
Uitgebreide vertaling voor reasonableness (Engels) in het Spaans


reasonableness [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the reasonableness (fairness; judiciousness; suitability; )
    la razonabilidad; la razón; la justicia

Vertaal Matrix voor reasonableness:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
justicia fairness; judiciousness; moderation; propriety; reasonableness; seemliness; suitability Justice; Justice Department; Ministry of Justice; administration of justice; judiciary; jurisdiction; jurisprudence; justice; justness; right; righteousness; rightness; soundness
razonabilidad fairness; judiciousness; moderation; propriety; reasonableness; seemliness; suitability
razón fairness; judiciousness; moderation; propriety; reasonableness; seemliness; suitability amorous adventure; awareness; basic assumption; basic principle; basis; brainpower; bringing about; cause; causing; courtship; foreword; genius; immediate cause; intellect; intelligence; introduction; introductory remarks; justice; love affair; mental capacity; mind; motivation; motive; point of departure; preamble; preface; principle; prologue; reason; relationship; right; righteousness; romance; romanticism; sense; starting point; thought; wooing
- moderateness; modestness; rationality; reason; tenability; tenableness

Verwante woorden van "reasonableness":

Synoniemen voor "reasonableness":

Verwante definities voor "reasonableness":

  1. the quality of being plausible or acceptable to a reasonable person1
  2. moderation in expectations1
    • without greater reasonableness by both parties we will never settle this matter!1
  3. the property of being moderate in price or expenditures1
    • the store is famous for the reasonableness of its prices1
  4. goodness of reason and judgment1
    • the judiciary is built on the reasonableness of judges1
  5. the state of having good sense and sound judgment1


reasonable bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. reasonable (moderate; fair)
    razonable; adecuado; apropiado; justo
  2. reasonable (plausible; likely; acceptable; )
    probablemente; aceptable; probable; admisible; plausible; persuasivo; conclusivo
  3. reasonable (convincing; legitimate; valid; solid; sound)
    válido; plausible; fundado; convincente; legítimo
  4. reasonable (fitting)
    adecuado; conveniente; debido; ajustado
  5. reasonable (tolerable)
    correspodiente; decente; adecuado; soportable; como corresponde

Vertaal Matrix voor reasonable:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
justo honest person; just person; righteous person; sincere person
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
válido convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid able-bodied; justified; lawful; legitimate; on legitimate grounds; reasoned; valid; warranted; well-founded
- fair; fairish; sane; sensible
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
justo quite right
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- acceptable; moderate; plausible; sensible; superable; surmountable
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
aceptable acceptable; believable; credible; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable acceptable; lawful; legitimate; valid
adecuado fair; fitting; moderate; reasonable; tolerable adequate; applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; as it should be; correct; effective; efficient; fit; fitting; impressive; proper; properly; relevant; respectable; right; suitable; suitably; well aware of
admisible acceptable; believable; credible; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable accepted; accessible; admissible; afforded; allowable; permissible; permitted; tolerable; tolerated
ajustado fitting; reasonable acute; biting; clever; cramped; fixed; keen; narrow; narrowly; precise; pressing; proper; punctual; set; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; small; stringent; taut; tight; urgent
apropiado fair; moderate; reasonable applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; effective; efficient; fit; fitting; proper; relevant; right; significant; suitable
como corresponde reasonable; tolerable as it should be; effective; efficient; fit; proper; properly; suitable; suitably; well aware of
conclusivo acceptable; believable; credible; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable conclusive; convincing; effective
conveniente fitting; reasonable advisable; agreeable; as it should be; becoming; befitting; chaste; civil; civilised; civilized; correct; courteous; cultivated; cultured; desirable; desired; enjoyable; essential; expedient; fitting; gladly seen; impressive; in demand; necessary; nice; pleasant; polite; proper; properly; recommendable; respectable; right; seemly; sought-after; suitably; wanted; wished for
convincente convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid convincing; persuasive; pressing
correspodiente reasonable; tolerable
debido fitting; reasonable becoming; befitting; bound; committed; fitting; indebted; obligatory; obliged; proper
decente reasonable; tolerable agreeable; becoming; befitting; blameless; chivalrous; civil; clean; correct; courteous; decent; dignified; fair; faultless; fine; fitting; genial; good-natured; great; honest; honorable; honourable; impeccable; impressive; neat; perfect; pleasant; pristine; proper; properly; pure; reputable; respectable; right; sporting; tidy; virginal; virtuous; well-mannered; worthy
fundado convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid founded; justified; legitimate; on legitimate grounds; reasoned; set up; warranted; well-founded
justo fair; moderate; reasonable accurate; becoming; befitting; clean; contemplative; correct; correctly; exact; fair; firm; fitting; honest; just; justified; justly; lawful; legitimate; measured; precise; proper; reasoned; right; rightful; sporting; standing-on; staunch; stiff; warranted; well-founded
legítimo convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid absolute; authorised; authorized; competent; downright; entitled; granted the right; justified; lawful; legal; legitimate; on legitimate grounds; reasoned; rightful; skilled; straight; valid; valid in law; warranted; well-founded
persuasivo acceptable; believable; credible; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable convincing; persuasive; pressing
plausible acceptable; believable; convincing; credible; legitimate; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable; solid; sound; valid
probable acceptable; believable; credible; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable likely; plausible; plausibly; presumably; probable
probablemente acceptable; believable; credible; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable likely; plausible; plausibly; presumably; probable
razonable fair; moderate; reasonable bright; civil; clever; intelligent; realistic; right-thinking; sane; sensible; smart; wise
soportable reasonable; tolerable allowable; bearable; disgestable; easy digestable; endurable; enjoyable; maintainable; palatable; permissable; pleasant; supportabel; sustainable; tolerable

Verwante woorden van "reasonable":

Synoniemen voor "reasonable":

Antoniemen van "reasonable":

Verwante definities voor "reasonable":

  1. not excessive or extreme1
    • reasonable prices1
  2. marked by sound judgment1
  3. showing reason or sound judgment1

Wiktionary: reasonable

  1. just; fair; agreeable to reason

Cross Translation:
reasonable sabio; cuerdo; prudente; sensato; inteligente verstandig — met verstand
reasonable módico; abordable; accesible abordable — rare|fr Qu’on peut aborder.
reasonable admisible; aceptable admissible — Qui pouvoir être admettre.
reasonable sensato; juicioso; cuerdo; acertado; escarcha; conveniente raisonnable — Qui douer de raison, qui a la faculté de raisonner.
reasonable racional rationnel — didactique|fr Ce que l’on ne conçoit que par l’entendement.
reasonable sensato; juicioso; cuerdo; acertado; escarcha sage — Qui est prudent, circonspect, judicieux; qui a un sentiment juste des choses. (Sens général).

Computer vertaling door derden: