
Uitgebreide vertaling voor not clear (Engels) in het Spaans

not clear:

not clear bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. not clear (not bright; turbid)
    vago; inseguro; confuso; no claro; dudoso; defectuoso; vacilante; no seguro; indefinido; infinito; inestable; espinoso; turbio; indeterminado; incierto; misterioso; tenebroso; impreciso; impuro; incalculable; cuestionable

Vertaal Matrix voor not clear:

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infinito a month of Sundays; ages; donkey's years; eternity
vago idler; layabout; lazy bones; loafer; loiterer; lounger; skulker; slacker; sloth; sluggard; twerp; work-shy
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indeterminado not bright; not clear; turbid faint; indeterminate; subdued; unsettled; vague; vaguely
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confuso not bright; not clear; turbid aghast; appalled; baffled; bashful; blurred; confused; crazy; crestfallen; daft; dazed; diffident; diffuse; dim; dismayed; disordered; dumbfounded; faint; flabbergasted; foolish; funny; glum; hazy; idiotic; in a daze; inconvenient; indistinct; insane; mad; mentally confused; misty; nontransparent; obscure; odd; opaque; perplexed; ridiculous; shy; silly; stunned; stupid; taken aback; timid; unclear; undefinable; upset; vague; vaguely
cuestionable not bright; not clear; turbid changeable; contested; controversial; debatable; disputable; disputed; dubious; imputable; open to debate; open to question; questionable; uncertain; unstable; variable; varying
defectuoso not bright; not clear; turbid deficient; faulty; imperfect; indistinct; obscure; out of order; unclear
dudoso not bright; not clear; turbid contested; controversial; debatable; deceitful; disputable; disputed; dubious; imputable; mendacious; open to debate; open to question; questionable; uncertain; unreliable
espinoso not bright; not clear; turbid awkward; bony; critical; emaciated; gaunt; hard; inflamed; painful; perilous; precarious; prickly; review; spinous; thorny; worrisome
impreciso not bright; not clear; turbid inaccurate; vague; vaguely
impuro not bright; not clear; turbid dirty; drabby; grubby; muddy; troubled; unclean; unhygienic
incalculable not bright; not clear; turbid capricious; countless; grumbling; grumpy; immeasurable; immense; impossibly dear; infinite; innumerable; invaluable; irrational; legion; numerous; peevish; priceless; prohibitive; vague; vaguely; vast
incierto not bright; not clear; turbid debatable; disputable; imputable; open to question; questionable; uncertain
indefinido not bright; not clear; turbid blurred; dim; faint; hazy; indeterminate; misty; uncertain; unclear; undefinable; vague; vaguely
inestable not bright; not clear; turbid capricious; changeable; erratic; fickle; grumbling; grumpy; inconstant; mentally unstable; peevish; rickety; showery; staggering; toddling; tottering; uncertain; unsettled; unstable; unsteady; variable; varying; waddling
infinito not bright; not clear; turbid directionless; infinite; infinitely; unbounded; unlimited; unplumbed; vague; vaguely; vast
inseguro not bright; not clear; turbid dangerous; erratic; mentally unstable; uncertain; unsafe; unstable; unsteady
misterioso not bright; not clear; turbid deceitful; enigmatic; indistinct; mendacious; mysterious; obscure; unclear; unreliable; vague
no claro not bright; not clear; turbid
no seguro not bright; not clear; turbid uncertain
tenebroso not bright; not clear; turbid cheerless; creepy; deceitful; gloomy; indistinct; joyless; mendacious; moody; obscure; ominous; pensive; sad; scary; sinister; somber; sombre; triste; unclear; unreliable; vague; wistful
turbio not bright; not clear; turbid drabby; intransparency; muddy; nontransparent; opaque; troubled
vacilante not bright; not clear; turbid changeable; dawdling; dilatory; dragging; erratic; hesitant; hesitating; inconstant; lingering; mentally unstable; slow; unstable; unsteady; variable; varying; wavering
vago not bright; not clear; turbid alarming; bearing no interests; bland; blurred; creepy; deceitful; dim; faded; faint; foggy; frightening; frightful; grisly; hazy; idle; imminent; impending; inconvenient; indeterminate; indistinct; lurid; mendacious; misty; nontransparent; obscure; ominous; opaque; out of focus; pale; sallow; scary; shadowy; sinister; spooky; terrifying; threatening; uncertain; unclear; undefinable; unreliable; vague; vaguely; washed out

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