
Uitgebreide vertaling voor meek (Engels) in het Spaans


meek bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. meek (domesticated; tame; tamed; house-trained; docile)
    manso; obediente; domesticado; dócil; sumiso; en celo; dúctil; amansado; bien dispuesto; de buena voluntad
  2. meek (humble; unobtrusive; modest)
  3. meek (obedient; submissive; docile)
    obediente; docil
  4. meek
    paciente; resignado; sufrido
  5. meek (docile; submissive; amenable; )
    dócil; sujeto a; sometido; subordinado; sumiso; indulgente; complaciente; dúctil

Vertaal Matrix voor meek:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
paciente patient; sick person; sufferer
subordinado submissive
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- mild; modest; spiritless; tame
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- gentle
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
amansado docile; domesticated; house-trained; meek; tame; tamed
bien dispuesto docile; domesticated; house-trained; meek; tame; tamed a kind manner; conciliatory; obliging; pleasant
complaciente amenable; docile; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive a kind manner; accommodating; amicable; amicably; assistent; attentive; benevolent; calm; calmly; collected; complaisant; compliant; composed; flexible; friendly; good-natured; helpful; kind; kind-hearted; kindly; lenient; mild; obliging; peaceful; placid; pliable; quiet; quietly; readiness; ready; restful; serene; servient; silent; simple to operate; still; submissive; tolerant; tractable; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; willing; yielding
de buena voluntad docile; domesticated; house-trained; meek; tame; tamed
docil docile; meek; obedient; submissive good; honest; well-behaved
domesticado docile; domesticated; house-trained; meek; tame; tamed
dócil amenable; docile; domesticated; house-trained; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive; tame; tamed accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; kneadable; long-enduring; malleable; mouldable; obliging; patient; plastic; pliable; pliant; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; supple; tolerant; tractable; willing; workable; yielding
dúctil amenable; docile; domesticated; house-trained; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive; tame; tamed accommodating; complaisant; compliant; flexible; obliging; plastic; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; supple; tolerant; tractable; willing; yielding
en celo docile; domesticated; house-trained; meek; tame; tamed at rut; in heat; in season; on heat; rutting; ruttish
humilde humble; meek; modest; unobtrusive modest
indulgente amenable; docile; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive a kind manner; accommodating; assistent; attentive; calm; charitabel; clement; complaisant; compliant; flexible; forgiving; generous; gentle; gracious; helpful; lenient; liberal; magnanimous; merciful; munificent; noble; obliging; open minded; open-handed; patient; pliable; readiness; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; unsparing; waiting patiently; willing; yielding
manso docile; domesticated; house-trained; meek; tame; tamed calm; calmly; collected; composed; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful
obediente docile; domesticated; house-trained; meek; obedient; submissive; tame; tamed accommodating; complaisant; compliant; cooperative; docile; fair; flexible; good; honest; kneadable; malleable; mouldable; obedient; obliging; plastic; pliable; ready; servient; simple to operate; submissive; tolerant; tractable; well-behaved; willing; workable; yielding
paciente meek calm; long-enduring; passive; patient; submissive; waiting patiently
resignado meek calm; dominated; long-enduring; passive; patient; resigned; subjugated; submissive
sometido amenable; docile; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive dominated; subjugated
subordinado amenable; docile; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive dominated; inferior; minor; secondary; subjugated; subordinate; useless; valueless; worthless
sufrido meek passive
sujeto a amenable; docile; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive subject to
sumiso amenable; docile; domesticated; house-trained; humble; malleable; meek; pliable; slavishly; submissive; tame; tamed calm; dominated; inferior; minor; modest; obliging; patient; secondary; servient; subjugated; submissive; subordinate; tractable; waiting patiently; willing

Verwante woorden van "meek":

Synoniemen voor "meek":

Verwante definities voor "meek":

  1. evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant1
    • a fine fiery blast against meek conformity1
    • she looked meek but had the heart of a lion1
  2. humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness1
    • meek and self-effacing1
  3. very docile1
    • meek as a mouse1

Wiktionary: meek

  1. submissive, dispirited
  2. humble, modest, or self-effacing

Cross Translation:
meek humilde humble — À trier suivant le sens

Computer vertaling door derden: