
Uitgebreide vertaling voor oldness (Engels) in het Spaans


Synoniemen voor "oldness":

Antoniemen van "oldness":

Verwante definities voor "oldness":

  1. the quality of being old; the opposite of newness1
  2. the opposite of youngness1


old bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. old (antique; old fashioned; ancient; veteran)
    viejo; antiguo; viejísimo; chapado a la antigua; a la antigua; antiquísimo; anticuado
  2. old
    antiguo; viejo; anticuado; clásico
  3. old (elderly; aged)
    anciano; sénior; de edad avanzada; viejo

Vertaal Matrix voor old:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
anciano aged; aged person; elder; elderly; elderly person; greybeard; old age pensioner; pensioner; senior; senior citizen
clásico classic
viejo aged; elderly; greybeard; sea captain
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- erstwhile; former; honest-to-god; honest-to-goodness; older; one-time; onetime; previous; quondam; sometime; sure-enough
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- advanced in years; aged
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
a la antigua ancient; antique; old; old fashioned; veteran ancestral; ancient; antique; archaic; not modern; obsolete; old fashioned; out of date; outdated; outmoded
anciano aged; elderly; old advanced in years; aged; elderly; very old
anticuado ancient; antique; old; old fashioned; veteran ancestral; ancient; antique; archaic; as from now; corny; flat; from; jocular; not modern; obsolete; of today; old fashioned; out; out of date; outdated; outmoded; passé; stale; waggish
antiguo ancient; antique; old; old fashioned; veteran ancient; antique; archaic; at an earlier date; before; earlier; ex; flat; former; formerly; in former times; late; one-time; past; previous; retired; stale
antiquísimo ancient; antique; old; old fashioned; veteran ancient; antique; archaic
chapado a la antigua ancient; antique; old; old fashioned; veteran ancestral; ancient; antique; archaic; not modern; obsolete; old fashioned; out of date; outdated; outmoded
clásico old ancient; antique; archaic; classical
de edad avanzada aged; elderly; old
sénior aged; elderly; old eldest; oldest; senior
viejo aged; ancient; antique; elderly; old; old fashioned; veteran ancient; antique; archaic; flat; stale; worn; worn out; worn with age
viejísimo ancient; antique; old; old fashioned; veteran ancient; antique; archaic

Verwante woorden van "old":

Synoniemen voor "old":

Antoniemen van "old":

Verwante definities voor "old":

  1. just preceding something else in time or order1
    • my old house was larger1
  2. skilled through long experience1
    • an old offender1
    • the older soldiers1
  3. (used for emphasis) very familiar1
    • good old boy1
    • same old story1
  4. (used informally especially for emphasis)1
    • had us a high old time1
  5. of long duration; not new1
    • old tradition1
    • old house1
    • old wine1
    • old country1
    • old friendships1
    • old money1
  6. (used especially of persons) having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age1
    • his mother is very old1
    • a ripe old age1
    • how old are you?1
  7. belonging to some prior time1
  8. past times (especially in the phrase `in days of old')1

Wiktionary: old

  1. having existed or lived for the specified time
  2. former
  3. of a living being: having lived for relatively many years
  4. of an object, concept, etc: having existed for a relatively long period of time

Cross Translation:
old viejo; antiguo alt — vor langer Zeit gemacht oder geschehen
old viejo greisgehoben: sehr alt
old antiguo; anciano ancien — Qui exister depuis très longtemps.
old antiguo; anciano antiqueexister dans l’antiquité.
old anciano; viejo vieux — D’un certain âge (relatif à un autre).