
Uitgebreide vertaling voor furnishing (Engels) in het Spaans


furnishing [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the furnishing (home furnishings; furniture)
    la decoración
  2. the furnishing (home furnishings; furniture)
    el mobiliario; el muebles; el amoblado; el muebles y enseres; el menaje; el enseres; el ajuar; el amoblamiento; la disposición de la vivienda; el mueblaje; el efectos mobiliarios
  3. the furnishing (procurement; facility; provision; )
    el aprovisionamiento; el acomodamiento; el suministro; el alojamiento; el cuidado; la asistencia

Vertaal Matrix voor furnishing:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
acomodamiento care; facility; furnishing; maintenance; nursing; procurement; providing; provision; service accommodation; facility; lodging
ajuar furnishing; furniture; home furnishings household effects; survey; trousseau
alojamiento care; facility; furnishing; maintenance; nursing; procurement; providing; provision; service accommodation; accomodation; cottage; facility; home; house; housing; little house; living in; lodging; lodgings; overnight stay; place to sleep; quarters; residence; shelter; sleeping accommodation; somewhere to sleep
amoblado furnishing; furniture; home furnishings
amoblamiento furnishing; furniture; home furnishings attire; equipment; funny farm; gear; home; kit; loony bin; madhouse; mental home; mental hospital; mental institution; nut-house; outfit
aprovisionamiento care; facility; furnishing; maintenance; nursing; procurement; providing; provision; service decision; decree; facility; measure; provision; provisioning; supplies; supply
asistencia care; facility; furnishing; maintenance; nursing; procurement; providing; provision; service aid; alleviation; assistance; assuagement; benefit; care; charwoman; cleaning-person; co-operation; dole; help; helpfulness; nursing; presence; provision; relief; servant; service; serving; social assistance; social security; support; unemployment benefit; welfare
cuidado care; facility; furnishing; maintenance; nursing; procurement; providing; provision; service attraction; care; carefulness; caution; cautiones; cautiousness; deliberacy; level headedness; levelheadedness; nursing; observation; observe; provision; prudence; self-composed and sensible; service; wariness
decoración decoration; furnishing; furniture; home furnishings adornment; badge; buttonhole; corsage; decor; decoration; drapery; décor; garnishing; insignia; mark; mural decoration; ornament; pin; stage decoration; stage setting; wall decoration
disposición de la vivienda furnishing; furniture; home furnishings
efectos mobiliarios furnishing; furniture; home furnishings household effects; inventory
enseres furnishing; furniture; home furnishings equipment; hand tool; implement; inventory; material; materials; necessities; requirement; requirements; requisites; tool; tools
menaje furnishing; furniture; home furnishings housekeeping; inventory; survey
mobiliario furnishing; furniture; home furnishings furnishings; furniture; inventory; piece of furniture
mueblaje furnishing; furniture; home furnishings
muebles furnishing; furniture; home furnishings household effects; inventory
muebles y enseres furnishing; furniture; home furnishings inventory
suministro care; facility; furnishing; maintenance; nursing; procurement; providing; provision; service consignment; delivery; dispatch; remittance; sending; sending in; supply; supplying; yielding
- trappings
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
cuidado clean; neat; provided for; taken care of; tidy

Verwante woorden van "furnishing":

Synoniemen voor "furnishing":

Verwante definities voor "furnishing":

  1. the act of decorating a house or room1
  2. (usually plural) the instrumentalities (furniture and appliances and other movable accessories including curtains and rugs) that make a home (or other area) livable1
  3. (usually plural) accessory wearing apparel1

furnishing vorm van furnish:

to furnish werkwoord (furnishes, furnished, furnishing)

  1. to furnish
  2. to furnish (deliver; provide; supply; )
  3. to furnish (clothe; upholster; cover)
    revestir; cubrir; decorar
  4. to furnish (provide; supply)
  5. to furnish (deliver; bring; supply; )
    entregar; repartir
  6. to furnish (dress o.s. up; fit out; deck out)
    equipar; proveer; adornar; decorar; embellecer; ataviar; engalanar; aliñar; acicalar
  7. to furnish (provide)

Conjugations for furnish:

  1. furnish
  2. furnish
  3. furnishes
  4. furnish
  5. furnish
  6. furnish
simple past
  1. furnished
  2. furnished
  3. furnished
  4. furnished
  5. furnished
  6. furnished
present perfect
  1. have furnished
  2. have furnished
  3. has furnished
  4. have furnished
  5. have furnished
  6. have furnished
past continuous
  1. was furnishing
  2. were furnishing
  3. was furnishing
  4. were furnishing
  5. were furnishing
  6. were furnishing
  1. shall furnish
  2. will furnish
  3. will furnish
  4. shall furnish
  5. will furnish
  6. will furnish
continuous present
  1. am furnishing
  2. are furnishing
  3. is furnishing
  4. are furnishing
  5. are furnishing
  6. are furnishing
  1. be furnished
  2. be furnished
  3. be furnished
  4. be furnished
  5. be furnished
  6. be furnished
  1. furnish!
  2. let's furnish!
  3. furnished
  4. furnishing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor furnish:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
adornar adorning; adornment; decorating; dress up; trick up
arreglar arrangement; ordening; settling
ataviar dress up; trick up
cubrir covering; safeguarding
engalanar adorning; adornment; decorating
llevar carrying away
proveer supplying
suministrar supplying
traer bringing along; bringing with one; carrying
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
acicalar deck out; dress o.s. up; fit out; furnish garnish
adornar deck out; dress o.s. up; fit out; furnish adorn; beautify; brush up; buff; decorate; doll up; dress; dress up; dunnage; embellish; finish; garnish; knight; ornament; polish; rub smooth; spruce up; trick up; trim
aliñar deck out; dress o.s. up; fit out; furnish garnish
amueblar furnish
arreglar furnish adjust; arrange; arrange something; brew; conform to; cook; do odd jobs; find again; finish; fix; fix up; freshen up; get ready; have ended; have finished; instal; install; join; make decent; make even; make ready; mend; model; order; pay; pay on account; prepare; reconcile; redeem; redevelop; redress; regulate; renew; renovate; repair; restore; resume; set up; settle; shape
ataviar deck out; dress o.s. up; fit out; furnish beautify; decorate; doll up; dress up; embellish; garnish; trim
cubrir clothe; cover; furnish; upholster arch over; armor; armour; besiege; besieged; besieges; blind; blur; camouflage; comprise; conceal; cover; cover up; drape; encapsulate; enclose; envelop; evnvelope; fence in; fence off; fill in; fill up; include; iron; lock up; mantle; mask; protect; pull over; roof in; shroud; surround; swathe; tuck in; tuck up; veil; wrap; wrap up
dar furnish; provide; supply administer; allocate; allot; allow; assign; bestow; bestow on; confer; delate; deliver; deliver up; dispense; distribute; donate; extend; give; give a present; give along with; give to; grant; hand; hand out; hand over; hand over to; hear; inflict; interpellate; interrogate; offer; pass; pay out; pour in; present with; provide; question; ration; remit; send along with; send with; subsidise; subsidize; swing; turn; veer
decorar clothe; cover; deck out; dress o.s. up; fit out; furnish; upholster adorn; beautify; decorate; dress; dunnage; embellish; finish; garnish; knight; ornament; trim
decorar y amueblar furnish
embellecer deck out; dress o.s. up; fit out; furnish beautify; become; decorate; doll up; dress up; embellish; flatter; garnish; suit; trim
engalanar deck out; dress o.s. up; fit out; furnish beautify; decorate; doll up; dress up; embellish; garnish; trim
entregar bring; bring around; deliver; furnish; give; hand over to; provide; put up for shipment; send; send round; ship; supply allow; book; cash; cede; delate; deliver; deliver up; dispense; donate; enlist; enrol; enroll; enter; extend; give; give to; give up; hand; hand down; hand in; hand over; hand over to; inscribe; offer; order; pass; pay; pay out; pay over; present; present with; proffer; provide; register; subscribe; surrender; transfer; turn in; yield
entregar a domicilio bring; bring around; deliver; furnish; provide; put up for shipment; send; ship; supply bring; deliver; deliver to the door; hand over; leave
equipar deck out; dress o.s. up; fit out; furnish brush up; buff; doll up; equip; fit out; kit out; polish; prepare; rig out; rub smooth; spruce up; trick up
facilitar furnish; provide; supply allow; foster; moderate; place at someone's disposal; simplify
facilitar fondos furnish; provide
llevar bring; bring around; deliver; furnish; provide; put up for shipment; send; ship; supply be in command of; bear; bring; bring back; carry; carry along; command; deliver; deliver to the door; deprive; hand over; have on; leave; order; preside; return; take the lead; wear
poner a la disposición furnish; provide; supply place at someone's disposal
procurar furnish; provide; supply place at someone's disposal
procurar fondos furnish; provide
proporcionar furnish; provide; supply allow; delate; deliver up; donate; extend; give; give to; hand; hand over; offer; pass; pay out; place at someone's disposal; present with; remit
proveer deck out; dress o.s. up; fit out; furnish fit out; kit out; prepare; rig out
repartir bring; bring around; deliver; furnish; give; hand over to; provide; put up for shipment; send; send round; ship; supply allocate; allot; assign; bestow on; classify; confer; dish out; distribute; dole out; give; give out; group; hand out; hand round; itemise; itemize; mail; order; parcel out; pass around; ration; send; separate; ship; split up; supply; treat
repartir a domicilio bring; bring around; deliver; furnish; provide; put up for shipment; send; ship; supply
revestir clothe; cover; furnish; upholster cover; cover up
suministrar bring; bring around; deliver; furnish; provide; put up for shipment; send; ship; supply administer; allow; bring; deliver; deliver to the door; dispense; give; hand over; hand over to; leave; mail; pour in; provide; send; ship; supply
traer bring; bring around; deliver; furnish; provide; put up for shipment; send; ship; supply bring; bring along; bring back; carry; collect; come round for; deliver; deliver to the door; drag; energise; energize; feed; fetch; hand over; haul; leave; pick up; return; supply; take; take along; take away; ventilate
- provide; render; supply
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
cubrir coat
- supply

Verwante woorden van "furnish":

Synoniemen voor "furnish":

Verwante definities voor "furnish":

  1. give something useful or necessary to1
  2. provide or equip with furniture1
    • We furnished the house in the Biedermeyer style1

Wiktionary: furnish

  1. to supply
  2. to provide with furniture

Cross Translation:
furnish aducir erbringenRecht und Schriftdeutsch; als Wortverbindung mit einem Substantiv, meist in verstärkender Bedeutung für ein Verb (zum Beispiel: „einen Beweis erbringen“ im Sinne von „beweisen“), (transitiv) ein Faktum zur Wahrheitsfindung beisteuern
furnish abastecer; entregar; proveer; suministrar; surtir fournirpourvoir, approvisionner.
furnish guarnecer garnir — militaire|fr armer, munir un dispositif de défense d'éléments ou de troupes nécessaires à sa défense, à sa protection.
furnish entregar; suministrar; abandonar; delatar; denunciar; chivar livrer — Traductions à trier suivant le sens

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van furnishing