
Uitgebreide vertaling voor ration (Engels) in het Spaans


to ration werkwoord (rations, rationed, rationing)

  1. to ration (distribute; hand out)
    dividir; distribuir; repartir; desplegar; extender; dar; esparcir
  2. to ration (put on rations)
    racionar; distribuir

Conjugations for ration:

  1. ration
  2. ration
  3. rations
  4. ration
  5. ration
  6. ration
simple past
  1. rationed
  2. rationed
  3. rationed
  4. rationed
  5. rationed
  6. rationed
present perfect
  1. have rationed
  2. have rationed
  3. has rationed
  4. have rationed
  5. have rationed
  6. have rationed
past continuous
  1. was rationing
  2. were rationing
  3. was rationing
  4. were rationing
  5. were rationing
  6. were rationing
  1. shall ration
  2. will ration
  3. will ration
  4. shall ration
  5. will ration
  6. will ration
continuous present
  1. am rationing
  2. are rationing
  3. is rationing
  4. are rationing
  5. are rationing
  6. are rationing
  1. be rationed
  2. be rationed
  3. be rationed
  4. be rationed
  5. be rationed
  6. be rationed
  1. ration!
  2. let's ration!
  3. rationed
  4. rationing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

ration [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the ration (emergency ration)
    el víveres de reserva

Vertaal Matrix voor ration:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
dividir split; splits
víveres de reserva emergency ration; ration
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
dar distribute; hand out; ration administer; allocate; allot; allow; assign; bestow; bestow on; confer; delate; deliver; deliver up; dispense; donate; extend; furnish; give; give a present; give along with; give to; grant; hand; hand over; hand over to; hear; inflict; interpellate; interrogate; offer; pass; pay out; pour in; present with; provide; question; remit; send along with; send with; subsidise; subsidize; supply; swing; turn; veer
desplegar distribute; hand out; ration alter; cast off; change; chissel out; clarify; create; develop; dig out; dig up; eat heartily; eat hungrily; excavate; exhume; explain; expose; fold open; fold out; having a good feed; interchange; invent; lay open; make; make clear; make explicit; open up; show off; spread; spread out; switch; transform; unearth; unfold; vary; work inside
distribuir distribute; hand out; put on rations; ration confer; dish out; dispatch; distribute; dole out; give out; hand out; hand round; itemise; itemize; parcel out; pass around; separate; split up
dividir distribute; hand out; ration cleave; crack; cut up; differentiate; divide; divorce; part; rend; rip; separate; sever; split; tear; tear off
esparcir distribute; hand out; ration cast around; cover with; disperse; dust with; scatter; sow; spread; spread apart; sprinkle; sprinkle with; strew about; toss about
extender distribute; hand out; ration add; add on to; allocate; allot; assign; attract attention; be conspicuous; bestow on; build out; confer; enlarge; expand; extend; fold out; give; increase; increase in number; jut out; leap out; prance; protrude; show off; spread; spread out; stand out; stick out; swell; unfold; widen
racionar put on rations; ration
repartir distribute; hand out; ration allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; bring; bring around; classify; confer; deliver; dish out; distribute; dole out; furnish; give; give out; group; hand out; hand over to; hand round; itemise; itemize; mail; order; parcel out; pass around; provide; put up for shipment; send; send round; separate; ship; split up; supply; treat
- ration out

Verwante woorden van "ration":

Synoniemen voor "ration":

Verwante definities voor "ration":

  1. the food allowance for one day (especially for service personnel)1
    • the rations should be nutritionally balanced1
  2. a fixed portion that is allotted (especially in times of scarcity)1
  3. distribute in rations, as in the army1
    • Cigarettes are rationed1
  4. restrict the consumption of a relatively scarce commodity, as during war1
    • Bread was rationed during the siege of the city1

Wiktionary: ration

Cross Translation:
ration racionar rationieren — Verbrauchsgüter in Krisenzeiten oder Notsituationen nur in kleinen, festgelegten Mengen freigeben oder zuteilen


rate [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the rate (tariff; levy; duty)
    la tarifa; la lista de precios
  2. the rate (exchange rate; currency; rate of exchange; conversion rate; value)
    la tarifa de cambio; la divisa; el cambio; la forma; la divisas
  3. the rate (stock price; quotation; value; price)
    la cotización; la cambio de acciones

to rate werkwoord (rates, rated, rating)

  1. to rate (tax; evaluate)
    valorar; evaluar

Conjugations for rate:

  1. rate
  2. rate
  3. rates
  4. rate
  5. rate
  6. rate
simple past
  1. rated
  2. rated
  3. rated
  4. rated
  5. rated
  6. rated
present perfect
  1. have rated
  2. have rated
  3. has rated
  4. have rated
  5. have rated
  6. have rated
past continuous
  1. was rating
  2. were rating
  3. was rating
  4. were rating
  5. were rating
  6. were rating
  1. shall rate
  2. will rate
  3. will rate
  4. shall rate
  5. will rate
  6. will rate
continuous present
  1. am rating
  2. are rating
  3. is rating
  4. are rating
  5. are rating
  6. are rating
  1. be rated
  2. be rated
  3. be rated
  4. be rated
  5. be rated
  6. be rated
  1. rate!
  2. let's rate!
  3. rated
  4. rating
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor rate:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
cambio conversion rate; currency; exchange rate; rate; rate of exchange; value about-turn; alteration; altering; amending; amendment; barter; bartering; bending; bill of exchange; change; change of; change of form; changing; compound course; conversion; crisis; declension; emergency situation; evolution; exchange; exchange rate; haggling; inversion; modification; modifying; mutation; rate of exchange; reformation; remodelling; reversal; rotation; shady dealings; state of emergency; swap; swerve; switch; switch-over; swop; trade-in; trans-shipment; transfer; transformation; transition; transposition; turn; turning-point; u turn; wheeling and dealing
cambio de acciones price; quotation; rate; stock price; value
cotización price; quotation; rate; stock price; value estimate; exchange rate; market quotation; price quote; quotation; quote; rate of exchange
divisa conversion rate; currency; exchange rate; rate; rate of exchange; value battle cry; device; foreign currency; maxim; motto; slogan; war cry
divisas conversion rate; currency; exchange rate; rate; rate of exchange; value devices; mottos
forma conversion rate; currency; exchange rate; rate; rate of exchange; value be in good shape; build; cast; casting; casting mould; condition; course; course of action; course of behaviour; etiquette; figure; fit; form; formulating; ghost; good manners; gypsum; line of conduct; manner; mannerliness; matrix; method; methodology; mode; mold; posture; shadow; shape; silhouette; size; stature; way
lista de precios duty; levy; rate; tariff price list; table of charges
tarifa duty; levy; rate; tariff price list; table of charges
tarifa de cambio conversion rate; currency; exchange rate; rate; rate of exchange; value exchange rate; rate of exchange
valorar appreciating; valuing
- charge per unit; pace
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
evaluar evaluate; rate; tax devise; estimate
valorar evaluate; rate; tax assert oneself; assess; calculate; devise; estimate; make oneself felt; price
- grade; order; place; range; rank; value
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
forma shape

Verwante woorden van "rate":

Synoniemen voor "rate":

Verwante definities voor "rate":

  1. the relative speed of progress or change1
    • he works at a great rate1
    • the pace of events accelerated1
  2. amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis1
    • a 10-minute phone call at that rate would cost $51
  3. a quantity or amount or measure considered as a proportion of another quantity or amount or measure1
    • the literacy rate1
    • the retention rate1
    • the dropout rate1
  4. a magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit1
  5. assign a rank or rating to1
    • The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide1
  6. estimate the value of1
    • How would you rate his chances to become President?1
    • Gold was rated highly among the Romans1
  7. be worthy of or have a certain rating1
    • This bond rates highly1

Wiktionary: rate

  1. proportional relationship between amounts
  2. relative speed of change or progress
  3. price of individual thing

Cross Translation:
rate valuar; valorar; tasar; evaluar; estimar; apreciar taxeren — (overgankelijk) schatten, de waarde bepalen.
rate plazo Rate — in Prozent ausgedrücktes Verhältnis zwischen zwei Größen
rate valuar; evaluar bewerten — den Wert von etwas abschätzen, bestimmen oder festlegen
rate apreciar; estimar; evaluar; avaliar; tasar apprécier — Estimer, évaluer (quelque chose), en fixer la valeur, le prix. (Sens général).
rate tasa; cotización cours — valeur d'un titre boursier
rate debe débitvente continue, répéter, surtout au détail.
rate estimar estimerpriser quelque chose, en apprécier, en déterminer la valeur.
rate proporción proportionrapport et convenance des parties entre elles et avec leur tout.
rate cantidad quantité — Tout ce qui peut être mesurer ou nombré, de tout ce qui est susceptible d’accroissement ou de diminution.
rate tasar; estimar; evaluar; apreciar taxer — (vieilli) régler, fixer le prix des denrées, des marchandises, de quelque autre chose que ce soit.
rate estimar; evaluar; avaliar; tasar; apreciar; valorar évaluerestimer une chose quant à son prix, à sa valeur, à sa quantité, à sa durée.

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van ration