
Uitgebreide vertaling voor nut (Engels) in het Spaans


nut [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the nut (madman; mentally disturbed person; lunatic; )
    la loca; el chiflado; el loco; el perturbado mental; el trastornado; la trastornada; el enfermo mental
  2. the nut (disturbed person)
    la trastornada; la loca; el perturbado mental; el enajenado; el loco; el demente; la enajenada; el trastornado
  3. the nut (crazy person)
    el gracioso; el bufón; la una persona muy loca
  4. the nut

Vertaal Matrix voor nut:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
bufón crazy person; nut buffoon; clown; court jester; coxcomb; dandy; dumbo; fool; fop; idiot; jack pudding; jackanapes; merry Andrew; numbskull; prig; queer chap; queer fellow; rascal; rattle-brain; rogue; scoundrel; silly man; simple mind; simpleton; slyboots; wag
chiflado idiot; imbecile; loony; lunatic; madcap; madman; madwoman; maniac; mental patient; mentally disturbed person; mentally ill person; nut Simple Simon; birdbrain; buffoon; clown; coxcomb; dandy; drip; dud; fop; idiot; jack pudding; jackanapes; lemon; merry Andrew; nutcase; prig; rattle-brain
demente disturbed person; nut ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain
enajenada disturbed person; nut fool; idiot; imbecile
enajenado disturbed person; nut fool; idiot; imbecile
enfermo mental idiot; imbecile; loony; lunatic; madcap; madman; madwoman; maniac; mental patient; mentally disturbed person; mentally ill person; nut mental illness
gracioso crazy person; nut rascal; rogue
loca disturbed person; idiot; imbecile; loony; lunatic; madcap; madman; madwoman; maniac; mental patient; mentally disturbed person; mentally ill person; nut fool; idiot; imbecile
loco disturbed person; idiot; imbecile; loony; lunatic; madcap; madman; madwoman; maniac; mental patient; mentally disturbed person; mentally ill person; nut Simple Simon; ass; birdbrain; buffoon; clown; crazy person; daft; deranged maniac; fool; freak; idiot; imbecile; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; maniac; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain; wacko; weirdo
perturbado mental disturbed person; idiot; imbecile; loony; lunatic; madcap; madman; madwoman; maniac; mental patient; mentally disturbed person; mentally ill person; nut
trastornada disturbed person; idiot; imbecile; loony; lunatic; madcap; madman; madwoman; maniac; mental patient; mentally disturbed person; mentally ill person; nut
trastornado disturbed person; idiot; imbecile; loony; lunatic; madcap; madman; madwoman; maniac; mental patient; mentally disturbed person; mentally ill person; nut
una persona muy loca crazy person; nut
- addict; ball; ballock; bollock; crackpot; crank; egg; en; freak; fruitcake; junkie; junky; nut case; orchis; screwball; testicle; testis
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
fruto de cáscara nut
- nut fruit
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
bufón amusing; comic; cute; droll; funny; hilarious; humorous; humourous; waggish
chiflado bonkered; bonkers; cracked; crackers; crazy; daft; dotty; foolish; funny; idiot; idiotic; insane; irrational; loony; mad; mixed up; muzzy; nuts; odd; potty; ridiculous; round the bend; senseless; silly; stark mad; stark raving mad; stark staring mad; stupid; unwise; weird
demente crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid
gracioso aesthetic; alluring; amiable; appealing; arch; attractive; beloved; boy-like; boyish; charming; classical; classy; comic; comical; congenial; cute; dainty; dear; delicious; divine; droll; elegant; enchanting; endearing; engaging; entrancing; esthetic; fabulous; fantastic; farcical; fashionable; friendly; funny; glamorous; glamourous; gorgeous; graceful; great; handsome; heavenly; hilarious; humoristic; humorous; humourous; in good style; in good taste; likable; lovely; marvellous; marvelous; mischievous; naughty; nice; personable; petite; playful; pleasant; pretty; rascally; refined; roguish; slight; smart; snap; snappy; snazzy; sophisticated; stylish; sweet; tasteful; trendy; waggish; wild; winsome; with class; wonderful
loco backward; bonkered; cracked; crackers; crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiot; idiotic; insane; irrational; lunatic; mad; mentally deficient; mentally ill; mixed up; muzzy; nuts; odd; potty; retarded; ridiculous; round the bend; senseless; silly; stupid; unwise; weird
trastornado inside out; opposite; turned round; upside down; vice versa; wrong side out

Verwante woorden van "nut":

Synoniemen voor "nut":

Verwante definities voor "nut":

  1. a small (usually square or hexagonal) metal block with internal screw thread to be fitted onto a bolt1
  2. one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens1
  3. someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction1
    • a car nut1
  4. a whimsically eccentric person1
  5. usually large hard-shelled seed1
  6. half the width of an em1
  7. gather nuts1

Wiktionary: nut

  1. slang: testicle
  2. slang: insane person
  3. that fits on a bolt
  4. hard-shelled fruit

Cross Translation:
nut nuez noot(plantkunde) een harde boomvrucht
nut coco Birneumgangssprachlich für Kopf
nut testículo HodenAnatomie: männliche Keimdrüse
nut tuerca Mutterkurz für: Schraubenmutter, welche das Gegenstück zu der Schraube bildet
nut nuez Nussumgangssprachlich: essbarer Same mit harter Schale
nut nuez NussBotanik: Frucht mit verholztem Perikarp, die sich nicht öffnet
nut tuerca SchraubenmutterTechnik: das mit einem Innengewinde versehene und aufschraubbare Gegenstück einer SchraubeWikipedia|Mutter (Technik)
nut tuerca écrou — Pièce d’assemblage mécanique

Computer vertaling door derden:

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