
Uitgebreide vertaling voor loveliness (Engels) in het Spaans


loveliness [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the loveliness (charm; power of attraction; allurement; delightfulness; splendidness)
    el atractivo; la atracción; el encanto; la gracia; el hechizo; el garbo
    • atractivo [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • atracción [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • encanto [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • gracia [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • hechizo [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • garbo [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the loveliness (charm)
    el encanto; la gracia; la simpatía; el donaire
    • encanto [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • gracia [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • simpatía [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • donaire [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  3. the loveliness (delightfulness)
    el encanto; la delicia
    • encanto [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • delicia [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor loveliness:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
atracción allurement; charm; delightfulness; loveliness; power of attraction; splendidness appeal; attraction; attractiveness; charm; draw; enchantment; enticement; fascination; lure; magnetism; notice; seductiveness; splendidness; temptation
atractivo allurement; charm; delightfulness; loveliness; power of attraction; splendidness
delicia delightfulness; loveliness blessedness; blessing; bliss; deliciousness; glory; happiness; joy; magnificence; manor; manorial estate; well-being
donaire charm; loveliness appeal; attractiveness; charm; enchantment; enticement; fascination; splendidness
encanto allurement; charm; delightfulness; loveliness; power of attraction; splendidness amiability; appeal; attractiveness; benevolence; charm; clemency; darling; dear; enchantment; enticement; fascination; love; loving kindness; lure; mercy; seductiveness; splendidness; sweetness; temptation
garbo allurement; charm; delightfulness; loveliness; power of attraction; splendidness appeal; ardor; ardour; assiduity; attractiveness; benevolence; charm; diligence; enchantment; enticement; fascination; fervor; fervour; grace; kindness; passion; splendidness; sympathy; verve; zeal; zest; élan
gracia allurement; charm; delightfulness; loveliness; power of attraction; splendidness absolution; amiability; appeal; attractiveness; benevolence; charity; charm; clemency; elegance; enchantment; enticement; fascination; folly; fun; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; little gift; little present; loving kindness; lunacy; madness; mercy; merriment; mirth; nonsense; pardon; philanthropy; pleasure; remission; silliness; splendidness; sweetness; well-doing
hechizo allurement; charm; delightfulness; loveliness; power of attraction; splendidness enchantment; magic; magic charm; magic potion; magic power; magic spell; magic word; magic words; sorcery; spell; witchcraft
simpatía charm; loveliness affection; amiability; amicableness; benign character; fondness; friendliness; geniality; goodness; goodwill; heartiness; inclination; kind-heartedness; kindness; mildness; satisfaction; sympathy; tenderness
- beauteousness; comeliness; fairness
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
atractivo able; acute; adorable; adroit; alluring; amiable; appealing; attracting; attractive; beautiful; biting; capable; charming; cherished; clever; compelling; congenial; cute; dainty; desireable; dexterous; dinky; elegant; enchanting; endearing; engaging; entrancing; expert; friendly; good looking; good-looking; graceful; great-looking; handsome; handy; inviting; keen; likable; lovely; most charming; neat; nice; nimble; personable; petite; pretty; proficient; refined; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; skilful; skillful; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish; sweet; sweetest; tempting; winsome
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
encanto charming; lovely; sweet

Verwante woorden van "loveliness":

Synoniemen voor "loveliness":

Verwante definities voor "loveliness":

  1. the quality of being good looking and attractive1

loveliness vorm van lovely:

lovely bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. lovely (pleasant; nice; easy going; good)
    agradable; grato; placentero; cómodo; confortable
  2. lovely (good looking; beautiful; pretty; )
    bonito; guapa; bello; espléndido; guapo; cariñoso; hermoso; precioso; atractivo; buen mozo; agradable; atrayente; de buen ver
  3. lovely (charming; nice; appealing; )
    simpático; agradable; amable; ameno; gracioso; encantador; agraciado; atractivo; amigable; adorable; seductor
  4. lovely (cute; adorable; enchanting; sweet; dear)
    adorable; precioso; encantador; mono
  5. lovely (sweet; charming; pretty; attractive)
    adorable; monísimo; precioso; encantador
  6. lovely (attractive; enchanting; entrancing; charming; pretty)
    bueno; guapo; bonito; lindo; bello; precioso; agradable; adorable; espléndido; atractivo; atrayente; gracioso; amable; encantador; agraciado
  7. lovely (adorable; attractive; cute; )
    atractivo; lindo; bonito; hermoso; bello; apetitoso; adorable
  8. lovely (graceful; dainty; sophisticated; )
    amada; fino; atractivo; elegante; gracioso; sutilmente; querido; dulce; delicado; ameno; agraciado; hermoso; airoso; finamente; delicadamente; decorativo; con gracia
  9. lovely (sweet; charming)
  10. lovely (sweet; charming)
    • ameno bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  11. lovely (amiable; charming; sweet; friendly)
    espléndido; encantador; guapo; adorable; amable; gracioso; lindo; bonito; bueno; precioso; bello; ameno; agradable; agraciado; mono; atractivo; tentador; seductor; entretenido
  12. lovely
    muy mono; precioso
  13. lovely (attractive; appealing; inviting; )
    guapo; majo; atrayente; atractivo; apetitoso
  14. lovely (charming; sweet; cherished; graceful)
    dulce; amada; atractivo; con gracia; hermoso

Vertaal Matrix voor lovely:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
amada lady-love; lesbian love
atractivo allurement; charm; delightfulness; loveliness; power of attraction; splendidness
cariñoso chickadee; darling; ducky; peach; sweetie
dulce candy; motto-caramel; motto-kiss; snack
encanto allurement; amiability; appeal; attractiveness; benevolence; charm; clemency; darling; dear; delightfulness; enchantment; enticement; fascination; love; loveliness; loving kindness; lure; mercy; power of attraction; seductiveness; splendidness; sweetness; temptation
gracioso crazy person; nut; rascal; rogue
guapa beautiful girl; doll; manequin; pretty girl
guapo clever fellow
mono ape; monkey
querido beloved; best friend; bosom friend; boyfriend; buddy; candy; close friend; confidante; darling; dear; dearest; deary; ducky; favorite; favourite; heart; hearts desire; honey; ladylove; love; lover; peach; sugar; sweet; sweetest; sweetheart; sweetie; treasure; young man
seductor lady-killer; lover-boy; seducer; stud; tempter; temptress; womaniser; womanizer
tentador seducer; tempter; temptress
- cover girl; pin-up
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
atractivo adorable; alluring; amiable; appealing; attracting; attractive; beautiful; charming; cherished; congenial; cute; dainty; elegant; enchanting; endearing; engaging; entrancing; friendly; good looking; good-looking; graceful; handsome; inviting; likable; lovely; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish; sweet; winsome able; acute; adroit; alluring; appealing; attractive; biting; capable; charming; clever; compelling; desireable; dexterous; dinky; elegant; expert; graceful; great-looking; handy; inviting; keen; most charming; neat; nimble; proficient; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; skilful; skillful; sweetest; tempting
- adorable; endearing
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- fair; yum-yum!
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
adorable adorable; alluring; amiable; appealing; attractive; charming; congenial; cute; dear; enchanting; endearing; engaging; entrancing; friendly; likable; lovely; nice; pretty; sweet; winsome alluring; appealing; attractive; beloved; charming; cherished; dear; desireable; dinky; inviting; most charming; sweet; sweetest; tempting
agraciado alluring; amiable; appealing; attractive; charming; congenial; dainty; elegant; enchanting; endearing; engaging; entrancing; friendly; graceful; handsome; likable; lovely; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish; sweet; winsome charming; elegant; graceful
agradable alluring; amiable; appealing; attractive; beautiful; charming; congenial; easy going; enchanting; endearing; engaging; entrancing; friendly; good; good looking; good-looking; handsome; likable; lovely; nice; personable; pleasant; pretty; snap; sweet; winsome a kind manner; affectionate; agreeable; alluring; amusing; appealing; appetising; appetizing; attractive; benevolent; calm; calmly; chatty; collected; comfortable; composed; conciliatory; cordial; cosy; cozy; delicious; desireable; diverting; divine; enjoyable; entertaining; fine; friendly; good-natured; gorgeous; gratifying; happy; harmonious; hearty; heavenly; inviting; joyful; kind; kindly; memorable; mild; nice; obliging; palatable; peaceful; placid; pleasant; pleasing; quiet; quietly; restful; scrumptious; serene; silent; sociable; still; subtle; tasty; tempting; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; warm; warm-hearted; yummy
airoso dainty; elegant; graceful; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish aesthetic; classical; classy; elegant; esthetic; glamorous; glamourous; graceful; in good style; in good taste; smart; sophisticated; stylish; tasteful
amable alluring; amiable; appealing; attractive; charming; congenial; enchanting; endearing; engaging; entrancing; friendly; likable; lovely; nice; pretty; sweet; winsome a kind manner; affable; affectionate; agreeable; amiable; appealing; assistent; attentive; benevolent; benign; bland; calm; calmly; cherished; collected; comfortable; complaisant; composed; conciliatory; congenial; cooperative; cordial; cosy; cozy; cute; dear; endearing; engaging; enjoyable; exclusive; favorite; favourite; fine; friendly; genial; good; good-natured; great; hearty; helpful; honest; kind; kindly; likable; lovable; mild; nice; obliging; peaceful; placid; pleasant; pleasing; preferential; private; quiet; quietly; restful; select; selected; serene; silent; still; sympathetic; taking; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; warm; warm-hearted; well-behaved; winsome
amada charming; cherished; dainty; elegant; graceful; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish; sweet charming; elegant; graceful
ameno alluring; amiable; appealing; attractive; charming; congenial; dainty; elegant; endearing; engaging; entrancing; friendly; graceful; handsome; likable; lovely; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish; sweet; winsome agreeable; amusing; benevolent; comfortable; comic; comical; conciliatory; cosy; cozy; cute; diverting; droll; enjoyable; entertaining; funny; good-natured; hilarious; humoristic; humorous; humourous; kind; mild; nice; pleasant; pleasing; waggish
amigable alluring; appealing; attractive; charming; congenial; endearing; engaging; entrancing; likable; lovely; nice; sweet; winsome a kind manner; affectionate; amicable; amicably; appealing; benevolent; calm; calmly; collected; composed; congenial; cooperative; cordial; endearing; engaging; friendly; good-natured; hearty; kind; kindly; likable; mild; nice; obliging; peaceful; placid; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; sympathetic; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; warm; warm-hearted; winsome
apetitoso adorable; alluring; appealing; attracting; attractive; charming; cute; enchanting; inviting; lovely; sweet alluring; appealing; appetising; appetizing; attractive; delicious; desireable; inviting; palatable; scrumptious; tasty; tempting; yummy
atrayente adorable; alluring; appealing; attracting; attractive; beautiful; charming; enchanting; entrancing; good looking; good-looking; handsome; inviting; lovely; nice; personable; pretty; snap alluring; charming; dinky; exciting; fascinating; inviting; most charming; moving; stirring; sweetest; tempting; thrilling; touching
bello adorable; amiable; appealing; attractive; beautiful; charming; cute; enchanting; entrancing; friendly; good looking; good-looking; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; pretty; snap; sweet acute; alluring; astute; attractive; beautiful; biting; bright; clever; crafty; handsome; ingenious; intelligent; keen; pretty; sagacious; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise
bonito adorable; amiable; appealing; attractive; beautiful; charming; cute; enchanting; entrancing; friendly; good looking; good-looking; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; pretty; snap; sweet acute; alluring; attractive; beautiful; benevolent; biting; clever; cute; fashionable; good-natured; handsome; keen; kind; mild; pretty; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; snappy; snazzy; stylish; trendy
buen mozo beautiful; charming; good looking; good-looking; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; pretty; snap able; acute; adroit; alluring; astute; attractive; biting; brainy; bright; brilliant; capable; clever; crafty; dexterous; expert; handy; ingenious; intelligent; keen; knowledgable; neat; nimble; proficient; sagacious; sensible; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise
bueno amiable; attractive; charming; enchanting; entrancing; friendly; lovely; pretty; sweet accurate; agreeable; all right; alright; appetising; appetizing; at present; benevolent; correct; delicious; divine; enjoyable; fine; good; good-natured; gorgeous; heavenly; honest; honorable; honourable; in this moment; indeed; just; kind; mild; nice; now; nowadays; palatable; pleasant; precise; presently; right; right-minded; righteous; scrumptious; sincere; subtle; tasty; that's it; true-hearted; upright; well; well mannered; well-behaved; yummy
cariñoso beautiful; charming; good looking; good-looking; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; pretty; snap affectionate; attached; cherished; confidential; dear; deep; devoted; exclusive; favorite; favourite; fond; intimate; loving; preferential; private; profound; select; selected; warm
con gracia charming; cherished; dainty; elegant; graceful; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish; sweet aesthetic; beloved; classical; classy; cute; dear; elegant; esthetic; glamorous; glamourous; graceful; in good style; in good taste; nice; smart; sophisticated; stylish; sweet; tasteful; with class
confortable easy going; good; lovely; nice; pleasant agreeable; comfortable; cosy; cozy; enjoyable; manageable; nice; pleasant; pleasing; pleasurable; simple to operate; snug; well fitted; well suited
cómodo easy going; good; lovely; nice; pleasant agreeable; comfortable; cosily; cosy; cozily; cozy; cute; easily; easy; effortless; enjoyable; handy; manageable; nice; not difficult; not hard; pleasant; pleasurable; simple; snug; snugly
de buen ver beautiful; charming; good looking; good-looking; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; pretty; snap acute; alluring; astute; attractive; biting; brainy; bright; brilliant; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; keen; knowledgable; sagacious; sensible; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise
decorativo dainty; elegant; graceful; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish decorative; ornamental
delicadamente dainty; elegant; graceful; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish acutely; smartly; subtly
delicado dainty; elegant; graceful; handsome; lovely; nice; personable; petite; pretty; refined; slight; snap; sophisticated; stylish acutely; awkward; bothersome; critical; delicate; disagreeable; easily hurt

Verwante woorden van "lovely":

Synoniemen voor "lovely":

Verwante definities voor "lovely":

  1. appealing to the emotions as well as the eye1
  2. lovable especially in a childlike or naive way1
  3. a very pretty girl who works as a photographer's model1

Wiktionary: lovely

  1. attractive person

Cross Translation:
lovely lindo; bonito beeldig — mooi alsof het een plaatje is
lovely adorable aanbiddelijk — waard om aanbeden te worden
lovely hermoso reizend — nett, süß, angenehm, anziehend, anmutig, hübsch
lovely agradable agréable — Qui procure un sentiment de légère gaieté, de bonheur ou encore de bien-être.
lovely bello; hermoso beau — D’aspect agréable à l’œil ou à l’oreille.
lovely querido; preciado; estimado; caro; costoso cher — Qui est chéri, tendrement aimer, auquel on tenir beaucoup.
lovely encantador; cautivador; bonito; lindo ravissant — (figuré) Qui transporter d’admiration.

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