du même côté que pour la majorité des être humain), ou encore du côté de celui de la main qui sert à écrire chez la majorité (dans le cas où on parle de soi, car on utilise cet adjectif en adoptant le point de vue de la