
Uitgebreide vertaling voor order (Engels) in het Spaans


order [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the order (command; assignment; shibboleth; )
    el encargo; la consigna; la comisión; el mando; la dedicación; la misión; el comando; la instrucción; la enseñanza; el cometido; el apremio
  2. the order (delivery)
    la entrega; el reparto; la distribución
  3. the order (regularity)
    la regularidad; el orden
  4. the order (command)
    la orden; el mandamiento; el comando; el mando
    • orden [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • mandamiento [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • comando [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • mando [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  5. the order (command)
    el mandamiento
  6. the order (command)
    la orden; el mando; el encargo; el comando; la tarea; el mandato
    • orden [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • mando [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • encargo [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • comando [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • tarea [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • mandato [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  7. the order (decoration; honour; knighthood; )
    la insignia; la condecoración
  8. the order (ribbon)
    la condecoración
  9. the order (instruction; assignment; command)
    la instrucción; la tarea; la enseñanza; la indicación; el mando; la orden; el encargo; el mandato; la asignación; la misión; el comando
  10. the order (mandate; commission; instruction)
    la órdenes; el mandatos
  11. the order (z-order; Z order; stack order; z order)
    – The order in which objects are placed in a layer. An object higher in the stack will cover up (appear on top of) one lower in the stack. 1
  12. the order
    – A confirmed request for delivery of goods and services based on specified terms. An order is a quote that has been accepted by a customer. 1
    el pedido
    • pedido [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  13. the order
    – An online purchase submitted by a user to your Web site. 1
    el pedido
    • pedido [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

to order werkwoord (orders, ordered, ordering)

  1. to order
    pedir; entregar; encargar; repartir
  2. to order (command; charge)
    ordenar; mandar; decretar; dar orden de
  3. to order (catalogue; organize; organise)
  4. to order (classify; rank; group; class)
    clasificar; ordenar
  5. to order (be in command of; preside; take the lead; command)
    guiar; llevar; dirigir; conducir; mandar; ordenar; liderar; preceder; presidir; estar en cabeza; dar orden de; encabezar; gobernar; decretar; pilotar; ser primero; ir a la cabeza; ir delante
  6. to order (exercise authority; reign; rule; exert power)
    imperar; dominar; reinar; prevalecer; ejercer el poder; predominar
  7. to order (dictate; instruct; direct; bid)
    decretar; mandar; fijar; estipular; ordenar; dictar
  8. to order (decree; ordain)
    anunciar; notificar
  9. to order (ordain; charge)
    prescribir; ordenar; disponer; obligar; decretar; mandar; dictar
  10. to order (arrange; regulate; settle; fix)
  11. to order (decree; dedicate; commission; )
    mandar; encargar; encomendar; ordenar; obligar; decretar; dar orden de
  12. to order (dictate)
  13. to order (call for)
    avanzar; progresar; aplazarse; adelantar; avanzar sobre
  14. to order (dictate a letter; dictate)

Conjugations for order:

  1. order
  2. order
  3. orders
  4. order
  5. order
  6. order
simple past
  1. ordered
  2. ordered
  3. ordered
  4. ordered
  5. ordered
  6. ordered
present perfect
  1. have ordered
  2. have ordered
  3. has ordered
  4. have ordered
  5. have ordered
  6. have ordered
past continuous
  1. was ordering
  2. were ordering
  3. was ordering
  4. were ordering
  5. were ordering
  6. were ordering
  1. shall order
  2. will order
  3. will order
  4. shall order
  5. will order
  6. will order
continuous present
  1. am ordering
  2. are ordering
  3. is ordering
  4. are ordering
  5. are ordering
  6. are ordering
  1. be ordered
  2. be ordered
  3. be ordered
  4. be ordered
  5. be ordered
  6. be ordered
  1. order!
  2. let's order!
  3. ordered
  4. ordering
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor order:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
apremio assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth haste; hastiness; hurry; overhaste; quickness; rush
arreglar arrangement; ordening; settling
asignación assignment; command; instruction; order allocation; allowance; amends; assignment; compensation; indemnification; map; mapping; memory allocation
avanzar advancing; making progress; progressing
avanzar sobre coming up; pulling up; push forward
clasificar classification; classifying
comando assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth army order; command; instruction; lesson; tuition
cometido assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth
comisión assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth brokerage; brokerage fee; commission; committee; instruction; lesson; tuition
condecoración badge; decoration; honor; honour; knighthood; medal; order; ribbon badge; decoration; insignia; mark; pin
conducir drive
consigna assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth device; left luggage office; slogan
dedicación assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth affection; ambition; assiduousness; attachment; dedication; devotion; diligence; fondness; passion
dirigir directing; leading
distribución delivery; order arrangement; circulation; classification; delivering; delivery; disposition; distribution; distribution office; granting; issue; marshalling; position; ranging; spreading; supplies; supply; supplying; turning out
encargo assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth announcement; authority; instruction; mandate; notification; orders; subpoena; summons; warrant
enseñanza assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth course; curriculum; education; instruction; lesson; schooling; teaching; training; tuition; upbringing
entrega delivery; order consignment; delivering; delivery; dispatch; distribution; extradition; granting; handing over; introduction; issue; offer; presentation; remittance; sending; sending in; supplementary sheet; supplies; supply; surrendering; tradition; turning out; yielding
fijar fastening; fixing; securing
guiar drifting; floating
indicación assignment; command; instruction; order clue; cue; evidence; hand; hint; indicating; indication; lead; omen; pointer; pointing out; showing; sign; symptom; tip; tip-off
insignia badge; decoration; honor; honour; knighthood; medal; order badge; coin; decoration; head-piece; insignia; mark; medal; pin; specie; tail-piece; token; vignette
instrucción assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth action statement; army order; briefing; college; drilling; education; guidebook; handbook; instruction; instruction book; judicial inquiry; judicial investigation; lesson; manual; prescription; qualification; recommendation; regulation; schooling; statement; teaching; training; tuition
llevar carrying away
mandamiento command; order
mandato assignment; command; instruction; order announcement; authority; hotchpotch; jumble; mandate; medley; mishmash; notification; power of attorney; subpoena; summons; warrant
mandatos commission; instruction; mandate; order mandates; powers of attorney; proxies
mando assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth board; board of directors; board of managers; cable; command; committee; direction; employees; foreman; front position; governing; lead; leading; management; manpower; personnel; ruling; servants; staff; steering; supervision; taking the lead; wire
misión assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth action; chore; delivery; dispatch; duties; hobby; labor; labour; mission; pastime; supplies; supply; task; work; working; workpiece
notificar giving notice of; notifying
orden assignment; command; instruction; order; regularity announcement; building; by-law; candor; candour; chain; chicanery; civility; construction; courtesy; courtliness; decency; decision; defining; detachment; determination; discipline; establishment; etiquette; existing order; faultlessness; file; fixing; frankness; fuss; gallantry; good breeding; good manners; hassle; hotchpotch; impeccability; irreprochability; joint; joy; jumble; light-heartedness; line; manners; medley; merriment; mirth; mishmash; neatness; notification; open-heartedness; orderliness; ordinance; perfection; pleasure; propriety; purity; rank; regulation; regulations; respectability; row; rules; sequence; series; soundness; spotlessness; stainlessness; string; submission; subpoena; succession; summons; tidiness; trouble making
pedido order annex; announcement; appendix; enclosure; inset; notification; parts requisition; requisition; subpoena; summons; supplement
pedir gathering; ordering
progresar advancing; making progress; progressing
regularidad order; regularity average; composure; equability; equanimity; evenness; evenness of temper; graduality; gradualness; imperturbability; mediocrity; moderateness; regularity
reparto delivery; order bending; bifurcation; casting; crossroads; crossways; division; fork; fork of a road; mail delivery; partition; postal delivery; road junction; septum; splitting; three forked road
tarea assignment; command; instruction; order action; army order; hobby; instruction; orders; pastime; task; to-do; to-do item
órdenes commission; instruction; mandate; order mandates; powers of attorney; proxies
- club; decree; edict; fiat; gild; guild; lodge; monastic order; order of magnitude; ordering; orderliness; ordination; parliamentary law; parliamentary procedure; purchase order; rescript; rules of order; social club; society
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
adelantar call for; order advance; hasten; hurry; hurry up; make head-way; make progress; move past; overtake; pass; progress; ride past; rush; sail past; walk on before
anunciar decree; ordain; order advertise; advertize; announce; broadcast; broadcast news report; broadcast the news; declare; divulge something; expound; give; give notice of; inform; make known; make propaganda; make something public; notify; proclaim; propagandise; propagandize; publish; recruit; remind; send for; send word; solicit; state; subpoena; summon
aplazarse call for; order move; push
arreglar arrange; fix; order; regulate; settle adjust; arrange; arrange something; brew; conform to; cook; do odd jobs; find again; finish; fix; fix up; freshen up; furnish; get ready; have ended; have finished; instal; install; join; make decent; make even; make ready; mend; model; pay; pay on account; prepare; reconcile; redeem; redevelop; redress; renew; renovate; repair; restore; resume; set up; settle; shape
arreglarse arrange; fix; order; regulate; settle finish; fix; fix it up; get done; manage; pull it off; pull the trick
avanzar call for; order advance; ascend; assault; bring forward; climb; elapse; expire; force; go by; go onward; hasten; hurry; hurry up; make head-way; make progress; march on; pass; progress; rise; rush; stride along; to get promoted; use force; walk on before
avanzar sobre call for; order advance; go onward; march on
catalogar catalogue; order; organise; organize
clasificar arrange; class; classify; group; order; put in order; range; rank accomodate someone; arrange; assort; board; card-index; classify; group; lodge; offer someone lodges; place; prioritize; rank; select; shelter; shunt; sift; sort out; station; systematise; systematize
conducir be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead be at the wheel; carry; direct; drive; drive horses; guide; lead; operate; point the direction; ride; steer; transport
dar orden de be in command of; charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; preside; rule; take the lead
decretar be in command of; bid; charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; direct; exert power; force; instruct; ordain; order; preside; rule; take the lead call; give notice of; proclaim
dictar bid; charge; dictate; direct; instruct; ordain; order express; express oneself; give expression to; impersonate; reveal oneself; speak; talk; utter; ventilate
dictar una carta dictate; dictate a letter; order
dirigir be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead address; adjust; arrange; be at the wheel; command; conduct; conform to; direct; drive; join; lead; preside; put on an address; refer to; steer
disponer charge; ordain; order classify; force; group
dominar exercise authority; exert power; order; reign; rule be the one in control; besiege; besieged; besieges; check; comprise; control; cover; curb; domesticate; dominate; encapsulate; enclose; evnvelope; have it taped; have the upper hand; include; keep back; moderate; predominate; prevail; restrain; rise above; subdue; surround; tame; tower above; understand; wrap up
ejercer el poder exercise authority; exert power; order; reign; rule
encabezar be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead command; direct; lead; preside
encargar charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; rule aggravate; assign to; board out; burden; commission someone; give an order; instruct; order someone; pre-order; put out
encomendar charge; command; commission; decree; dedicate; devote; dictate; exert power; force; order; rule assign to; give an order; instruct
entregar order allow; book; bring; bring around; cash; cede; delate; deliver; deliver up; dispense; donate; enlist; enrol; enroll; enter; extend; furnish; give; give to; give up; hand; hand down; hand in; hand over; hand over to; inscribe; offer; pass; pay; pay out; pay over; present; present with; proffer; provide; put up for shipment; register; send; send round; ship; subscribe; supply; surrender; transfer; turn in; yield
estar en cabeza be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead command; direct; lead; preside
estipular bid; dictate; direct; instruct; order determine; establish; identify; legally bind; sign up; stipulate
fijar bid; dictate; direct; instruct; order adhere; affix; allocate; attach; attach to; catch; cling; confirm; connect; determine; establish; fasten; fix; glue; gum; identify; mend; paste; pin; repair; restore; secure; seize; snatch; sneak up on; stick; take unaware; tattle; tie up; twig
gobernar be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead command; direct; lead; preside
guiar be in command of; command; order; preside; take the lead command; direct; drive; drive horses; lead; lead about; pilot through; preside; show around
imperar exercise authority; exert power; order; reign; rule dominate; have the upper hand; predominate; prevail

Verwante woorden van "order":

Synoniemen voor "order":

Antoniemen van "order":

Verwante definities voor "order":

  1. the act of putting things in a sequential arrangement2
  2. (architecture) one of original three styles of Greek architecture distinguished by the type of column and entablature used or a style developed from the original three by the Romans2
  3. a degree in a continuum of size or quantity2
    • it was on the order of a mile2
  4. a commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities2
    • IBM received an order for a hundred computers2
  5. a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)2
    • a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there2
  6. a body of rules followed by an assembly2
  7. (often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed2
    • the British ships dropped anchor and waited for orders from London2
  8. a request for something to be made, supplied, or served2
    • I gave the waiter my order2
    • the company's products were in such demand that they got more orders than their call center could handle2
  9. (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families2
  10. a group of person living under a religious rule2
    • the order of Saint Benedict2
  11. a formal association of people with similar interests2
    • men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today2
  12. logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements2
    • we shall consider these questions in the inverse order of their presentation2
  13. established customary state (especially of society)2
    • order ruled in the streets2
    • law and order2
  14. a condition of regular or proper arrangement2
    • he put his desk in order2
    • the machine is now in working order2
  15. place in a certain order2
    • order the photos chronologically2
  16. bring order to or into2
  17. assign a rank or rating to2
  18. arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events2
  19. make a request for something2
    • order a work stoppage2
  20. give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority2
    • She ordered him to do the shopping2
  21. issue commands or orders for2
  22. appoint to a clerical posts2
  23. bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations2
  24. The front-to-back placement of an object relative to other objects in a picture or document.1
  25. The order in which objects are placed in a layer. An object higher in the stack will cover up (appear on top of) one lower in the stack.1
  26. A confirmed request for delivery of goods and services based on specified terms. An order is a quote that has been accepted by a customer.1
  27. An online purchase submitted by a user to your Web site.1

Wiktionary: order

  1. arrangement, disposition
  2. good arrangement
  3. command
  4. request for some product or service
  5. religious group
  1. to set in (any) order
  2. to set in (a good) order
  3. to issue a command
  4. to request some product or service

Cross Translation:
order mandato; orden sommatie — aanmaning
order ordenar; clasificar rangschikken — een bepaalde volgorde in iets aanbrengen
order mandar; acaudillar commanderen — het bevel voeren over
order orden bevel — verplicht uit te voeren opdracht zonder enige tegenspraak.
order comanda; demanda; pedido; encargo bestelling — een verzoek of opdracht om diensten of goederen te leveren
order orden; encargo Auftragallgemein: mündliche oder schriftliche Aufforderungen einer Stelle oder einer Person an eine andere Stelle oder Person
order orden Befehl — verbindliche Anweisung (bei Militär, Polizei und ähnlichem)
order encargo BestellungAnforderung eines Produkt oder einer Dienstleistung
order orden Orden — (klösterliche) Gemeinschaft, die unter einem Oberer oder einer Oberin nach bestimmten Regeln lebt und deren Mitglieder bestimmte Gelübde abgelegt haben müssen
order orden Ordenseltener: weltlicher Verband, dessen Mitglieder nach bestimmten Vorschriften leben
order orden OrdnungBiologie: Zusammenfassung mehrerer eng verwandter Familien, wobei eine oder mehrere Ordnungen eine Klasse bilden
order orden OrdnungPhysik, Kosmologie: Synonym für Organisation
order orden Ordnungallgemein: aufräumen, organisieren Zustand
order orden Reihenfolgegeregelte, ordnungsgemäße Aufeinanderfolge
order encargar; pedir bestelleneine Ware oder Dienstleistung zur Lieferung in Auftrag geben
order mandato Anordnung — Eine behördliche Entscheidung
order sucesión Abfolge — geregelte, ordnungsgemäße Aufeinanderfolge
order ordenar; decretar verfügen — etwas anordnen, veranlassen
order encadenación; encadenamiento; orden enchainementaction d’enchainer.
order mandato mandat — Traductions à trier suivant le sens
order ordenanza ordonnance — Disposition des choses selon l’ordre, la convenance.
order ordenar; mandar ordonner — Disposer suivant un certain ordre.
order orden ordre — Relation entre des éléments d’un ensemble
order arreglar réglertirer avec la règle des lignes droites sur du papier, du parchemin, du carton, etc. cf|papier réglé.

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van order