
Uitgebreide vertaling voor intelligence (Engels) in het Spaans


intelligence [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the intelligence (intellect; understanding)
    el entendimiento; el intelecto
  2. the intelligence (mental capacity; sense; genius; )
    el entendimiento; la mente; el don; la razón; la inteligencia; el genio; la genialidad; el talento; la facultad de pensar
  3. the intelligence (cleverness; sagacity; brightness; )
    la listeza; la inteligencia; la idea; la astucia; la agudeza; la penetración; la perspicacia; el intelecto
  4. the intelligence (tidings; message; news; report; piece of news)
    el mensaje; la noticia
    • mensaje [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • noticia [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  5. the intelligence (secret service)
    el servicio de informaciones; el servicio de seguridad; el servicio de vigilancia; el servicio secreto
  6. the intelligence (sagacity; cleverness)
    la astucia; la inteligencia; la agudeza; la listeza
  7. the intelligence (quick-wittedness; adeptness; sharpness)
    la habilidad; la astucia; la inteligencia; la agudeza; la perspicacia; la sagacidad; la vivacidad; la listeza

Vertaal Matrix voor intelligence:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
agudeza adeptness; brightness; cleverness; discernment; insight; intelligence; quick-wittedness; sagacity; sharpness; smartness acidity; acumen; acuteness; bittyness; brain; cattishness; cleverness; cunning; curtness; discernment; gag; insight; jest; joke; keen perception; keenness; notion; pleasantry; quick-wittedness; quip; readiness for battle; sagacity; sharp-eyedness; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; snappiness; understanding; witticism; witty remark
astucia adeptness; brightness; cleverness; discernment; insight; intelligence; quick-wittedness; sagacity; sharpness; smartness cleverness; craftiness; crookedness; cunning; dodge; down to the minutest details; guile; keenness; nicety; sagacity; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; smartness; subtlety; trick; wiliness
don brainpower; genius; intellect; intelligence; mental capacity; sense; thought benediction; blessing; boon; capacity; potential
entendimiento brainpower; genius; intellect; intelligence; mental capacity; sense; thought; understanding awareness; brain; clarity; clearness; combined action; concord; consensus; discernment; insight; limpidity; mind; notion; perception; reason; teamwork; unanimity; understanding; vision
facultad de pensar brainpower; genius; intellect; intelligence; mental capacity; sense; thought intellect; intellectual powers
genialidad brainpower; genius; intellect; intelligence; mental capacity; sense; thought ability; aptitude; brilliance; capacity; genius; gift; ingenuity; inventiveness; natural ability; resourcefulness; talent
genio brainpower; genius; intellect; intelligence; mental capacity; sense; thought ability; aptitude; brain; bright spark; brilliance; capacity; discernment; genius; gift; go getter; high flyer; ingenuity; insight; inventiveness; magician; natural ability; notion; resourcefulness; smart fellow; sorcerer; talent; understanding; whizz kid; wizard
habilidad adeptness; intelligence; quick-wittedness; sharpness ability; battle; craftiness; cunning; discovery; experience; handcraft; handicraft; handiness; industrial art; keenness; knack; manual training; practice; practise; routine; sharpness; shrewdness; skill; slyness; war
idea brightness; cleverness; discernment; insight; intelligence; sagacity; smartness angle; aspect; assault; attitude; awareness; conception; consciousness; conviction; creed; discernment; disposition; fabrication; fantasy; figment of the imagination; hold up; idea; illusion; image; imagination; inclination; insight; intent; interpretation; meaning; notion; opinion; outlook; perception; perspective; phantasy; pipe dream; point of view; purport; raid; reading; realisation; realization; sense; stand; stature; tendency; tenor; thought; understanding; version; view; vision; way of thinking
intelecto brightness; cleverness; discernment; insight; intellect; intelligence; sagacity; smartness; understanding intellect; intellectual powers
inteligencia adeptness; brainpower; brightness; cleverness; discernment; genius; insight; intellect; intelligence; mental capacity; quick-wittedness; sagacity; sense; sharpness; smartness; thought awareness; brain; cleverness; discernment; headline; insight; intellect; intellectual powers; mind; nature; notion; reason; sagacity; understanding
listeza adeptness; brightness; cleverness; discernment; insight; intelligence; quick-wittedness; sagacity; sharpness; smartness brain; cleverness; craftiness; cunning; discernment; dodge; down to the minutest details; guile; insight; keenness; nicety; notion; sagacity; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; smartness; subtlety; understanding; wiliness
mensaje intelligence; message; news; piece of news; report; tidings document; e-mail message; message
mente brainpower; genius; intellect; intelligence; mental capacity; sense; thought beginning; beginning of a letter; block; brain; brain-pan
noticia intelligence; message; news; piece of news; report; tidings announcement; declaration; enunciation; message; news; notice; notification; piece of news; proclamation; pronunciation; publication; report; statement
penetración brightness; cleverness; discernment; insight; intelligence; sagacity; smartness breaking into; discernment; entering; insight; penetrating into; penetration
perspicacia adeptness; brightness; cleverness; discernment; insight; intelligence; quick-wittedness; sagacity; sharpness; smartness acumen; acuteness; awareness; brain; cleverness; cunning; discernment; down to the minutest details; insight; keen perception; mind; nicety; notion; reason; sagacity; sharp-eyedness; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; understanding
razón brainpower; genius; intellect; intelligence; mental capacity; sense; thought amorous adventure; awareness; basic assumption; basic principle; basis; bringing about; cause; causing; courtship; fairness; foreword; immediate cause; introduction; introductory remarks; judiciousness; justice; love affair; mind; moderation; motivation; motive; point of departure; preamble; preface; principle; prologue; propriety; reason; reasonableness; relationship; right; righteousness; romance; romanticism; seemliness; starting point; suitability; wooing
sagacidad adeptness; intelligence; quick-wittedness; sharpness acumen; acuteness; brain; cleverness; craftiness; cunning; discernment; dodge; down to the minutest details; guile; insight; keen perception; keenness; nicety; notion; sagacity; sharp-eyedness; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; smartness; subtlety; understanding; wiliness
servicio de informaciones intelligence; secret service information agency; information bureau; information desk
servicio de seguridad intelligence; secret service field security; secret agency; secret service; security police; security service
servicio de vigilancia intelligence; secret service field security; security police; security service
servicio secreto intelligence; secret service intelligence service; secret service
talento brainpower; genius; intellect; intelligence; mental capacity; sense; thought ability; aptitude; capacity; gift; ingenuity; natural ability; skill; talent
vivacidad adeptness; intelligence; quick-wittedness; sharpness brightfulness; briskness; carousing; cheerfulness; cunning; fun; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; keenness; lightheartedness; liveliness; merriment; mirth; pleasure; revelry; roistering; sharpness
- intelligence activity; intelligence agency; intelligence information; intelligence operation; intelligence service; news; tidings; word
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- information

Verwante woorden van "intelligence":

  • intelligences

Synoniemen voor "intelligence":

Antoniemen van "intelligence":

Verwante definities voor "intelligence":

  1. the operation of gathering information about an enemy1
  2. the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience1
  3. information about recent and important events1
  4. secret information about an enemy (or potential enemy)1
    • we sent out planes to gather intelligence on their radar coverage1
  5. a unit responsible for gathering and interpreting information about an enemy1

Wiktionary: intelligence

  1. capacity of mind

Cross Translation:
intelligence inteligencia intelligentie — een eigenschap van de werking van de hersenen
intelligence inteligencia Intelligenznur Singular: eine besondere geistige Fähigkeit; Klugheit
intelligence inteligencia intelligencefaculté de comprendre, de ne pas se méprendre sur le sens des mots, la nature des choses et la signification des faits.

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van intelligence