
Uitgebreide vertaling voor pulling out (Engels) in het Spaans

pulling out:

Vertaal Matrix voor pulling out:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- coitus interruptus; onanism; withdrawal; withdrawal method

Synoniemen voor "pulling out":

Verwante definities voor "pulling out":

  1. a method of birth control in which coitus is initiated but the penis is deliberately withdrawn before ejaculation1

pull out:

to pull out werkwoord (pulls out, pulled out, pulling out)

  1. to pull out (quit; drop out)
    dejar; dejar de; abandonar; retirarse; salir de; quedar eliminado; parar; desprenderse; desenganchar; salir; soltar; desvincular; desentenderse; desemprender
  2. to pull out (unpick; untie; get undone)
    desanudar; hacer; extraer; desconectar; sacar; despertar; abrir; quitarse; desnudarse; limpiar a fondo; asignar; descolgar; censurar; estirar el pie; despojarse de; lograr desprender; dejar; salir; arrancar; abandonar; soltar; relajar; separar; desprenderse; apartar; vaciar; deshacer; estirar; desatar; destinar; resumir; reprochar; criticar; retirarse; desabrochar; desvincular; soltarse; descoser; desentenderse; mullir; salir de; desenganchar; tirar de; lograr desanudar; estirar el brazo; sacar el estiércol; lograr desabrochar
  3. to pull out (unpick; take out; undo)
    sacar; destacar; quitar; vaciar; deshacer; iluminar
  4. to pull out (tear out; turn out)
    arrancar; rasgar
  5. to pull out (take out; clear out; empty; lift out)
  6. to pull out

Conjugations for pull out:

  1. pull out
  2. pull out
  3. pulls out
  4. pull out
  5. pull out
  6. pull out
simple past
  1. pulled out
  2. pulled out
  3. pulled out
  4. pulled out
  5. pulled out
  6. pulled out
present perfect
  1. have pulled out
  2. have pulled out
  3. has pulled out
  4. have pulled out
  5. have pulled out
  6. have pulled out
past continuous
  1. was pulling out
  2. were pulling out
  3. was pulling out
  4. were pulling out
  5. were pulling out
  6. were pulling out
  1. shall pull out
  2. will pull out
  3. will pull out
  4. shall pull out
  5. will pull out
  6. will pull out
continuous present
  1. am pulling out
  2. are pulling out
  3. is pulling out
  4. are pulling out
  5. are pulling out
  6. are pulling out
  1. be pulled out
  2. be pulled out
  3. be pulled out
  4. be pulled out
  5. be pulled out
  6. be pulled out
  1. pull out!
  2. let's pull out!
  3. pulled out
  4. pulling out
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor pull out:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
abrir opening; opening up; unlocking
apartar averting; lay by; turning away
arrancar break off; cranking up; interrupting; severing; tearing loose; tearing off; wresting from
dejar abandoning; dropping the subject; leaving; putting down
desabrochar unbuckling
desconectar disconnect
desenganchar disconnecting; disconnection; uncoupling; unhooking
deshacer undo; unpicking
desnudarse undressing
despertar waking up someone
destacar detaching
destinar detaching
desvincular disconnecting; disconnection; uncoupling; unhooking
extirpar amputating; amputation; removing; taking
extraer draining; pull
parar living; remaining
quitar amputating; amputation; deprivation; removing; taking
quitar de en medio clearing away
rasgar rending; tearing
salir depart; leave; leaving
separar disconnecting; disconnection; dispersing; removing; separating; uncoupling; unhooking
soltar release
tirar edition; print; printing; throwing out
tirar de flinging down; slinging down
vaciar draining; emptying
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
abandonar drop out; get undone; pull out; quit; unpick; untie abandon; cease; crib; declare; depart; depart from; desert; die; dismiss; drop; enlist; enrol; enroll; expire; give; give up; grease; leave; leave for; pass away; register; retire; rub in; sail; secede from; set out; smear; start; stop; subscribe; take off; travel; withdraw
abrir get undone; pull out; unpick; untie bare; begin; break open; bring up; broach; broach a subject; clearly define; crack; cut into; decode; define; demarcate; dislodge; draw open; fence; fence in; fence off; force open; herald; introduce; knock open; make public; map out; mark out; open; open up; outline; publish; push open; put forward; put on the table; release; ring in; start; tear open; trace out; unbolt; uncover; unlock
apartar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie accomodate someone; avert; board; dissociate from; divert; fend off; isolate; keep off; lay aside; lay off; lodge; offer someone lodges; parry; pass the buck; place; place apart; push off; put apart; put away; save; seclude; send; separate; set apart; shelter; shift onto; station; store; swing; turn; turn away; veer
arrancar get undone; pull out; tear out; turn out; unpick; untie be in need; be in want; begin; boot; break up; bring down; cadge; commence; dig up; drive; elbow out; extort; get open; get undone; go short; herald; lift; mooch; obtain by begging; open; pinch and scrape; prompt; pull off; push aside; push away; put to the sword; ring in; rip; rip off; set in motion; set up; shake off; snatch; snatch away; start; start to; start up; strike up; take down; take of the body; take off; take on; tear loose; tear off; undertake; undo; urge; wrest from
asignar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie allocate; assign; indicate; map; point; show
censurar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie censor; chide; rebuke; reprimand; reprove
criticar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie admonish; blame; blast; carp; carp on; castigate; cavil; censure; chide; comment; criticise; criticize; decry; denounce; discuss; drag down; exhort; find fault with; get down; give comment; pull down; rebuke; reprimand; reprove; review; run down; scarify; sharply critize; slate; speak about; talk about; talk it over; warn; write a review
dejar drop out; get undone; pull out; quit; unpick; untie abandon; allow; cease; depart from; desert; desist from; disregard; drop; drop off somewhere; dump; hold up; ignore; keep up; leave; leave behind; let free; let go; liberate; neglect; omit; put down; put someone off; release; retire; secede from; set at liberty; set free; withdraw
dejar de drop out; pull out; quit
desabrochar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie annul; buckle off; disconnect; fray; loosen; nullify; ravel out; rescind; unbuckle; unbutton; unclasp; uncouple; undo; unhitch; unlock; unpick; unravel; untie
desanudar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie disconnect; uncouple
desatar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie annul; disconnect; fray; loosen; nullify; ravel out; release; rescind; set free; tie up; unbuckle; unbutton; unchain; uncouple; undo; unhitch; unlace; unlock; unpick; unravel; untie; untying; work loose
descolgar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie annul; disconnect; nullify; rescind; uncouple; undo; unhitch; unpick
desconectar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie amputate; bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; cheat; clearly define; close; conclude; declutch; define; demarcate; depress the clutch; disconnect; extinguish; fence; fence in; fence off; gull; halt; lock; lock up; make out; map out; mark out; matter; outline; put out; set out; spoof; stop; switch off; trace out; trick; turn off; uncouple
descoser get undone; pull out; unpick; untie disconnect; uncouple
desemprender drop out; pull out; quit
desenganchar drop out; get undone; pull out; quit; unpick; untie annul; disconnect; nullify; rescind; separate; uncouple; undo; unhitch; unpick
desentenderse drop out; get undone; pull out; quit; unpick; untie
deshacer get undone; pull out; take out; undo; unpick; untie annul; attack; break open; cancel; cleave; crack; damage; decode; disconnect; disentangle; disentwine; divide; divorce; erode; force open; nullify; part; rescind; separate; sever; split; spoil; tear open; uncouple; undo; unhitch; unpick; unravel
desnudarse get undone; pull out; unpick; untie
despertar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie awaken; disconnect; uncouple; wake; wake up
despojarse de get undone; pull out; unpick; untie
desprenderse drop out; get undone; pull out; quit; unpick; untie be freed from; be liberated; come off; come out; fall vacant; get loose; get off; get open; get undone; give way; open; shake loose; tremble loose; undo; vibrate loose
destacar pull out; take out; undo; unpick accentuate; emphasise; emphasize; stress; tear; underline; urge on
destinar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie accomodate someone; allocate; arrange; board; bring down; deposit; insert; instal; install; lay; laydown; lodge; offer someone lodges; place; put down; set; set down; set up; shelter; situate; station; take down
desvincular drop out; get undone; pull out; quit; unpick; untie differentiate; disconnect; separate; split; tear off; uncouple; unlink
estirar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie extend; strain; stretch; stretch out; tighten
estirar el brazo get undone; pull out; unpick; untie
estirar el pie get undone; pull out; unpick; untie
extirpar clear out; empty; lift out; pull out; take out clear away; clear up; destroy; dismantle; exterminate; remove; strip down; sweep away; take apart a machine; unharness; unrig; wipe out
extraer get undone; pull out; unpick; untie alter; change; conceptualise; conceptualize; create; derive; design; draw; excerpt; extract; gain; interchange; invent; make; pull; switch; tap; transform; vary
hacer get undone; pull out; unpick; untie accomplish; act; bring down; conceptualise; conceptualize; construct; create; design; do; fabricate; form; invent; make; manufacture; play a trick; prepare; produce; put together; take down
hacer aparecer pull out bring out; produce; show; take out
iluminar pull out; take out; undo; unpick blush; clarify; enlighten; flush; glow; illuminate; light; light out; light up; lighten; shine; shine light on; shine on; shine upon; spotlight; throw light upon; turn red
limpiar a fondo get undone; pull out; unpick; untie clean out; clean thoroughly; clean up; clear; clear out; empty; finish; muck out; tidy out; tidy up
lograr desabrochar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie get open; get undone; open; undo
lograr desanudar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie get open
lograr desprender get undone; pull out; unpick; untie get open
mullir get undone; pull out; unpick; untie disconnect; uncouple
parar drop out; pull out; quit abandon; avert; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to a halt; bring to a standstill; bring to an end; cease; conclude; crib; cross; end; field; finish; finish off; foil; force something to stop; give up; halt; hinder; hold off; keep away; keep off; keep out; oppose; parry; prevent; put out; put to a stop; sabotage; set out; sojourn; sojourn somewhere; stem; stop; stopping; thwart; turn off; upset; ward off
quedar eliminado drop out; pull out; quit break down; break off
quitar clear out; empty; lift out; pull out; take out; undo; unpick chisel off; clean; clear; cut away; cut off; deprive; empty; evacuate; get down; give a good cleaning; loot; pillage; plunder; pull down; raid; release; remove; rid of; rob; snatch; steal; take down from; take out; trim away; wash; wipe off
quitar de en medio clear out; empty; lift out; pull out; take out
quitarse get undone; pull out; unpick; untie finish; get to the end of; read to the end
rasgar pull out; tear out; turn out pull off; rip off; rip open; tear; tear off; tear open; tear out
relajar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie disconnect; liberalise; liberalize; relax; stretch one's legs; uncouple
reprochar get undone; pull out; unpick; untie be hard on; bear a grudge; bear malice; blame; blame someone of; discredit; harbour a grudge; hold it against s.o.; rancor; rancour; rebuff; rebuke; remove; reprimand; reproach; resent
resumir get undone; pull out; unpick; untie condense; excerpt; extract; exurpt; make an excerpt from; make an extract from; outline; recapitulate; roll up; shorten; sum up; summarise; summarize
retirarse drop out; get undone; pull out; quit; unpick; untie abandon; abdicate; come to a halt; depart from; disconnect; draw back; fetch back; leave; pull back; recoil; recoil from; resign; resign from; retire; retrieve; secede from; shrink; shrink back; slow down; stand back; step back; uncouple; withdraw
sacar get undone; pull out; take out; undo; unpick; untie absorb; accuse; bail out; bale out; blame; bring out; cheat; collect; discredit; draw up; excerpt; extract; fool; gain; go short; hold against; learn; play up; play up in a cardgame; pop; rebuke; receive; reprimand; reproach; show; strike up; take out; tap; trick
sacar de clear out; empty; lift out; pull out; take out derive; draw; extricate; lift out; take out
sacar el estiércol get undone; pull out; unpick; untie clean out; clean up; muck out; tidy up
salir drop out; get undone; pull out; quit; unpick; untie abandon; be all right; be fit; be freed from; be fulfilled; be liberated; be off; be on the razzle; be on the spree; be right; be suitable; befit; break away; break away from; break up; clear off; come out; come true; defect; depart; depart from; desert; do a moonlight flit; drive to the end; drive to the finish; elude; end

Synoniemen voor "pull out":

Antoniemen van "pull out":

Verwante definities voor "pull out":

  1. remove, usually with some force or effort; also used in an abstract sense1
  2. bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover1
    • pull out a gun1
  3. move out or away1
  4. remove oneself from an obligation1

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van pulling out