
Uitgebreide vertaling voor inconsiderate (Engels) in het Spaans


inconsiderate bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. inconsiderate (without thinking; reckless; imprudent; careless)
    inconsciente; temerario; irreflexivo; imprudente; a la ligera
  2. inconsiderate (thoughtless; reckless; overconfident; rash)
    imprudente; desconsiderado; impremeditado; apresurado; atrevido; desierto; osado; feroz; inconsciente; precipitado; insensato; frívolo; desenfrenado; precipitadamente; irreflexivo; inconsiderado; a la ligera; casquivano; muy atrevido; con precipitación; con prisa excesiva; poco delicado; poco diplomático
  3. inconsiderate (thoughtless)
  4. inconsiderate (thoughtless)
    inconsciente; precipitado; insensato; apresurado; prematuro
  5. inconsiderate (tactless; indiscreet; thoughtless; indelicate; immodest)
    poco diplomático; poco delicado

Vertaal Matrix voor inconsiderate:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
atrevido boast; boasting; bold; brag; bragging; bravado; brazen hussy; daredevil; swank; tall talk
desierto desert; wasteland; wilderness
temerario double; stunt man
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- unconsidered
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
a la ligera careless; imprudent; inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless; without thinking cursory; hasty; perfunctory; premature; rash; superficial; thoughtless; unthinking
apresurado inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless agitated; fluttered; fucked up; hastily; hasty; hunted; hurried; hurriedly; in a haste; in a hurry; in haste; nervous; premature; rash; worked up; wrought up
atrevido inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless audacious; bold; brave; courageous; daredevil; daring; dauntless; fearless; foolhardy; frivolous; heroic; heroical; ill-mannered; impertinent; intrepid; light; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; sanguine; temerarious; undaunted; valiant; without fear
casquivano inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless flighty; flippant; frivolous; gay; light-hearted; shallow
con precipitación inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless hasty; premature; rash
con prisa excesiva inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless hasty; premature; rash
desatento inconsiderate; thoughtless disobliging; impolite; inattentive; negligent; uncivil; unconcentrated; unfriendly; unkind; unpleasant; unwilling
desconsiderado inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless bold; impolite; improper; inappropriate; indelicat; indelicate; indiscrete; out of place; rude; tactless; uncalled for; uncivil; unfriendly; unkind; unpleasant; unscrupulous; unseemly; unsuitable
desenfrenado inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless lawless; liscencious; loose; obscene; uncurbed; undisciplined; unfettered; ungovernable; uninhibited; unmanageable; unrestrained; unruly; vulgar; without discipline
desierto inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless deserted; desolate; embittered; exasperated; extinct; fierce; forlorn; isolated; lonely; lonesome; quarantined; secluded; sequestered; solitary
feroz inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless abominable; angry; barbaric; brutal; cruel; embittered; enraged; exasperated; fierce; grim; gruesome; heinous; homicidal; inhuman; inhumane; irate; livid; murderous; seething; sullen; suppressed
frívolo inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless casual; cursory; flighty; flippant; foolhardy; frivolous; gay; light; light-headed; light-hearted; perfunctory; playful; rash; reckless; shallow; superficial
impremeditado inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless rash; thoughtless; unthinking
imprudente careless; imprudent; inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless; without thinking dumb; foolhardy; foolish; light-headed; mindless; not sensible; rash; reckless; scatterbrained; senseless; stupid
inconsciente careless; imprudent; inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless; without thinking absent; careless; hasty; heedless; ignorant; irresponsible; not accountable for; out cold; premature; rash; senseless; subconscious; thoughtless; unconscious; unthinking; unwarranted
inconsiderado inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless foolhardy; light-headed; rash; reckless
insensato inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless dense; dull; dumb; foolish; hasty; irrational; mindless; not sensible; obtuse; premature; rash; senseless; stupid; unwise
irreflexivo careless; imprudent; inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless; without thinking careless; flighty; foolhardy; fribble; frivolous; frothy; hasty; heedless; irresponsible; light-headed; not accountable for; premature; rash; reckless; thoughtless; unthinking; unthinkingly; unwarranted
muy atrevido inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless audacious; daredevil; daring; foolhardy; light-headed; overconfident; overexcited; presumptuous; rash; reckless; temerarious
osado inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless audacious; bold; daredevil; daring; floating high; flying high; foolhardy; high-flying; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; soaring; temerarious
poco delicado immodest; inconsiderate; indelicate; indiscreet; overconfident; rash; reckless; tactless; thoughtless
poco diplomático immodest; inconsiderate; indelicate; indiscreet; overconfident; rash; reckless; tactless; thoughtless
precipitadamente inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless hastily; head over heels; headlong; hurriedly; in a hurry; in a rush; in haste
precipitado inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless hasty; premature; prematurely; rash; scatterbrained; untimely
prematuro inconsiderate; thoughtless early; formerly; hasty; in bygone days; in former times; premature; prematurely; rash; timely; untimely
temerario careless; imprudent; inconsiderate; reckless; without thinking audacious; daring; foolhardy; light-headed; overconfident; overexcited; presumptuous; rash; reckless; scatterbrained; temerarious

Verwante woorden van "inconsiderate":

Synoniemen voor "inconsiderate":

Antoniemen van "inconsiderate":

Verwante definities voor "inconsiderate":

  1. lacking regard for the rights or feelings of others1
    • shockingly inconsiderate behavior1
  2. without proper consideration or reflection1
    • slovenly inconsiderate reasoning1

Wiktionary: inconsiderate

  1. not considerate of others

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